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The process shall consider and involve the subject technical work groups (PTWS-XXI WG 1 through 5), as well as the sub-regional WG for the Southwest Pacific, Central America Pacific Coast, Southeast Pacific, and South China Sea region. It shall also consider the relevant hazard (local, regional, distant), and the monitoring and responding requirements for each type of threat. Where gaps are identified, a workplan for filling the gaps through capital investments (instruments, telecommunication and network strengthening) and capacity building (skills building) should be developed. Present Status A Sessional Working Group convened on 19 September consisting of the PTWS Past Chair, Australia, USA, ITIC Director, and PTWC Director. The WG considered the written input from the PTWS Vice-Chair (Acting Chair) consisting of background, history, and the topical status of the different components, and to organize the MTS presentation to the ICG. The material on pages 2 and 3 were presented to the ICG. Finishing and Finalizing the PTWS Medium Term Strategy: It was recognized that the Strategy is not yet complete. The WG recommended to employ governance mechanisms to assemble a representative and committed group of Member States, supported by the ITIC and PTWC, in order to identify PTWS system strengths and gaps, and to state the PTWS vision and strategy and the following implementation. This Group should be comprised at the minimum of the PTWS Officers and WG Chairs. Activities to be done: Finish PTWS Medium Term Strategy Review and confirm or modify the roles of the supporting PTWS centres (ITIC, PTWC). Propose a process for the ICG approval of the MTS Proposed a process for the development of the PTWS Implementation Plan based on the PTWS MTS PTWS Medium Term Strategy – as of 19 September 2007 Overview The PTWS Medium Term Strategy provides a description of where the PTWS should be in 5 years based on an analysis of its current strengths and weaknesses, and the identification of processes and mechanisms to achieve this goal. The PTWS tsunami warning system shall comprise a system of systems, wherein national and regional organization strategies for strengthening existing networks continuously contribute to collectively build the operational regional system. This concept embraces the long commitment of PTWS member States to work together in instrument networks, data sharing, and maintenance. Vision Deliver effective tsunami information and warning guidance to national tsunami warning focal points, and facilitate mitigation and preparedness of communities at risk. Goal: System in place to deliver effective warnings Objectives: To have adequate data to carry out the vision To exchange data and information To enhance knowledge and skills of stakeholders To promote tsunami research To support decision making To achieve a sustainable system To achieve wider use of the data and information, products and services To liaise to be part of a globally integrated tsunami warning system Strategy to achieve objectives: Obtain seismic, sea level, and other oceanographic, geophysical, and satellite data in real-time or as appropriate for tsunami warning Develop and implement standards and practices to achieve interoperability Establish and further develop national tsunami warning and mitigation capacities in accordance with standard protocols and methods, and consideration of best practices; Carry out a performance-based implementation and evaluation through the development and adoption of the PTWS strengthening implementation plan in which the required resources and mechanisms for monitoring are identified. Carry out relevant capacity-building, resilience building and emergency management, including high levels of public awareness; Liaise and coordinate with other tsunami warning systems, other relevant organizations, programmes and projects; Promote the implementation of the PTWS within a multi-hazard framework; Performance Measures: To be determined Timeframes for action / enhancement / implementation: As soon as possible Outcomes / Products: As determined by strategy to achieve objectives A background and summary to date has been written and provided by the PTWS Vice-Chair. Approval and endorsement: To be determined by Inter-sessional Steering Committee     IOC/PTWS-XXII/6.1 Guayaquil, 19 September 2007 >?hŗ » Ź  ® ÷ a  BY^_b™”ü­³įāīQRrł+bvŒ/fghiklnoqrt¢£„¦óčóŻčóŻčŻčóŻóŻóčŃóčŃčóŻčŃÄčŃčÄóŻóŻóŻóŻčó¼ø¼ø¼ø¼ø±Ŗøó h¦*#h\{¬ hū,h\{¬h\{¬jh\{¬UhL.h\{¬OJQJaJhL.h\{¬5OJQJhÄ!h\{¬OJQJhL.h\{¬OJQJhÄ!h\{¬5OJQJ4>?hm n ź ė ŗ » Ź b c  ķ ABYzĪ]^_`ab˜śśśśųųųųųśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgd\{¬h„żż˜™¢…†üż¬­³įāī=m‰¤Ä QRrłśśśśśśśśśśśśśįįįįįįįįśśŁ & Fgd\{¬ & F Ę„„„俤x¤xG$^„`„äżgd\{¬gd\{¬łCķŹJ»+,bvwŒ¼½/fghjkmnpńńńńńńģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģźźźźźgd\{¬ & F¤x¤xG$gd\{¬pqst†£¤„¦żżżõõżżšgd\{¬$a$gd\{¬.:p\{¬°Š/ °ą=!°0"°0# $ %°°Š°Š Š†œ8@ń’8 NormalCJmH sH tH DA@ņ’”D Default Paragraph FontZió’³Z  Table Normal :V ö4Ö l4Öaö _H(kō’Į(No List 4@ņ4 ¦*#Header  ĘąĄ!4 4 ¦*#Footer  ĘąĄ!l-ń’l ¦*# Macro Text" Ę ąĄ €` @ ąCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH ¦(’’’’¦>?hmnźėŗ»ŹbcķABYzĪ]^_`at†§p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬p#¬>?hmnźėŗ»ŹbcķABYzĪ]^_`ab˜™¢… † ü ż  ¬ ­ ³ į ā ī  = m ‰ ¤ Ä Q R r ł CķŹJ»+,bvwŒ¼½/fghjkmnpqst†£¤§˜0€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€XŃ00ĘX‘00ŸXŃ00ĘX‘00ŸXŃ00ĘX‘00ŸXŃ00ĘX‘00ŸXŃ00€XŃ00€XŃ00ŸX‘00Ÿ <<<<<?¦˜łp¦„ĢÕø梬IRhhjjkkmnpqst†¤§óķó}‚hhjjkkmnpqst¤§333ā ī  = m Ä R r hhjjkkmnpqst£§hhjjkkmnpqst¤§Ė*ņÕąĖ’’’’’’’’’[ŒP’’’’’’’’’żb²FB»’’’’’’’’’f }t²FB»’’’’’’’’’h „h„˜žĘh^„h`„˜ž‡hˆH.h „8„˜žĘ8^„8`„˜ž‡hˆH.’h „„L’Ę^„`„L’‡hˆH.h „Ų „˜žĘŲ ^„Ų `„˜ž‡hˆH.h „Ø „˜žĘØ ^„Ø `„˜ž‡hˆH.’h „x„L’Ęx^„x`„L’‡hˆH.h „H„˜žĘH^„H`„˜ž‡hˆH.h „„˜žĘ^„`„˜ž‡hˆH.’h „č„L’Ęč^„č`„L’‡hˆH.Š"„h„˜žĘh^„h`„˜žB*CJOJQJo(ph’‡hˆH-šŠ„Š„˜žĘŠ^„Š`„˜žOJQJo(‡hˆHoŠ„ „˜žĘ ^„ `„˜žOJQJo(‡hˆH§šŠ„p„˜žĘp^„p`„˜žOJQJo(‡hˆH·šŠ„@ „˜žĘ@ ^„@ `„˜žOJQJo(‡hˆHoŠ„„˜žĘ^„`„˜žOJQJo(‡hˆH§šŠ„ą„˜žĘą^„ą`„˜žOJQJo(‡hˆH·šŠ„°„˜žĘ°^„°`„˜žOJQJo(‡hˆHoŠ„€„˜žĘ€^„€`„˜žOJQJo(‡hˆH§š„„„˜žĘ„^„„`„˜ž. „ „˜žĘ ^„ `„˜ž‡hˆH.„p„L’Ęp^„p`„L’.„@ „˜žĘ@ ^„@ `„˜ž.„„˜žĘ^„`„˜ž.„ą„L’Ęą^„ą`„L’.„°„˜žĘ°^„°`„˜ž.„€„˜žĘ€^„€`„˜ž.„P„L’ĘP^„P`„L’.„„„˜žĘ„^„„`„˜ž. „ „˜žĘ ^„ `„˜ž‡hˆH.’„p„L’Ęp^„p`„L’.„@ „˜žĘ@ ^„@ `„˜ž.„„˜žĘ^„`„˜ž.’„ą„L’Ęą^„ą`„L’.„°„˜žĘ°^„°`„˜ž.„€„˜žĘ€^„€`„˜ž.’„P„L’ĘP^„P`„L’.[f }tżbĖ*’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’         )Ü                 åf1V\{¬hjmps†§yuyuyuyu’@€¤ k ¦€@’’Unknown’’’’’’’’’’’’G‡z €’Times New Roman5€Symbol3& ‡z €’Arial?5 ‡z €’Courier New;€Wingdings 1ˆšŠh^ĆŹ¦^ĆŹ¦æ© !æ© ! š„Ą““€4d__a 2ƒqšPš’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’L.2’’The PTWS Medium Term Strategy provides a description of where the PTWS should be in 5 years based on an analysis of its current LAURA KONGb_aliaga    ž’ą…ŸņłOh«‘+'³Ł0”†˜ ,@L` t€   ¬ øÄĢŌÜää€The PTWS Medium Term Strategy provides a description of where the PTWS should be in 5 years based on an analysis of its current LAURA KONG Normal.dot b_aliaga2Microsoft Office Word@ŅIk@,yŁĖ5É@,yŁĖ5Éæ©G؄’’’’VT$mŅ DB&" WMFClX <\lģČUT#m EMF\Ÿ¦Ź!čh   ģČ% € Rpœ’’’@Times New RomanG‡z €’Times ew RomanŲęč¹ēw€ė5!=8C=_CTTš Ź <R™‡@¹‡@š 'LģČP-!Tø Ź„<R™‡@¹‡@ 'LģČpXXII Session ChairCCB888=<H=7'TT„Ź»<R™‡@¹‡@„'LģČP 8 Rpœ’’’@"Arial3& ‡z €’Arialź ēŲZ źēņ“0ēlNÆ0(ēdv% TT”@ÉÆR™‡@¹‡@”šLģČP 6 % T<”°ķ "R™‡@¹‡@” (LģČœDeveloping the PTWS Medium Term StrategyH868====!=8C=_CS8==Y=8'XC!'8 8>5TTī °& "R™‡@¹‡@ī LģČP 9 % T4”&ł•R™‡@¹‡@”€QLģČšIn order to define an enhancement and implementation, the PTWS must identify its 88!78!88788787887827T87788T87T8787888B<aBT8288712 Tų”™=R™‡@¹‡@”óGLģČÜbaseline, and then document its strengths, weakness, gaps, and other ne8828877888787818T7821!88782H88278227882878888!87Tx>™iR™‡@¹‡@>óLģČ\eds to 8828 T4” «{R™‡@¹‡@”fQLģČšmeets its goal and objectives. 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This Group should88G87T88T78888=82N!87827887T$` GĢ¶R™‡@¹‡@` ”$LģČ” be comprised at the minimum of the 8818S8!288778S8T7T778 Tō”ŗ )R™‡@¹‡@”LģČ„PTWS Officers and WG Chairs.C;bBM28!2788`NH88!2TT ŗA)R™‡@¹‡@ LģČP 5 TT”-ÉœR™‡@¹‡@”‡LģČP 6 % TŠ”†R™‡@¹‡@”śLģČxActivities to be done:F9!6!88!==8===7!TT‡¾R™‡@¹‡@‡śLģČP 8 % T ”ļ‚R™‡@¹‡@”m LģČŒFinish PTWS Medium Term Strategy=828B<aBS887T>8 TC!7871TTš& ‚R™‡@¹‡@šmLģČP 7 T”†+õR™‡@¹‡@”ąMLģČčReview and confirm or modify the roles of the supporting PTWS centres (ITIC, H819G888287 T8!T88178!88278828878!87C;bB288!82!>H Tp”ł÷hR™‡@¹‡@”SLģČXPTWC).C;bH TTųł-hR™‡@¹‡@ųSLģČP 6 Tt”l{ ŪR™‡@¹‡@”Ę1LģČ°Propose a process for the ICG approval of the MTSC!8881888!828228!88HM878!818778S>CTT| l° ŪR™‡@¹‡@| ĘLģČP 5 T,”ßnNR™‡@¹‡@”9PLģČģProposed a process for the development of the PTWS Implementation Plan based on C!88818878!818227!88781888S88778B<aBT87T78788C787827878 T””RKĮR™‡@¹‡@”¬ LģČdthe PTWS MTS88B;bBR>CTTLR€ĮR™‡@¹‡@L¬LģČP 5 TT”ÅÉ4R™‡@¹‡@”LģČP 6 % TT”5Ė§R™‡@¹‡@”’LģČP 8 % TT”«ÉR™‡@¹‡@”LģČP 6 TT”ɍR™‡@¹‡@”xLģČP 6 TT”‘ÉR™‡@¹‡@”ėLģČP 6 % €6Č6ģČ6ģ66Ē6ėĒ6ė66Ę6źĘ6ź66Å6éÅ6é66Ä6čÄ6č66Ć6ēĆ6ē66Ā6ęĀ6ę66Į6åĮ6å66Ą6äĄ6ä6 6 æ6ćæ6ć 6  6 ¾6ā¾6ā 6  6 ½6į½6į 6  6 ¼6ą¼6ą 6  6 »6ß»6ß 6 6ŗ6Žŗ6Ž66¹6Ż¹6Ż66ø6Üø6Ü66·6Ū·6Ū66¶6Ś¶6Ś6  ^`.ū¼"System-ūļ’@Times New Roman- 2 B^`^IOC/PTWS   2 B­`^-2 B³`^XXII/6.1   2 Bń`^ ,^`'’’52 V`^Guayaquil, 19 September 2007       2 Vń`^ ,^`'’’ūļ’¼@"Arial- 2 up`^ /2 ‰p`^As presented to ICG/PTWS        2 ‰I`^-#2 ‰N`^XXII by the PTWS     2 ‰Ū`^-&2 ‰ą`^XXII Session Chair     2 ‰v`^ ūļ’@"Arial- 2 œp`^ -G2 °p(`^Developing the PTWS Medium Term Strategy            2 °Ś`^ -…2 ĆpQ`^In order to define an enhancement and implementation, the PTWS must identify its .                      v2 ×pG`^baseline, and then document its strengths, weakness, gaps, and other ne                 2 ו`^eds to 1  …2 źpQ`^meets its goal and objectives. A timeline for achievement would be based on the .                       )2 žp`^available resources.       2 ž`^  2 p`^ €2 %pN`^The process shall consider and involve the subject technical work groups (PTWS                       2 %Ļ`^-2 %Ō`^XXI @2 8p#`^WG 1 through 5), as well as the sub          2 8}`^-42 8ƒ`^regional WG for the Southwe       )2 8]`^st Pacific, Central    ‹2 LpU`^America Pacific Coast, Southeast Pacific, and South China Sea region. It shall also                    ƒ2 _pP`^consider the relevant hazard (local, regional, distant), and the monitoring and                     S2 sp0`^responding requirements for each type of threat.               2 sŚ`^  2 †p`^ +2 šp`^Where gaps are identiT      n2 šB`^fied, a workplan for filling the gaps through capital investments                 …2 ­pQ`^(instruments, telecommunication and network strengthening) and capacity building l                    D2 Įp&`^(skills building) should be developed.           2 Į…`^  2 Ōp`^ - 2 čp`^Present Status     2 čē`^ -\2 ūp6`^A Sessional Working Group convened on 19 September co                #2 ū1`^nsisting of the     2 ūž`^PTWS o  …2 pQ`^Past Chair, Australia, USA, ITIC Director, and PTWC Director. The WG considered l                      A2 "p$`^the written input from the PTWS Vice          2 "†`^-@2 "‹#`^Chair (Acting Chair) consisting of e       2 "ˆ `^background,   g2 5p=`^history, and the topical status of the different components,                   2 5' `^and to ord   "2 5j`^ganize the MTS    -†2 IpR`^presentation to the ICG. The material on pages 2 and 3 were presented to the ICG.                         - 2 Iä`^  2 \p`^ a2 pp9`^Finishing and Finalizing the PTWS Medium Term Strategy: t                   2 pO`^ -‚2 ƒpO`^It was recognized that the Strategy is not yet complete. The WG recommended to                      2 ƒŲ`^ (2 —p`^employ governance mt       d2 —;`^echanisms to assemble a representative and committed group ,                 }2 ŖpL`^of Member States, supported by the ITIC and PTWC, in order to identify PTWS                      2 ¾pM`^system strengths and gaps, and to state the PTWS vision and strategy and the t                       M2 Ńp,`^following implementation. This Group should             A2 ŃĀ$`^ be comprised at the minimum of the           52 åp`^PTWS Officers and WG Chairs.         2 å]`^  2 ųp`^ -,2 p`^Activities to be done:       2 `^ -;2 p `^Finish PTWS Medium Term Strategy            2 „`^ 2 3pM`^Review and confirm or modify the roles of the supporting PTWS centres (ITIC, t                   2 Fp`^PTWC).   2 F¬`^ U2 Zp1`^Propose a process for the ICG approval of the MTS              2 Zņ`^ ƒ2 mpP`^Proposed a process for the development of the PTWS Implementation Plan based on                          2 p `^the PTWS MTS    2 ę`^  2 ”p`^ - 2 Øp`^ - 2 »p`^  2 Ļp`^  2 āp`^ -^^``^^``^^``^^``^^``^^``]]__]]__]]__]]__]]__]]__\\^^\\^^\\^^\\^^\\^^\\^^[[]]ž’ÕĶ՜.“—+,ł®0 hp¤¬“¼ ÄĢŌÜ ä pä,INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTRE! _' €The PTWS Medium Term Strategy provides a description of where the PTWS should be in 5 years based on an analysis of its current Title ž’’’ !"#$%&'ž’’’)*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkž’’’mnopqrsž’’’ż’’’vž’’’ž’’’ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Root Entry’’’’’’’’ ĄF ,÷Ė5Éx€1Table’’’’’’’’5$WordDocument’’’’’’’’0(SummaryInformation(’’’’(ĆDocumentSummaryInformation8’’’’’’’’’’’’lCompObj’’’’’’’’’’’’q’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’ ’’’’ ĄFMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8ō9²q