ࡱ> 574% {!bjbj%% "2GG{l 4R     $@ `           pl   "0R  Areas of Ocean Teacher 2 needing development: 1. We need to include synthesis documents in each major section of MIM, just as the DM section is trying to do. 2. SCOPE NOTES needed: Contacted GEMIM representatives Marc Goovaerts, Suzie Davies and Murari Tapaswi regarding the fact that SCOPE notes for each MIM section of OT2 were said to have been written during GEMIM meeting. Outcome: the notes need to be written. 3. The overall GOALS section of OT needs MIM input. Outline needs: Section 3 1.Information Concepts need- Barriers to Access 2.Evaluating the Need for an Information Center needs to spell out the needs assessment and evaluation process 3.Infrastructure: Establishing a Plan Need: Project Mangement Disaster Plan Stakeholders, more on Budgeting , Space, Staffing, Support Services, Writing a project proposal, obtaining internal/external funding 4.Building and documenting a collection Need: Collection policies more Acquisition vs. access more e-journals vs print Library subscriptions more Library vendors more Exchange agreements/gifts more and suggested exchange partners Consortia for collection development Virtual vs on-hand more E-Journals vs. print 5.Organizing the collection Need: Physical library arrangement Cataloging schema And??? 6.User Services Needs : We have only introductory basics here. We need in-depth Articles as follows: Online catalogs SDI ILL Reference services Use Committees database development web content management and design facilities design for users policies disabilities services reference / general/referral/virtual MORE Instruction 7.Managing Internal Information Internal reports, Needs more on: Institutional Repositories and Regional Repositories Software for Repositories Subject Harvesters Internal reports Distribution & sales Animation, Graphics/Images Production methods Charts and graphs need listings, software suggestions and examples More on bibliographic citation standards and bibliographic software Examples of bibliographies, sources of Scholarly Communication???? Should it go here? Discuss Publisher requirements for scholars web resources, etc This section has been expanded beyond conservation, acquisition and Custodianship to include new technologies to manage knowledge and content 8. User training techniques OK 9. Building and maintaining the information center profile Need: An article on marketing your information center Advocacy and marketing Communication with management Committees Testimonials Annual reports and other Special projects Conference attendance/participation Professional publishing 10.Information Sources Need Definition of primary and secondary sources Primary and secondary source lists Journals MORE.. 11. Recent Developments in software and technology Needs continuous updating: Suggestions now wireless technology Data backup, disaster recovery/security Blogs, WIKIS,RSS Feeds, Mashups, etc. Section 4: 1.Exploiting Information Resources in Ocean Science I ran out of time for this section. There are alot of resources available for this section. We need to * Build on more resources and descriptions Oceanographic manuals and guides UNEP Regional Seas maps Link to IAMSLIC Proceedings online and others 2. Supporting Information Access to Developing Countries - OK 3. Metadata Systems Specific for Marine Information OK update as new Developments occur 4. Developing Connections- needs more local, regional national and International connections, library networks, examples document delivery needs more commercial vendors Working with Data Center/ Computer Center/ Local Scientists and Librarians 5. Marine information organizations just needs organizing and linking 6. Continuous Professional Development Needs: I again ran out of time here. I need to add my unit from Brussels on CPD Pauline is updating this unit for Oostende workshop in August, 2005 Current awareness Distance education More scholarships, grants, internships Professional literature Participating in conferences Also, need to discuss shared Data Management/ Information Management section on Working with Information Technology topics more thoroughly with Steering Group members. Identify and Seek New Contributors: Some preliminary suggestions for new contributing authors: Jan Haspeslagh , (GEMIM) Librarian, Flanders Marine Institute, VLIZ, Belgium Sophia Goulala, (GEMIM) Librarian, National Centre for Marine Research, Greece Suzanne Davies, (GEMIM) Librarian, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Australia Helen Ivey, Director, Consortial Library, College of Charleston, S.Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Marine Research Library, Charleston, US Stanley Elswick, Head Cataloger, NOAA Central Library, U.S. Dorothy Anderson, Head Reference, NOAA Central Library, U.S. Janice Beattie, Chief, NOAA Central Library and Regional Branches Stephanie Haas, Associate Director, University of Florida, Digital Library Center, US Arame Keita, Librarian, Direction de lOceanographie et des Peches Martimes, Senegal Maria Kalenchits, (ERASLIC) Librarian , Estonian Marine Institute, Estonia Patricia Munoz Palma, (GEMIM) IFOP, Chile ./9R?ST'sc + e { +_$k?*,f&y!z!{! 5B*ph B*ph5CJ aJ 5CJ aJ )./#R%Tw'78FGHs L {!L x O P c e  + , O  , U z  . 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"=A!$v{@A_`QX!}333333333333333333333333333333333333 Suzie DaviesjC:\Documents and Settings\suzied\Desktop\IAMSLIC Fiji\MOU\Areas of Ocean Teacher 2 needing development.doc}@}{@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial7&{ @Calibri"hbɦbɦbɦCO 3 i=!20/H2HP-Areas of Ocean Teacher 2 needing development:Linda Suzie DaviesOh+'0  $0 L X d p|.Areas of Ocean Teacher 2 needing development:.0reaLindaofind Normal.dote Suzie Daviesn T2ziMicrosoft Word 9.0h@G@mk@1 l@1 lCO՜.+,0 hp|   3  .Areas of Ocean Teacher 2 needing development: Title  !"#%&'()*+-./01236Root Entry FPl81TableWordDocument"2SummaryInformation($DocumentSummaryInformation8,CompObjjObjectPoolPlPl  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q