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Annex to Resolution XVI-4 Terms of Reference of the Ad hoc Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms 1. FUNCTIONS The Ad hoc Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms is established to meet the scientific, managerial, implementation, and resource needs of the Harmful Algal Blooms Programme. The Panel will carry out the following functions: 1.1 Review and identify programme requirements; 1.2 Promote efficient and cost-effective implementation of the HAB programme and prepare recommendations on this implementation to the Assembly and Executive Council; 1.3 Identify the resources necessary to meet HAB programme needs; IOC-FAO/IPHAB-III/3 Annex IV - page 2 1.4 Ensure effective interaction and communication with regional intergovernmental (e.g., ICES, ICSEM and GFCM) as well as regional and global non-governmental (e.g., SCOR) organizations involved in research on toxic algae and harmful algal blooms; and 1.5 Report to the Twenty-fifth Session of the Executive Council and the Seventeenth Session of the Assembly. 2. COMPOSITION The membership of the Ad hoc Panel is open to Member States of IOC (and FAO, if it agrees to co-sponsor the Panel) which have declared to the Secretary IOC their involvement or intention to participate in the development and implementation of the Harmful Algal Bloom Programme on a global, regional, or national scale. The Panel shall include the Chairman of the OSLR Guiding Group of Experts, representatives of IOC regional and other subsidiary bodies, and of other interested international organizations, particularly SCOR. Invitations to participate in Panel activities may be extended to scientific experts at the request of the Panel and with the approval of the Secretary of the IOC. 3. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSIONS 3.1 The Panel will, prior to the closure of each Session, elect from its members a Chairman who will serve in that capacity until the closure of the next Session. 3.2 The Sessions shall, in principle, be arranged without financial costs to IOC. Sessions will be conducted, documentation will be provided, and the report of each session will be prepared in English and in other working languages of the Commission as appropriate and required. 3.3 Secretariat support for the Panel will be provided by the Secretary IOC. PAGE 2 "%@G~ ШиклсDMJU  &—ЎДНФV \ Ž • ы ё Y b • › Й № і & ( 5 ; A кчўЃПЭЮЯдежзйлмћѕћѕэѕћчћѕћѕэѕћѕћѕћѕћчћѕћчћѕћчћѕћчћѕћчћѕэѕћѕћчћѕћчћѕћрнржрнћ CJmHnHCJ jCJU 6CJmH 56CJmH  5CJmH CJmH >#$;€ЦЯЯЁˆЁˆˆЁЁX0$1$„h ЦP`њ0§hа8 pи @ Ј xрHА€шPИ ˆ№Р!$1$ Ц& ЁHА€шPИ ˆ№Р!.$1$ ЦP`њ0§hа8 pи @ Ј xрHА€шPИ ˆ№Р!0$1$„  ЦP`њ0§hа8 pи @ Ј xрHА€шPИ ˆ№Р! 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