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UNESCO 2006 Table of Contents Background Target Audience Objectives Language Domain name and relation to PortalOceanico Structure Responsibilities E-learning ANNEXES: I: Agenda, Drafting Workshop I II: List of Participants, Drafting Workshop I III: Work Plan overview IV: Budget 1. Background The UNESCO/IOC Regional OceanPortals provide access to information and data on all aspects of ocean/coastal research and management for the benefit of various communities such as decision makers, the private sector, the research and education community and the general public. The development of regional portals provides for increased ownership of the portal by the target audiences and enables a more targeted focus on national and regional issues. This Work Plan concerns the second phase of the OceanPortal Project and the development of a topic specific portal on harmful algae in IOCARIBE and includes a strong capacity building component. The Project is implemented via the IOC Regional Working Group on Harmful algae in the Caribbean Region, ANCA  HYPERLINK "javascript:ol('http://narodesigns.com/anca/anca.htm');" http://narodesigns.com/anca/anca.htm 2. Target Audiences The OceanPortals main objective is to provide a communication forum for all layers of society with an intellectual, economic or political interest in the oceans and coastal areas. The OceanPortal takes into consideration the need to provide a targeted, personalized communication and information provision service for a wide variety of target audiences/stakeholders using both pull (enabling users to locate information for themselves) and push (suggesting information to users based on their preferences) technology. The core stakeholders are: Research Community Decision Makers & Managers Private Sector Education Sector General Public & NGO The OceanPortal technology allows members to be both knowledge users and knowledge providers. 3. Objectives Elements of the ANCA Portal outputs: An information and documentation space with including regional scientific documentation of : 1. The occurrence and toxicity of HAB and other noxious blooms; 2. Regional scientific documentation for the human health and economic and social impacts of HAB;3, general information for a diverse audience like decision makers, planifiers, kids and youngsters, physicians, nurses, tourism guides, educators, fishermen and public in general. An education space providing tools for educational and participatory activities in formal and non formal settings: 1. A web based HAB learning module with complementary printed training material. A best practice space, presenting world-wide best practices on HAB management, including access to international and national legislation texts related to HAB management and seafood safety; Science space to targeting other professionals or technicians from sectors like medicine, toxicology, pharmacology, chemistry, education, sociology, economy, and facilitating early detection of symptoms by practitioners; and the dissemination of the information through a multidisciplinary audience. A media space to demonstrate and develop modules for media instruments to HAB public awareness. A glossarry for better understanding the texts included. Bibliographic information which will include regional publications and documents, in the original languages besides the international scientific publications. Information about the Regional Working Group IOC ANCA on Harmful Algal Blooms in the Caribbean Region. 4. Language In order to reach all layers of target audiences, the regional portal on harmful algae should be multilingual. Content may be submitted in Spanish or English. 5. Domain name and relation to PortalOceanico The domain name is  HYPERLINK "http://www.marearoja.net" www.marearoja.net . The Portal is an element with its own identity within the  HYPERLINK "http://www.portaloceanico.net" www.portaloceanico.net implying systematic cross referencing. In the planning of the work careful attention should be paid to the previous development of the Portal Oceanico, the HABSEA Portal and, the Algasnocivas.net portal of FANSA: Define very well target audiences Establish general policy and procedures for Editors. Consider for languages the native language of editors. Establish multiple ways to access information (geographical and by subject). State the principles and the goal of the HAB Portal. Consider scientific contents and general contents, Portal can include both. Consider a training workshop to potential editors of the region, where they can be recruited depending of their interest, institutional support and internet capabilities. Identify topic editors trying to cover entire region. Avoid contents of short life (e.g News). Try to include always contents with graphic information. Work very hard on awareness. Keep a monitoring of visitors. Editorial work is not just for scientists, is mainly for enthusiastic people with the necessary knowledge to understand what is really important to be posted. Establish a sustained amount of contents by editor by month. 6. Structure The following structure is proposed as the initial structure of the portal. It is subject to modifications as work progresses but will serve as the basis for distribution of work responsibilities. PORTAL MAREAROJA Introduccin (300 palabras incluyendo informacin general sobre el tema y el objetivo del portal, esto es, contribuir a la construccin de una base de informacin en el tema de las algas nocivas en la regin de IOCARIBE, dando particular nfasis a la existencia de regiones insulares, y costas en el Atlntico y el Pacfico. A) CONCEPTOS CLAVES SOBRE ALGAS NOCIVAS PARA Ejecutivos del Estado y del Sector Privado ESTATAL: Como proteger la salud pblica y las actividades productivas (monitoreo, planes de contingencia, difusin de la informacin, campaas educativas, etc) PRIVADO: Como mantener e impulsar las actividades productivas o como debo enfrentar los eventos de algas nocivas. Profesionales y tcnicos Que se debe debo saber y cual es el estado del conocimiento para proteger la salud de las personas y disminuir los impactos sobre las actividades productivas Nios y jvenes Conocimiento del fenmeno y del entorno (Conducta responsable) Educadores Generalidades, ciencias naturales, ciencias sociales, contenidos transversales Pescadores y acuicultores Control de calidad, responsabilidad, monitoreo Pblico en general Cuales debieran ser las conductas de las personas (ama de casa, consumidor, vecinos) B) FAN EN IOCARIBE Pases (monitoreo, ciencia, educacin, instituciones, otros) C) CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGA Especies (taxonoma, distribucin, ciclo de vida, ecologa) Toxinas (tipo, estructura qumica, vectores, sndromes) Tcnicas de muestreo Tcnicas de deteccin de especies y toxinas, variables ambientales en tiempo real Otras floraciones nocivas no txicas Productos tecnolgicos D) GESTIN Tcnicas de mitigacin Legislacin E) EDUCACIN Y CAPACITACIN F) NOTICIAS Y EVENTOS G) GLOSARIO H) REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRFICAS I) ANCA 7. Responsibilities ROLENAMESPECIFIC TASKSANCA CHAIR, ANCA PORTAL SUBJECT and CHIEF EDITORErnesto Mancera (EM)TOPICS IN PORTAL: ANCA PORTAL SUBJECT EDITORArturo SierraTOPICS IN PORTAL: ANCA PORTAL SUBJECT EDITORJos Luis Pea ManjarresTOPICS IN PORTAL: ANCA PORTAL SUBJECT EDITOR E-LEARNINGGustavo ArencibiaTOPICS IN E-LEARNING: E-LEARNING TECHNICAL SUPPORTPIA HEACKEY (PH)Assembly of input from e-learning editors in LUVIT and training of e-learn editorsPORTAL TECHNICAL SUPPORTBEN SIMS (BS)Technical guidance and back-up re Portal software and administrative issues.PORTAL SUPPORTMONICA LION (ML)Assistance to Portal Editors, TOPICS IN PORTAL:PORTALOCEANICO EDITORRODNEY MARTNEZ GINGLA (RM)Cross referencingIOC-UNESCO ANCA PORTAL COORDINATORHENRIK ENEVOLDSEN (HE) and ISIDRO FERNANDEZCoordination, advice and administrative issues*at the beginning is advice that group work horizontally showing a chief editor and the tree subject editors which will rotate during this project, until the chief editor be elected by the IOC ANCA group. ANCA PORTAL EDITOR: i.General supervision of the regional portal; ii. Quality control of content submitted by subject and topic editors; iii.Provide assistance to subject and topic editors; iv.Liaise with IOC project leader, PortalOceanico Editor, and distribute relevant information to subject and topic editors; v.Attend project management meetings. vi.Assist in the identification of subject and topic editors. SUBJECT EDITORS: i.Actively seek material within the subject area under his/her responsibility; ii.Convert the material into knowledge objects and enter them into the relevant sections of the Portal, including the identification of relevant keywords/terms; iii.Supervise the content submitted by topic editors, including reviewing their submitted knowledge objects. iv.Assist in the identification of topic editors. TOPIC EDITOR: To be identified as required. i.Submit material for a topic of his/her interest; ii.Convert the material into knowledge objects and enter them into the relevant sections of the Portal, including identification of relevant keywords/terms.) 8. E-learning (this part pending availability of funding) The course will build on the template developed for the international IOC course and for the regional Course for South East Asia. the written teaching material will be in English and it will be adjusted to regional issues (species that are important in the region, inclusion of bibliography and of a glossary in Spanish/French of taxonomic terms) the teaching part (e-learning and practical classes) will be done in various languages depending on the instructor (English, Spanish or French) the course will be provided to students from Latin America and Caribbean region (FANSA and ANCA) the practical part of the course will be located in different countries of the region following a scheduled plan determined depending on costs All e-course teachers except should receive training in using the LUVIT e-learning platform. IOC will provide the course teaching material by mail. Structure of the course: Announcement and call for applications by all FANSA and ANCA members by early May 2007. Applications due by late June 2007. Application form in English, to be send to the IOC Centre in Copenhagen (for a pre-selection), selection and information of participants by 15 August 2007. Notification will be given to participants during the second half of October 2007. An introductory workshop will be considered for the trainees when the budgetary implications have been assessed. The e-learning course will run March-April 2008. The practical laboratory course is tentatively scheduled for May 2008. Possible venues: Research Station of UNAM in Pto. Morelos, Q. Roo, Mxico (near Cancun in the Caribbean). Facilities will hold up to 20 trainees. Part I - Distant learning Course programme, part I, duration 64 hours Course moduleDuration (hours)InstructorI. Introduction to phycology2II. Harmful diatoms10III. Harmful dinoflagellates30- Introduction4- Prorocentrales2- Dinophysiales2- Gymnodiniales and Noctilucales2- Gonyaulacales8- Cysts4- Exercises8IV. Harmful raphidophytes4V. Harmful haptophytes4VI. Harmful marine cyanophytes6VII. Harmful algal blooms8 Part II- Microscopy course, tentative programme Morning sessionAfternoon sessionDay 1Welcome address introductory lecture presentations by the participantsPresentations by the participantsDay 2Harmful diatomsDay 3Harmful haptophytes and raphidophytesCulturesDay 4CyanobacteriaDay 5Harmful dinoflagellates: DinophysisHarmful dinoflagellates: unarmoured speciesDay 6ExcursionDay 7Harmful dinoflagellates: Alexandrium, PyrodiniumDay 8CystsDay 9Harmful dinoflagellates: Prorocentrum, benthic dinosDay 10Cell counts, statistics etc.Day 11Microscopy of own samples     PAGE  PAGE 8 0124IL[ ! 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