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Marine Science Libraries hold an important role in promoting information about the marine environment: information provision to the policy makers in order to enable them to make the best decisions regarding the protection and use of the marine environment; educating the next generation of environmental stewards; attracting a future environmentally concerned workforce and generating an ocean literate public that understands the value of the ocean and can make appropriate decisions to protect it. On an International scale, networks of Marine Information Management (MIM) Centers, collaborating to develop products and services, strengthen our global understanding of ocean processes and conditions. Marine Information Management is a vital process in this knowledge cycle. Goals To encourage and support the sharing of marine information between IOC member countries To facilitate the development of a network of complementary technologies (such as electronic repository services) To provide appropriate training, capacity building for technical marine information professionals To develop and provide infrastructure to support to information management services (eg ODIN networks) Guiding Principles Marine Information is a common resource, indispensable for understanding the ocean and for the wise exploitation and management of its resources. Marine Information is a prerequisite to the development of national and regional infrastructures, and contributes to the transfer of knowledge and technology between developing and developed countries. International marine information systems exist to interact and cooperate within a network of information centers, each of which is self-sufficient at the national level. Management of a cooperative network, based on the sharing of information resources, is coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission/IODE within the United National system, to ensure cohesion and coherency. Member States make a firm commitment to a national policy in marine information management, based on the framework, services, and products and nominate members to contribute to the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM). The international library and information management community has adopted a range of standards which facilitate the interchange of library data, which promote the inter-operability of information management systems, and which support the operation of national and international networks of libraries and information management centers. Adherence to standards plays an important role in improving access by users to the information resources which are held in marine library collections, in collections of other marine institutions, or which are accessible on the World Wide Web (eg. AACR2, DDC, Dublin Core, MARC21, Z39.50, OAI, ILL Protocol) Strategies for Marine Information Management 1. Increasing participation of marine information managers in IODE community (Scope: Increasing the membership of marine information management National Coordinators in the IOC member states, and encouraging active participation in the IODE MIM programme) 2. Capacity building for marine information managers (Scope: developing programs to improve the capability of IOC member states, particularly developing countries, so that they can benefit from and participate in marine information systems, and to keep member states informed on how they might best gain access to such systems through the application of information technology) 3. Review of information management policy and standard development & technological applications (Scope: identifying and reviewing developments in policy, and technological applications of marine information management by keeping user requirements under continuing review and ensuring that these requirements are met adequately) 4. Filling gaps in international MIM resources (Scope: identifying existing gaps in international marine information management resources, and to participate in the development of appropriate products and service) 5. Intra-agency & inter-agency communication & collaboration (Scope: further enhancement of strong levels of co-operation and collaboration within IODE, and to represent the IOC on inter-agency panels on marine information management, and to establish co-operative arrangements with other relevant marine organizations) Programme of Activities The Marine Information Management Programme within IODE focuses on the implementation of regional Ocean Data and Information Centres. In particular the provision of technical training for national centers that prepare marine information products. MIM promotes the training of Information Professionals from centers in developing countries and conducts courses and workshops for information professional trainees and users of information, including courses on the application of marine information to meet specific types of user needs. 1. Work with IODE Secretariat to identify potential new National Coordinators for Marine Information Management. 2. Establish an active network of marine information experts within the IODE community. 3. Enhance the development of the IODE marine products and services, such as Ocean Expert  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanexpert.net/" http://www.oceanexpert.net/ Ocean Expert (or the Global Directory of Marine (and Freshwater) Professionals) is a database, developed and maintained by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC), containing information on individuals and institutions involved in all aspects of Marine or Freshwater Research and Management. It is intended to be a tool for scientists, policy makers and anyone who needs to contact a marine or freshwater professional. Ocean Expert currently contains 8655 experts and 4847 institutions. Ocean Portal  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/oceanportal/" http://www.iode.org/oceanportal/ Ocean Portal is a high-level directory of Ocean Data and Information related web sites. Its objective is to help scientists and other ocean experts in locating such data & information. Ocean Teacher  HYPERLINK "http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanteacher/OceanTeacher2/index.htm" http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanteacher/OceanTeacher2/index.htm The objective of Ocean Teacher is to provide training tools for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange. These tools are used during IODE Training Courses but can also be used for self training and continuous professional development. Ocean Docs  HYPERLINK "http://iodeweb1.vliz.be/odin/" http://iodeweb1.vliz.be/odin/ Electronic repository of Ocean Publications. Research & Publications in Marine Science in digital form, including preprints, published articles, technical reports, working papers and more. Regional Library Catalogs: AFRILIB (new URL needed) This is the combined library holding database of all marine partner libraries in Africa. This database currently holds approx. 12000 records. 4. Support and develop marine information management aspects of the ODIN networks and raise awareness of marine information management activities in ODINs. 5. Collaborate and assist with information components of the IODE programme, and cooperate with relevant external agencies and organisations on information management. 6. Raise awareness of data management community to resources of data available in marine information centers and encourage collaboration between data managers and information managers. Communication and Outreach: Our Users and Partners The users of Marine Information include research scientists, policy makers, students at all levels, educators, industry and businesses. Marine Information Management Centers interact with Marine Data managers to deliver information products, e.g. Data that has been processed and interpreted. We may repackage the data in the form of electronic citation databases, internet bibliographies, regional repositories of stored and accessible scientific research, online catalogs of specialized collections, or digitized collections of difficult to find scientific studies. We establish national and international standards to disseminate this information, and we form groups of networked individuals and professional societies to collaborate on new products, on training courses and technology for the delivery of marine and atmospheric information. We actively participate in cooperative networks of marine information management agencies in order to enhance the sharing of information resources. Collaboration with Other Agencies IAMSLIC WMO (?) FAO (ASFA, AGORA) UNEP GOOS? 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