ࡱ> RTQ  2bjbj .Fhh *55555IIII$m,Ix4t3333333$584545524B55331k3<I13H40x419N94k395k3x44x49 : ODIN Survey for GEMIM X; Responses Email Survey Text: Dear Colleagues, The Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) is to have its next meeting (GE-MIM X) from 3-7 November 2008, at the IODE Project Office in Oostende, Belgium. As the members prepare for that meeting and consider issues for discussion, we felt it is important to seek input from those responsible for coordinating marine information management (MIM) in the regional ODINS. The following link shows the provisional agenda for GE-MIM X. I would appreciate your view and comments on any issue highlighted there:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventAgenda&eventID=284" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventAgenda&eventID=284 At the meeting, we hope to discuss issues such as communication between GE-MIM and the MIM Components of the ODINs, current critical issues for marine information management (MIM) and priorities for MIM into the future. I therefore ask if you would take the time to consider the following questions, and reply with your comments. Please list your ODIN's achievements in marine information management (MIM) in the past 12 months. 2.Please list any problems in MIM which you have had over the past 12 months. Can you suggest any solutions? Can GEMIM assist with those solutions? Please list 3 major MIM priorities for your ODIN over the next 2 years. Please describe how can GE-MIM assist with those priorities? How can different ODINs improve their communication between each other, and share their knowledge and expertise? (Please provide 3 suggestions) The IOC (through GE-MIM) is currently discussing a new Memorandum of Understanding with IAMSLIC. Please list 3 major issues / projects / tasks which you would like to see IAMSLIC & GE-MIM work together on. 7. Do you think marine information management has improved in your ODIN over the past 12 months? 8.Do you have any other general comments? Please email your comments to me before Friday 24 October. I will then present those comments to the GE-MIM meeting for discussion, After the meeting I will provide you with a report on outcomes, for your information. GE-MIM is keen to work closely with all ODIN National Coordinators on MIM-related issues, so that we can both offer better advice and suggested direction to the IOC, and assist with improving access and management of marine information world-wide. Your knowledge, expertise, input and views are very important in achieving those outcomes. I look forward to receiving many interesting views and positive suggestions. Responses: Responses were received from ODINAFRICA, ODINECET, ODINCARSA, ODIN-PIMRIS. They are provided below: 1. Please list your ODIN's achievements in marine information management (MIM) in the past 12 months. ODIN PIMRIS Pilot project officially endorsed in 2008. Training for trainers was done in may 08. Project planning meeting & training workshop done in Sept 08. ODINECET: major achievement is the establishment of an e-repository at Inst of Biology of the Southern Seas, Ukraine in July 2007 (called CEEMaR).Already there are 500 inputs.Training workshop (in Oostende in Nov 2007) mainly on e-repositories (attended by 13 people from 7 countries). Regional training was the n done in July 2008 on information management. ODINAFRICA: development of document request system via listserv, further development of local libraries; increased input to OceanDocs; development of local newsletters; development of hydrographical, meteorological, oceanographic organisations database in Africa; ASFA African partners meeting; new ASFA partners; participation of MIM in ODINAFRICA 7th workshop; participation in ASFA board meeting (2008) 2. Please list any problems in MIM which you have had over the past 12 months. Can you suggest any solutions? Can GEMIM assist with those solutions? ODIN-PIMRIS: High staff turnover impedes communication, lack of professional staff, insufficient funding for training hopefully planned actions of new ODIN-PIMRIS will address some of these. Written GEMIM/IODE statement of support to departments in region would help ODIN-PIMRIS to be recognised by various govt. departments. GE-MIM provides high level advice & recommendations. ODINAFRICA: update, running of AFRILIB & choice of bets software; populating OceanDocs; coordination of various information tools (ASFA, African Ocean Portal, AFRILIB, OceanDocs); getting active MIM from some countries. Possible solutions: survey & study for best systems; assessment of level of development and sustainability of information centres; development of national policy in MIM ODINCARSA: lack of funding for capacity building, professional meetings; need to increase number of MIM specialists in libraries; need to train & upgrade knowledge of MIM colleagues in IT and management 3. Please list 3 major MIM priorities for your ODIN over the next 2 years. ODIN-PIMRIS: to establish regional portal & regional & institutional e-repositories; to promote regional & international networking and MIM at decision-making level (govt, heads of departments); coordinate capacity building at regional level. ODINECET: continue addition of new material to CEEMaR; continue development of Union Catalogue of Serials and inclusion of list in IAMSLIC z30.50 Distributed Library Service; continuos professional development training on rapidly changing technologies (this requires training & ongoing retraining) It is suggested to create regional TRAINING CENTERS using advanced marine libraries. They will have functions of organising national training courses, seminars & individual consultations (need to identify which libraries could take on this role). Train the trainer courses need to be a priority for this to function (IODE need to have t-t-t courses as a priority). Individual internship also needs priority (eg Eorope, USA). OceanExperts needs promotion inECET areas. ODINAFRICA: strengthening national MIM capacity (ie maintaining existing products, replacing Inmagic with something that allows entry into various systems, regular updating of OD, upgrading AFRILIB as both ILL system & accessible via z39.50); developing new products & web-based information services (eg. Library web sites, access to electronic journal view, development of e-repositories participate in MIM initiatives like African atlas); develop communication marketing tools; development of new expertise in MIM and continuos professional development training (e-repositories development & administration, blogs, wikis) ODINCARSA: Increase no. of information specialists in libraries; Train & upgrade knowledge for colleagues (information technologies & management); Strengthen communication & information dissemination between colleagues &increase promotion of information products (eg Ocean Portal);Participate in open access initiatives; digitization projects to increase access & preservation (marine digital library); upgrading knowledge for librarians 4. Please describe how can GE-MIM assist with those priorities? ODIN-PIMRIS; Written GEMIM/IODE statement of support to departments in region would help ODIN-PIMRIS to be recognised by various govt. departments. GE-MIM provides high level advice & recommendations. GEMIM can assist by investigating support for marine library twinning program (possibly Australia/NZ & IAMSLIC) ODINECET: assist with organising training centres (via consultations, specific project development advice); lobby IOC/IODE for support of training centres; assist with preparing suitable training programs for trainers at centres; support individual internship programs (identify host libraries, help prepare exchange programs) ODINAFRICA: provide technical support for maintenance of existing products & development of new products & services; support for training activities. 5.How can different ODINs improve their communication between each other, and share their knowledge and expertise? (Please provide 3 suggestions) ODIN-PIMRIS: Video-conferencing, attendance at project coordinators session in IODE meetings, and IAMSLIC conferences, ODIN web sites ODINAFRICA: online MIM newsletter for all ODINS; development & use of blogs for each ODIN enabling discussion & sharing of expertise on issues of regional interest; encourage and explore ways for further development of ODINS IM listserv used as a document request system (ie ODINAFRICA-im listserv) ODINCARSA: use new It tools (such as wikis, blogs, web sites); define different services & products clearly so different users understand. 6.The IOC (through GE-MIM) is currently discussing a new Memorandum of Understanding with IAMSLIC. Please list 3 major issues / projects / tasks which you would like to see IAMSLIC & GE-MIM work together on. ODIN-PIMRIS: marine-repositories; marine library twinning program: OceanTeacher ODINECET: initiate a collaborative project Rare books on marine science in the marine libraries; initiate other large collaborative projects by applying it to FP7 ODINAFRICA: develop collaborative products without overlapping (eg. OD, Aquatic Commons); training in new developments in MIM (eg GIS),, internships in large libraries, development of institutional repositories and use of IAMSLIC expertise for training; strengthening collaboration and develop joint actions between ODINS & regional IANSLIC groups ODINCARSA: support activities for development of e-repositories;, support national & regional MIM meetings; support digitization projects and digital libraries 7. Do you think marine information management has improved in your ODIN over the past 12 months? ODIN-PIMRIS: hard to say at moment, since project has just been established. I think there have already been some positive signs. ODINECET: Yes. ODINAFRICA: yes, with new expertise through ODINAFRICA III, but less improvement than the previous 2 years, some areas are lagging behind (2008 is ending of ODINAFRICA III project) 8. Do you have any other general comments? ODINAFRICA: GEMIM should consider and make guidance on: Development of IM policy at institutional level Development of training tools in other languages (eg French, Portuguese) Formalize e& enhance collaboration with IAMSLIC ODINCARSA: strong future opportunities for MIM ate open access initiatives and digital access. Need to select a promoter of MIM for each country or continent GEMIM needs to strengthen adoption of international standards to assure interoperability of systems (eg processing, metadata, vocabulary). GEMIM needs to continue upgrade of knowledge about IT and share dissemination of knowledge to IM professionals GEMIM needs to develop training & guidelines about promotion "#%789Kv ' S r X Y Z    . 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