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Background to the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMARY REPORT A joint IODE/JCOMM sponsored meeting was held in January 2008 to examine the potential for the development and acceptance of community wide standards for marine data and information management and exchange (Appendix A). The most important result of the meeting was the development of a process to accept, evaluate and recommend proposals for community wide standards. The process uses the ETDMP as the coordination body, with teams formed as required from IODE and JCOMM members to evaluate the proposals. The proposal process has a time schedule that would limit the time that team members need devote to the work. As a proposal is dealt with, the evaluation team would be dissolved. One submission, to recommend that the international standard ISO 3166 codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions be used to notate oceanographic and marine meteorological data, has been received and is under review. The success of the development and use of standards is completely dependent on community involvement. IODE centres and staff have important roles to play, not only in the evaluation process, but in the implementation of recommended standards in their agencies. To this end, the attached draft Recommendation is proposed. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2010 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented by Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sourcesMeeting of a group standards experts IODE Project OfficeOctober 200910,000USD-Meeting of a group standards experts IODE Project OfficeOctober 201010,000USD DRAFT RECOMMENDATION The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Acknowledging that the issue of standards is one of the most critical elements for IODE and the consolidation of a set of standards will benefit every member of IODE as well as the broader oceanographic data community, Recognizing that interoperability between NODCs will be achieved through the use of internationally endorsed standards to allow shared use of metadata, data and products, and is key to the successful development of the Ocean Data Portal, Noting with satisfaction the work of the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project in developing a standards process, Invites all IOC Programmes and other relevant organizations to collaborate with the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project, by submitting standards for consideration and contributing to the evaluation process. Urges Member States to play an active role in the Ocean Data Standards Process and to adopt recommended at the earliest opportunity. Financial Implications: 2009 USD 10,000 (from UNESCO RP) 2010 USD 10,000 (from UNESCO RP) Appendix A: Background to the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project At IODE-XIX the need for community wide standards for management and exchange of ocean data became evident once more. At that time there existed a number of projects, such as the SeaDataNet (an E.U. funded project), the DMAC (a U.S. project), and BlueLink (an Australian project) that were embarking on deciding standards within their individual scope. While there was some interaction between these, there was not enough to ensure interoperability. IODE and JCOMM proposed to host a meeting to bring together some of the major agencies involved in ocean data management to improve the dialogue. This was not the first time that IODE has tried to establish standards for data management and exchange. Other attempts were made in the past but these attempts had not been widely successful, though some progress had been made. The difference now appears to be that the necessary technological tools exist to support much that we need to do, that the use of the Internet for data exchange is ubiquitous, and there is a heightened recognition and enthusiasm for developing and using standards. The meeting did not attempt to include all agencies involved in ocean data management. The intention was not to be exclusive, but rather to hold a smaller meeting with tight objectives and to see what could be accomplished. The results of the meeting would then be presented to the wider community for their comment and to seek their support. This document is intended for this purpose. The First Session of the IOCs International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE)/WMO Joint Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Forum on Oceanographic Data Management and Exchange Standards was held January 21-25, 2008 at the IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium. The objective of this meeting was to get general agreement and commitment to adopt standards related to key ocean data management thereby facilitating exchange between oceanographic institutions. The event was co-sponsored between the United States of America (NOAA Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Program Office) and the Government of Flanders (through the IOC Project Office for IODE) and was chaired by Robert Keeley of Canada and Greg Reed of Australia. The meeting brought together representatives of organizations that are extensively involved in ocean data management, possess strong technical expertise in one or more data management areas and able to influence other organizations to adopt the agreed upon standards. An ambitious agenda was prepared and extensive documentation was provided to support the various topics under discussion. All of this was deemed valuable to share and is now available at the website,  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org" www.oceandatastandards.org, which was established after the meeting. The meeting discussed specific topics for which it was thought there could be sufficient consensus to agree on standards. A few of these were close or ready for proposal and are being pursued by individuals tasked by the meeting. The most significant outcome of the meeting was the establishment of a process to evaluate and recommend standards to be used by the IODE and JCOMM communities. It was recognized that this process could not be overly bureaucratic, could not require the creation of a committee structure that required significant additional resources to support, and could not demand large amounts of time from a few individuals. The solution reached was to use the existing ETDMP, a joint IODE/JCOMM committee as the mechanism to support the standards process. Details of the proposed process can be found at the above mentioned web site. In order for ETDMP to meet the new responsibilities, it is necessary to modify their Terms of Reference. The new ones are provided in documentation of agenda item Agreement in principle was reached with JCOMM co-Presidents on the proposed new ToRs. The new form will be presented to the upcoming JCOMM-III meeting to be held in November, 2009. It is believed that a viable process is in place to support the recommendation of widely accepted standards. At the time of writing this document, one submission is under review and others are being prepared. This start has been slower than hoped, but we are learning about how the theoretical process works in practice. For this standards development to be successful, the marine data management community must play an active role. This community includes JCOMM and IODE members as well as anyone else who has a procedure or solution that they feel will help the broad community. In this document, the discussion will focus on IODE members. There are many ways to participate. Any IODE member can submit a standard for consideration using the templates provided on the web site. The only consideration to be made is to think about how broadly applicable is the proposed standard. Staff at IODE centres may be asked to take part in an evaluation team for a particular standard under consideration. The interactions are expected to be electronic, and are designed to be relatively short term. Staff members of IODE centres should provide comments on proposed standards once they progress to the community comment stage. As appropriate, IODE centres should devote some resources to help test proposed standards. Once standards are recommended, IODE centres should take these back to their operations and incorporate them as soon as is practical. All of these forms of participation are valuable and necessary. Suggestions for standards must come from the wide data management community. We cannot expect ETDMP to originate every idea. Contributing staff time to an evaluation team is crucial to the success of the process. We cannot expect ETDMP members to review every proposal simply because they do not have the expertise, nor would they have the time. The whole point of assembling teams is to draw together experts to evaluate the submissions. Contributing staff time to commenting at the community comment stage is important. It is at this stage that the wide community can identify weaknesses and suggest improvements hat had been missed by the evaluation teams. Community comment may require resources to test proposed standards and provide feedback on the practicality of what is proposed. This is a very valuable service to validate proposals. Standards only become useful if they are widely used. Although incorporation of any particular standard make take varying degrees of changes to operations, IODE centres should plan to make the changes to conform to the standards at the earliest opportunity. 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