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The first actions to meet the requirements of ICSU on transition of the World Data Centres to the World Data System also are considered. Appendices: Report of the WDC for Oceanography (Obninsk, Russia) DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMARY REPORT Data and metadata flow All data and information submitted to WDC (RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk, Russia) are registered in electronic WDC Catalogue which is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://meteo.ru/english/publish/sp.php?id_article=33" http://meteo.ru/english/publish/sp.php?id_article=33, During the intercessional period 48 publication volumes for 1985-2008 from 7 countries were received. During the intercessional period WDC accumulated oceanographic data from over 350 R/V cruises for 1991-2008 from 5 countries 50.000 oceanographic stations. In this period 48 publication volumes for 1985-2008 from 7 countries were received. During 1964-2008 WDC accumulated oceanographic data from over 25.500 R/V cruises for 1890-2008 from 64 countries - 1.500.000 oceanographic stations, 1.250.000 BT profiles and 200.000 CTD profiles; 800 current meter series, 36.000 marine pollution records. Long term secure archival of data and information All data and information submitted to WDC are permanently archived at RIHMI-WDC in the original forms in two holdings: Manuscript Holding (publications, DNP, SCR) and Digitized Data Holding. WDC-B digitized oceanographic data are converted to the unified format and loaded into the integrated oceanographic data base to provide on-line user access. All procedures used in RIHMI-WDC for the long-term data storage (holdings with appropriate conditions, periodical check and recovery as necessary) are applied to WDC data and information along with national data and information. To ensure the long-term and safe storage of digitized WDC oceanographic data their copies are written to SDLT-220 cartridges. Over one million BATHY, TESAK, BUOY operational messages are received from the telecommunication channels (GTS) of WMO every month, stored into the database to provide on-line user access and archived into the holding for the further use. User services WDC oceanographic cruise catalogue, data and metadata are available on-line at HYPERLINK "http://meteo.ru/mcd/index_e.html"http://meteo.ru/mcd/index_e.html It is the new version of WDC website (development started at the end of 2008). Large volumes of data are disseminated on CDs by user request. Transition to the World Data System Two meetings of the ICSU World Data Centers in Russia were held in Obninsk and Moscow at the end of 2008 to discuss the new proposal of ICSU on transition of the World Data Centres to the World Data System. As a result the Council of Russian WDCs was established to coordinate the process of transition of Russian WDCs to the World Data System. Appendix 1 Report of the WDC for Oceanography (Obninsk, Russia) The scheme of oceanographic data management in WDC. Obninsk is shown in Fig.1.  Fig.1. The scheme of oceanographic data management in WDC, Obninsk Metadata management All data and information submitted to WDC-B (Declared National Programme - DNP, CSR, oceanographic data on various media, publications within WDC domain) are registered and after that descriptions of data and publications are placed in the metadata base managed by DBMS MS/Access. The metadata format being used is similar to that of MEDI and contains summarized characteristics of data, publications and other materials. Metadata are used to prepare published and electronic WDC-B Catalogues. These are posted on RIHMI-WDC Web page (WDC section) on a regular basis (every month) and available at:  HYPERLINK "http://meteo.ru/english/publish/sp.php?id_article=33" http://meteo.ru/english/publish/sp.php?id_article=33 Data flow During the intercessional period (2006-2008) WDC accumulated oceanographic data from over 350 R/V cruises for 1991-2008 from 5 countries 50.000 oceanographic stations. In this period 48 publication volumes for 1985-2008 from 7 countries were received. Data were submitted mainly on CDs (Table 1). During 1964-2008 WDC accumulated oceanographic data from over 25.500 R/V cruises for 1890-2008 from 64 countries - 1.500.000 oceanographic stations, 1.250.000 BT profiles and 200.000 CTD profiles; 800 current meter series, 36.000 marine pollution records. Over one million BATHY, TESAK, BUOY operational messages are received from the telecommunication channels (GTS) of WMO every month, stored into the database to provide on-line user access and archived into the holding for the further use. Quality control: All data (in manuscripts and on technical media in original formats) submitted to WDC are processed for QC in the course of registration. This step of QC includes check for data and information structure and content. Oceanographic data submitted on technical media (CDs, etc.) are converted to the Russian NODC formats for the integrated use. At this step oceanographic data are checked using a set of QC procedures (GTSPP/MEDAR type). The data processed with enhanced procedure for duplicates check which enables to discover duplicates in operational flow (GTS) and delayed well controlled data sets (WOD). Long term secure archival of data and information All data and information submitted to WDC are permanently archived at RIHMI-WDC in the data (information) originator media and formats in two holdings: Manuscript Holding (publications, DNP, SCR) and Digitized Data Holding. WDC-B digitized oceanographic data are converted to the unified format and loaded into the Russian NODC integrated oceanographic data base to provide on-line user access. All procedures used in RIHMI-WDC for the long-term data storage (holdings with appropriate conditions, periodical check and recovery as necessary) are applied to WDC data and information along with national data and information. To ensure the long-term and safe storage of digitized WDC oceanographic data their copies are written to SDLT-220 cartridges. User services Information on data and information submitted to WDC-B is published on a regular basis in the form of WDC-B Catalogues. They are issued 4 times a year and disseminated to 135 organizations of 55 countries. The electronic version of WDC-B Catalogues is posted on RIHMI-WDC Web site in WDC section and updated every month. WDC oceanographic cruise catalogue, data converted to the ODV format and metadata are available on-line at HYPERLINK "http://meteo.ru/mcd/index_e.html"http://meteo.ru/mcd/index_e.html It is a new version of the WDC website (development started at the end of 2008) designated to provide on-line user access to the WDC data, metadata and products. Large volumes of data are disseminated on CDs by user request. Transition to the World Data System Two meetings of the ICSU World Data Centers in Russia were held in Obninsk and Moscow at the end of 2008 to discuss the new proposal of ICSU on transition of the World Data Centres to the World Data System. Participants discussed the requirements stated in the World Data Centres certification criteria. The following problems were discussed: data and metadata requirements, web-pages organization, user structure analysis, scientific programs participation assessment. Possible contribution to science and modern information technologies was assessed. As a result of the meeting the Council of Russian WDCs was established to coordinate the process of transition of Russian WDCs to the World Data System. Marsel Shaimardanov, director of RIHMI-WDC, was elected as a chairman. As a result of the meeting it was decided to change the amount and structure of the Russian World Data Centres Segment. Henceforth the Russian Segment will be composed of five WDCs: " WDC for Meteorology; " WDC for Oceanography; " WDC for Rockets and Satellites and Rotation of the Earth; " WDC for Solid Earth Physics; " WDC for Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Ministry of the Natural Resources of Russia was inquired about functioning of the WDC for Marine Geology and Geophysics. But the query was not solved. To meet the World Data Centres certification criteria and extend the user data and information services RIHMI-WDC started the development of the WDC dedicated WEB site in Russian/English languages. Table 1 Data and information, submitted to WDC (RIHMI-WDC) in 2006-2008 TitleN of vol.OrganizationCTD Measurements During 2005 and 2006 as Part of the TAO/TRITON Program2U.S.NODCCTD Measurements During 2001 and 2002 as Part of the TAO/TRITON Program1U.S.NODCWOCE Atlas Volume 2: Pacific Ocean2WMOJODC-E002/07 1951-20061Japan Oceanographic Data Center JODCJMA Weather Charts20Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)Monthly Report on Climate System Separated Volume18Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)MRI Home Page for 2004 Typhoon Season1Japan Meteorological Research Institute (MRI)Data Report of Oceanographic Observations No.951Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)Polarstern cruise ARK-XXII/21Alfred Vegener Institute, Germany25 Years of Polarstern Hydrography1WDC-MARE, GermanyData Compilation of the Research Vessei METEOR (1964). WDC-MARE Reports 0005/20071WDC-MARE, GermanyReport on ARANDA RV cruise, 20071Institute of Marine Research, Finland [end of document]     IOC/IODE-XX/10.2 page  PAGE 6 IOC/IODE-XX/10.2 page  PAGE 5 WDC Electronic Catalogue Ocean Cruise Metadata and Data User Requests On-Line Web-Access (RIHMI-WDC site) Data/Metadata Dissemination Data Reformatting and QC Publication Descriptions Ocean Data Descriptions Metadata base (MS Access) NDP, CSR Publications Data Registration and primary QC Digitized Data Holding Manuscript Holding Archiving National Data WDC data Data Integrated Ocean Data Base (DBMS Oracle 9i) Oyz   ! 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