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During its 9th session the Group discussed a wide range of topics and issues on marine information management and marine libraries. The Group decided to focus on clear actions that could be achieved within an inter-sessional period of one year. This included liaison with science publishers to request the use of the ASFA Thesaurus for keyword indexing, monitoring of e-copyright legislation, encouragement of MIM involvement in IOC projects on Marine Atlases, Ocean Portal, OceanDocs repository, Oceanexpert, OceanTeacher, ODIN programmes and products, including improved access to e-journals, co-operative programmes and projects with other organizations including ASFA and IAMSLIC, mentoring and the development of communication strategies for GEMIM and MIM National Coordinators. The Groups focus during its 10th session included the following specific issues: Integrated Library Management System software and Library Holding databases, maintenance of existing MIM products, the linking of these products, the expansion and management of important products such as institutional repositories and harvesters, consideration of the changing information technologies available, rethinking of the present and future roles of librarians and libraries, and discussion of the role of GEMIM in assisting IODE in its future MIM activities. During its 10th Session the Group also elected a new Chair, Ms Linda Pikula. Appendix A: GE-MIM Report on Intersessional Activities IODE Officers Meeting November 2007 L.Pikula attended the IODE officers meeting deputizing for GEMIM Chair Suzie Davies. The IODE Officers approved the organization of the ODIN-PIMRIS workshop held at the IOC Project Office in May, 2008. The IODE Officers welcomed the proposal submitted by the Chair of GeMIM and PIMRIS Coordinator to establish a sub-regional ODIN-Pacific Island project. Initially this project will focus on marine information management capacity building. GEMIM recalled that out of the 7 ODIN Projects, three had been initiated by marine information managers (ODINAFRICA, ODINECET, ODIN-PIMRIS) 10th Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management IAMSLIC The Group continues to establish an MOU with the International Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers, and will formalize this at the meeting of IAMSLIC in September, 2010. ASFA The Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts database is cited as the primary database by international marine information managers. GEMIM decided to make use of the ASFA serials source list to send publishers a request to employ the ASFA Thesaurus as a tool to be used as a reference for keyword allocations and perhaps metadata description and data discovery in their publications. The IODE Officers have also recommended that the OceanDocs SG might also wish to submit a proposal to the ASFA Advisory Board for digitizing historical documents for some of its ODINS. POGO/CoML The Group recommended the establishing of a discovery service retrieving data sets and documents in the OceanDataPortal and Avano (IFREMER repository harvester) . The Group requested that this matter be further discussed with the SG-ODP Communications The Group recalled that a draft MIM communication strategy document has been prepared and circulated. The Group noted that the goal of the Communication Strategy is to provide communication channels and tools which promote effective and efficient exchange of factual and intellectual information among IOC stakeholders through the MIM activities of IODE.IOC stakeholders include member states, other organizations and scientists. To this end , within IODE the Group has created GE-MIM Groupware to facilitate monitoring of progress with the workplan. Improvements to communication with MIM National Coordinators are outlined in the 2009-2010 Action Plan. The IODE Website section About Marine Information Management has been reviewed and linked to GEMIM page. The Group also recommended that the GE-MIM Chair should also be a member of the IOC D&IM Advisory Group. Communications with other Agencies- The IOC/IAMSLIC MOU details have been identified and the following activities for collaboration have been identified. IOC and ASFA. The Group called on the IOC Secretariat to ensure that IOC publications are included in ASFA in a timely manner. Capacity Building: MIM Survey The GEMIM Chair Suzie Davies, undertook a MIM survey of the ODINs in September, 2008 . Details of this survey can be found in the full report of GEMIM X and the survey results are available ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=3052" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=3052) ODINCARSA Ms Patricia Munoz reported on ODINCARSA MIM activities. The full report is available on the IODE website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=3019" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=3019) Significant progress was made on the OceanDocs Latino repository input. A SWOT, analysis of the project was made. An OceanDocs statistics document will be produced. ODINAFRICA Ms Arame Keita informed the Group on MIM activities (http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=3020)within the framework of the ODINAFRICA-III (2005-2008). ODINAFRICA-III ended in July 2008. A final planning and review workshop of the project was held in Mombasa, Kenya IOC/IODE-MIM-X/3 She also reported on MIM proposed activities, products and services in ODINAFRICA-IV project proposal. She referred to the ODINAFRICA-IV proposal ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=2545" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=2545) Terms of development of an ILMS (Integrated Library Management System) and the assistance of GEMIM in selection were discussed. Also, it was reported that plans for development of new web-based information services have been made. ODINECET The Group was informed that since GE-MIM-IX two MIM training courses had been organized benefiting this region. These training courses provided direction in MIM development of E-Repository services and polices, and basic MIM instruction. Major achievements of ODINECET include: i.Installation of an e-repository at the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS, Ukraine) in July 2007 (http://repository.ibss.org.ua/dspace/). The e-repository included over 500 inputs in November 2008. ii. An intermediate level training was organized in 2007 (ODINECET Marine Information Management Training Course (19-23 November, IOC Project Office for IODE, Belgium) iii. Establishment of the e-repository for ODINECET CEEMar (http://www.ceemar.org). This e-repository is hosted by IBSS (Ukraine). Nine research institutions from three countries (Poland, Russian federation and Ukraine) are involved. iv. Organisation of a regional training course at IBSS (Ukraine) with participation of 5 librarians from 4 Ukrainian libraries (14-16 July 2008). v. Organisation of an ODINECET Training in Nov 2008 (4-7 Nov 2008) ODINCINDIO The Group instructed the GEMIM Chair to contact the MIM community in the ODINCINDIO region (including former ODINCINDIO trainees) to inquire about their opinion and ideas for future activities of ODINCINDIO. ODIN PIMRIS The ODIN-PIMRIS Pilot Project was officially endorsed in 2008 and a small scale project proposal for ODIN-PIMRIS was approved by the Government of Flanders. The first activities of ODIN-PIMRIS included: i. A first Training for Trainers and Planning workshop was organized in May 2008 at the IOC Project Office for IODE. ii. A project meeting which was organized in conjunction with the IAMSLIC conference in Fiji in September 2008. 19 project partners attended this meeting. GEMIM members Suzie Davies and Linda Pikula were involved in these training activities to provide guidance. ODINWESTPAC The Group noted that the MIM community in the WESTPAC region has not yet been involved in the ODINWESTPAC pilot project. The Group requested Ms Linda Noble to compile a list of ASFA partners and collaborating centres in the ODINWESTPAC region. The Group requested the GEMIM Chair to contact the ASFA partners and collaborating centres in the ODINWESTPAC region in order to encourage them to consider the MIM aspect of ODIN. Mentoring programs and internships Ms Suzie Davies reported that a number of Australian marine libraries will submit a proposal to the Australian government for a pilot project for twinning programs between Australian marine libraries and libraries in the region. This item was further discussed under IAMSLIC MOU. IODE/MIM Products & Tools: GEMIM Involvement in IODE Product Development Ms Suzie Davies reported that the issue of translation of IODE documents has been raised by ODINAFRICA and ODINCARSA. It is not feasible to translate all IODE documents considering the substantial cost of translation (about 40 Euro per page per language). The Group recommended translation of documents. Document translation should be based upon the following criteria: longevity, target audience and size of the document (e.g. IOC Manuals and Guides). If a new product is produced by GE-MIM, translation should be taken in consideration. OceanDocs (E-repositories) The Group urged the OceanDocs Steering Group to identify a Chair and requests the Steering group to write a strategy and work plan to be presented at the next IODE Committeesession. The Group suggested to the OceanDocs Steering Group to consider the OceanDocs General Policy Document as a start to develop a strategy for OceanDocs. This Strategy should highlight and include issues such as: communication among the Steering Group,coordination of activities, incorporation of new groups, identifies a way forward, clarificationof membership of the Steering Group, geographic scope. The OceanDocs Steering groupshould also discuss issues such as digitizing historical documents and scanning services.The Group recommended that a document with statistics on the use of OceanDocs should be developed. Ocean Expert The Group instructed to further investigate the linking of OceanExpert and OceanDocs.The Group instructed to implement a number of revisions in OceanExpert OceanTeacher A separate report on OceanTeacher is submitted. GEMIM will provide expert advice and liase with IAMSLIC members to submit content to OceanTeacher Academy. Linda Pikula GEMIM, is the Chief MIM Editor of the new OceanTeacher Academy which will contribute to: Building high quality and up-to-date expertise in oceanographic data and information management and exchange in new national oceanographic data centres (NODCs) and related facilities; Keeping staff in existing national oceanographic data centres (NODCs), marine information centres and related facilities up-to-date with the latest methodological and technical developments (continuous professional development); Creating awareness for the importance of oceanographic data management and marine information management with university students (marine environmental studies) to ensure that they will contribute quality data to data centres during their future career; Creating awareness for the importance of oceanographic data management with experts in oceanography and related disciplines. The above objectives will be addressed to Africa as a matter OceanPortal The Group confirmed that OceanPortal is an important research tool but the maintenance posed some difficulties. The group decided to approach IAMSLIC under the new MOU (Agenda item 4.2) in order to cooperate with IAMSLIC for joint management of OceanPortal. Coastal Atlases Ms Linda Pikula reported that she is involved in the Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) project. She attended the CMA workshop in Trinidad in April 2008 where she made 2 presentations on historical ecology and information gathering. She reported that Marine Information Managers from the CMA region could assist in the CMA project by providing lists with historical data from their region. She noted that some training might be required in order to allow local staff to fulfill this task. Ms Linda Pikula stated that data managers should communicate with marine information managers about their needs and requirements in marine atlas projects. Ms. Pauline Simpson, GEMIM Emeritus, will continue to work with the CMA Project . The Group encouraged the ODINAFRICA MIM group to get involved in the AMA Subject Bibliographies The Group noted that the development of a Integrated Search Tool (also called Federated search tool) would allow searching across databases. The results can be displayed on a mashup page for a specific topic (e.g. NOAA Climate Change Portal). IOC Strategic Plan The Group agreed that there is a need to define the future role of librarians in data and information management of IODE. Marine Information Managers help people to access information quickly and effectively. New roles include the development of e-repositories (including documents, photographic materials and multimedia), metadata, ontologies, semantic web, portal development, website review and design, legacy, discovery of historical data, data librarian, production of mash-up services, ERMS, Knowledge management, IPR advisor (Intellectual Property Rights) Applications of New Technolgoies in MIM The Group discussed the use of new technologies such as Web 2.0/Library 2.0 Applications Options, Blogs, Wikis, Social Media, Semantic web and Mash-ups. The new OceanTeacher website makes use of Mediawiki software with a semantic extension OpenScience Directory Access to scientific literature is very important for the scientific work in developing countries . As a result of different projects a large collection of e-journals is now available for researchers in developing countries. The number of Open Access Journals is growing steadily as we can see in the Directory of Open Access Journals. Major UNO organizations like WHO, FAO and UNEP have their specific programs for the scientific institutions in low-income countries. Finally a lot of universities, institutes and other organizations are supporting access programs. The most important are INASP, eIFL and eJDS. All these programs and projects have their own website and/or search engine. With the Open Science Directory IOC/IODE, with the support of EBSCO and Hasselt University Library, is creating a unique access point to ALL the journals contained in the different programs. The Group congratulated the OpenScienceDirectory developers and thanked EBSCO for their support.The Group instructed the Secretariat to inform all MIM National Coordinators and ODINcoordinators of the OpenScienceDirectory initiative. The Group decided to further promote and advertise the OpenScienceDirectory in FAO (section: Knowledge Management) and other agencies (e.g. Science sector of UNESCO). The Group instructed the OpenScienceDirectory developers that a list should be displayed with publishers supporting developing countries. NEW Chair of GEMIM The Group unanimously elected the new Chair GEMIM, Linda Pikula, U.S. NOAA DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item DescriptionTo be Implemented byDeadline dateRequested from UNESCORequested from other sourcesGEMIM XI Meeting and XII MeetingNovember 09 September 1024,000GEMIM Participation in ASFA MeetingsNovember 09 3,000Support for Joint Activities with IAMSLIC 2009/2010September 09 October 106,000     IOC/IODE-XX/13 page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XX/13 page  PAGE 3 Nxy   7 Z [ `   2 N P &PQvüughMh^M5OJQJ^Jh^MCJOJQJ^Jh^<h^MCJOJQJ^Jh6:Oh^M5^Jhfh^M5^Jh]2h^MH*hfh^MH*hfh^M5 h^M5^Jhfh^M^J h^M^Jhs?h^M5CJ$aJ$h^M5CJ$aJ$h^MOJQJ^Jh^M5OJQJ\h^M#MNy  `   2 gd^M&d P `gd^M &d P gd^M$&d P a$gd^M$a$gd^M$$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gd^M$a$gd^MQv1= u#v# 7$8$H$gd^M &d P gd^Mgd^M0үjP;P)h^<h^MB*CJOJQJ^JaJph2jh^<h^MB*CJOJQJU^JaJph)h^<h^MB*CJOJQJ^JaJph h^<h^MCJOJQJ^JaJh^MCJOJQJ^JaJ h^<h^MCJOJQJ^JaJ&h^<h^M5CJOJQJ\^JaJh^<h^MCJOJQJ^JhMh^M>*CJOJQJ^JhMh^M5OJQJ^JhMh^M5H*OJQJ^J./16<RS > 6!7!!!!!9":"""t#u#ӾuӊucccuӊQ#h^<h^M;CJOJQJ^JaJ#h^MB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h^<h^MB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h^<h^MB*CJOJQJ^JaJphh^<h^M;CJOJQJ^Jh^<h^MCJOJQJ^J)h^<h^MB*CJOJQJ^JaJph2jh^<h^MB*CJOJQJU^JaJph$h^<h^M0JCJOJQJ^JaJu#v##$$$%-%I%J%P&e&'''''((++!+++++,,,,⿪q]]]O]уh^MCJOJQJ^JaJ&h^<h^M5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h^<h^MCJOJQJ\^JaJ#h^<h^M;CJOJQJ^JaJ)h^<h^MB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h^<h^MB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#h^MB*CJOJQJ^JaJph h^<h^MCJOJQJ^JaJh^<h^M;CJOJQJ^Jh^M;CJOJQJ^Jv#$$$l%% &&h&&&X'''y((Z))))R*+++,,,-gd^M 7$8$H$gd^M,,9-:--------.?.....?/@/V/////H0I0Z0[0\0e0v0013G333333 4=4K4Ͽݏ{Ϡk{{ݠk{{ݠh^<h^M5CJOJQJ^J&h^<h^M5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h^M5CJOJQJ\^JaJh^<h^MCJOJQJ^Jh\Ch^M>*CJOJQJ^Jh^<h^M;CJOJQJ^Jh^MCJOJQJ^JaJ h^<h^MCJOJQJ^JaJ"h\Ch^M;>*CJOJQJ^J)--.?.?/@/[0\033>4|4M5556W666B7778&9y99<=gd^M 7$8$H$gd^MK4=5M5O56 66677C8D8l8m8888&989999<<<<==3@4@\@KALAMAbA޿޿ޛތޛޯޯޯtfh^<h^M5CJOJQJh^M5CJOJQJh^M5CJOJQJ^Jh^<h^MCJOJQJ^J&h^<h^M5CJOJQJ\^JaJh^<h^M5CJOJQJ^Jh^MCJOJQJ^JaJ h^<h^MCJOJQJ^JaJ h^<h^MCJOJQJ^JaJ h^<h^MCJOJQJ^JaJ"==3@4@LAMADEFiFjFFFGRGSGGGGGGGGG $Ifgd^M$a$gd^Mgd^M }[$]}gd^M 7$8$H$gd^MbAdADDDD8EMEEEiFjFFFGQGRGSGUGpGGGGGGG⾭xiaYTYTMIMAh&h^M5h^M hih^M h^M5hh^M5hh^M6h^<h^MCJOJQJaJh\Ch^M>*CJOJQJ^J&h^<h^M5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h^M5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h^<h^MCJOJQJ^JaJ#h^<h^MCJOJQJ\^JaJ#h^<h^M5CJOJQJ^JaJ h^<h^MCJOJQJ^JaJh^<h^MCJOJQJGGHH3H4H;HNEEEEE $Ifgd^Mkd$$Iflr; 0  t0644 laG;H*B*phN^@N "!0 Normal (Web)dd[$\$ OJPJQJPK!K[Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢]yl#!MB;BQޏaLSWyҟ^@ Lz]__CdR{`L=r85v&mQ뉑8ICX=H"Z=&JCjwA`.Â?U~YkG/̷x3%o3t\&@w!H'"v0PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!\theme/theme/theme1.xmlYOoE#F{o'NDuر i-q;N3' G$$DAč*iEP~wq4;{o?g^;N:$BR64Mvsi-@R4Œ mUb V*XX! cyg$w.Q "@oWL8*Bycjđ0蠦r,[LC9VbX*x_yuoBL͐u_. 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