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It also reviews the status of the ETMSS work plan and points out outstanding actions to be completed in the lead-up to JCOMM-III. The document also presents recommendations for additional actions, based on new and emerging requirements, and suggestions for the future work plan. ACTION PROPOSED The Task Team is invited to: Note and comment on the information contained in this document as appropriate; Address the new and emerging topics, possibly under the agenda items most relevant to each of them; Advise on the activities to be considered for the future work plan. ______________________ Appendices: A. Maritime Safety Services Tentative Work Plan for the next intersessional period B. ETMSS ToR and membership DISCUSSION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Task Team will consider the report by the ETMSS chairperson on the activities and actions taken since the second session of the Team (ETMSS-II, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, January 2007), review the status of its work plan, and agree on outstanding actions to be completed in the lead-up to JCOMM-III. Based on discussions under the preceding agenda item, new and emerging requirements should be outlined and recommendations for additional actions and suggestions for a future work plan should be considered. 2. OVERVIEW OF THE MAIN TASKS (DELIVERABLES/ACHIEVEMENTS) Expansion of the GMDSS into the Arctic waters 2.1 IMO decided to expand the GMDSS into the whole Arctic Ocean, enhancing a proposal submitted by the Russian Federation. It therefore, established (IMO/COMSAR-10, London, March 2006) a joint IMO/IHO/WMO correspondence group on Arctic MSI services to address this expansion. Details are given in the Report of this Correspondence Group (Agenda item 4.1). The definition and endorsement of the boundary limits of 5 new Arctic NAV/METAREAs and the formal endorsement of the commitments by Member / Member States to serve as ad-hoc NAVAREA Co-ordinators (IMO MSC-83, October 2007) and METAREAs Issuing Services (WMO EC-LX, June 2008), i. e. Canada (NAV/METAREAs XVII and XVIII), Norway (NAV/METAREA XIX) and the Russian Federation (NAV/METAREAs XX and XXI), have been achieved. 2.2 The ETMSS chairperson, in coordination and collaboration with the WMO Secretariat, has contributed to the work of the Correspondence Group (IHO meetings and E-Mail exchanges) and has begun to assist Arctic METAREA Issuing Services in developing their own operation plan timelines for the implementation of operational services (E-Mail exchanges and teleconferences). However, the implementation of operational service is still to be organized by the Issuing Services within the next 2 years, with the support and coordination of the WMO Secretariat and the ETMSS. The estimated date for IMO, IHO and WMO to simultaneously, and officially declare the system fully operational is 2010/2011. The Task Team will review the implementation plans and the support requested by the new Arctic Issuing Services in agenda item 4.2. Update and implementation of WMO and joint IMO/IHO/WMO regulation material 2.3 Based on recommendation by JCOMM (JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada, September 2005), the WMO Executive Council endorsed the proposed updates submitted by ETMSS-II for inclusion in the WMO publication Nos.558 / 471 (revision of the guidelines and common abbreviations list, regulation for harmonization of the description of visibility in MSI in text form, inclusion of the possibility in the regulation, when feasible, to issue warnings of freak waves and dangerous seas). 2.4 Regarding the revision of the IMO, or the joint IMO/IHO/WMO, regulations, H. Savina, chairperson of the ETMSS, and/or N. Ashton (UK) attended the sessions organized by IHO to discuss this issue (since ETMSS-II: CPRNW-9, in September 2007; 5th WWNWS documentation review meeting, in April 2008; CPRNW-10, in August 2008; 7th WWNWS documentation review meeting, in January 2009). The progress of this work is summarized below: IMO resolutions A705(17) (Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information) and A706(17) (IMO/IHO World-Wide Navigational Warning Service) were updated. The WMO Executive Council endorsed the proposed new IMO resolutions before submission to IMO/COMSAR-12 in April 2008. Those resolutions were adopted by IMO/MSC-85 in November/December 2008. The new version of the joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on MSI, endorsed by the WMO Secretary-General in October 2008, was submitted to COMSAR-13 in January 2009. The Sub-Committee approved the document with some editorial changes, and sent it to IMO/MSC-86 in May/June 2009 for adoption. This new version contains an updated section on met-ocean MSI (section 8), amendments endorsed for WMO n558. This document includes also an updated METAREA map with the new Arctic areas. The draft new version of the SafetyNET Manual was discussed during the 7th WWNWS documentation review meeting. Due to the large amount of structural and formatting changes agreed, the final text will not be ready before April 2009. The document will be finalized during the next session of CPRNW (now SCPRNW, and expected WWNWS) in August 2009. It will then have to be approved by IHO Member States and WMO Executive Council before submission to COMSAR-14 in 2010. Maintenance and evolution of the JCOMM GMDSS web portal (http://weather.gmdss.org) 2.5 The first version of the JCOMM GMDSS website, the official web voice for end-users worldwide ( HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org" http://weather.gmdss.org), developed and maintained by France in accordance with the proposal made during ETMSS-I (September 2002), was presented during ETMSS-II. Thanks to the contribution of all Issuing Services, this first version has now been in operation for more than 4 years, with significant success. 2.6 The main achievements or deliverables since ETMSS-II are: The integration of the products prepared for the International NAVTEX dissemination has started. Some products are already available online in real-time for METAREA II, III and XI, thanks to France and Japan. This can be considered as a Demonstration Project. Depending on the information and support provided by the Issuing Services and the various NMS preparing met-ocean NAVTEX MSI, the Demonstration Project could be enriched before JCOMM-III. But the action will certainly not be achieved, and shall be continued during the next intersessional period. As requested by IHO Commission for Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings (CPRNW) during its 9th session (September 2007), a specific page has been added, with all the available links to the NAVAREA websites. This was presented as the first step of cooperation on the use of the URL gmdss.org for the provision of both meteorological and navigational warning information. WMO reiterated its offer during CPRNW-10 (August 2008). CPRNW agreed to consider this further at its next meeting in August 2009. Discussions on the cooperation on the use of domain gmdss.org took place with IMO during the WMO IMO High Level meeting in February 2007. It was recommended that both organizations focus their common activities in specific topics to be considered as Pilot Projects, for example on this issue. 2.7 The Task Team will review and discuss the pending or potential actions in agenda item 5.5. 3. ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE JCOMM-III Expansion of the GMDSS into the Arctic waters 3.1 Based on the discussions under the agenda item 4.2, support and guidelines, as requested, will be provided to assist Arctic METAREAs Issuing Services in preparing their implementation plans, timelines and operating plans. The assistance of Task Team Experts, GMDSS focal points of other METAREAs and/or the WMO Secretariat may be needed. In addition to E-Mail exchanges, teleconferences or even a meeting may be required. 3.2 The implementation plans and timelines for each Arctic METAREA should be presented at JCOMM-III. Update or implementation of WMO and joint IMO/IHO/WMO regulation material 3.3 A complete cross-review of the two documents (Manual of Meteorological Maritime Services (WMO n558) and Guide on Meteorological Maritime Services (WMO n471)) by the Task Team Experts is needed, in order to allow the WMO Secretariat to prepare corrected on-line versions on the WMO web site and inform the Members. 3.4 The liaison with IHO and WMO will continue: To finalize the new version of the SafetyNET Manual, that should be submitted to COMSAR-14 in 2010. To consider, if feasible, a common IHO/WMO abbreviations list for NAVTEX messages. To check the consistency of the provision of Met-ocean MSI within the GMDSS for the Straits of Gibraltar : clarification of the official limit between METAREA 2 and METAREA 3 (IHO and WMO do not use the same now) and, if needed, correction of the WMO n9 vol. D and WMO n558, and adaptation of the operational SafetyNET products for METAREA 2 and METAREA 3 accordingly (in that case appropriate information of end-users shall be organized) 3.5 In addition with E-Mail exchanges, WMO should be represented at the first session of SCPRNW (expected WWNWS), named PRNW-1 and the 8th IHO documentation review meeting which will take place in Monaco from 18 to 21 August 2009. 3.6 The WMO Secretariat, with the support of the TT-MSI experts, should prepare as soon as possible a proposal for a Resolution to the IMO on Met-ocean services similar to A.706(17) for navigational warnings, as suggested by both ETMSS and ETMAES. This proposal, in consistency with WMO n558, should be adopted by JCOMM-III, before submission WMO Executive Council and subsequently to IMO (COMSAR-14, planned to be held from 8 to 12 March 2010, or COMSAR-15). Evolution of the JCOMM GMDSS web portal (http://weather.gmdss.org) 3.7 Regarding the integration of the Met-ocean MSI prepared for the International NAVTEX dissemination, the Demonstration Project could be enriched before JCOMM-III, depending on the support and feedback provided by the Issuing Services and the various NMS concerned. An official request from the WMO Secretariat to all Members could be prepare, to facilitate the collection of information. Anyway, this action will certainly not be achieved, and will have to be continued during the next intersessional period. Quality Control of the Marine Meteorological Services 3.8 Direct interaction with and feedback from users is an essential part of the provision of high quality and valuable marine services. The ad-hoc 4-yearly MMMS survey is still to be organized. Noting that some ships had difficulties in understanding the questionnaire, the WMO Secretariat should translate the questionnaire in all WMO official languages. Additionally, the WMO Secretariat, with the support of IMO and IHO, should distribute the questionnaire as soon as possible, in order to be able to present the results to JCOMM-III. 4. POTENTIAL/REQUESTED ACTIONS FOR THE FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS FOR STRUCTURE OF JCOMM Tentative work plan for the next intersessional period 4.1 A tentative work plan for the next intersessional period is given in Appendix A, focused on the provision of MSI only. The tabular is extracted from a working paper prepared for the 7th session of the JCOMM Management Committee (MAN-VII, Melbourne, Australia, December 2008). Additional comments are provided in the following paragraphs. 4.2 Since 1999, JCOMM has requested ETMSS to work on the implementation of graphical/numerical MSI broadcast within the GMDSS. Despite some limited studies and discussions, the Team has failed to consider this main issue. In the same context, the WMO EC-LX (June 2008) emphasized the continuing importance to mariners in receiving graphical products via radio transmissions and requested JCOMM to continue researching methods for transmitting graphical products to marine users. In addition, the imminent increase of Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC) systems on SOLAS vessels as regulatory material and the emergence of the e-navigation concept within IMO should reinforce the priority given to this requirement and the need to find appropriate resources to develop a suitable service. MAN-VII requested the Secretariat to provide all documentation available on the status of the studies being undertaken by JCOMM Teams to the DMPA coordinator (Bob Keeley), who is leading the Task Team on Methods for Transmission of Graphical Products to Marine Users, established by MAN-VII. Both the ETMSS and ETSI have been working on this issue and ETSI has already developed the Sea Ice Objects Catalogue in accordance with IHO standards. This issue will be addressed under agenda item 5.1. 4.3 The WMO Cg-XV (May 2007) requested the implementation of quality management systems (QMS) at, at least one of its Members, and that the documentation developed during this process be shared with other developing countries with a view to facilitating and expediting QMS implementations. In this context, the Inter-Commission Task Team on Quality Management Framework (ICTT-QMF), at its meeting in October 2008, agreed that the provision of meteorological service for international maritime navigation certainly needs a QM approach. This should be developed in liaison with IMO, and the example of CAeM, where a clear customer requirements and feedback process is in place through ICAO, could be used beneficially. It is then of primary importance to (1) keep under review and update the WMO regulation and guidance materials, especially WMO n558 and 471, that will be considered ISO documents, and (2) submit a Resolution to the IMO on Met-ocean services similar to A.706(17) for navigational warnings. 4.4 The review and update of the operational marine broadcast systems, including the GMDSS and others for vessels not covered by the SOLAS Convention, shall be user-focussed services. Several national or global surveys have raised the requirement to improve and enrich the information on sea state included in MSI (new parameters, for instance for complex and dangerous seas). At the same time, discussions with ETSI experts highlighted the requirement of harmonization for sea ice in weather and sea bulletins. Considerations for the future structure of JCOMM 4.5 The present Terms of Reference, general membership and frequency of meetings (see Appendix B) have allowed the Team to monitor existing marine broadcast systems and services, especially the WMO contribution to the GMDSS, and to keep under review the status of those systems. The Team was also able to define and implement slight adaptations of the WMO contribution to the GMDSS (like the definition of NAVTEX guidelines and abbreviations), including the update of the ad-hoc WMO regulations (part of WMO n558, part of WMO n9 vol. D). It also contributes to coordinate the implementation of the GMDSS met-ocean MSI for the Arctic areas. 4.6 Nevertheless, it clearly failed in achieving or even considering all the actions identified, especially those, like the definition and implementation of graphical/numerical MSI broadcast within the GMDSS, that can be considered as the definition and implementation of new services, requiring significant and identified human resources and expertise. Another point to consider regarding the provision of MSI is the rising number of issues to deal with and the potential new systems coordinated by various organizations to keep under review or to contribute to (for instance the IMO concept of e-navigation). 4.7 Some Task Teams defined during ETMSS-II have not been active, mostly due to lack of human resources or absence of key people. 4.8 MAN-VII agreed on the new structure for the SPA, as follows: An expert team on Maritime Safety Services. Its role would encompass much of what is now undertaken by the ETMSS, but in a more focussed way and with substantially reduced team membership. Essentially it will be responsible for maintaining the WMO regulations relating to the delivery of maritime safety services under the GMDSS (content, format, communications), and for the formal liaison with IMO/IHO in this activity. The team would also cover the service delivery and communications aspects of both the existing MAES and SI teams; An expert team on Ocean Forecast Systems (OFS), constituted as now with similar terms of reference, but expanded to cover modelling/product development aspects of the existing ETMAES and ETSI; An expert team on Waves and Surges (WS), largely covering the key priority work areas of the existing ETWS. The team would also cover marine and coastal hazards aspects and sea ice interactions. 4.9 The main comments from the ETMSS chairperson: The scope of the activities of the expected new expert team on Maritime Safety Services is larger than the existing one, covering aspects of both ETMAES and ETSI. As an example, the definition and implementation of graphical/numerical MSI broadcast within the GMDSS is not maintenance of an existing system, but a new service, requiring significant and identified human resources and expertise. The reduced team membership can be appropriate if the new core membership (number and experience/skills of the people) is consistent with the new Terms of Reference and the work plan assigned to the new Team. If the GMDSS Focal Points (and the representatives from AMOCS for MPERSS) are not members of such a Team, it is a primary importance to put in place an organization allowing those representatives to interact with each other and with the Team. The role of Issuing Services, and then of the GMDSS Focal Points, should be maintained and perhaps enhanced in terms of operational implementation and regional coordination. They should be asked to prepare regular assessment reports (every year or every 2 years), using a template prepared by the Team and including some indicator(s) defined for the quality control of the Marine Meteorological Services. Regular and, as appropriate, unscheduled workshops shall be organized for the GMDSS operational focal points and the AMOCs representatives, with the support of the WMO Education and Training Department. Some workshops could be organized regionally, that could help especially for capacity building aspects. At least one global workshop should be organized every 4 years. To optimize resources and reduce costs, this global workshop could be common to all GMDSS and MPERSS representatives, and organized to be aligned with a major maritime conference. _____________ Appendices: 2 Maritime Safety Services Tentative Work Plan for the next intersessional period DeliverablesPriority (low, medium, high)Summary of the Activity(ies)By whom (Group/Team) (Suggest changes on the PA structure if required)Key Performance Target(s) and Indicator(s)TimelinesRisks (likelihood of occurrence (low, medium, high) and severity of the consequences from occurrence (low, medium high)Contribute to Expected Result(s) (WMO/IOC)Links with other Programmes in WMO and IOC2010201120122013Expansion of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) into the Arctic waters : implementation of a full operational met-ocean MSI service by the ad-hoc Issuing ServicesHigh- Regular coordination meetings with IHO and IMO to review and adjust the overall implementation plan for the provision of Arctic MSI Services; and to evaluate the progress in expanding the GMDSS into the Arctic region; - ETMSS meeting to review and adjust the overall implementation plan for the provision of Arctic met-ocean MSI within the GMDSS; to review mandatory technical publications; - E-mail exchanges, teleconferences and training event (if required) with Arctic METAREA Issuing Services to assist them and provide guidance in implementing MSI met-ocean services for the Arctic region; - Confirmation by METAREA Issuing Services of the implementation of full operational service for their Areas - Simultaneous declaration of operational status by IMO, IHO and WMO ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: Full operational capability to provide MSI for Arctic regions KPI: 1) Number of Arctic METAREA Issuing Services providing full met-ocean MSI service for Arctic regions within the GMDSS 2) when operational, same KPI as the other Issuing ServicesXXLikelihood: low Severity: highWMO ER7 & ER6NODevelop and implement new WMO regulation & guidance material for the provision of MSI in graphical / numerical form(s), especially within the GMDSS High- Participation & coordination with IMO and IHO bodies working on graphical information and e-navigation. - Definition of content, format(s) and representation of graphical/numerical MSI, in consistency with ISO, WMO, IMO and IHO policies, to propose update WMO regulation or guidance documentations. - Discussion and proposals for broadcast systems - Plan operational tests as appropriate Develop a Demonstration Project : operational issuance & delivery for (a) selected area(s) (sea ice for a part of the Arctic Area ?) Appointed expert(s) needed. Annual (or more) meetings and E-Mail exchanges needed. ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: improve the capacities of Members, especially the Issuing Services, in the provision of MSI in harmonized graphical/numerical form KPI: Number of Issuing Services having implemented the provision of such service xxxxLikelihood : high Severity : mediumWMO ER7Connection with similar projects (aviation,)Develop and implement new WMO regulation & guidance material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient, harmonized and clear MSI MediumImprove information on sea state (text & graphic) and on sea ice (text) in MSI Define recommended parameters or indicators for complex & dangerous seas, including risk of freak waves when feasible Update the WMO regulation & guidance material (for text and graphical products for sea state, for text messages for sea ice), including within the GMDSS For sea state, facilitate the implementation by providing (Developing) Members with appropriate software or real-time parameters fields from numerical models (ECMWF,) Promote the implementation especially among the Issuing Services. (Regional) workshops or specific capacity building project(s) would certainly help for sea state. Study, if feasible, the possibility to propose harmonized threshold(s) for sea state warnings within the GMDSS. Regular meetings, at least every 2 years, and E-Mail exchanges needed.ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: improve the usefulness of information included in MSI for the safety at sea, through the enhancement of capacities of Members in the provision of marine early warnings and services KPI: 1 & 2) numbers of Members and Issuing Services having implemented complex or dangerous seas warnings or information in MSI 3 & 4) numbers of Members and Issuing Services having added or adapted sea ice information in MSI in text formxxxXLikelihood : medium Severity : mediumWMO ER7 & ER6NODevelop, contribute to develop and implement new regulation & guidance material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient, harmonized and clear MSI MediumDetail appropriate tsunami information to mariners Update the WMO regulation & guidance documentation regarding the delivery of tsunami information to mariners, including for the GMDSS, in cooperation with IHO and IOC. Contribute to take into account the mariners in the emergency plans at both regional and national levels. Develop appropriate guidelines from Members building or updating their emergency plans to implement automatic warning systems for mariners, base on the information provided by Regional or National Tsunami Warning Centres. Regular meetings, at least every 2 years, and E-Mail exchanges needed.ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4) KPT: enhance capacities of Members in the dissemination of efficient marine early tsunami warnings KPI: Numbers of 1) Members and 2) Issuing Services involved in their National or Regional Tsunami Emergency Plan for the provision of MSI xxxxLikelihood : medium Severity : WMO ER6 IOC ER1IOC Tsunami ProgrammeCommunication services: evolution of the GMDSS web portalLow- Demonstration project (WMO/IHO/IMO): Complete the content of the GMDSS web portal ( HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org" http://weather.gmdss.org), with Navtex products and the future graphical information. - Include appropriate links with relevant information of WMO n9 vol. D, n558 and n471 - Study the need of ergonomic changes (clickable maps,) - Continue to cooperate with IMO & IHO to use the domain gmdss.org Regular meetings, at least every 2 years, and E-Mail exchanges needed.ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)GMDSS Issuing Services KPT : Enhance visibility and capabilities of Members to provide MSI KPI : Numbers of 1) Members and 2) NAVTEX stations with MetOcean NAVTEX products available on the portal xxxxLikelihood : medium Severity : lowWMO ER7NOContribute to define and implement the QMS and the quality control of the Marine Meteorological ServicesMedium- Definition of the basic indicator(s) to be implemented and checked by the GMDSS Issuing Services (based on the IMO & WMO regulations and Master Plan) - Review and support the implementation of the indicator(s) by the Issuing Services - Provision of those indicator(s) in the regular Report Assessment requested from Issuing Services - Promote the implementation of such kind of indicator(s) by all Members issuing MSI. - Demonstration project following the above-mention activities in Issuing Services that might want to start the implementation of QMS for marine services. Regular meetings, at least every 2 years, and E-Mail exchanges needed.ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)GMDSS Issuing ServicesKPT : Enhance capabilities of Members to provide MSI KPI : Numbers of 1) Member s and 2) Issuing Services having implemented the identified indicator(s) xxxxLikelihood : high Severity : mediumWMO ER7Contribute to update and implement joint IMO/IHO/WMO regulation material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient MSI High- Participation in the IHO WWNWS sessions and in the WWNWS Doc Review meetings, to continue the process of updating IMO and Inmarsat documentation (in particular the SafetyNET and NAVTEX manuals) - Endorsement by JCOMM and the WMO Executive Council before submission to IMOETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)KPT: provide Issuing Services and other Members with update background reference doc, to allow then to enhance their capacities to disseminate MSI efficiently within the GMDSS KPI: To be fixed in cooperation with IMSO or the IMO SafetyNET PanelxxLikelihood : medium Severity : mediumWMO ER7NOEnhance coordination with IHO and IMO MediumStudy the possibility to organize JCOMM/ETMSS and IHO/WWNWS meetings in parallel, with 1 day in common, possibly in WMO Headquarters in Geneva ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)in collaboration with IHO SecretariatKPT: enhance the capacities of Issuing Services to disseminate efficient and coordinated MSI, especially within the GMDSS KPI: Number of Issuing Services implementing coordination mechanisms (including back-up contingency plans ) with the related NAVAREAs co-coordinatorxxLikelihood : medium Severity : lowWMO ER7 & ER6NOContribute to update the WMO regulation material to enhance the capacities of Members to issue more efficient MSI MediumStudy the possibility to make available online (in WMO 9 vol. D ?) a database of limits of areas and sub-areas used by Members to promulgate MetOcean MSI, that can be used in GIS and ENC, especially for the GMDSS ETMSS (new structure as proposed in MAN-7 doc. 5.4)and WMO MembersKPT: enhance the capacities of Members and Issuing Services to disseminate efficient and coordinated MSI, especially within the GMDSS KPI: Numbers of 1) Members and 2) Issuing Services with related information in the WMO database xxLikelihood : high Severity : lowWMO ER7NO ETMSS Terms of reference The Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services, in close collaboration with IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO and other concerned organizations and bodies on maritime safety issues, including the GMDSS, shall: (a) Monitor and review the operations of marine broadcast systems, including for the GMDSS and others for vessels not covered by the SOLAS Convention; (b) Monitor and review technical and service quality standards for meteorological and oceanographic maritime safety information, particularly for the GMDSS, and provide assistance and support to Members as required; (c) Ensure feedback from the user communities is obtained through appropriate and organized channels and applied to improve the relevance, effectiveness and quality of services; (d) Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with concerned organizations, bodies and Members and Member States on maritime safety issues; (e) Propose actions as appropriate to meet requirements for international coordination of meteorological and related communication services; (f) Provide advice to the Services Coordination Group and other JCOMM groups, as required, on issues related to maritime safety services. General membership Chairperson, selected by the Commission. Open membership, including representatives/nominations of the Issuing Services for the GMDSS, representatives of IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO, and other user groups, as appropriate. Frequency of meetings: every 4 years     MSI/Doc. 3.1, p.  PAGE 2 MSI/Doc. 3.1, Appendix A, p.  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