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The session will be chaired by Dr Craig Donlon, Services Programme Area (SPA) coordinator. Adoption of the agenda The Group will be invited to adopt the agenda for the session on the basis of the provisional agenda prepared by the Secretariats. Working arrangements The Group will agree its hours of work and other practical session arrangements. The documentation will be introduced by the Secretariats. The documentation, and the meeting itself, will be in English only. The SPA coordinator or any other members of the Group may request the consideration of additional issues. In that case, they would be requested to prepare the relevant documentation and submit it to the Secretariat in due time. Possible such issues are listed below. In addition, a few sub-items will require separate discussions and are identified as such. Guidance and requirements from WMO and IOC Executive Body sessions impacts on Services Programme Area priorities and work plan The outcome of the decisions of WMO and IOC Executive Bodies will be reviewed with particular emphasis on actions that may need to be initiated, targets and priorities for the SPA and each ET, taking into account cross-cutting issues among them. Outcomes of and actions arising from the seventh session of the JCOMM Management Committee The Group will be presented with a brief report on the outcomes of and actions arising from the seventh session of the JCOMM Management Committee (Melbourne, Australia, December 2008), in particular those issues requiring action and/or discussion by the Group. Review of the Services Programme Area work plan for the current intersessional period The Group will review the status of its intersessional work plan, and agree on specific actions still required to be completed in the lead-up to JCOMM-III. Review of the work of the Expert Teams, including progress/activity reports and work plans until JCOMM-III 5.1 Maritime Safety Services (MSS) 5.2 Maritime Accident Emergency Support (MAES) 5.3 Wind Waves and Storm Surges (WS) 5.4 Sea Ice (SI) 5.5 Ocean Forecasting Systems (OFS) 5.6 Capacity Building (CB) All Expert Teams of the SPA have met since SCG-III. The Group should briefly review the results of these meetings, in particular to identify any follow-up actions which might be required of the Services PA Coordinator or the Expert Team chairs in the lead up to JCOMM-III. Recommendations for additional actions by the Expert Teams and suggestions for the future structure of the SPA should also be considered, in conjunction with the consideration of agenda item 6 and 7.2. Proposed SPA work plan for the next intersessional period Based on the discussions under the previous agenda items, and the WMO and IOC Strategic Planning, the Group will advise on the future actions and work plan for SPA. Preparations for JCOMM-III 7.1 Documentation for the session, including draft recommendations The Group will be expected to agree on the documentation and PPT presentation relating to the Services Programme Area which should be prepared for presentation to JCOMM-III, based on the agenda for the session and overall documentation plan which will have been agreed previously by the Management Committee at its seventh session. This documentation should include, inter alia, draft recommendations on issues such as: amendments to existing manuals and guides as other WMO mandatory publications, as well as possible proposals for new publications of this type; other topics requiring specific actions by Members/Member States and/or the governing bodies of WMO and IOC. 7.2 Recommendations concerning the future structure of the SPA The Group will be expected to review the current structure of the SPA and proposals discussed at the seventh session of the JCOMM Management Committee, including the terms of reference of the SCG and the component Expert Teams, with a view to proposing possible amendments to JCOMM-III. 8. Any Other Business (AOB) Under this agenda item, the Group may consider any other issues requiring actions or discussion by the Group. 9. Closure of the session 9.1 Adoption of the report The Group should review, modify as necessary and approve the final report of the meeting. 9.2 Closure It is expected that the fourth session of the JCOMM Services Programme Area Coordination Group will close at 1700 on Friday, 13 March 2009. ______________________     SCG-IV/Doc. 1.2(2), p.  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