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ACTION PROPOSED The Task Team is invited to: Note and comment on the information provided as appropriate; Review and provide any necessary updates to the WWNWS CD. ______________________ DISCUSSION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Chairpersons of the Panels regularly report to IMO (through the Communications and Search and Rescue (COMSAR) sub-committee) and to IHO (through the Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings (PRNW) sub-committee) on the state of the NAVTEX and SafetyNET infrastructure world-wide and the current issues being addressed by the Panels. The following is a summary of the most significant issues raised at IMO and IHO meetings since the second session of ETMSS. 2. NAVTEX INFRASTRUCTURE 2.1 Activities and developments during the period since the last report are detailed below in respect of specific NAVAREAs (there has been no activity to report for NAVAREAs VIII, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV or XVI): NAVAREA I The two new NAVTEX stations in Iceland at Saudanes and Grindavik are now operational on both 518 and 490 kHz. Discussions are ongoing between Iceland and the Froes to coordinate the use of the Froes station (whose service area covers the SE coast of Iceland). In October 2008 Iceland reported that their new station at Saudanes was experiencing heavy interference at night from the French station at CROSS Corsen. The Panel requested the NAVAREA II Coordinator to investigate the problem and has subsequently proposed a reduction of power at night by the CROSS Corsen station. NAVAREA II In April 2008 the Panel allocated B1 character S (SIERRA) for the International service from the proposed new NAVTEX Station at Lagos in Nigeria. The NAVAREA II Coordinator has been assisting Nigeria in discussions with neighbouring Administrations about service areas for stations at both Lagos and Bonny. In February 2009 an application was received for a new station in Dakar, Senegal. This has been passed to the NAVAREA Coordinator for initial consultation. NAVAREA III Italy is continuing with its efforts to establish NAVTEX Stations in new locations (Pessaro, La Maddalena and Calabria) before they close down the current four Stations in Rome, Augusta, Cagliari and Trieste. Two of the new stations (Maddalena and Mondolfo) are currently on trial. Tunisia is still waiting for a B1 Character to be made available by the re-organisation of the Italian stations before they can declare their new station in the Cape Bon region as fully operational. Transmission trials have already been completed. Libya has established a new station in Surt (Gulf of Sirte). This will provided NAVTEX coverage for the last remaining area of the Mediterranean Sea currently not receiving NAVTEX transmissions. The NAVAREA III Coordinator has received all the necessary documentation from the Libyan authorities and is coordinating the proposal (including the limits of the new service area) with the neighbouring Administrations. In December 2007, Turkey proposed a revision of the limits of the NAVTEX service areas of their stations at Antalya and Izmir. The NAVAREA III Coordinator received the specific details of the Turkish proposal in November 2008 and has begun to co-ordinate the preliminary discussions between neighbouring Administrations. NAVAREA IV Denmark has recently made proposals to establish further NAVTEX stations on the West coast of Greenland to improve the coverage in Davis Straight and Baffin Bay. The Panel welcomes this initiative and has passed the proposal to the NAVAREA IV Coordinator for initial co-ordination. Venezuela has made an approach to a contractor for assistance in establishing a NAVTEX station on an island NE of the E entrance to the Panama Canal. The Panel has requested the NAVAREA IV Coordinator to undertake initial coordination. NAVAREA V NAVAREA V does not currently have any NAVTEX stations. However, Brazil established a SafetyNET coastal warning service along its entire coastline in 2008. NAVAREA VI Following recent changes to the service in Argentina (which successfully, migrated Spanish language broadcast from 518 to 490 kHz); preliminary discussions have taken place with the Panel regarding the defining of service areas for all the International stations in this region. NAVAREA VII The NAVAREA VII Coordinator has reported that Namibia is reviewing their GMDSS facilities, including the consideration of an up-grade to the current NAVTEX facilities or the switch to a SafetyNET coastal warning service. NAVAREA IX In July 2008 the Panel allocated B1 characters to Iran for use on 490 kHz at their stations at Bushehr and Bandar Abbas, and for Fereydoon Kenar on the Caspian Sea. NAVAREA XI New NAVTEX stations have been established by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea at Pyongyang and Hamhung, transmitting on both 518 kHz and 490 kHz. 3. ONGOING OPERATIONAL ISSUES FOR NAVTEX SERVICES 3.1 NAVTEX Service Areas. The issue of ensuring each station broadcasting on 518 kHz has agreed service area limits is significant so that those at sea know which station should be providing MSI for a given sea area. The IHO published a Circular Letter on the subject in 2003, and COMSAR Circ 34, issued in 2004, also addressed this subject. The Panel has initiated a policy of not issuing B1 characters for new stations on 518 kHz until service area limits are agreed with all concerned. NAVAREA Coordinators have been tasked with undertaking the initial coordination for new stations within their respective NAVAREA. 3.2 National language broadcasts on the International NAVTEX Service. Whilst the Panel has been encouraged by the steady increase in the use of 490 kHz for national languages by Administrations setting up new services, it is disappointing to report that only slight progress has been made regarding existing services which have been transmitting national language broadcasts on 518 kHz in contravention with COMSAR/Circ 28 for a number of years. 4. NAVTEX ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES 4.1 Chair of IMO International NAVTEX Co-ordinating Panel. Mr Steve Godsiff has retired from the UK Hydrographic Office, and Mr Tim Sewell ( HYPERLINK "mailto:tim.sewell@ukhjo.gov.uk" tim.sewell@ukho.gov.uk) has been appointed to be Head of Maritime Safety Information and NAVAREA I Coordinator in his place; he has also taken over as Chair of the NAVTEX Co-ordinating Panel. Mr Guy Beale remains as Secretary of the Panel. SAFETYNET ISSUES 5.1 The Chairperson of the IMO SafetyNET Co-ordinating Panel notes the work of the group reviewing the SafetyNET Manual adding that this matter was given preliminary consideration following the recent COMSAR 13 meeting. This manual will then be considered further at CPRNW11 (WWNWS1) in 2009. He thanks the WMO for the participation and contributions to date in preparing the revised draft of this manual. 5.2 The Chairperson noted the important requirement for NAVAREA Co-ordinators and METAREA Issuing Service to monitor the satisfactory broadcast of their warnings. The UK reported that it was necessary to turn off the Mobile Station at regular intervals in order to ensure that all warnings are being broadcast. If this is not done then the equipment having received the warning once will ignore future broadcasts and the Co-ordinator cannot be certain that these are indeed still being broadcast. 5.3 The Chairperson reiterated the need for all NAVAREA Co-ordinators and METAREA Issuing Service to have contingency plans in place to maintain broadcasts of warnings in the event of a catastrophic failure of an element or indeed the whole system. It is noted that the updated resolution A.706(17), as amended, reflects the need for NAVAREA coordinators to take into account the need for contingency planning. This requirement had been well demonstrated on several occasions. The Chairperson also notes that the possibility exists for a NAVAREA Co-ordinator and a METAREA issuing Service to implement a bilateral contingency plan, as organized in NAVAREA I. 6. GENERAL MSI ISSUES 6.1 Expansion of the Worldwide Navigational Warning Service into the Arctic Region. Members of both Panels are active participants in the joint IHO/IMO Correspondence Group on the expansion of the WWNWS. This is the subject of a separate report under agenda item 4.1. 6.2 Review of MSI documentation. This is the subject of a separate report under agenda item 6.3. 6.3 WWNWS CD. A WWNWS CD has been compiled by the Chairperson of PRNW. All WWNWS guidance documents are included on it together with points of contact, GMDSS and WWNWS presentations and other important reference documents, including the SafetyNET manual and WMO documents. The aim is to distribute this widely to those at an operational level so that all have access to the appropriate documents. This should then help to ensure consistency of output from all data providers and also be of use in an emergency situation where a CD is much easier to use/transport than a pile of printed books. A few copies of the CD are available during the meeting from the Chairperson of the NAVTEX Panel (Mr Tim Sewell), or upon request to the Chairperson of PRNW ( HYPERLINK "mailto:Peter.M.Doherty@nga.mil" Peter.M.Doherty@nga.mil). All ETMSS members are encouraged to review and comment on the CD's content, and to provide any necessary updates through the ETMSS Chairperson. _____________     MSI/Doc. 3.2, 3.3, p.  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