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ACTION PROPOSED The Task Team is invited to: Note and comment on the information contained in this document as appropriate; Review the remit of the work commissioned by ETMSS-II and recommend further action in support of the development of tsunami related MSI. ______________________ Appendix: A. ETMSS-II/Doc. 4.2, 4.3 (Angra dos Reis, Brazil, January 2007) Guidelines for the provision of MSI related to Tsunamis (Organization, Content, Formats) DISCUSSION Purpose 1.1 This paper reports on progress made towards providing the building blocks necessary for assimilating tsunami related advisory and warning information into MSI bulletins intended to improve the safety of vessels at sea. A proposal, outlining the range of connections that are needed to be made between international, national and local agencies or authorities involved in preparing, promulgating and disseminating MSI for shipping was presented at ETMSS-II (Angra dos Reis, Brazil, January 2007). The follow up action from the decisions taken at that meeting is the focus of this discussion. Background 2.1 The impetus to initiate work to develop a framework for provision of tsunami MSI came from the concern by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which in 2005 (COMSAR9, February 2005) took an in-principle and unilateral decision to encourage dissemination of tsunami advices through the GMDSS SafetyNET system. Intervention by the JCOMM alerted the IMO to the complex intergovernmental arrangements for provision of operational tsunami warnings and related complexities on the service provision side. The need to develop effective and simple to operate services was also stressed. 2.2 A number of decisions taken by JCOMM or its subsidiary groups have reinforced the desirability and need for support to be provided in the interests of improving safety of shipping in relation to potential threats posed by tsunamis. JCOMM-II resolved that the ETMSS should cooperate with the IHO and IMO to coordinate the provision of maritime safety information (MSI) related to tsunami warnings. JCOMM Management Committee, at its sixth session (MAN-IV, Geneva, 2006), requested the JCOMM Rapporteur on Disaster Risk Reduction aspects to liaise with PA Coordinators and DRR Rapporteurs from other WMO Commissions, in support of the WMO DRR activities, including the tsunami warning matters. Therefore, MAN-IV requested ETMSS to cooperate with the IMO and IHO in order to address the international organizations role (IOC, WMO, IHO and IMO) in the provision of Tsunami Maritime Safety Information (TMSI) (warnings and related information). 2.3 IMO offered the use of the International SafetyNET system to distribute warnings from regional centres to both national authorities and vessels at sea (COMSAR/Circ. 36 see Appendix A). Tsunami warning centres and others wishing to use the International SafetyNET system were invited to register with the IMO International SafetyNET Coordinating Panel to become authorized data providers. 2.4 IMO recognized that options to use the GMDSS communications facilities through either the relevant NAVAREA Coordinators or the METAREA Issuing Services of the SafetyNET system should remain available to national or regional centres if required by the IOC, which in turn recognized the virtue of further discussions between IMO, WMO and IHO. Subsequently, the ongoing need for cooperation between all organizations involved was pursued through a special joint IMO/IHO/WMO/IOC working group. The ETMSS Chairperson was tasked with developing a proposal covering recommendations to be submitted to COMSAR as a joint paper by the IMO SafetyNET and NAVTEX Coordinating Panels. 3. Recent developments 3.1 IMO recognized that options to use the GMDSS communications facilities through either the relevant NAVAREA Coordinators or the METAREA Issuing Services of the SafetyNET system should remain available to national or regional centres if required by the IOC, which in turn recognized the virtue of further discussions between IMO, WMO and IHO. Subsequently, the ongoing need for cooperation between all organizations involved was pursued through a special joint IMO/IHO/WMO/IOC working group. The ETMSS Chair was tasked with developing a proposal covering recommendations to be submitted to COMSAR as a joint paper by the IMO SafetyNET and NAVTEX Coordinating Panels. 3.2 ETMSS Chairperson, Mr Henri Savina, and Mr Nick Ashton (UK) have attended the IMO review meetings (COMSAR 13, January 2009) and contributed to updates of relevant IMO papers. IHO prepared updated versions of both IMO resolution 706 (MSC_Circ1288, December 2008) and the Joint IMO/IHO/WMO manual on MSI (COMSAR_13-3-1 and COMSAR 13-WP.5, para 3.10 to 3.12). This Joint Manual was reviewed by IMO COMSAR 13, in January 2009, which approved it with some editorial amendments, and sent it to MSC86 in May/June 2009 for adoption. 3.3 Most of the material of the paper presented to ETMSS-II was included as Annex X of the final report, along with the terms of reference for a proposed Task Team on Tsunami Products for Transmission of MSI as Annex IX. In view of the fact that these items have not been discussed or reviewed since ETMS-II, they will still be in force. 3.4 ETMSS Chair will provide a verbal report on progress towards the proposed Task Team on Tsunami Products for Transmission as MSI. 4. Outstanding actions 4.1 Clearly the proposal to establish the new Task Team ought to be considered by TT-MSI, with a review of the Terms of Reference provided from ETMSS-II. It would also be useful for a review to be undertaken of progress in individual countries to ascertain the extent of dissemination of tsunami warnings in global terms. A survey of similar concerns has recently been taken of the Pacific for island countries. The survey was undertaken by the International Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS). A verbal report on those findings will be given to TT-MSI. 5. Conclusion and recommendations The work towards determining the extent of compliance with earlier requirements set by IMO for promulgation of tsunami advices via the SafetyNET service would be a useful point for revisiting work on this matter. TT-MSI may wish to accelerate the establishment and work of the Task Team that was proposed by ETMSS-II. 5.2 Evaluation of work required to revise the WMO Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) and the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471) will also be required once the standards/specifications have been adopted. 5.3 Clearly the most immediate task to be energized in the short term concerns the work of the proposed Task Team. It would be very helpful for at least the review of MSI services as described in 5.1 above, and the re-establishment of the scope of the Task Team, to be completed for presentation at JCOMM-III. If possible, draft reviews of publications WMO-Nos. 558 and 471 would also be useful if feasible by JCOMM-III. _____________ Appendix: 1      MSI/Doc. 5.4, p.  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