ࡱ> VXU *bjbjFF ;R$$g"k  8%TyDBp-:gggB.p {}}}}}}!#}BB}gggg{{#@ \ ?<0.L$L$## :   Limited distribution IOC/IODE-XX/10.1rev. 2 March 2009 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XX) Beijing, China, 04-08 May 2009 Report of the World Data Center for Oceanography, Silver Spring Sydney Levitus, WDC Director NODC/NOAA, E/OC5 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA Tel: 301-713-3294 Fax: 301-713-3303 E-mail: Sydney.Levitus@noaa.gov URL:  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov" www.nodc.noaa.gov Host Organization: U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center Summary of the document This document reports on WDC activities for the period January 2007 March 2009 (intersessional period between IODE-XIX and IODE-XX) as well as documenting the online availability of the data and metadata associated with these activities. Data from approximately 0.9 million temperature profiles have been acquired and made available online. Appendix: Report of the WDC for Oceanography, Silver Spring DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMARY REPORT Data and metadata flow During the intersessional period WDC, Silver Spring acquired oceanographic data for 460 physical oceanographic data sets, 98 chemical oceanographic data sets, 15 biological oceanographic data sets, 12,386 remotely sensed ocean data, 203 marine meteorology & atmospheric science data sets. Data from approximately 0.9 million temperature profiles have been acquired and made available online. All data and metadata acquired by WDC, Silver Spring are available online at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov" www.nodc.noaa.gov. Long term secure archival of data and information All data and information submitted to WDC, Silver Spring are permanently archived and can be acquired at  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov" www.nodc.noaa.gov . Every month copies of all NODC/WDC data and products are stored offsite for safety. User services WDC oceanographic cruise catalogue, data and metadata are available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov" www.nodc.noaa.gov. Transition to the World Data System WDC, Silver Spring is in communication with ICSU as to the status of the new World Data System and is awaiting guidance from ICSU with respect to the future of this system. WDC Director attended the ICSU WDC Conference in Germany in May, 2007. International visitors WDC, Silver Spring hosted thirty visitors from ten countries during the Intersessional period. Appendix 1 Metadata management Metadata and data for the U.S. NODC Ocean Archiving System are available from:  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/SELECT/dbsearch/dbsearch.html" http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/SELECT/dbsearch/dbsearch.html Publications and Data Products: All data and publications received by WDC for Oceanography are described in the "Catalogue of Data and Report of Data Exchange". Publications received by WDC for Oceanography that do not contain cruise data or information are inventoried then provided to the NOAA Central Library for inclusion in the NOAA Library Catalog at http://www.lib.noaa.gov/. Cruise Summary Report (ROSCOP) Program: WDC for Oceanography Silver Spring maintains the Report of Observations/Samples Collected by Oceanographic Programs (ROSCOP) international marine data inventory system. (The 3rd edition of ROSCOP, entitled Cruise Summary Report, is now in use.) Data inventory forms, such as ROSCOP, enable inventory centers to determine the availability of internationally exchangeable data in advance of the actual receipt of the data and are also useful in providing a referral service to data not yet available through the WDC system. The WDC utilizes the automated ROSCOP information base maintained by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). ROSCOP forms received by WDC, Silver Spring are available at: http://www.ices.dk/Ocean/roscop/index.asp Data flow Data sets received and added to WDC collection during January 2007 December 2008: physical oceanography data: 460 chemical oceanography data: 098 biological oceanography data: 015 geological/geophysical data: 000 remotely sensed data: 12386 marine meteorology & atmospheric science: 203 Work on WOD09 processing new data sets and continue QC of existing data. As of February 2009 the following casts were added since publication of World ocean Database 2005: Data from ~ 214,000 Ocean Station Data casts; Data from ~ 186,000 Conductivity-Temperature-Depth casts; Data from ~ 171,000 Expendable Bathythermograph casts; Data from ~ 2,600 Expendable CTD casts; Data from ~ 298,000 Profiling Float casts casts; Data from ~ 99,000 Moored Buoy casts; Data from ~ 5,519 Glider casts; Data from ~ 2,880 Mechanical Bathythermograph casts; Data from ~ 13,900 Autonomous Pinniped Bathythermograph casts; Data from ~ 41,000 Undulating Ocean Recorder casts; Data from ~ 13,600 Drifting Buoy casts. Quality control All data submitted to NODC/WDC are processed for QC in the course of archiving these submissions. This includes checking for data and information structure and content. Submitters data are available within a few weeks of arrival at NODC/WDC. Submitted oceanographic data are converted to the World Ocean Database format for use in the World Ocean Database and are available within three months of receipt. At this step oceanographic data are checked using a set of QC procedures published and available online at www.nodc.noaa.gov. Online services provided by WDC, Silver Spring: Title: World Ocean Database series Short description of the service: Worlds largest collection of ocean profile data available internationally without restriction Related project (if appropriate): GODAR project; World Ocean Atlas project; International Ocean Atlas and Information Series publications URL: www.nodc.noaa.gov Focus audience(s) of the service: Ocean Data Management and Scientific communities Has the site been added to OceanPortal ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanportal.org" http://www.oceanportal.org): O yes Number of visits per month (average of the past year): 40 Gb of data per month is downloaded. ---------- Title: World Ocean Atlas series Short description of the service: Objectively analyzed, climatological fields of ocean variables at up to 33 standard depth levels between the surface and 5500 m depth. Related project (if appropriate): World Ocean Database project, GODAR project; International Ocean Atlas and Information Series URL: www.nodc.noaa.gov Focus audience(s) of the service: Ocean Data Management and Scientific communities ------ Title: International Ocean Atlas and Information series Short description of the service: Regional atlases, statistical analyses of data, and/or informational documents related to oceanography. Related project (if appropriate): World Ocean Database project, GODAR project URL: www.nodc.noaa.gov Focus audience(s) of the service: Ocean Data Management and Scientific communities, IPCC and similar assessments Oceanographic data policy WDC for Oceanography follows the ICSU and IOC policies of making all data available without restriction. Cooperation in national and international programmes/projects Title of project/programme: IODE Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue (GODAR) Project Short description of the project/programme: Locate and rescue historical oceanographic data Main coordinator of the project/programme: Sydney Levitus, WDC for Oceanography, Silver Spring, USA Role of your data centre in the project/programme: Sydney Levitus is the GODAR Project Leader URL of the project: www.nodc.noaa.gov URL of the project at your data centre web site: www.nodc.noaa.gov Starting date of the project/programme: 1993 Ending date of the project/programme: ongoing ----------------------------------------------------------------- Title of project/programme: World Ocean Database Project Short description of the project/programme: stimulate exchange of modern oceanographic data and prepare global and regional oceanographic databases and atlases Main coordinator of the project/programme: Sydney Levitus, WDC for Oceanography, Silver Spring, USA Role of your data centre in the project/programme: Sydney Levitus is the WOD Project Leader URL of the project: www.nodc.noaa.gov URL of the project at your data centre web site: www.nodc.noaa.gov Starting date of the project/programme: 2002 Ending date of the project/programme: ongoing [End of document]     IOC/IODE-XX/10.1 rev. Page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XX/10.1 rev. 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