ࡱ> SUT( / 0LDArialp(<$v0<04@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h, $     0AA@3ʚ;ʚ;g45d5dT0ppp@ <4ddddh0H( 80___PPT10 p ;Quick Overview of ECV/GCOS-92 Perspective on OCG Activities<<SSTSurface Drifters (1250), VOS (many as possible), Moorings (120Trop +Ref sites), Argo (3000) IR and MW satellite, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental: In-situ radiometric array, GHRSSTJSea Level/Dyn Ht 2Tide Gauges (~85 GCOS Subset), Argo, XBT(repeat lines), Moorings, Repeat Hydro (Carbon inventory plan) T-P/Jason class alt in T-P orbit Additional alt(s) in complementary orbit(s) for NRT ocean analysis Developmental: NRT reporting for all. Higher resolution national arrays for relative sea level trends3Z3>% d  Ocean Color Multi-spectral IR satellites, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental in-situ surface plan. Sensors needed for pH, pCO2, Chl-A and other biogeochemical variables for near-surface waters. ,.Z@ Sea IceMW and IR satellites continuity Developmental& new generation of ice-thickness satellites, and in-situ thickness and concentration capability.Surface CurrentSurface Drifters, Moorings, Ship drift, ADCP Alt and SVW contribute to Sfc Current analysis Developmental Activity: No specific Obs. Op. Plan in GCOS-92 or from subsequent working groups. Calls to assemble current data set and prepare surface current analyses. "ZZ,G8SSSArgo, Moorings, (TSG) Call for satellites Developmental Activity: Research community to propose global plan for review. Develop accurate long-life sensor for surface use.   Sea State Make best use of relevant satellite obs. VOS obs., SAR data exchange issues. Developmental Activity: get sea state obs on surface reference moorings.P$F  T(z), S(z) $Argo, Hydro, Moorings, XBTs Carbon Inventory ChangeRepeat hydro. Develop improved reference materials and best practices (incl update WOCE Hydro Manual). O2 and other sensors on Argo, in prospect; plan wantedHU  ` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> f(    6\(  `} ( T Click to edit Master title style! !  0(  ` ( RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  0( ^ ` ( >*  0l( ^  ( @*  0( ^ ` ( @*H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.\ Default Design$  $(  r  S x( ` ( r  S ( `   ( H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.$  0 $(   r  S  `}   r  S 䁢 `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.$  @$(  r  S l  `}   r  S x `   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.5$   $(   r  S  `}   r  S Ѐ `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10. ;4$  ($(  (r ( S \% `}   r ( S (+ `  H ( 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.0`$  P$(  r  S W `}   r  S HZ `   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.c9$  `$(  r  S  `}   r  S " `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.؇s$  ,$(  ,r , S  `}   r , S % d  Ocean Color Multi-spectral IR satellites, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental in-situ surface plan. Sensors needed for pH, pCO2, Chl-A and other biogeochemical variables for near-surface waters. ,.Z@ Sea IceMW and IR satellites continuity Improve ice buoy networks, ULS obs, visual surveys Developmental& new generation of ice-thickness satellites, and in-situ thickness and concentration capability.,? pSurface CurrentSurface Drifters, Moorings, Ship drift, ADCP Alt and SVW contribute to Sfc Current analysis Developmental Activity: No specific Obs. Op. Plan in GCOS-92 or from subsequent working groups. Calls to assemble current data set and prepare surface current analyses. "ZZ,G8SSSArgo, Moorings, (TSG) Call for satellites Developmental Activity: Research community to propose global plan for review. Develop accurate long-life sensor for surface use.   Sea State Make best use of relevant satellite obs. VOS obs., SAR data exchange issues. Developmental Activity: get sea state obs on surface reference moorings.>$F  T(z), S(z) $Argo, Hydro, Moorings, XBTs Carbon Inventory ChangeRepeat hydro. Develop improved reference materials and best practices (incl update WOCE Hydro Manual). O2 and other sensors on Argo, in prospect; plan wantedHU$  ($(  (r ( S \% `}   r ( S (+ `  H ( 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.0`rD VfDAX ( / 0LDArialp(<$v0<04@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h, $     0AA@3ʚ;ʚ;g45d5dT0ppp@ <4ddddh0H( 80___PPT10 &;Quick Overview of ECV/GCOS-92 Perspective on OCG Activities<<SSTSurface Drifters (1250), VOS (many as possible), Moorings (120Trop +Ref sites), Argo (3000) IR and MW satellite, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental: In-situ radiometric array, GHRSSTJSea Level/Dyn Ht 2Tide Gauges (~85 GCOS Subset), Argo, XBT(repeat lines), Moorings, Repeat Hydro (Carbon inventory plan) T-P/Jason class alt in T-P orbit Additional alt(s) in complementary orbit(s) for NRT ocean analysis Developmental: NRT reporting for all. Higher resolution national arrays for relative sea level trends3Z3>% d  Ocean Color Multi-spectral IR satellites, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental in-situ surface plan. Sensors needed for pH, pCO2, Chl-A and other biogeochemical variables for near-surface waters. ,.Z@ Sea IceMW and IR satellites continuity Improve ice buoy networks, ULS obs, visual surveys. No numerical targets Developmental& new generation of ice-thickness satellites, and in-situ thickness and concentration capability.,? pSurface CurrentSurface Drifters, Moorings, Ship drift, ADCP Alt and SVW contribute to Sfc Current analysis Developmental Activity: No specific Obs. Op. Plan in GCOS-92 or from subsequent working groups. Calls to assemble current data set and prepare surface current analyses. "ZZ,G8SSSArgo, Moorings, (TSG) Call for satellites Developmental Activity: Research community to propose global plan for review. Develop accurate long-life sensor for surface use.   Sea State Make best use of relevant satellite obs. VOS obs., SAR data exchange issues. Developmental Activity: get sea state obs on surface reference moorings.>$F  T(z), S(z) $Argo, Hydro, Moorings, XBTs Carbon Inventory ChangeRepeat hydro. Develop improved reference materials and best practices (incl update WOCE Hydro Manual). O2 and other sensors on Argo, in prospect; plan wantedHU$  ($(  (r ( S \% `}   r ( S (+ `  H ( 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.0`r}X 6jYXbl ( / 0LDArialp(<$v0<04@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h, $     0AA@3ʚ;ʚ;g45d5dT0ppp@ <4ddddh0H( 80___PPT10 (;Quick Overview of ECV/GCOS-92 Perspective on OCG Activities<<SSTSurface Drifters (1250), VOS (many as possible), Moorings (120Trop +Ref sites), Argo (3000) IR and MW satellite, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental: In-situ radiometric array, GHRSST 4>3 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0B56789:;<=@ACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR  !#DocumentSummaryInformation8`` h, $     0AA@3ʚ;ʚ;g45d5dT0ppp@ <4ddddh0H( 80___PPT10  ;Quick Overview of ECV/GCOS-92 Perspective on OCG Activities<<SSTSurface Drifters (1250), VOS (many as possible), Moorings (120Trop +Ref sites), Argo (3000) IR and MW satellite, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental: In-situ radiometric array, GHRSSTJSea Level/Dyn Ht 2Tide Gauges (~85 GCOS Subset), Argo, XBT(repeat lines), Moorings, Repeat Hydro (Carbon inventory plan) T-P/Jason class alt in T-P orbit Additional alt(s) in complementary orbit(s) for NRT ocean analysis Developmental: NRT reporting for all. Higher resolution national arrays for relative sea level trends3Z3>% d  Ocean Color Multi-spectral IR satellites, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental in-situ surface plan. Sensors needed for pH, pCO2, Chl-A and other biogeochemical variables for near-surface waters. ,.Z@ Sea IcedMW and IR satellites continuity Improve ice buoy networks, ULS obs. Developmental& new generation of ice-thickness satellites, and in-situ thickness and concentration capability.?pSurface CurrentSurface Drifters, Moorings, Ship drift, ADCP Alt and SVW contribute to Sfc Current analysis Developmental Activity: No specific Obs. Op. Plan in GCOS-92 or from subsequent working groups. Calls to assemble current data set and prepare surface current analyses. "ZZ,G8SSSArgo, Moorings, (TSG) Call for satellites Developmental Activity: Research community to propose global plan for review. Develop accurate long-life sensor for surface use.   Sea State Make best use of relevant satellite obs. VOS obs., SAR data exchange issues. Developmental Activity: get sea state obs on surface reference moorings.>$F  T(z), S(z) $Argo, Hydro, Moorings, XBTs Carbon Inventory ChangeRepeat hydro. Develop improved reference materials and best practices (incl update WOCE Hydro Manual). O2 and other sensors on Argo, in prospect; plan wantedHU$  ($(  (r ( S \% `}   r ( S (+ `  H ( 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.0`r0 "B0ND ( / 0LDArialp(<$v0<04@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h, $ Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles  33"2 :uQuick &_zAlbert FischerAlbert Fischer@Arial-. 332 _9ECV/GCOS .-@Arial-. 33 2 _Oh+'0T `h   $4Quick Review of ECV Perspective on OCG Activities ed harrison ed harrison23Microsoft PowerPoint@w @G@x<G(g   "  x--$ww--'@Arial-. 33"2 :uQuick Overview of       ."SystemT-@Arial-. 332 _9ECV/GCOS .-@Arial-. 33 2 _- .-@Arial-. 332 _92 Perspective    .-@Arial-. 33!2 xon OCG Activities     .-՜.+,0hJSea Level/Dyn Ht 2Tide Gauges (~85 GCOS Subset), Argo, XBT(repeat lines), Moorings, Repeat Hydro (Carbon inventory plan) T-P/Jason class alt in T-P orbit Additional alt(s) in complementary orbit(s) for NRT ocean analysis Developmental: NRT reporting for all. Higher resolution national arrays for relative sea level trends3Z3>% d  Ocean Color Multi-spectral IR satellites, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental in-situ surface plan. Sensors needed for pH, pCO2, Chl-A and other biogeochemical variables for near-surface waters. ,.Z@ Sea IceMW and IR satellites continuity Improve ice buoy networks, ULS obs, visual surveys. No numerical targets Developmental& new generation of ice-thickness satellites, and in-situ thickness and concentration capability.?Surface Current Surface Drifters, Moorings, Ship drift, ADCP Alt, SVW, SST contribute to Sfc Current analysis Developmental Activity: No specific Obs. Op. Plan in GCOS-92 or from subsequent working groups. Calls to assemble current data set and prepare surface current analyses. " ZZ >78SSSArgo, Moorings, (TSG) Call for satellites Developmental Activity: Research community to propose global plan for review. Develop accurate long-life sensor for surface use.   Sea State Make best use of relevant satellite obs. VOS obs., SAR data exchange issues. Developmental Activity: get sea state obs on surface reference moorings.>$F  T(z), S(z) $Argo, Hydro, Moorings, XBTs Carbon Inventory ChangeRepeat hydro. Develop improved reference materials and best practices (incl update WOCE Hydro Manual). O2 and other sensors on Argo, in prospect; plan wantedHU$  P$(  r  S W `}   r  S HZ `   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.c9rlY~zl ( / 0LDArialp(<$v0<04@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h, $     0AA@3ʚ;ʚ;g45d5dT0ppp@ <4ddddh0H( 80___PPT10 ;Quick Overview of ECV/GCOS-92 Perspective on OCG Activities<<SSTSurface Drifters (1250), VOS (many as possible), Moorings (120Trop +Ref sites), Argo (3000) IR and MW satellite, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental: In-situ radiometric array, GHRSSTJSea Level/Dyn Ht 2Tide Gauges (~85 GCOS Subset), Argo, XBT(repeat lines), Moorings, Repeat Hydro (Carbon inventory plan) T-P/Jason class alt in T-P orbit Additional alt(s) in complementary orbit(s) for NRT ocean analysis Developmental: NRT reporting for all. Higher resolution national arrays for relative sea level trends3Z3>% d  Ocean Color Multi-spectral IR satellites, preferably with atmos correction capability Developmental in-situ surface plan. Sensors needed for pH, pCO2, Chl-A and other biogeochemical variables for near-surface waters. ,.Z@ Sea IceMW and IR satellites continuity Improve ice buoy networks, ULS obs, visual surveys. No numerical targets Developmental& new generation of ice-thickness satellites, and in-situ thickness and concentration capability.?Surface Current Surface Drifters, Moorings, Ship drift, ADCP Alt, SVW, SST contribute to Sfc Current analysis Developmental Activity: No specific Obs. Op. Plan in GCOS-92 or from subsequent working groups. Calls to assemble current data set and prepare surface current analyses. " ZZ ,I8SSSArgo, Moorings, (TSG) Call for satellites Developmental Activity: Research community to propose global plan for review. Develop accurate long-life sensor for surface use.   Sea State Make best use of relevant satellite obs. VOS obs., SAR data exchange issues. Developmental Activity: get sea state obs on surface reference moorings.>$F  T(z), S(z) $Argo, Hydro, Moorings, XBTs Carbon Inventory ChangeRepeat hydro. Develop improved reference materials and best practices (incl update WOCE Hydro Manual). O2 and other sensors on Argo, in prospect; plan wantedHUrj Root EntrydO)h%? Current User"JSummaryInformation(PowerPoint Document( 4V !"#$%&'()*+,-./0B56789:;<=@ACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR3  !# Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles  33"2 :uQuick &_zAlbert FischerAlbert Fischer@Arial-. 332 _9ECV/GCOS .-@Arial-. 33 2 _