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INTRODUCTORY REPORTS  PAGEREF _Toc99015905 \h 2 3.1 CO-CHAIRS REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc99015906 \h 2 3.2 IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF THE IODE-XIX WORK PLAN  PAGEREF _Toc99015907 \h 3 3.3 FINANCIAL AND IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc99015908 \h 4 3.4 INTRODUCTION TO WORK PLAN AND BUDGET  PAGEREF _Toc99015909 \h 5 4. NODC, WDC AND PROJECT OFFICE REPORTS  PAGEREF _Toc99015910 \h 5 4.1 REPORTS OF NODCs, DNAs AND MARINE INFORMATION CENTRES  PAGEREF _Toc99015911 \h 5 4.2 REPORTS OF THE ICSU WORLD DATA CENTRES OCEANOGRAPHY AND MGG  PAGEREF _Toc99015912 \h 6 4.2.1 Report of the WDC Oceanography, Tinajin, China  PAGEREF _Toc99015913 \h 7 4.2.2 Report of the WDC for Marine Environmental Science (WDC-MARE)  PAGEREF _Toc99015914 \h 8 4.2.3 Report of the World Data Centre for Oceanography, Obninsk, Russian Federation  PAGEREF _Toc99015915 \h 10 4.2.4 Report of the WDC for Oceanography, Silver Spring, United States  PAGEREF _Toc99015916 \h 11 4.3 REPORT OF THE IOC PROJECT OFFICE FOR IODE  PAGEREF _Toc99015917 \h 11 5. PROGRAMME ACTIVITY REPORTS  PAGEREF _Toc99015918 \h 13 5.1 GROUPS OF EXPERTS  PAGEREF _Toc99015919 \h 13 5.1.1 IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH)  PAGEREF _Toc99015920 \h 13 Report on inter-sessional activities of GE-BICH  PAGEREF _Toc99015921 \h 13 Impact on IODE of cooperation with OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc99015922 \h 18 5.1.2 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM)  PAGEREF _Toc99015923 \h 19 5.1.3 JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP)  PAGEREF _Toc99015924 \h 20 Introduction: Cooperation between IODE and JCOMM through the JCOMM DMPA and its ETDMP  PAGEREF _Toc99015925 \h 20 Report on inter-sessional activities of the ETDMP  PAGEREF _Toc99015926 \h 21 JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project  PAGEREF _Toc99015927 \h 24 IODE Ocean Data Portal  PAGEREF _Toc99015928 \h 26 WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM  PAGEREF _Toc99015929 \h 28 5.2 OTHER PROJECTS  PAGEREF _Toc99015930 \h 30 5.2.1 Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue (GODAR)  PAGEREF _Toc99015931 \h 30 5.2.2 Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP)  PAGEREF _Toc99015932 \h 30 5.2.3 Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Pilot Project (GOSUD)  PAGEREF _Toc99015933 \h 33 5.2.4 Marine XML (marineXML)  PAGEREF _Toc99015934 \h 36 5.2.5 Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI)  PAGEREF _Toc99015935 \h 38 5.2.6 Follow-up of terminated or terminating IODE or IODE-involved projects  PAGEREF _Toc99015936 \h 39 5.2.7 Other  PAGEREF _Toc99015937 \h 40 6. IODE CAPACITY BUILDING  PAGEREF _Toc99015938 \h 41 6.1 OCEANTEACHER AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES  PAGEREF _Toc99015939 \h 41 6.2 IODE'S REGIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING PROJECTS: ODIN  PAGEREF _Toc99015940 \h 43 6.2.1 Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA)  PAGEREF _Toc99015941 \h 43 6.2.2 Ocean Data and Information Network for the Caribbean and South America regions (ODINCARSA)  PAGEREF _Toc99015942 \h 45 6.2.3 Ocean Data and Information Network for the Central Indian Ocean Region (ODINCINDIO)  PAGEREF _Toc99015943 \h 47 6.2.4 Ocean Data and Information Network for European Countries in Economic Transition (ODINECET)  PAGEREF _Toc99015944 \h 47 6.2.5 Ocean Data and Information Network for the Western Pacific region (ODIN-WESTPAC)  PAGEREF _Toc99015945 \h 49 6.2.6 ODIN-Black Sea  PAGEREF _Toc99015946 \h 51 6.2.7 Regional Network of Pacific Marine Libraries (ODIN-PIMRIS)  PAGEREF _Toc99015947 \h 52 6.2.8 Other networks: Europe - SeaDataNet  PAGEREF _Toc99015948 \h 55 6.3 EMERGING NEEDS IN CAPACITY BUILDING  PAGEREF _Toc99015949 \h 56 6.4 IODE ACTIVITIES IN THE IOC CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK  PAGEREF _Toc99015950 \h 57 7. IODE ORGANIZATIONAL REFORM ISSUES  PAGEREF _Toc99015951 \h 59 7.1 REPORT ON THE FOLLOW-UP TO THE IODE REVIEW  PAGEREF _Toc99015952 \h 59 7.2 REPORTS ON CHANGES IN NATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND EXCHANGE  PAGEREF _Toc99015953 \h 61 7.3 IODE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE LONG-TERM SECURE ARCHIVAL OF DATA AND INFORMATION  PAGEREF _Toc99015954 \h 62 7.4 DATA PUBLISHING (IODE/SCOR)  PAGEREF _Toc99015955 \h 62 7.5 IODE DATA AND INFORMATION CENTRES QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND CERTIFICATION  PAGEREF _Toc99015956 \h 64 8. COOPERATION WITH OTHER PROGRAMMES  PAGEREF _Toc99015957 \h 65 8.1 COOPERATION WITH GOOS  PAGEREF _Toc99015958 \h 65 8.2 COOPERATION WITH GEO/GEOSS  PAGEREF _Toc99015959 \h 65 8.3 COOPERATION WITH IOC SCIENCE PROGRAMMES  PAGEREF _Toc99015960 \h 65 8.3.1 Cooperation with the IOC HAB Programme  PAGEREF _Toc99015961 \h 65 8.3.2 Cooperation with the IOC ICAM Programme  PAGEREF _Toc99015962 \h 66 8.4 COOPERATION WITH IPY  PAGEREF _Toc99015963 \h 67 8.5 COOPERATION WITH THE IOC CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME  PAGEREF _Toc99015964 \h 68 8.6 OTHERS (WCRP, SOLAS, )  PAGEREF _Toc99015965 \h 68 9. IODE PUBLIC AWARENESS  PAGEREF _Toc99015966 \h 68 9.1 IODE WEB SITES, BROCHURES, POSTERS AND PUBLICATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc99015967 \h 68 9.2 IODE AND THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE IOC (2010)  PAGEREF _Toc99015968 \h 69 9.3 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF IODE IN 2011  PAGEREF _Toc99015969 \h 69 10. IODE VISION AND STRATEGY  PAGEREF _Toc99015970 \h 69 10.1 IOC OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA EXCHANGE POLICY: IMPLEMENTATION BY MEMBER STATES  PAGEREF _Toc99015971 \h 69 10.2 IOC STRATEGIC PLAN FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE  PAGEREF _Toc99015972 \h 70 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS  PAGEREF _Toc99015973 \h 71 12. REQUIRED RESOURCES AND PLAN OF ACTION FOR 2009 (CURRENT UNESCO BIENNIUM 2008-2009) AND 2010-2011 (NEXT UNESCO BIENNIUM  PAGEREF _Toc99015974 \h 71 13. ELECTIONS OF CO-CHAIRS  PAGEREF _Toc99015975 \h 71 14. DATE AND PLACE OF IODE-XXI  PAGEREF _Toc99015976 \h 71 15. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc99015977 \h 71 16. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc99015978 \h 72  ANNEXES ANNEX I: SUMMARY TABLE OF RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFIED IN THE IODE-XX WORKING DOCUMENTS OPENING Dr Malika Bel-Hassen Abid and Mr Greg Reed, Chair of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) will welcome the participants to the Twentieth Session of the IODE Committee at 09:00 on Monday 4 May 2009. The Meeting will then be addressed by the representatives of the local hosts. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Committee will be invited to review and adopt the provisional agenda (Document IOC/IODE-XX/1 prov. available from the web site  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/iode20" http://www.iode.org/iode20. The Committee will be requested to note that the core working documents (Agenda, List of Documents) are now only available as on-line documents. Any new items or issues should be proposed by the Meeting will be noted here and discussed either under the related Agenda Item or under Agenda Item 11.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  DESIGNATION OF A RAPPORTEUR The Committee will be invited to elect a Rapporteur for the Session. It will be recalled that for the past two sessions the Secretariat was tasked to report on the meeting and that no rapporteur was used.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  SESSION TIME TABLE AND DOCUMENTATION The Committee will be invited to review and adopt the Timetable (Document IOC/IODE-XX/1 Add. Prov.) The IODE Technical Secretary (Mr Peter Pissierssens) will then review the arrangements for the Session and present Document IOC/IODE-XX/4 prov. (List of Documents) available on line through  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/iode20" http://www.iode.org/iode20 He will then inform the Committee about the working hours for the Session and other details relevant to the conduct of the Session.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  2.4. ESTABLISHMENT OF SESSIONAL WORKING GROUPS The Technical Secretary will invite the Committee to establish sessional working groups. Suggested groups include: Sessional working group on work plan and budget; Sessional working group on capacity building requirements. The Technical Secretary will remind the Committee that participants had been invited (by email) to identify the need for additional sessional working groups by email, prior to the Session (deadline 1 April 2009). He will inform the Committee of received suggestions. He will remind the Committee that each Sessional Working Group should nominate a Chair who will report back to the Committee at the time the relevant agenda item is discussed in plenary. In exceptional circumstances the Committee may decide to re-arrange the timetable to accommodate a sessional working group.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  2.5. LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Information and guidelines for participants were made available through the IODE-XX web site ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/iode20" http://www.iode.org/iode20). The representative of the local host institutions will inform the Committee on local arrangements including social events and possibilities for tourist excursions. INTRODUCTORY REPORTS Under this agenda item reports will be presented to give an overall overview of the IODE system, its activities and implementation of the programme at the national, regional and global levels. CO-CHAIRS REPORT The two Co-Chairs will present their report referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/6 (Co-Chairs Report). The Groups of Experts continue to develop and improve IODEs data and information management capabilities. At the 10th session of GEMIM, Ms Linda Pikula was elected as the new chairperson, replacing Ms Suzie Davies. Significant progress has been made in ODINECET, with the establishment of an electronic document repository, and in the Pacific Islands with the creation of a sub-regional ODIN-project, the Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System (PIMRIS), which will focus on marine information management capacity building. The 4th session of GE-BICH set strategic priorities for the Group, revised its Terms of Reference and discussed the formation of a new joint Group of Experts with OBIS (GE-OBIS). The focus of the joint IODE/JCOMM ETDMP has changed and the members have revised the Terms of Reference and called for new membership with a Circular Letter sent in October 2008 inviting nominations. The growing co-operation between IODE and JCOMM has continued during the intersessional period. IODE is a partner in the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS) project for JCOMM. This project aims to make oceanographic data available in real-time and delayed mode through interoperability arrangements with the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC Ocean Data Portal (ODP). The ODP development continues with additional data providers planned for this year. IODE, in partnership with the JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group, organized the IODE/JCOMM Forum on Oceanographic Data Management and Exchange Standards in January 2008. The meeting discussed a wide variety of standards-related topics and agreed on a standards process that will enable the recommendation of a standard to the IOC and WMO. The IOC Manuals and Guides No. 5 (2nd revision) has now been released. This Guide is intended as a tool for policy makers at the national level to assist them with the decision-making related to the establishment of national facilities for the management of oceanographic data. It is also intendeds to be a reference document for national organizations involved in, or planning to be involved in, oceanographic data management. Changes to the ICSU World Data Centre system and the formation of the new World Data System will impact on the IODE and this will require further deliberation during this session. The fourth, and final, phase of ODINAFRICA has been approved with funding from the Government of Flanders. The overall goal of ODINAFRICA-IV is to promote the sustainable management of marine and coastal resources, as well as reducing the risks of ocean related hazards, based on sound scientific knowledge. Major changes in the structure and presentation of Ocean Teacher have taken place with the move to MediaWiki as the platform and the establishment of the Training Academy (a project funded by the Government of Flanders) which will provide an annual teaching programme of courses related to oceanographic data and information management. Online surveys on training requirements were undertaken in October and December 2008 and, based on the results of these surveys, a new Ocean Teacher Academy curriculum has been prepared for 2009-10. The development of African Marine Atlas continued during the intersessional period and a pilot project for the Caribbean Marine Atlas commenced. IODE has joined the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) and will host the 5th ICAN meeting in 2010. The Co-Chairs presented the progress of the IODE programme at the 24th Session of the IOC Assembly and the 41st Session of IOC Executive Council. IOC-XXIV adopted the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (Resolution XXIV-9), which aims to establish a "comprehensive and integrated ocean data and information system, serving the broad and diverse needs of IOC Member States, for both routine and scientific use. In order to provide governance for the Strategy, the IOC Data and Information Management Advisory Group has been established. This body will oversee the implementation of the Strategy and bring together the various programme elements of IOC as well as of bodies and organizations collaborating closely with IOC.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF THE IODE-XIX WORK PLAN This Agenda item will be introduced by the Technical Secretary, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/7 (Implementation Status of the IODE-XIX Work Plan). He will recall that the IODE-XIX Action Sheet was reviewed during the IODE Officers Meeting that took place at the IOC Project Office for IODE between 27-30 November 2008. The Officers had made a comprehensive review of the status of the implementation of the action plan at that time and had recommended remedial actions for incomplete action items. Out of the 62 action items the following 5 items remained uncompleted: 11 (investigation of possible intern support by Canada), 12 (Development of model for regional or specialized centres); 39 (cooperation with ROPME on ODINCINDIO); 46 (contacting AAAS regarding translation of OceanTeacher materials); 57 (JCOMM/IODE training course in storm surge modeling). The Technical Secretary will note that the completion rate of 82% is considerably better than the previous completion rate.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  FINANCIAL AND IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION REPORT This agenda item will be introduced by the Technical Secretary referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/8 (Financial and in-kind contribution report/ Introduction to Work Plan and Budget). He will report that IODE has continued to receive substantial extra-budgetary funding during the inter-sessional period 2007-2008: 95% of the IODE operational budget was of extra-budgetary nature. However most of the extra-budgetary support (89%) is provided by two donors (from one Member States): The UNESCO/Flanders Fund-in-Trust for the support of UNESCO's activities in the field of Science (FUST) provides 53% of support (which covered the large scale projects ODINAFRICA and OceanTeacher as well as smaller scale projects such as CMA, e-repository etc); and the direct support provided by the Government of Flanders for the IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium. The latter includes support for 3.5 local staff positions as well as approximately 200,000/year for project office activities (meetings and training courses). Efforts are being made to increase mobilization of other sources of funding which resulted so far in participation in EU-funded projects such as SeaDataNet, CASPINFO and BSScene which enhances the ability of IODE to create international linkages and the wide experience with capacity building makes IODE attractive to EU projects. The continued increase in the number of projects implemented by IODE has created a lack of professional staff at the Secretariat. This has been resolved partially through the inclusion of professional staff in extra-budgetary projects (eg UNESCO ALDs). In addition the Peoples Republic of China was able to provide a one-year seconded expert (local costs covered by IODE) to assist with IT matters. However additional professional expertise will be required at the Secretariat to ensure appropriate support of projects such as OceanDataPortal, Ocean Data Standards, support to JCOMM/IODE ETDMP etc. For the next inter-sessional period 2010-2011 the level of extra-budgetary support will be largely maintained. In this regard we mention the approval by the Government of Flanders of 3 new projects: ODINAFRICA-IV (see Agenda Item 6.2.1), OceanTeacher Academy (see Agenda Item 6.1) and Caribbean Marine Atlas (see Agenda Item 6.2.2). Provided that the review of the Project Office is positive it is also expected that its support by the Government of Flanders will continue in 2010-2011. It is further expected that the funding by the UNESCO regular programme will remain at its present level. The Technical Secretary will express concern about the small donor base from which IODE is currently obtaining support. While the support from the Government of Flanders is very substantial and has allowed IODE to make considerable progress in many areas the Technical Secretary will call for identification of additional donors which will provide a more sustainable and long-term future for the IODE programme. In this regard he will call for considering IODE as a substantial partner in regional and global programmes that have a data and information management component. The Technical Secretary will invite Member States to second professional staff to the IOC Project Office for IODE to assist with the implementation of the IODE work plan which has substantially expanded following the joint programme with JCOMM. Such secondments could have duration of a few months to 1-2 years and should preferably be funded by Member States.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  INTRODUCTION TO WORK PLAN AND BUDGET This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs, referring, inter alia, to Document IOC/IODE-XX/8 (Financial and in-kind contribution report/ Introduction to Work Plan and Budget). They will also provide a brief presentation outlining the budget requests that have been included in the substantive working documents referring to Annex I to the Action Paper. NODC, WDC AND PROJECT OFFICE REPORTS REPORTS OF NODCs, DNAs AND MARINE INFORMATION CENTRES This Agenda item will be introduced by Mr Robert Gelfeld, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/9 (Report on activities of the NODCs and DNAs) and Document IOC/IODE-XIX/9 add. (Full National Reports). In preparation for IODE-XX, and in line with recommendations by the IODE review and the IOC Assembly, the Secretariat revised the national report format to encompass an online survey (one for Data Management and one for Marine Information Management) to obtain more quantitative information that would enable to identify trends at the national level, as well as questions to identify capacity building and general IODE programme needs. Mr. Gelfeld will report that for IODE-XX fifty-nine National Reports were received for Data Management and thirty-eight reports for Marine Information. The new survey format allows the Secretariat to better analyze the results in a timely and simple manner. The majority of Member States reported that they are an IODE national oceanographic data centre (NODC), but there is some confusion about whether they are a centralized or distributed center. An overwhelming number now provide their services online and the majority have a metadata catalogue. Most receive data from government and academic agencies and a smaller proportion also receive data from privately funded research institutions and/or from industry. The majority of the reporting Member States apply the 'IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy This includes the timely, free and unrestricted international exchange of oceanographic data and associated metadata. The Data Centres maintain a well-rounded staff and a majority of the Member States have seen an increase or remained the same in budget and working staff. Travel and training resources for most centres are critical to benefit from membership in IODE primarily through the contacts in other centres and the experience they share. There is inconclusive information to analyze the annual operational budget for data centres (excluding staff cost) [converted into US Dollars], though the majority of Member States have indicated that it has remained the same or increased. A revised series of budget questions should be included in future surveys. The Member States continued to collect and archive all types of oceanographic data and more of these data are available online. The majority have a metadata catalog - though the reports indicate that these need to be made available online. The range of data types handled by Member States include: physical, chemical, biological, marine meteorology and atmospheric data, geological and geophysical data and most data centers process delayed-mode data and with some real-time data. All of the Member States agreed that quality control should be a priority including reviewing and revising existing manuals where appropriate. Most have not provided data to provide data to WDCs Oceanography in 2007 and/or 2008. This maybe due to a lack of awareness on many data centres and this will be addressed in IODE-XX document 27 - IODE arrangements for the long-term secure archival of data and information. Results from the Marine Information survey show that a majority are research institution libraries that have seen an increase in online users and number of requests for 2007-2008. They participate fully in IODE Global activities and have seen a dramatic increase and demand in online products. The IODE capacity building strategy implemented through the ODINAFRICA and ODINCARSA projects had substantially increased the capacity of the participating countries as reflected in the national reports. The newer ODIN programmes (ODINCINDIO, ODINECET, ODINWESTPAC, and ODINBLACKSEA) should continue to develop. Many Member States have hosted scientists and data managers from IODE data centres which has been mutually beneficial and have participated in IODE training courses. Each centre benefits from membership in IODE through communication with the contacts in other centres and the experiences they share. Each Member State has gained much from participation in the international projects and interactions with the scientific community who are usually also present at meetings. IODE strengthens the role of its data centres in Member States in the long term in contrast to project data centres, which are only active for a short period. There was no positive response for providing direct financial support to IODE in 2009-2010 through the IOC (confirmed) and sending a visiting expert to the IOC Project Office for IODE in 2009-2010 for a period of 3-12 months due to the uncertain budget situations. The survey process has provided very useful information for analysis. It should be refined in the future with suggestions by Member States, Expert Team on Data Management Principles (ETDMP) and Group of Experts for Marine Information Management (GEMIM) to better focus on new ideas and tendencies for both the Data Management and Marine Information Management communities. This will help form a historical forum for future surveys and analyses. REPORTS OF THE ICSU WORLD DATA CENTRES OCEANOGRAPHY AND MGG This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Directors of the ICSU World Data Centres Oceanography. They will refer to Document IOC/IODE-XX/10.1, Document IOC/IODE-XX/10.2, Document IOC/IODE-XX/10.3, and Document IOC/IODE-XX/10.4. Report of the WDC Oceanography, Tianjin, China Mr. XU Sheng, Director of the WDC Oceanography, Tianjin will report (Document IOC/IODE-XX/10.4) on the intersessional activities of the WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin and the plan in the transition of WDC. The WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin strengthened its marine data collection, processing and management, and improved its services during the intersessional period. Participation of the WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin in National Marine Scientific Data Sharing Project in China. The WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin took active part in the collection, processing, management and service of marine data for scientific programs and researches. Participation of the WDC-Oceanography in International Cooperative Programs/Projects The WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin will report his major international activities which participated in during the meeting. 1. Participation in the Data Management and Service of Argo Project. The global Argo data were downloaded from the GDAC website and then quality controlled and published on the website. Argo data management and service provided online access to the quality controlled global Argo profiles data, metadata, trajectory data and deployment information through its website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.argo.gov.cn" http://www.argo.gov.cn). By November 2008, 500601 profiles data had been made quality controlling and then published on the website, totally 6.30GB. 204712 profiles data were updated, totally 2.77GB in 2007 and 2008. The users were able to download the data via FTP. 2. Participation in Data Management and Service of GTSPP Project. The WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin took active part in the GTSPP data collection, processing, management and service. The GTSPP data were downloaded from the MEDS and then quality controlled for publication on the GTSPP website ( HYPERLINK "" By the November 2008, 3.23GB real-time GTSPP data from November 2004 had been published on its website, and 14.3GB delayed-mode GTSPP data had been quality controlled and then published on the website. 1.98GB real-time GTSPP data and 3.08GB delayed GTSPP data were updated in 2007 and 2008. In November 2007 the sixth GTSPP Data Center was set up in China. 3. Participation in ODAS/JCOMM Metadata Service and META-T Pilot Project The WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin took charge of the JCOMM ODAS metadata management and service. The JCOMM ODAS Metadata Management Center was established in 2003. It conducts collection, processing and management of the metadata on the ODASs operated by the JCOMM Member States, international organizations and cooperative projects. It undertakes the operational running, maintenance and service of ODAS metadata. A website, JCOMM ODAS Metadata Service (ODASMS) ( HYPERLINK "http://www.odas.org.cn/" http://www.odas.org.cn/), was set up in 2004 for publication of metadata. The ODASMS held 9018 platform records, including the records of 4581 profile floats, 3452 drifting buoys, 621 fixed platforms, and 264 moored buoys by the end of 2008. These metadata were derived from the DBCP, China Argo Data Center and the GLOSS project. Experts of the WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin attended the workshop of META-T Pilot Project in 2008 and participated in the discussions and idea exchanges with META-T colleagues. 4. Participation in the GLOSS Project Monthly mean sea level data of 6 Chinese coastal stations have been provided to the two GLOSS data centers every month in 2007 and 2008. Delayed-mode hourly sea level data of 9 Chinese coastal stations will be continued to provide to the two GLOSS data centers in the UH Sea Level Center and the U.K. Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. A GLOSS data collection and processing system was developed to download the world sea level data from the UH Sea Level Center and then processed them. The processed GLOSS data were integrated into the marine database hosted by the WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin for data service. Participation of the WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin in Regional Projects 1. Participation in the NEAR-GOOS Delayed-mode Data Management and Service China NEAR-GOOS Delayed-mode Database (DMDB) ( HYPERLINK "http://www.near-goos.coi.gov.cn/" http://www.near-goos.coi.gov.cn/) has been operationally working for ten years since its establishment in 1996. The WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin undertook the collection of related marine data and the cooperative work with the members of NEAR-GOOS. In 2007 and 2008, 2.0GB data were downloaded from other NEAR-GOOS members. 40MB quality-controlled data were uploaded into the China DMDB. 500 copies of the document of A Strategic Plan for NEAR-GOOS in its Second Phase were published after edition. 2. Participation in the Development of ODINWESTPAC Project The WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin took active part in the development of the ODINWESTPAC project. Infrastructure was built up for the project. Integration of marine data and data products was in progress. Marine information was being collected. Workshop or training course will be in the works for the capacity building of the WESTPAC countries. 3. Participation in the Chinese NMDIS Node of The PICES Marine Metadata Federation The PICES Marine Metadata Federation was a new project that the WDC-Oceanography started to participate in its work in 2007. After technical training and software and hardware installation, Chinese node was registered in the FGDC Clearinghouse in 2008. 40 records of metadata of tidal predication products for Chinese and Southeast Asian harbors were processed according to the requirements of the project and uploaded into the clearinghouse. Plan of the WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin in the transition of WDC The WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin paid much attention to the restructure of WDC and FAGS. During the transition term from the end of WDC system (October, 2008) to the time when the new World Data System (WDS) is fully functional, the WDC-Oceanography, Tianjin will go on its current activities as before, offer suggestions to the WDS Transition Team and respond to the ICSU calls for nominations to staff the World Data System Scientific Committee (WDSSC). It will reapply formally to become a part of the WDS and will strengthen its work in the light of the principles, goals and missions of the WDS that will be clear in next months.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Report of the WDC for Marine Environmental Science (WDC-MARE) Mr Michael Diepenbroek (MARUM, University Bremen) will introduce this agenda item referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/10.3 (ICSU World Data Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (WDC-MARE)). He will explain that WDC-MARE is operating on a long-term basis. The institutional frame is supplied by MARUM, University Bremen in cooperation with the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven, which is a member of the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Around 20 people are associated with WDC-MARE. The budget amounts approximately 1,2 Mio Euro per year for personnel, hard-, and software. Third party funds are about 70% of the total budget. Data management services on an international level are supplied since 1996. Until 2008 PANGAEA was and is a partner in more than 50 European to international projects covering all fields of environmental sciences ( HYPERLINK "http://www.pangaea.de/Projects" www.pangaea.de/Projects). PANGAEA, an information system for the processing, long-term storage, and publication of geo-referenced data related to earth science fields ( HYPERLINK "http://www.pangaea.de" www.pangaea.de), is used as an operating platform for WDC-MARE. Organization of data management includes quality control and publication of data, and the dissemination of metadata according to international standards. All data are long-term archived, referenced by Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and freely accessible through a map-based search engine via the Internet. PANGAEA currently holds 675.000 data sets comprising 4,5 billion data items from all earth science fields. The growth of the data inventory is exponential. Besides the support for the research center (incl. all related institutes), WDC-MARE is currently supplying data management services for the European part of IODP (MSP) for post cruise data of IODP (NSF contract), for the EU projects HERMES (IP), CARBOOCEAN (IP), EUR-OCEANS (NoE), SESAME (IP), CENSOR (IP), ESONET (NoE), EPOCA (CP) und CoralFish (CP), as well as for a number of national programmes and projects (e.g. the German SOLAS). Within CARBOOCEAN WDC-MARE with contributions from CDIAC (WDC) presently compiles the largest global near-surface CO2 data set. The project is supported by UNESCO/IOCCP, SOLAS, and IMBER. Further highlights are the recent take-over of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN, World Climate Research Programme - WCRP) and the initiation of an Open Access journal the Earth System Science Data (ESSD) at Copernicus ( HYPERLINK "http://www.earth-system-science-data.net/" http://www.earth-system-science-data.net/). A further focus lies on the implementation of standard conform Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), whereby PANGAEA on the one hand takes the role as distributor of data and metadata (e.g. GBIF, OBIS) and on the other hand implements networks, portals, or serves as broker between different e-Infrastructures. Recent activities are the implementation of the Scientific Earth Drilling Information Service (SEDIS) for IODP ( HYPERLINK "http://sedis.iodp.org/" http://sedis.iodp.org/), for the World Data Center System ( HYPERLINK "http://www.world-data-centers.org/" http://www.world-data-centers.org/), a national GRID project, and for the EU projects EUR-OCEANS and CARBOOCEAN, and ESONET/EMSO (ESFRI). The latter aims at networking European oceanographic observatories. Political activities includes fostering the data publishing concept (e.g. SCOR/IODE meetings), the elaboration of a concept for sustainable management and archiving of data in the national context (science boards of German Science Foundation), and participation in the ICSU Committee on Data and Information (SCID), which recently published the report on the further development of the WDC System, the WDS, incl. the Unions based FAGS and CODATA ( HYPERLINK "http://www.icsu.org/3_mediacentre/RELEASES/ICSU_29GA_Data_Information_Press_Release.pdf" http://www.icsu.org/3_mediacentre/RELEASES/ICSU_29GA_Data_Information_Press_Release.pdf ). In 2007 WDC-MARE received the Info World 100 Award ( HYPERLINK "http://www.infoworld.com/awards/index.html" http://www.infoworld.com/awards/index.html) for its information system PANGAEA (best in the section Environment, Energy & Agriculture).  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Report of the World Data Centre for Oceanography, Obninsk, Russian Federation This report will be introduced by Alexander Kuznetsov, Head of laboratory of Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC), Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet), Russian Federation, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/10.2 (Report of the World Data Centre for Oceanography, Obninsk, Russian Federation). Data and metadata flow All data and information submitted to WDC (RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk, Russia) are registered in electronic WDC Catalogue which is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://meteo.ru/english/publish/sp.php?id_article=33" http://meteo.ru/english/publish/sp.php?id_article=33, during the intercessional period 48 publication volumes for 1985-2008 from 7 countries were received. During the intercessional period WDC accumulated oceanographic data from over 350 R/V cruises for 1991-2008 from 5 countries 50.000 oceanographic stations. In this period 48 publication volumes for 1985-2008 from 7 countries were received. During 1964-2008 WDC accumulated oceanographic data from over 25.500 R/V cruises for 1890-2008 from 64 countries - 1.500.000 oceanographic stations, 1.250.000 BT profiles and 200.000 CTD profiles; 800 current meter series, 36.000 marine pollution records. Long term secure archival of data and information All data and information submitted to WDC are permanently archived at RIHMI-WDC in the original forms in two holdings: Manuscript Holding (publications, DNP, SCR) and Digitized Data Holding. WDC-B digitized oceanographic data are converted to the unified format and loaded into the integrated oceanographic database to provide on-line user access. All procedures used in RIHMI-WDC for the long-term data storage (holdings with appropriate conditions, periodical check and recovery as necessary) are applied to WDC data and information along with national data and information. To ensure the long-term and safe storage of digitized WDC oceanographic data their copies are written to SDLT-220 cartridges. Over one million BATHY, TESAK, BUOY operational messages are received from the telecommunication channels (GTS) of WMO every month, stored into the database to provide on-line user access and archived into the holding for the further use. User services WDC oceanographic cruise catalogue, data and metadata are available on-line at HYPERLINK "http://meteo.ru/mcd/index_e.html"http://meteo.ru/mcd/index_e.html It is the new version of WDC website (development started at the end of 2008). Large volumes of data are disseminated on CDs by user request. Transition to the World Data System Two meetings of the ICSU World Data Centers in Russia were held in Obninsk and Moscow at the end of 2008 to discuss the new proposal of ICSU on transition of the World Data Centres to the World Data System. As a result the Council of Russian WDCs was established to coordinate the process of transition of Russian WDCs to the World Data System.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Report of the WDC for Oceanography, Silver Spring, United States This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Sydney Levitus, Director of the WDC Oceanography, Silver Spring, USA referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/10.1rev. (Report of the World Data Center for Oceanography, Silver Spring). Data and metadata flow During the intersessional period WDC, Silver Spring acquired oceanographic data for 460 physical oceanographic data sets, 98 chemical oceanographic data sets, 15 biological oceanographic data sets, 12,386 remotely sensed ocean data, 203 marine meteorology & atmospheric science data sets. Data from approximately 0.9 million temperature profiles have been acquired and made available online. All data and metadata acquired by WDC, Silver Spring are available online at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov" www.nodc.noaa.gov. Long term secure archival of data and information All data and information submitted to WDC, Silver Spring are permanently archived and can be acquired at  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov" www.nodc.noaa.gov . Every month copies of all NODC/WDC data and products are stored offsite for safety. User services WDC oceanographic cruise catalogue, data and metadata are available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov" www.nodc.noaa.gov. Transition to the World Data System WDC, Silver Spring is in communication with ICSU as to the status of the new World Data System and is awaiting guidance from ICSU with respect to the future of this system. WDC Director attended the ICSU WDC Conference in Germany in May, 2007. International visitors WDC, Silver Spring hosted thirty visitors from ten countries during the intersessional period.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  REPORT OF THE IOC PROJECT OFFICE FOR IODE The Technical Secretary and Head of the IOC Project Office for IODE, Mr Peter Pissierssens, will introduce this item referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/11 (Report of the IOC Project Office for IODE). He will recall that the IOC Project Office for IODE has been established in April 2005 with the following objectives: (i) to provide a creative environment facilitating the further development and maintenance of IODE Projects, services and products with emphasis on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the data and product/service stream between the stage of sampling and the user; and (ii) to assist in strengthening the capacity of Member States to manage oceanographic data and information (with special attention to the developing countries) and to provide ocean data and information products and services required by users. It was further decided that the IOC Project Office for IODE will further develop, strengthen and maintain IOC/IODE ocean data and information management training programmes and training tools; it will provide an environment (think tank) where ocean data and information experts and students can work, meet and discuss; and it will support the development, hosting and maintenance of IOC/IODEs ocean information systems and related public awareness tools. Mr Pissierssens will report that there was a marked increase of the number of expert visits to the Project Office in the period 2005-2008, which is in line with the objective of the Project Office to function as an international meeting centre for experts to work on projects on data and information management. Also, the experts visiting the Project Office were recruited from a growing number of countries. This demonstrates the improvement of the global sourcing of expertise within the IODE programme. The IOC Project Office for IODE welcomed 288 students from 93 different countries for the years 2007-2008 combined. 17 different training courses were organized during this period. These were either fully organized by IODE or in cooperation with international projects and programmes such as SeaDataNet, JCOMM, MARBEF and GLOSS. The number of person-days of trainees decreased over the period 2005-2008 due to the fact that more advanced training courses were organized with a shorter duration during the last 2 years. This is a logical evolution in the life of ODINs with basic training courses being organized in the early stages of ODINs. The IODE training programme relies on a small pool of lecturers and national experts in NODCs and MIM centres are invited to join this group of trainers. A new target group for IODE training activities is the group of undergraduate students. A special training course on oceanographic data management for university students has been organized in 2008 for students of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Universiteit Gent (both in Belgium). Mr Pissierssens will further report that from 2009 onwards the OceanTeacher Academy will offer a mix of basic, advanced and specialized training courses for groups of 18-20 trainees from different ODINs. The planning of training courses will be based upon a yearly organized training needs survey. The OceanTeacher Academy approach will focus more on pre-assessment and follow-up of trainees. Finally he will report on the current status of the IT infrastructure. There are currently 105 websites hosted at the IOC Project Office for IODE. The subscriptions on the IODE mailing list system grew substantially from 864 to 1282. Staff of the IOC Project Office for IODE grew from 4 (end of 2006) to 9 (end of 2008). It will be noted however that out of the 9 only 1 is an established UNESCO post.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  PROGRAMME ACTIVITY REPORTS Under this Agenda Item reports on all IODE activities will be provided. Each Chair (for Groups of Experts) or project coordinator was requested to provide a detailed report of inter-sessional activities and to submit a detailed work plan and budget for consideration by the Committee. GROUPS OF EXPERTS IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) Report on inter-sessional activities of GE-BICH Dr. Gwenalle Moncoiff, Chair of GE-BICH, will report on this Agenda Item referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/12 (Report of the IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH)). She will recall that GE-BICH was established in 2000 with the main aim to improve the quantity and quality of chemical and biological data available to the scientific community. Until 2006, GE-BICH activities had focused mainly on biodiversity and biological taxonomy as this had been identified as key priorities. She will note that during the third session on 27-28 November 2006, the decision had been taken to start focusing on issues more relevant to chemical data while maintaining a close collaboration with OBIS and related programmes, initiatives or organizations. The inter-sessional period 2007-2008 was a period of transition for the group. Members of GE-BICH contributed to the first meeting of the Joint IPHAB/IODE Task Team on the development of the Harmful Algal Information System (Recommendation IOC/IODE-XIX-1) and also to the IOC-OBIS workshop on collaboration between IOC and OBIS towards the long-term management, archival and accessibility of ocean biogeographic data. A number of activities planned under GE-BICH II and III were completed or closed. This included the successful organization of the second Ocean Biodiversity Informatics conference OBI07 hosted by the Centre for Marine Biodiversity and the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth (Canada) on 2-4 October 2007 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.marinebiodiversity.ca/OBI07/" http://www.marinebiodiversity.ca/OBI07/) and organized jointly with OBIS and ICES. Proceedings have been published by Canada DFO (DFO 2008. Proceedings for a Conference on Ocean Biodiversity Informatics: 2-4 October 2007. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Proceed. Ser. 2008/024). Other activities such as those related to quality control flags, marine habitats, globally unique identifiers as used by GBIF, contribution to OceanTeacher, taxonomic data exchange are still on-going. They will remain areas of strong interest for GE-BICH although some of these activities are likely to fall under the remit of a new Group of Experts if the proposal to adopt OBIS as a new IOC programme is approved. One activity which was planned but could not be achieved was to establish a web presence for GE-BICH. Due to lack of time and resource, this has not been possible. The fourth session of GE-BICH took place on 27-30 January and was key in establishing new directions for the group. It was attended by members of the group as well as invited experts representing IODE activities (MarineXML, OceanDataPortal, OceanDataStandards), CDIAC, ICES, FAO, ICSUs WDCs, SeaDataNet, EUR-OCEANS, OBIS and WoRMS. The group reviewed its term of reference and adopted an ambitious work plan which will focus on three key areas: (i) Controlled vocabularies, (ii) Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) of biological and chemical data, and (iii) Data reporting and data exchange. The main activities under (i) will be the compilation of comprehensive specialized vocabulary lists on categories considered important for the management of biological and chemical data, with the aim to submit these lists to the combined SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group (SeaVoX). This work will complement the work undertaken by SeaDataNet. The main activities under (ii) will be a proposed workshop focusing primarily on the QA/QC of oceanographic chemical data, leading to the writing up of a white technical paper on the subject, the revision of IOC Manual 26, and input to OceanTeacher. This area will also include some activities which will be useful to the QA/QC of taxonomic and non-taxonomic biological data. The main activities under (iii) will consist of identifying and promoting best practices for data reporting and exchange by contributing to existing initiatives and reviewing and cataloguing existing documents. In order to support its objectives, the group would require a flexible web-based working environment such as a wiki. This would also enable the group to implement the idea expressed during GE-BICH-III of developing a stronger web presence for GE-BICH. In order to achieve its goals, the group also reviewed its membership and adopted an action plan to seek additional short-term members and maintain its strong group of invited and contributing experts. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented byImplementation dateRequested resourcesSet up GE-BICH wiki IODE PO, GE-BICH chairMay 2009Technical support from IODE POFinalise GE-BICH membershipGE-BICH chairJune 2009No costSubmit selected vocabulary lists to SeaVoxGE-BICH members and invited expertsJanuary 2010No costOrganise workshop on QA/QC of marine chemical data H. Garcia, GE-BICH chair, IODE POFebruary 201020,000-25,000Chemical data QA/QC white paperH. GarciaJanuary 2011No costGE-BICH V meetingGE-BICH chair, IODE POJanuary 2011 10,000 DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation IODE-XX.1 (submitted as Recommendation BICH-IV.1) REVISION OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE IODE GROUP OF EXPERTS ON BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA MANAGEMENT AND EXCHANGE PRACTICES (GE-BICH) The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices, Recognizing that the work of the Group of Experts has evolved from the initial focus on biodiversity to a coverage of a broader range of chemical and biological data which were not well covered before, Taking into account the decision of the IOC Executive Council on the possibility of continuation of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) under the umbrella of IOC, Noting that the 19th session of IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XIX) had extended the Terms of Reference to include communication of the results of the work of GE-BICH to the wider community of data managers and data users through a web portal and through the Ocean Teacher for education of data managers and data users, Recommends that the GE-BICH adopts the following Mission Statement: To promote greater integration of physical, biological, chemical data within IODEs network of national data centres in support of biogeochemical research, and ecosystem studies and management. Further recommends that the revised Terms of Reference be as follows: To provide an international forum, raising awareness about new initiatives, best practices, and emerging standards for biological and chemical data management and exchange practices; To collate and compile guidelines, supporting the integrated management and quality control of biological and chemical data in IODEs network of national oceanographic data centres; To contribute to the development of standards, controlled vocabularies, and recommended practices for the management, interoperability and exchange of biological and chemical data, supporting the scientific and operational requirements of the community; To encourage data centres to compile inventories of past and present biological and chemical data holdings, and make data available to global databases and specialised data portals; To encourage data holders to contribute data to data centres for the creation of regional and global integrated oceanographic databases incorporating physical, chemical and biological data; To communicate the results from the GE to the wider community of data managers, providers and users. Encourages IOC Member States to nominate experts having expertise in biological and chemical data management and exchange practices to the Group of Experts Stresses the importance of: Continuing the close collaboration developed with OBIS within the new arrangements that will be decided on, Maintaining close relations with relevant IOC programmes such as HAB, IOCCP and GOOS, as well as other organizations and programmes including FAO, ICES, PICES, CIESM, ICSU, SeaDataNet. Recommendation BICH-IV.2 GE-BICH-IV ACTION PLAN FOR 2009-2011 The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices, Having reviewed its completed and on-going activities, Being aware of the resource constraints under which IOC and its IODE are operating, Taking into consideration the ongoing discussions on Collaboration Between IOC and OBIS Towards the Long-term Management, Archival and Accessibility of Ocean Biogeographic Data, Stressing the importance of Biological and Chemical Data Management, Adopts a plan of action for the inter-sessional period 2009-2011, focusing on three main areas of activities: (i) Preparation of specialized controlled vocabulary lists important for the management of biological and chemical data, and submission to SeaVox for governance, (ii) Quality Assurance/Quality Control of biological and chemical data, and (iii) Best practices for data reporting and exchange. Requests technical support from IODE project office to develop a GE-BICH wiki. The wiki will be used to facilitate the sharing of workload and ideas, improve communication between contributors, and track progress. By having large part of the wiki publicly available, it will also enable GE-BICH to increase its visibility, promote its work, and encourage collaboration. In particular the wiki will be used as a central location to prepare the lists of specialized vocabularies. Details of the activities to be implemented are in the Annex to this Recommendation. Annex to Recommendation IODE/GE-BICH-IV.x Details of the activities associated with GE-BICH work plan 2009-2011 Set up of a GE-BICH wiki This work will require assistance from the IODE IPO. The following tasks have been identified: Discuss implementation with IODE Project Office (G. Moncoiff) Draft specification for Wiki structure (G. Moncoiff) Initial design and text completed by May 2009 (G. Moncoiff and other group members) Finalise GE-BICH membership and identify new contacts for collaborations The membership of GE-BICH will need to be finalized by June 2009. Prior to this the following actions will need to be taken: Identify contact with GOOS (IODE Secretariat, GE-BICH chair) Identify additional chemical experts from Pacific area (both PICES and non-PICES members) and (other) southern hemisphere countries (H. Garcia, GE-BICH Chair to initiate and report back to group) Contact the chair of PICES TCODE (H. Garcia to present GE-BICH at next meeting and report back to GE-BICH chair) Identify contact with CIESM (S. Pesant to initiate and report back to group). Controlled vocabularies submitted to SeaVox This activity will be carried out mainly by email and via the new GE-BICH wiki. It should have no cost implication for IODE. GE-BICHs work on controlled vocabularies will build upon and complement on-going work within the SeaDataNet community. GE-BICH will use existing expertise within the group to initiate work on a selected subset of vocabulary lists, inviting contribution from a wider community of relevant experts prior to submission to SeaVox. The group will prepare comprehensive vocabulary lists for the following categories (with named co-coordinator): Sampling gears and instrumentations and specifically: Plankton nets (M. Kennedy) Trawl sampling gear (N. Holdsworth) Water samplers (H. Garcia) Sediment samplers (N. Holdsworth) Chemical sensors/analysers (A. Kozyr) In-situ imaging systems (S. Pesant) Biological analytical instruments (S. Pesant) Non-taxonomic plankton groupings (E. Vanden Berghe and M Kennedy) Life cycles/life history vocabularies (E. Vanden Berghe) Under this activity, a review of biological and chemical parameter definitions will also be started (G. Moncoiff) QA/QC of biological and chemical data Organization of a QA/QC workshop on chemical oceanographic data GE-BICH IV recommended the organization of a workshop on QA/QC procedures in about a 12 to 18 months time. This could be organized as a special session in another meeting (e.g. IMDIS, March 2010 Paris, France), or back to back with another meeting such as EGU or AGU, or on its own at the IODE Project Office in Ostende, Belgium or in Canada. The workshop would require some financial support to enable the payment of traveling costs and expenses for 4 invited speakers. Delivery of a white technical report on standard QC procedures for in situ chemical data (H. Garcia) Review and collation of QC guidelines for chemical data Update table for chemical ranges in Manual 26 Collation and mapping of QC flags to each other (G. Moncoiff/H. Garcia) Collation of URLs/references for best recommended practices for data reporting (S. Pesant) Creation of regional species lists in support of QC of biogeographical data (F. Hernandez/N. Holdsworth) Improve accessibility and discoverability of defined map layers to help with generating QA/QC tools (F. Hernandez/N. Holdsworth) Correction/update to Ocean Teachers tables (range/units/consistency) (A. Kouznetsov) Best practices for data reporting and data exchange This section includes work on the exchange of taxonomic information which could be transferred to an IOC/OBIS working group once the future of OBIS is decided and also review of material compiled in the frame of other programmes and international activities. Detailed activities are as follows: Agree on exchange protocol for taxonomic information (F. Hernandez) Contribute to the EPOCA/IOCCP/ODB document on Ocean Acidification (All) Contribute to the CDIAC/CCHDO update of Procedure and Guidelines for the collection of hydrographic data (All) Comments on IMBER data management cookbook (All) GE-BICH V The fifth session of GE-BICH will take place in Ostende during the last week of January 2011.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Impact on IODE of cooperation with OBIS This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Greg Reed, Co-Chair referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/12.1 (Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS). Until recently ocean biodiversity was largely unexplored and undescribed, however, for nearly a decade, through the Census of Marine Life (CoML) ( HYPERLINK "http://www.coml.org" www.coml.org), scientists have been collaborating to assess the diversity of marine life throughout the worlds oceans. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) is the data integration component of the CoML and also open to contributions from any source. However, the future of OBIS is uncertain as its funding ends in 2010. Private funds may have provided the starting point for this venture, but governments and the public will be the recipients of the resulting benefits and need to ensure that the effort continues. In this context an offer was made, by the Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO to the meeting of the OBIS Governing Board (Rome, 2829 April 2008), to explore an institutional governmental framework for the continuation of OBIS. The IOC has recognized the vacuum in dealing with biological ocean data and the IODE has recently initiated several steps to address the issue. The IOC (EC-XLI, June 24 - July 2, 2008) considered OBIS a highly attractive future component or partner of IODE and accepted the wish of the OBIS Governing Board to investigate different scenarios for a closer affiliation between IOC and OBIS, including the adoption of OBIS by the Commission (see Annex A to Document IOC/IODE-XX/12.1). They agreed to develop a document and draft resolution for submission to the 25th Session of the IOC Assembly in 2009. The documentation should, for different scenarios, investigate consequences for both IOC and OBIS, and should contain estimates of budgetary implications, and involve consultations, as appropriate, with potential donors and/or host organizations. An initial meeting between IOC and OBIS experts was held at the IODE Programme Office in Ostend Belgium, November 24 -26, 2008 and several possible scenarios were discussed. The Statutes of the IOC and its accepted data management policy were found to be consistent with the policies and objectives of OBIS. The arrangements considered for OBIS and the IOC were a formal agreement of cooperation and financial assistance between the two organizations; the adoption of OBIS as an element of the IODE, and the adoption of OBIS as an IOC programme. The meeting considered that a mere cooperative agreement would not guarantee the desired sustainability for OBIS and this option was not pursued. The meeting considered the adoption of OBIS as a part of IODE or as a separate IOC/OBIS program were both valid options. The conclusion of the meeting was that OBIS should aim to become an IOC programme together with the establishment of a joint IODE/OBIS GE. An individual OBIS programme was considered better able to retain the ability to interact with related international partners on behalf of the IOC and UNESCO and to maintain the impetus and visibility that has been won in this undeveloped area. The Executive Summary Report of the Oostende meeting is available as Annex B to Document IOC/IODE-XX/12.1. Subsequent considerations recognized that the two remaining options were not necessarily exclusive and that the initial adoption of the OBIS as part of the IODE network may facilitate the initial transfer of OBIS into the intergovernmental community without prejudice to its final status as an independent program. Discussions are continuing with the present host institution towards obtaining a formal proposal to host an OBIS decentralized Office, which will be required for either a Programme or Project Office. A Business Plan is being prepared and documentation will be tabled for comment to the IOC Data and Information Management Advisory Group and IODE-XX for comment and also submitted to the OBIS Governing Board for consideration and approval. The final documentation and Draft Resolution will be prepared for the IOC Assembly in June 2009.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) This item will be introduced by Ms Linda Pikula, Chair GE-MIM, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/13 (Report of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM)). Ms Pikula will inform the Committee that the Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM) convened its 9th session at the IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium (17-20 September 2007) and for its 10th Session at the IOC Project Office for IODE (4-6 November 2008). During its 9th session the Group discussed a wide range of topics and issues on marine information management and marine libraries. The Group decided to focus on clear actions that could be achieved within an inter-sessional period of one year. This included liaison with science publishers to request the use of the ASFA Thesaurus for keyword indexing, monitoring of e-copyright legislation, encouragement of MIM involvement in IOC projects on Marine Atlases, Ocean Portal, OceanDocs repository, Oceanexpert, OceanTeacher, ODIN programmes and products, including improved access to e-journals, co-operative programmes and projects with other organizations including ASFA and IAMSLIC, mentoring and the development of communication strategies for GEMIM and MIM National Coordinators. The Groups focus during its 10th session included the following specific issues: Integrated Library Management System software and Library Holding databases, maintenance of existing MIM products, the linking of these products, the expansion and management of important products such as institutional repositories and harvesters, consideration of the changing information technologies available, rethinking of the present and future roles of librarians and libraries, and discussion of the role of GEMIM in assisting IODE in its future MIM activities. During its 10th Session the Group also elected a new Chair, Ms Linda Pikula. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item DescriptionDeadline dateRequested from other sourcesGEMIM XI Meeting and XII MeetingNovember 09 September 1024,000GEMIM Participation in ASFA MeetingsNovember 09 3,000Support for Joint Activities with IAMSLIC 2009/2010September 09 October 106,000  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  (1) It is noted that GE-MIM-X adopted recommendation MIM-X.1 (MIM ACTION PLAN FOR 2009-2010). Due to its considerable length the Recommendation is not included in this Document. It can be consulted in the GE-MIM-X Summary Report. JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) Introduction: Cooperation between IODE and JCOMM through the JCOMM DMPA and its ETDMP This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Robert Keeley (Chair, JCOMM Data Management Programme Area) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/14.0 (Cooperation between IODE and JCOMM through ETDMP and the JCOMM DMPA). Mr Keeley will provide the Committee with a comprehensive list of the many areas of increased cooperation between IODE and the Data Management Programme Area (DMPA) of JCOMM over the last 3 years. Of particular importance was the administrative step by IODE to have the chair of the DMPA serve as an Officer, and by JCOMM to have IODE chair serve as a member of the Data Management Coordination Group. Programmatically, IODE and DMPA took the important step to agree to use its jointly sponsored Expert Team on Data Management Practices as the vehicle to evaluate and recommend standards and best practices to both IODE and JCOMM communities. Another important step was to link the objectives and developments of the IODE Ocean Data Portal to the WMO sponsored WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Pilot Project for JCOMM. This will build interoperability in access to ocean and atmospheric data and information but also address improving documentation of best practices and standards for marine data. Mr Keeley will inform the Committee that JCOMM-III will take place in November of 2009 and the present chair of DMPA will step down. Because IODE formed co-chairs at its last session, the opportunity for one co-chair to manage DMPA has arisen. This is a logical step in consolidating the cooperation between DMPA and IODE. It has the support of the JCOMM Management meeting. [A recommendation or resolution may be prepared for this item]  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Report on inter-sessional activities of the ETDMP This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr N. Mikhaylov, Chair of the ETDMP, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/14.1 (Report on Inter-sessional activities of the ETDMP). He will provide a presentation on the progress of the ETDMP work in the inter-sessional period. He will note that the work was aimed at fulfilling the IODE-XIX and JCOMM-2 recommendations. The main ETDMP activity was comcentrated on the following directions: (i) finalizing the E2EDM technology; (ii) participating in establishing the IODE/JCOMM Standards Process; (iii) development of the IODE Ocean Data Portal Project and design of the ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project for IODE and JCOMM. Mr. Mikhaylov will note further that the most significant outcomes were achieved with the E2EDM technology: (i) existing software components have been upgraded and new software components have been developed for discovery metadata generation and metadata/data interchange between non-homogeneous distributed marine data sources. The E2EDM documentation (11 documents) has been upgraded ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandataportal.net" http://www.oceandataportal.net); (ii) operational testing of the technology has been made on the basis of the ocean and marine data systems of VLIZ (Belgium), RIHMI-WDC (Russia), Ifremer(France), Met Ofice (UK); (iii) a training course on E2EDM has been provided in the IOC Project Office for IODE (Oostende, Belgium, 22-25 October 2007) and RIHMI-WDC (Obninsk, Russian Federation, 20-21 March 2008) to promote the establishment of E2E data providers. The course was attended by 15 participants from 9 countries. The ETDMP participated in establishing the JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project aimed at developing the standardization process for ocean and meteorological data management. The ETDMP will play an important role in this Pilot Project making the necessary arrangements to review and adopt the standards as well as to continue their management, including updating. This issue is discussed in detail under Agenda Item Following the Recommendation of IODE-XIX.4 (The JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Portal Project) documentation on the implementation of the Project and the Ocean Data Portal (Version 1) have been developed on the basis of the E2EDM technology ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandataportal.net" http://www.oceandataportal.net and  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandataportal.org" http://www.oceandataportal.org). It includes the integration server, which harvests metadata of data providers and provides an access to data sets of data providers. This issue is discussed in detail under Agenda Item Cooperation has been established with the WIS prototype and interoperability of the E2EDM and WIS has been tested. The workshop IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Portal (V.1.) and WIS for WIGOS Pilot Project Implementation was held in RIHMI-WDC (Obninsk, Russian Federation, 18-19 March 2009) to discuss the issues concerning with the current progress of the ODP V1 distributed data system for WIGOS Pilot Project, providing the ODP (V.1) and WIS interoperability to support the WIGOS Pilot Project. In the future this activity will be carried on through the OAean Data Portal and receive a new impetus under the ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project for IODE and JCOMM. This issue is discussed in detail under Agenda Item Mr Mikhaylov will also present information about the ETDMP membership renewal, proposals for revision of the ETDMP terms of reference and working plan for 2009-2011 bearing in mind new responsibilities assigned to ETDMP. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented by [name]Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sourcesETDMP-II meetingETDMP chair, IODE POMarch 201010, 00010, 000 (WMO) Remark: Above-mentioned action reflects only ETDMP governance issues. The work plan and budget for thematic directions of ETDMP work will be considered under Agenda Items - DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation IODE-XX.3 REVISION OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE JCOMM/IODE EXPERT TEEM ON DATA MANAGEMENT PRACTICES The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recognizing an increasing importance of ocean and data management standards for the effective exchange and shared use of metadata, data and products from the JCOMM/IODE Data Centres. Noting planned development of the IODE Ocean Data Portal, JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project and ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project for IODE and JCOMM, Recommends to extend the Terms of Reference of the Expert Team on Data Management Practices including membership procedures as described in the Annex to this recommendation; Invites the IOC Executive Secretary in cooperation with the Co-Chairs of IODE and the Chair of the JCOMM-DMCG to submit the revised ETDMP Terms of Reference to JCOMM-III for approval by the JCOMM side; Encourages IOC Member States to support the ETDMP work through nomination of experts with expertise in data and information management. Annex: JCOMM/IODE ETDMP Revised Terms of Reference The JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices in close collaboration with the WMO/CBS subsidiary bodies, IOC/IODE Officers and related experts, shall: In coordination with the IODE Officers manage the process of adopting and documenting standards and best practices to be used in JCOMM/IODE data management. Review and assess the effectiveness of end-to-end data management practices, including integration and consideration of new techniques and approaches; In concurrence with the co-Presidents of JCOMM, chair of the Data Management Coordination Group and IODE Officers establish as appropriate Task Teams and Pilot Projects to undertake the work of the Expert Team on Data Management Practices; Direct and coordinate the activities of subsidiary Task Teams and Pilot Projects; Provide advice to the Data Management Coordination Group and other groups of JCOMM, as required; Liaise and collaborate with other groups as needed, to ensure access to required expertise, appropriate coordination and to avoid duplication. General membership The membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and includes: Up to 5 experts, including the chairperson, selected from Members/Member States with an appropriate geographical representation: Up to 5 experts with relevant expertise based on the current work plans of the Task Teams established by ETDMP. Chair of the IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Committee. Representatives of JCOMM Programme Areas and other expert bodies may be invited as appropriate with the concurrence of the co-Presidents of JCOMM and the chairperson of the IOC Committee on IODE and with no resource implications to the Commission. Desirable qualities of members Scientific expertise in meteorology or oceanography. Recent experience in managing data collected by other components of JCOMM/IODE such as in the Operations and Services Programme Areas. Experience in managing meteorological or oceanographic data in support of other WMO or IOC Programmes. Technical skills in information technology and software tools such as XML, web-technologies for distributed data system/GIS, relational databases, and computer programming languages.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Robert Keeley referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/14.2 (JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project). Mr Keeley will inform the Committee that a joint IODE/JCOMM sponsored meeting was held in January 2008 to examine the potential for the development and acceptance of community wide standards for marine data and information management and exchange (more detailed information is available in Appendix A of Document IODE/IODE-XX/14.2). The most important result of the meeting was the development of a process to accept, evaluate and recommend proposals for community wide standards. The process uses the ETDMP as the coordination body, with teams formed as required from IODE and JCOMM members to evaluate the proposals. The proposal process has a time schedule that would limit the time that team members need devote to the work. As a proposal is dealt with, the evaluation team would be dissolved. One submission, to recommend that the international standard ISO 3166 codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions be used to notate oceanographic and marine meteorological data, has been received and is under review. The success of the development and use of standards is completely dependent on community involvement. IODE centres and staff have important roles to play, not only in the evaluation process, but also in the implementation of recommended standards in their agencies. To this end, the attached draft Recommendation is proposed. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2010 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented by Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sourcesMeeting of a group standards experts IODE Project OfficeOctober 200910,000USD-Meeting of a group standards experts IODE Project OfficeOctober 201010,000USD DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation IODE-XX.4 THE OCEAN DATA STANDARDS PILOT PROJECT The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Acknowledging that the issue of standards is one of the most critical elements for IODE and the consolidation of a set of standards will benefit every member of IODE as well as the broader oceanographic data community, Recognizing that interoperability between NODCs will be achieved through the use of internationally endorsed standards to allow shared use of metadata, data and products, and is key to the successful development of the Ocean Data Portal, Noting with satisfaction the work of the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project in developing a standards process, Invites all IOC Programmes and other relevant organizations to collaborate with the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project, by submitting standards for consideration and contributing to the evaluation process. Urges Member States to play an active role in the Ocean Data Standards Process and to adopt recommended at the earliest opportunity. ___________________________________________ Financial Implications: 2009 USD 10,000 (from UNESCO RP) 2010 USD 10,000 (from UNESCO RP) IODE Ocean Data Portal This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr. N. Mikhaylov referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/14.3 (IODE Ocean Data Portal). He will recall that the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Project was aimed to fulfill the IODE-XIX and JCOMM-2 recommendations. He will note that the ODP development was a complex task and therefore it was defined that two versions of the portal would be developed one after another: (a) ODP with initial capabilities (version 1) operating on the basis of the E2EDM technology; (b) ODP with full capabilities (version 2) which should be based on interoperability standards and tools. Mr. Mikhaylov will note further that during the reported period the ODP (version 1) has been developed ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandataportal.net" http://www.oceandataportal.org). It includes the integration server operated in the IODE Project Office, which harvests metadata from data providers and is used for portal administrating and access to the distributed data sets. Mr. Mikhaylov will state that a major problem of the ODP (version 1) operational implementation was the institutional problem that is to nominate IODE centres-ODP information donors and to define their responsibilities, to install the Data Provider software and support its operation in the nominated centres and other organizations. It was noted that the ODP was planned to be used under the ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project for IODE and JCOMM. Mr. Mikhaylov reported also, that a design paper Initial IODE Ocean Data Portal Architecture was developed with the proposals on the vision and overall architecture of the ODP (version 2), as well as on the operational aspects of development of the ODP version with full capabilities. The documents were reviewed by the JCOMM DCMG-III meeting (March 2008, Oostende, Belgium) and ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project meeting (September 2008, Geneva, Switzerland) and are planned to be finalized taking into consideration the tasks of the IODE/JCOMM Standards Process and ODP-WIGOS Pilot Projects. Mr. Mikhaylov will present a work plan for the further ODP development and implementation defining future development of ODP in 2009-2011 and taking into consideration proposals and requirements to the ODP on the part of the WIGOS Project for JCOMM. Dr. S. Belov will provide an on-line demonstration of the ODP (version 1) including processes for integration of the distributed ocean and marine meteorological data sets offered by data providers (VLIZ and RIHMI-WDC submitted 6 data sets for ODP V1), access to the ODP data sources, data presentation in tabular-graphical forms and on electronic map and also sampled data downloading on user computer. Dr. Belov will also inform the Committee that during the inter-sessional period the ODP demonstrations were provided in the IODE office, JCOMM MAN and other meetings and training course on the E2EDM technology as an integrating component of the ODP V1 was held in the IOC Project Office for IODE (Oostende, Belgium, 22-25 October 2007) and RIHMI-WDC (Obninsk, Russian Federation, 20-21 March 2009) to promote the establishment of the ODP data providers. The courses were attended by 26 participants from 9 countries. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET ItemTo be implemented byTimingbudget1.Ocean Data Portal V1 support and improvement (Data Provider, interoperability tools with the WIS/MCP/SDN metadata profiles)ETDMP Task Team, participants of the Project,4Q 200910,0002. Identifying data contributions contacts for the ODP and ODP-WIGOS PP and candidate centres to be nominatedETDMP Task Team, IODE NODC/WDC/DNA3Q 200910,000 (2-3 visits)3.Training courses for the nominated data centres (two special training courses for Data Provider administrators in 10-12 participating organizations)ETDMP Task Team, IODE NODC/WDC/DNA4Q 2009 2Q 201020,000 4. Installations of the E2E software in participating organizations (remote or local installations to be made by RNODC specialists or by organizations themselves)ETDMP Task Team, IODE NODC/WDC/DNA10,000 (2-3 visits)5. Technical support of the relevance and operation of the Integration Server, Data Provider, ODP web-site and toolsIODE PO, ETDMP Task Team2009 15,000 2010 15,000 2011 15,0006. Ocean Data Portal V2 development on SOA and OGC-driven approachETDMP Task Team, invited experts6.1. "5Ahnical architecture and generic ODP specifications (data themes, data and service interoperability methodology, services functionality, etc.)ETDMP Task Team3Q 20096.2. ODP data and services interoperability specifications development or profiling (there are 2 scenarios: 1) adoption existing standards as ODP interoperability specifications; 2) specifications development by involved experts)ETDMP Task Team, involved experts (as possible option)2009 (draft) 2010 (working version) 2011 (testing with services and adoption)10,000 20,0006.3. ODP services and software (data providing, discovery, data view, download, AAA, monitoring and reporting) development based on adoption existing software , integration and filling a gap by involved experts. ODP prototyping, compiling and integration)ETDMP Task Team, involved experts. 2010 (draft) 2011 (working version and ODP V2 prototype) 2012 (ODP documentation and operations)10,000 30,000 10,000 DRAFT RECOMMENDATION Recommendation IODE-XX.5 CONTRIBUTION OF IODE DATA CENTERS TO THE IODE OCEAN DATA PROJECT AND ODP-WIGOS PILOT PROJECT FOR IODE AND JCOMM The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Noting with satisfaction that JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Portal (version 1, based on E2EDM technology) was developed to provide the integration of marine data and information from a network of the IODE Data Centres as well as the resources from other participating systems, Taking into account the Implementation Plan if the ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project for IODE and JCOMM. Recommends to establish the IODE marine distributed data system under the ODP (version 1) taking account the requirements of the ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project to IODE and JCOMM. Requests: (i) the IOC Executive Secretary to distribute the IOC letter among Member States with the invitation and other appropriated information to provide relevant contributions to the ODP (version 1); (ii) the IODE Data Centres (WDC, NODC, DNA) participating in ODINs and other IODE projects to provide installation and operation support to the E2E Data Provider software for remote access to their local data systems; (iii) the IODE Project Office and ETDMP to support the ODP (version 1.0) operation including the ODP infrastructure, training courses and visits of experts to IODE data centers. Invites IODE Member States and other interested countries and organizations, to participate in and provide support to the ODP (version 1.0) operation.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Greg Reed, IODE Co-Chair referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/14.4 (WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM). The Pilot Project for Marine Observations under the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS) framework is an interdisciplinary exercise seeking the integration of in-situ and space based ocean observing systems. The Pilot Project, which will be implemented and sustained by the WMO and IOC Members through JCOMM, will make appropriate datasets available in real-time and delayed mode to WMO and IOC applications through interoperability arrangements with the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC Ocean Data Portal (ODP). The deliverables of the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM are to (i) document and integrate instrument best practices and related standards, (ii) build marine data systems that are interoperable with the WIS, and (iii) promote Quality Management and Standards (QMS). Cooperation with the NODCs is key to the success of the Pilot Project and will provide connections between the ODP and the WIS for historical and recent data for their integration into the WIGOS framework. A number of data providers have been identified (e.g. World Ocean Database, upper ocean thermal data from Argo profiling floats and XBTs, deep ocean time-series multi-disciplinary reference stations, high resolution SST from satellites, sea level stations, marine climatological data sets, satellite data, etc.). A joint Circular Letter, from IOC and WMO, was sent to the potential data providers in December 2008. Due to the strong synergies between the ODP and the Pilot Project, a joint Steering Group, with balanced representation from the IOC and WMO communities, has been established. The first meeting of the Joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM was held from 18 to 19 September 2008. The meeting reviewed the project plan, the draft implementation plan, discussed the business plan, capacity building issues, and addressed the core deliverables of the Pilot Project. The workshop IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Portal (v.1.) and WIS for WIGOS Pilot Project Implementation was held in RIHMI-WDC (Obninsk, Russian Federation, 18-19 March 2009). The workshop discussed the issues concerning with the current progress of the ODP V1 distributed data system for WIGOS Pilot Project, providing the ODP (V.1) and WIS interoperability to support the WIGOS Pilot Project and the ODP (V.2.) reference model and development plan. The Pilot Project has published a project plan (Appendix A) and an implementation plan. A business plan will be prepared to be used by the Directors of interested agencies to make the case at the national level for becoming a partner in the Pilot Project. Further information, including meeting reports and documentation, is available on the Pilot Project web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/wigos/marine_pp.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/wigos/marine_pp.html DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET The duration of the Pilot Project will be until December 2010. A detailed Work Plan is included in the Overarching Implementation Plan for the ODP and WIGOS Pilot Project for IODE and JCOMM (available on the Pilot Project web site). The items listed below are requests for funds from the UNESCO RP. Action item descriptionTo be implemented byDeadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sources2009Meeting of the Joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean data Portal and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM SG-ODP/WIGOS & IOC Project Office for IODEOctober 200910,000 USD10,000 USD (WMO)2010Meeting of the Joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean data Portal and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMMSG-ODP/WIGOS & IOC Project Office for IODENovember 201020,000 USD-  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  OTHER PROJECTS Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue (GODAR) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Sydney Levitus, GODAR Project Leader referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/15.1 (Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue (GODAR) and World Ocean Database Projects). Mr Levitus will inform the Committee that since its inception in 1993 as an IOC project, the Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue (GODAR) Project continues its progress in locating, collecting, quality controlling, and disseminating in electronic form, historical ocean profile and plankton data that are at risk of loss due to media decay. Only data for the pre-1992 period are considered to be historical data for the purposes of the GODAR project. Since its inception in 2001 the IOC World Ocean Database (WOD) Project continues adding new data types, e.g., temperature and salinity from Gliders and variables, e.g., tracers such as freons as well as archiving standard oceanographic data. Special attention has been paid to the speed of transfer of modern data into integrated, comprehensive oceanographic databases for research, monitoring or establishment of quality control for oceanographic data on local, regional and global scales to support research and real-time analysis of data. All data received as part of the GODAR and WOD projects are now made available online every three months at  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov" www.nodc.noaa.gov. Mr Levitus will report that cooperation on the part of IOC Member States with GODAR Project continues to be excellent. He will recommend continuing the project in its present status and maintaining the flow of historical data into the IOC and WDC systems. All GODAR project profiles and plankton data will be processed and released as part of World Ocean Database 2009 (WOD09). Online and DVD distribution of WOD09 will occur in 2010. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented by [name]Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sourcesGODAR ProjectSydney Levitus$0.0$0.0WOD ProjectSydney Levitus$0.0$0.0  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Dr Charles Sun, (GTSPP Chair) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/15.2 (Project Report: Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP)). Dr Sun will recall that the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) is a joint program of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange committee (IODE) and the Joint Commission on Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM). IODE and JCOMM are technical committees of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the World Meteorological Organization. Dr Sun will report that over past two year period 20072008, GTSPP continued to deal in greater volumes of data. The Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM) of Canada managed Real-time data. The number of BATHYs reported steadily increased from 24,855 in 2007 to 27,775 in 2008, while the number of TESACs was 1,630,360 to the end of 2008, dramatically increased from 821,321 in 2007. A new data set of 6,869 CTD profiles derived from marine mammals was made available the first time since July 2008. The data are useful because they get high data return from areas far to south between 60( S and 70(S where data are very little. The U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) provided data processing services for delayed mode data and maintenance of the Continuously Managed Database (also known as the GTSPP archive). Delayed mode data include the full resolution data from XBTs or CTDs from the ships, or fully processed and quality controlled data from the organizations that provided the real time low resolution data to the GTS (Global Telecommunication System). The numbers of the delayed-mode measurements added to the archive were 12,737 and 62,252 in 2007 and 2008, respectively. GTSPP continued to improve its capabilities of serving the GTSPP data for operations and climate research. The GTSPP data sets were available at GTSPPs Web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/GTSPP/" http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/GTSPP/. The usage statistics of the GTSPP data transferred for 2008 increased to 1,557.33GB from 927.409GB in 2007; while the average number of distinct hosts served was 20,238 per year in 2007and 2008. GTSPP collaborated with a number of international programs. In particular, it managed the XBT data collected by the operators of the Ship-of-Opportunity Programme (SOOP), which is a subprogram of the Ship Observations Team (SOT) of JCOMM. GTSPP developed a strategy for linking XBT profiles to the SOOP XBT survey lines that were sampled and has been working closely with SOOP to assist in proper documentation of the XBT fall rate in the CMD. GTSPP produced monthly real-time maps including data density maps. GTSPP published a catalog of the data collected, statistics of data on the GTS from various sources and monitoring reports for each ocean basin. In addition, GTSPP also publishes a monthly ship report that contains errors found. This is then sent to the operators for corrections. GTSPP also collaborated with the Argo program to fix GTS reports from Argo floats that were reporting pressure instead of depth to the GTS. GTS also worked with the World Ocean Database project and the CLIVAR-Carbon Hydrographic Office (CCHDO) to pull CCHDO data from the Internet quarterly for providing the fully quality controlled high quality CTD data to the Argo CTD Reference Database used for delayed-mode quality control of Argo salinity data. In May 2007, Mr. Bob Keeley resigned from the GTSPP Chair position. Dr. Charles Sun, NODC, assumed Mr. Keeleys responsibility of managing GTSPP. The GTSPP Steering Group met twice in conjunction with the Argo Data Management Team meetings over the last intersessional period. The most recent meeting of GTSPP took place at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA on 27 October 2008. Topics discussed at the meeting included, but were not limited to, the XBT fall rate issue, GTSPP data formats, evaluation of a Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) in identification of real-time and delayed mode duplicates,, identifying GTSPP data product centres and delayed-mode data assembly centres, cooperation with other programs, and the future of GTSPP. A summary report of the meeting is attached in the Appendix of this document so readers can become familiar with GTSPP. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET GTSPP will continue its operations in 2009 2011. The following table shows the highlights of the activities planed for the period from 2009 to 2011. The tasks listed for completion in 2009 may spill into 2010 or 2011 depending on competing work pressures. Tasks listed as continuing are activities that are expected to continue into the future. Action item descriptionTo be implemented by [name]Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sources2009Continue to acquire profiles and make real- time & delayed mode profile data available.ISDM and NODCcontinuingNoneISDM and NODCContinue production of metrics in support of JCOMM OPA and SOTISDMcontinuingNoneISDMEvaluation of the use of a CRC in real-time and delayed mode duplicates identificationNODCcontinuingNoneNODCContinue discussions to find data product centres & delayed-mode data assembly centresGTSPP Steering GroupContinueAssist in identifying candidatesNoneComplete bi-annual report for 2007 - 2008NODC and ISDMApril 2009NoneNODC and ISDMPrepare a paper on the CRC tag implementationGTSPP Steering GroupSeptember 2009NoneNODCUpdate the GTSPP RT QC ManualNODC and ISDMMarch 2009NoneNODC and ISDMUpdate the GTSPP NetCDF format in compliance with the Climate Forecast NetCDF conventions NODCJune 2009NoneNODCCollaborate with Argo in making profile data from other instruments available in Argo formatNODCNovember 2009NoneNODC Action item descriptionTo be implemented by [name]Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sources2010Convene a two-day workshop for design and requirements of adapting objective analysis (OA)-like tests and serving the GTSPP data via the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS)ISDM, SISMER, and NODCMay 2010US$10,000.00 for supporting two-three people to attend the workshop (or to be hosted by IOC Project Office).ISDM, SISMER, and NODCImplement a BUFR read-write capability for ocean profile dataISDMNovember 2010NoneISDMDocument the procedure of processing the CTD data derived from marine mammals ISDM, SISMER, and NODCNovember 2010NoneISDM, SISMER, and NODCContinue the feasibility study of serving the GTSPP data via the WIGOS SISMER, CORIOLIS, and NODCNovember 2010NoneSISMER, CORIOLIS, and NODC Action item descriptionTo be implemented by [name]Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sources2011Complete bi-annual report for 2009 - 2010NODC and ISDMApril 2011NoneNODC and ISDMDesign and Publish GTSPP data on DVD for using in the IODE training/outreach programsGTSPP Steering GroupSeptember 2011US$30,000.00NODCPopulate the GTSPP data via the WIGOS SISMER, CORIOLIS, and NODCNovember 2011NoneNODC and ISDMcomplete the feasibility study of adding OA-like methods to the existing QC testsNODC and ISDMNovember 2011NoneNODC and ISDMConduct a training course on ocean data management in Oostende NODC2011 (To be determined) US$7,000.00 for traveling to Oostende and returnNODC  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Pilot Project (GOSUD) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Dr Loic Petit de la Villon (Chair GOSUD) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/15.3 (Report on IODE global project: GOSUD). Dr Petit de la Villon will recall that during the Sixteenth Session, November 2000, of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), the Committee adopted Recommendation IODE XVI.10 establishing the Underway Sea Surface Salinity Data Archive Pilot Project and its steering group. The objectives of the Pilot Project were to (i) Acquire, quality control, store in standard format, and disseminate the collected, mostly by cargo vessels, underway sea surface salinity data; (ii) Establish close co-operation with relevant data centres to build a database and develop data management procedures and standards; (iii) Build a comprehensive archive for underway sea surface salinity data including appropriate metadata; (iv) Develop and implement procedures for quality assessment of real-time and delayed-mode data based on the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program experience; (v) Provide data and information online to users in a timely fashion; (vi) Ensure safeguarding of high-resolution delayed-mode data; (vii) Co-operate with data collectors to improve the data acquisition systems and to provide information on the data they provide; (viii) Maintain close links with other data collection and management programmes such as JCOMM and SOOP; and (ix) Prepare proposals for the archiving of all potentially available underway data types. Later, IODE and GOSUD decided to expand the project to other parameters with salinity as the priority. In 2006, considering that there is a strong complementary interest between the US Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System (SAMOS project) and GOSUD, it was decided to joint effort to improve access to high quality underway meteorological and near-surface data collected by research vessels and merchant ships and to identify common potential data providers. The GOSUD data structure is based on a GDAC Global Data Assembling Center-which centralizes and distributes the data. The data are provided to the GDAC either directly through national contributions or through the GTS (trackob format). The GOSUD GDAC is operated by the Coriolis data centre hosted by Ifremer-France. The US-NODC (Silver Spring, Maryland) holds the data in their long-term ocean archive. In addition, the US-NODC continuously mirrors the GDAC FTP data server. ISDM (Canada) provides a monitoring function, comparing what is circulating on the GTS and what is available at the GDAC. The objective is to identify new potential sources of data. In 2008, the data (960,086 locations) from 67 vessels have been gathered at the GOSUD-GDAC. In 2007, the data (598,330 locations) from 40 vessels were available at the GDAC. The amount of data that have been collected has significantly increased from 2007 to 2008. That means that the GOSUD effort to enlarge the network to new data providers produced positive results. For the moment, most of the data that are archived in the GDAC are near real-time data. One of the challenges of years 2009-2010 will be the ability of the project to produce a delayed mode dataset. The GOSUD team met five times. GOSUD held their first three meetings in conjunction with the Argo Data Management meetings. In 2006, it was decided to hold the 1st joint meeting with the US Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System (SAMOS) Project (see http://samos.coaps.fsu.edu). The primary SAMOS objective is improving access to high quality underway meteorological and near-surface ocean data collected at high-temporal frequency on research vessels and merchant ships. The 2nd joint meeting was held in Seattle June 2008- See Summary report on Annex A of Document IOC/IODE-XX/15.3. From the meeting, eight recommendations were directly linked to GOSUD activities. (i) Expand access to underway meteorological and TSG observations in remote ocean regions and marginal seas. The scientific users community must determine critical regions for increased monitoring (ii) Encourage efforts to develop new and make available historical upper-ocean and meteorological observations for use by developing nations (iii) Develop a global data discovery system to identify which research and selected merchant vessels are participating in GOSUD/TSG, SAMOS, PCO, radiation and other underway ocean and atmospheric sampling programs (iv) Vessels providing underway TSG data should routinely report both intake temperature (sea temperature) and the salinometer temperature (used to calculate salinity) (v)Initiate effort for vessels making underway TSG measurements to collect daily bottles samples of water to monitor TSG performance and to elaborate a delayed-mode data set (vi) Promote the recognition of underway sea water sampling (via GOSUD and AOML) as a critical of the Global Ocean Observing System (vii) Maintaining and distributing metadata for meteorological and TSG measurements (e.g., height/depth) is critical for all applications (e.g., data assimilation, satellite validation, etc.) (viii) Assess the impact of TSG data in forecast models (ix) Collect results of past and current research to evaluate the importance of TSG observations (x) Build best practice guides and continuing education materials to support the needs of technical personnel on the front lines of data collection at sea. One strong conclusion from the meeting was that GOSUD should form a closer relationship with the scientific community to identify which observational parameters GOSUD should acquire and from which oceanic regions to acquire them. CLIVAR is one such scientific community. In March 2007, Dr. Thierry Delcroix resigned from his GOSUD co-chair position. Mr. Loc Petit de la Villon was nominated as co-chair of GOSUD assuming the chair position with Mr. Bob Keeley. Dr Petit de la Villon concluded by informing the Committee that the proposed Work Plan for 2009-2010 will focus on (i) Continue to enlarge the network of data collectors and providers; (ii) Start the process of elaborating a delayed-mode dataset; and (iii) Take in account the scientific needs and the satellite community requirements (SMOS and AQUARIUS validation). DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET\ Action item descriptionTo be implemented by Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sourcesContinue to collect TSG data and find new data providersCo-chairsContinuousAssist in identifying candidatesGDACAchieve the annual report for 2008Co-chairsApril 2009NoneNoneReview the proposal for a New Format AllMarch 2009NoneNoneOrganize the 1st transfer of Ferry Box data to GDACMarch 2009Set up effectively the data transfer from AOML to GDACMarch 2009Implement the New formatGDACMay 2009NoneGDACDistribute the first delayed mode datasetGDAC and IRDJune 2009NoneGDACIdentify existing products which integrate ocean surface dataAllContinuousNoneNone Make the project more visibleCo-chairsContinuous action and OceanObs 09 (September 2009)Look into the next steps to have GOSUD as a permanent program instead of a pilot projectCo-Chairs (Keeley)  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Marine XML (marineXML) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Greg Reed on behalf of Mr Roy Lowry (Chair, Steering Group for MarineXML) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/15.4 (Report of the MarineXML Steering Group). Mr Lowry will recall that the MarineXML Steering Group activity has primarily been in two areas of vocabulary work: (i) Content governance: the development of new and the improvement of existing vocabulary content; and (ii) Technical governance: the storage and serving of vocabularies. Content Governance Activities MarineXML SG vocabulary content governance is undertaken by the SeaVoX e-mail discussion forum, which has been involved in two areas of work. First, the IODE/JCOMM Forum on Oceanographic Data Management and Exchange Standards in Oostende, Belgium in January 2008 made two recommendations that were of relevance to SeaVoX. First, that the country codes developed in the 1980s by IODE GETADE and subsequently maintained by RNODC (formats) should be replaced for international oceanographic data exchange by the country codes maintained by the International Standards Organization: ISO3166-1 for country names that are currently in use ISO3166-3 for deprecated country names SeaVoX participants from BODC, ICES and USNODC collaborated to produce a mapping from IOC to ISO codes to support conversion work required to conform to this recommendation. This mapping has been published through the NERC DataGrid Vocabulary Server at:  HYPERLINK "http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/axis2/services/vocab/getMap?subjectList=http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/C180/current&predicate=255&objectList=http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/C32/current&inference=false" \t "browserView" http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/axis2/services/vocab/getMap?subjectList=http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/C180/current&predicate=255&objectList=http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/C32/current&inference=false The second recommendation was that the platform type vocabulary developed from the GF3 Code Table 3 by the EU SeaSearch project should be further improved, including clarification of the internal hierarchical relationship between terms. This work is published at:  HYPERLINK "http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/axis2/services/vocab/getMap?subjectList=http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/L062/current&predicate=255&objectList=http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/L061/current&inference=false" http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/axis2/services/vocab/getMap?subjectList=http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/L062/current&predicate=255&objectList=http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/L061/current&inference=false The second area of work has been the development of a Sea Area gazetteer. Many local gazetteers under construction and there are clear benefits if these are linked to a common high level discovery hierarchy of regional terms. The most obvious candidate for this is the International Hydrographic Bureau Limits of Oceans and Seas (Special Publication No. 23) list of sea areas. However, this has well-known shortcomings that cannot be improved due to issues in the governance process. SeaVoX has developed an ontology of regional and global sea area terms to fill the resulting void. This will be published on the Vocabulary Server and should be available by the time of the IODE XX meeting. Technical Governance Activities Technical governance for vocabularies developed by SeaVoX is provided by the NERC DataGrid Vocabulary Server, which was developed by BODC for NERC DataGrid and has been adopted by the EU SeaDataNet project. The system comprises an Oracle relational database back end handling maintenance issues such as versioning and audit trails front ended by a Java API delivering vocabulary content as XML documents. During the reporting period the system has continued to evolve, developing from V1.0 to V1.1. The primary differences between versions are that V1.1 has improved functionality in the SOAP API, plus a pseudo-RESTful API (termed HTTP-POX because it delivers plain old XML in response to an HTTP GET request) and URL access to both terms and complete vocabularies. Extension of SeaVoX membership SeaVoX is an active IODE activity that is inexpensive as it is based on electronic communication rather than physical meetings but nevertheless is effective. IODE representation on SeaVoX is extensive, but not comprehensive, currently including Italy, Spain, Greece, UK, Russia, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Sweden and Belgium, Further IODE participation would be most welcome and may be obtained by a simple e-mail request to rkl@bodc.ac.uk. Development of Vocabulary Technical Governance Standards Several Semantic Web resources based on the ISO19135 repository model relevant to the oceanographic domain are either operational or under development. Of particular note in addition to the NDG Vocabulary Server are the ICES RECO server, the MMI Ontology Registry and an ontology registry under development in CSIRO in Australia. All of these are based around the concept of an API, typically a structured URL invoking an HTTP GET request representing a vocabulary, ontology or term that return an XML document describing the requested resource. The benefit of standardized API calls and payload document XML schemas across these resources to the development of semantic interoperability would be enormous. In particular, the emergence of such standards would encourage the development of semantically aware clients. Currently, this is an area of research in progress supported by collaboration, but once maturity is reached there is clearly a role for SG MarineXML in the formalization of these standards. Mr Lowry will conclude by proposing that the SG MarineXML should encourage the development of these standards using the SeaVoX discussion list as the vehicle. Any results could then be formalized through the standards process proposed by the IODE/JCOMM Forum on Oceanographic Data Management and Exchange Standards in Oostende, Belgium in January 2008. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented byDeadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sourcesExtension of SeaVoX membershipRoy LowryOngoing activity0Strategy meeting with ICES WG-DIMRoy LowryMid 20108,500 USD (support for 4 IOC-delegates)ICES and other interested parties to be self-supportingDevelopment of Vocabulary Technical Governance StandardsRoy LowryDraft by end of 20090  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Greg Reed (Chair MEDI Steering Group) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/15.5 (Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI)). Mr Reed will recall that the Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI) is a catalogue system for marine datasets within the framework of the IODE programme. MEDI provides a reference point for locating marine and coastal datasets and is populated with metadata descriptions of marine datasets from IOC member states. The MEDI on-line catalogue is currently based on the GCMD Directory Interchange Format (DIF), a de-facto standard used to create metadata directories. To comply with other metadata development within IODE and JCOMM, such as Ocean Data Portal and Ocean Data Standards, the MEDI metadata format will change to conform to the ISO 19115 (Geographic information -- Metadata) standard. This will require a new on-line catalogue which should be fully integrated with other IODE initiatives. The following metadata activities were accomplished during the intersessional period: Provision of input to the Ocean Data Portal Project. Metadata is an integral component of the IODE Ocean Data Portal and all data must have a metadata record. Participating data centres will generate discovery metadata about their datasets for distributed data search and retrieval. The ISO 19115 metadata standard (or a profile) will be used by ODP to describe data and services. Participation in the IODE/JCOMM Standards Process. The Marine Community Profile (MCP) of ISO 19115, developed by the Australian marine community, was one of two profiles of ISO 19115 considered at the Standards Forum. The Canadian NODC is developing a metadata entry tool which uses the MCP and this will be made available to the IODE community when released. The SG-MEDI chair has prepared a document comparing the Marine Community Profile (MCP), the WMO Core Metadata Profile, and the SeaDataNET Common Data Index (CDI). Cooperation with the IPET-MI and META-T. The SG-MEDI chair attended the Third Meeting of the WMO CBS Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata Implementation (IPET-MI). Version 1.0 of the WMO core metadata profile was finalized. This profile is now the full ISO standard and the previously proposed extensions have been removed. The SG-MEDI chair attended the meeting of the Water Temperature Instrument/platform Metadata Pilot Project (META-T) Steering Team. META-T will contribute instrument metadata and related discovery metadata to the Ocean Data Portal and WIGOS. Standards proposed by META-T will be submitted through the IODE/JCOMM Standards process for review by the wider community and to ensure metadata interoperability across the marine domain. The Steering Group for MEDI did not meet during the intersessional period. When the SG MEDI was established in 2000 (Recommendation IODEXVI.1) it was the only IODE project associated with development of standards and tools for discovery metadata. Metadata has now become an important component of a number of IODE projects (ODP, WIGOS, ODS) and it is important that MEDI implementation becomes part of the overall IODE strategy for data discovery. Mr Reed will conclude by proposing that the Steering Group for MEDI be terminated and future development and administration of MEDI should be managed by the IODE/JCOMM ETDMP.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Follow-up of terminated or terminating IODE or IODE-involved projects This Agenda Item will be introduced by Dr Vladimir Vladymyrov in his capacity of former Head of the IOC Project Office for IODE, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/15.6 (Report on completed IODE Projects). Dr Vladymyrov will recall that the IODE Project Office has participated in a number of projects during the intersessional period and these projects have usually been managed by the IODE Project Office. The projects which have now been completed are described. ASCABOS (A Supporting Program for Capacity Building in the Black Sea Region towards Operational Status of Oceanographic Services) was a three-year, EC funded programme, designed to strengthen the communication system ensuring flexible and operative infrastructure for data and information exchange between partners and end users in the Black Sea region. The duration of the project was from 2005 to 2008 and the objectives were (i) to build capacity through establishment and strengthening of the communications between partners and education and training of young scientists and end-users; (ii) to prepare necessary organizational, technological and technical prerequisites for integrated and operative Black Sea observing system; (iii) to establish an effective dialogue among all relevant Black Sea institutions and with international programmes, for a coherent implementation of the regional information and forecasting system; and (iv) to promote the European contribution to the global ocean and climate observing systems, as planned in the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES). IODE participated in Work Package 3. The main objectives were to transfer technology, know-how and operational experience to the end-users through a programme of training courses, and to increase the expertise through education and training of young scientists and end-users. The MOTIIVE (Marine Overlays on Topography for Annex II Valuation and Exploitation) Project, which started in September 2005 and ended in September 2007, built on the work of the MarineXML project. It provided a documented methodology for implementing and monitoring data harmonization activities between INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) Annex I (hydrography, including marine areas), Annex II (elevation, including shoreline) and Annex III (thematic marine/coastal) datasets, the latter including coastal zone management areas, natural risk zones (e.g. flooding), oceanographic geographical features (currents, wave heights), and sea regions. The IODE Project Office was a subcontractor within this project and provided the technical secretariat and maintained the project web site. IODE was also a partner in the SIMORC (System of Industry Metocean data for the Offshore and Research Communities) Project from 1st June 2005 until 1st December 2007. The SIMORC service provides an overview of and access to an increasing volume of metocean datasets, collected by the oil and gas. Major oil and gas companies participated via the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP) and its OGP Metocean Committee. Datasets are submitted to SIMORC on a regular basis, indexed in the SIMORC metadatabase and stored in the SIMORC database. The SIMORC service had its public launch in March 2007 and currently holds more than 1700 datasets from Shell, Total and BP, covering observations of winds, waves, currents and sea level. IODE was responsible for promotion and dissemination of SIMORC data and including the OGP facility in its educational programs for developing countries. Since 1st December 2007, the SIMORC service has been operated and maintained by MARIS and BODC in an arrangement with OGP.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Other Thermodynamics and Equation of State of Seawater. TEOS-10 This Agenda Item will be introduced by Dr Keith Alverson (Head, IOC Ocean Observation and Services Section) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/14.5 (Thermodynamics and Equation of State of Seawater. TEOS-10). Dr Alverson informed the Committee that there are three very good reasons for continuing to store Practical Salinity rather than Absolute Salinity in National Oceanographic Data Centers. First, Practical Salinity is an (almost) directly measured quantity whereas Absolute Salinity (the mass fraction of sea salt in seawater) is generally a derived quantity. That is, we calculate Practical Salinity from measurements of conductivity, temperature and pressure, whereas to date we derive Absolute Salinity from a combination of these measurements plus other measurements and correlations that are not yet well established. Calculated Practical Salinity is preferred over the actually measured in-situ conductivity value because of its conservative nature with respect to changes of temperature or pressure. Second, it is imperative that confusion is not created in national data bases where a change in the reporting of salinity may be mishandled at some stage and later be misinterpreted as a real increase in the oceans salinity. This second point argues strongly for no change in present practice in the storage of Practical Salinity SP in national data bases of oceanographic data. Thirdly, the algorithm for determining the "best" estimate of Absolute Salinity is immature and will undoubtedly change in the future so we cannot recommend storing Absolute Salinity in national data bases. Storage of a more robust intermediate value, the Reference Salinity, would also introduce the possibility of misuse of salinity data without providing any real advantage over storing Practical Salinity so we also avoid this possibility.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  IODE CAPACITY BUILDING OCEANTEACHER AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES This Agenda Item will be introduced by Ms Linda Pikula (OceanTeacher Chief Editor Marine Information Manager), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/16 (OceanTeacher and Training Activities). Dr Brown/ Ms Pikula highlighted the following accomplishments and issues related to OceanTeacher and its application for the IODE training Programme: Intersessional Training Accomplishments The IODE marine data and information management training program has continued its story of successful workshops and courses, using the OceanTeacher 1.0 materials. The list of sessions held in the intersessional period is contained here in Appendix A. The activities involved 92 students, involving 124 individual training opportunities. Development of the Academy Concept Based on informal discussions and input from students and trainers, the Secretariat developed a new program plan, in 2008, to advance all data and information training along a new path. The resulting proposal can be consulted here: OceanTeacher Academy: a human capacity development framework for IOC/IODE Ocean Data and Information Networks (proposal submitted to FLANDERS UNESCO SCIENCE TRUST FUND (FUST) SC-15) [see  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=2688" http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=2688] The proposal was submitted to FUST in September 2008, and subsequently approved. The course types that will be offered by the new Academy are listed in Appendix C to Document IOC/IODE-XX/16. Conversion of OceanTeacher Resources to Wiki Format One of the highest priority items in the Academy program proposal was the conversion of the existing content management system (CMS) format of OceanTeacher to the wiki format, which is becoming a widely used web standard for document publication. The former CMS approach was very inflexible for purposes of authoring, and highly limiting in terms of content format. The new OceanTeacher in wiki format can be viewed at  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanteacher.net/index.php/OceanTeacher" http://www.oceanteacher.net/index.php/OceanTeacher. Restructuring and Revision of OceanTeacher Content Simultaneous with the conversion to wiki format, the entire contents of OceanTeacher were reviewed, with an eye toward elimating materials that have not been useful for training, and adding new materials requested by newer course offerings. The new outline for Data Management (DM) components (top two levels only) can be seen in Appendix A to Document IOC/IODE-XX/16. This exercise has effectively resulted in a new typology of topics related to marine data management. The Information Management (IM) outline is also attached in Appendix C to Document IOC/IODE-XX/16. To streamline OceanTeacher, the policy has now been adopted of eliminating the massive inclusion of external documents, in favor of external web links to the original sources. This reduces the total volume to approximately 300-400 definitive articles listed in the DM and IM outlines, approximately 100 tutorials, and a library of example data files. We feel that current bandwidth improvements throughout the globe support this new paradigm. Survey of Training Needs In October/November 2008, the Secretariat developed and circulated a survey of training needs, in both the DM and IM areas, requesting all IODE-concerned persons and groups to respond online. The survey was well received with 109 respondents to Data Management and 118 respondents to the Marine Information Management survey. The results of the survey can be accessed online through the following URLs: DATA MANAGEMENT -  HYPERLINK "http://www.surveymonkey.com/sr.aspx?sm=BUrNrp9EwsKKGN_2fldbc3rOtRMxJedUE_2ff0xUqGveDAo_3d" \t "_blank" http://www.surveymonkey.com/sr.aspx?sm=BUrNrp9EwsKKGN_2fldbc3rOtRMxJedUE_2ff0xUqGveDAo_3d INFORMATION MANAGEMENT -  HYPERLINK "http://www.surveymonkey.com/sr.aspx?sm=hQnEqjS4Axj7d209OJX_2bmRT_2bwfcETYcChq2eslabhxI_3d" \t "_blank" http://www.surveymonkey.com/sr.aspx?sm=hQnEqjS4Axj7d209OJX_2bmRT_2bwfcETYcChq2eslabhxI_3d A password is required to access either result. You can obtain the password by contacting  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org?subject=REQUEST%20PASSWORD%20DATA%20MANAGEMENT%20TRAINING%20REQUIREMENTS%20SURVEY" p.pissierssens@unesco.org Based on these results, the OceanTeacher editors and trainers are now proposing the initial list of courses in Appendix D to Document IOC/IODE-XX/16, for development in 2009. Initiation of the OceanTeacher Training Corps A training corps of two dozen volunteers has been developed by the Secretariat, from nearly as many countries. After initial planning meetings by the OceanTeacher editors in early 2009, members of the training corps will be organized into authorship and training positions, according to the new OceanTeacher and Academy models. Coordination and Cooperation with Other Programs & Agencies MARINE DATA MANAGEMENT - Close ties and specific common training projects are being pursued with the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO), UNESCOs Bilko satellite imagery training program, The European Unions marine data management initiatives, and Belgian and Flemish academic groups. Most of these groups are represented by at least one proposed joint course in 2009. MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Partnerships with marine information professional societies, the International Association of Marine and Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centers, graduate schools of library science, Belgian, Flemish and other European academic groups are being developed for the next training phase of OceanTeacher.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  IODE'S REGIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING PROJECTS: ODIN Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Mika Odido (ODINAFRICA Project Coordinator) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/17 (Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa). Mr Odido will recall that the implementation of the third phase of ODINAFRICA-III, which started in 2004, as a large-scale project funded under the UNESCO-Flanders Trust Fund for Science (FUST) ended in February 2009. The following are some of the achievements of this phase: Each of the participating institutions developed a suite of data and information products that have been quality controlled, merged and availed through the project website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.odinafrica.org" www.odinafrica.org). These include: library catalogues, catalogues of national data sets and data sources (meta databases), directories of marine and freshwater professionals, directories of marine related institutions and their profiles, marine data archives and marine biodiversity databases. These are also from NODC websites (HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc-countryname.org"www.nodc-countryname.org e.g. HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc-senegal.org"www.nodc-senegal.org). Training was provided on a wide range of topics such as data and information management, development of e-repositories, websites development, application of remote sensing and GIS to coastal management, marine biodiversity data management, modeling; end to end data management; and Sea level data analysis and interpretation. New tide gauges were installed in Cameroon, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Ghana, and Mauritania. The installation of Global Navigations Satellite Systems GNSS receivers at the sea level stations in Takoradi (Ghana), and Inhambane and Pemba (Mozambique) provides the connection between the horizontal and the vertical datum at these locations. This brings the total number of tide gauges installed along the African coastline to more that 40. Information on the network is available on the African Sea Level Network website (HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/glossafrica"www.iode.org/glossafrica), while the data from 22 of the stations can be accessed near-real time at HYPERLINK "http://www.sealevelstations.net"www.sealevelstations.net. The African Marine Atlas developed in collaboration with the African Coelecanthe Project (ACEP), and the United Nations Environment Programme provides access to maps, images, data and information to a wide range of users. The static website ( HYPERLINK "http://omap.africanmarineatlas.net" http://omap.africanmarineatlas.net) contains over 800 downloadable data products derived from the fields of marine geo-sphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, geopolitical and the human socio-economic dimensions. The map server demonstration site (HYPERLINK "http://www.africanmarineatlas.net"http://www.africanmarineatlas.net) has been developed by the atlas team as a training exercise, and a data dissemination tool through which several data layers can be viewed. Mr Odido will report that the next phase of ODINAFRICA will focus on application of data and information products to the sustainable management of marine and coastal resources, as well as reducing the risks of ocean related hazards. The following are the expected outcomes and deliverables of ODINAFRICA-IV: Strengthened and sustainable marine data and information management infrastructure in the ODINAFRICA countries; National multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder data networks to maximize the use of available data and to make available IODE NODCs data management expertise to other stakeholders; Priority [customized] products such as forecasts, predictions, models, atlases, scenarios focusing on the following priority areas; Improved mechanisms for the dissemination and application of data, information and products [through standards based catalogues of data and metadata and integrated web based portals and connection to the IODE OceanDataPortal] Mr Odido will conclude by stating that, more than the previous phases, ODINAFRICA-IV will be product and user driven. ODINAFRICA-IV will aim to assist decision makers by coordinating the data management and product development in a multi-sectoral approach. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Extra-budgetary contributions (confirmed)200920102011WP1: Networking, Coordination and Management186,629367,260193,684WP2: Strengthening of national marine data and information management capacity320,000170,000170,000WP3: Development of Products150,000320,000185,000WP4: Dissemination and sharing of data, information products and services192,500107,500137,500TOTAL849,129964,760686,184 10% UNESCO overhead84,91396,69568,618GRAND TOTAL934,0421,061,236754,802 Note: ODINAFRICA-IV will have duration of 4 years (2009-2012). The above table reflects only the first 3 years to be consistent with the IODE-XX budget cycle.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Ocean Data and Information Network for the Caribbean and South America regions (ODINCARSA) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Rodney Martinez Gingla (ODINCARSA regional coordinator for South America) and/or Lorna Inniss (ODINCARSA regional coordinator for the Caribbean Islands) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/18 (Inter-sessional Report on the Ocean Data and Information Network for the Caribbean and South America regions (ODINCARSA)). During the 2007-2009 period, several ODINCARSA member countries developed capacity building on data and/or information management activities at the national level. Activities took place in Cuba, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. Experts from ODINCARSA regions were trained on Biodiversity data management, E-repositories; ocean buoys data management, development of Marine Atlas. All these technical workshops were held in the IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium. Since 2008, with the financial support of the Flanders Government, the Caribbean Marine Atlas Project has been progressing. Several training workshops were held and the first version has been completed. The prototype is currently being completed by both the representatives from Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago, and is being hosted on a local server for testing. The remaining regional representatives are facilitating the completion of the prototype by delivering required datasets and completing metadata files. All of the processed data has been incorporated into the mapping application and the Atlas is functioning as a simple viewer for the assembled datasets. One of the important achievements during this period has been the ODINCARSA contribution to Ocean Docs, the Digital Repository of Marine Publications. Sub-regional training workshops were held in Argentina, Ecuador and Panama, with the participation of Information experts from Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago and Mexico The contribution of gathered publications to the repository has increased, and more librarians from the region have been recruited to be part of this effort. ODINCARSA has been contributing to the activities of the GOOS Regional Alliance for the South Eastern Pacific, mainly assisting in the design of the data management subsystem. ODINCARSA is participating in the Steering committee of the SPIN-CAM Project (South Eastern Pacific Information Network in support to Coastal Areas Management), which is supported by the IOC and the Flanders Government. National Oceanographic Data Centers from Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile will be strongly involved in the Component 2 of the project which is specially important because it is related to data and information management. Another project, relevant for ODINCARSA and financed by the Flanders-UNESCO trust fund is currently ongoing. The current initiative aims to design and develop an integrated information system (IS) in support of research and management in marine mammals in the Southeast Pacific (SEP) within the Action Plan for Marine Environment framework. The system will be built using open sources tools and will take advantage of previous experiences of ODINCARSA such as the Portal Oceanico  HYPERLINK "http://www.portaloceanico.net" www.portaloceanico.net , and the experience of regional ODINCARSA partners as CIIFEN  HYPERLINK "http://www.ciifen-int.org" www.ciifen-int.org in terms of promotion and implementation of sustainable information systems for wide range of audiences. The information system is also a practical means for regional co-operation in support of management and conservation of cetaceans, and to benefit the research community as well as the policy environment. ODINCARSA, has accomplished a successful cycle of activities in the region, however, because the period of existence, some of their key members have retired or moved to other positions within the institutions. In addition the initial priorities agreed on 2002 when ODINCARSA started, have changed. These factors demands to plan a new phase for ODINCARSA by defining new goals, updating the national priorities of the region and setting a Plan of activities based on the generation of regional, sub regional or national data products and information services. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Activity/yearReqReqTotalEB AvailableFunding20102011RequiredRequested(USD)(USD)(USD)2.1To implement /enhance sub regional data products2.1.1Sub Regional Ocean Data Base to support ERFEN Program and GRASP. 1,51,5332.1.2Regional Sea level Data base (South America) to be applied on Climate change applications.2,52,5552.1.3Eastern Pacific Oceanographic Atlas.7,57,515152.1.4Caribbean Marine Atlas[1]1251251252.1.5Pilot application of Real Time Data assimilation on Ocean modeling 1,51,5332.2 To implement ocean data applications as contribution of Early Warning Systems in the coastal zone:2.2.1Pilot Ocean Data information and Early Warning system in the Eastern Pacific.2,52,5552.2.2Remote sensing applications and ARGO derived data products for South America.1,51,5332.3 Information Systems, Project management, promotion and fund raising2.3.1Planning meeting ODINCARSA Second Phase4040402.3.2ICAM-Teacher Development7,57,515152.3.3E-Repository/Ocean Docs for Latin America.5510102.3.4 Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) software application (open source) for libraries in the ODINCARSA region.2,52,5552.3.5Preparation of Project Proposals 11222.3.6ODINCARSA Coordination and web site maintenance.0,750,751,51,52.3.7Newsletters, Brochures and Promotion0,750,751,51,5Total: 199,534,5234125109Funding requested per year74.534.5[1] Note: The EB project cover 2009-2010. Total EB support will be USD 280,000. Member State counterpart contribution will be USD 606,750; UNESCO/IOC in-kind contribution will be USD 52,000  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Ocean Data and Information Network for the Central Indian Ocean Region (ODINCINDIO) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Mika Odido. He will inform the Committee that no information has been received on this project. The Project Coordinator Dr Nasser Zaker regrettably had to resign as ODINCINDIO regional coordinator in March 2008. Since that time no further action has been reported. No communications from Member States or NODCs in the region were received by the Secretariat regarding the future of ODINCINDIO. The Committee may wish to consider whether a closer partnership with IOGOOS would lead to a higher level of cooperation and commitment from the Member States in the region. Reference will also be made to training requests submitted by ODINDIO member states as discussed under Agenda Item 6.3.  Ocean Data and Information Network for European Countries in Economic Transition (ODINECET) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mrs. Olga Akimova, the ODINECET Project Coordinator, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/19 (Ocean Data and Information Network for European Countries In Economical Transition (ODINECET)). Mrs Akimova will recall that the ODINECET network constituted a capacity building strategy for Eastern and Central European countries linking training, equipment and operational support in a regional context. The project is product- and service-oriented and uses a multi-stakeholder approach and composed of 6 IOC Member States: Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and one observer country: Latvia. It is also noted that the network is still focuses on Marine Information Management only. Mrs Akimova will inform the Committee that starting in 2006 and for 3 years of activity ODINECET has achieved some main results which can be summarized as the following: Three Training courses in Marine Information Management (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels) have been held, hosted and sponsored by the UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium in 2006, 2007 and 2008. The Regional Marine Information Management Training course for ODINECET members from Russia and Ukraine was back-to-back with the EURASLIC XII Conference in Crimea, Ukraine 2007 and sponsored by the UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE also. Regional Training course was held at the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS) for 4 Ukrainian Libraries (14-16 July, 2008). The Training course was attended by 5 participants from marine libraries of Ukraine. Lectures were on themes of Marine Information management and practicum in the use and management of CEEMaR. After the Training two libraries have started collaboration in CEEMaR. ODINECET participants have already developed a product called ECET UNION Catalogue of Serials. This catalogue gives access to the information about serials available at the ODINECET-Group aquatic libraries. In 2008 the e-repository for ODINECET CEEMaR (Central and Eastern European Marine Repository) was established and hosted by the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS). Domain name is  HYPERLINK "http://www.ceemar.org/"http://www.ceemar.org . Because CEEMaR is developed as e-repository for several institutions from different ECET region countries it has structure similar to OceanDocs. By now eleven institutes participating in the ODINECET project have joined the repository-associated activities. The Training Course (Advanced level) which was held at the UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium (3-7 Nov., 2008) made the work in the CEEMaR more fruitful and resulted in as many as 102 original documents put into the repository by the end of December 2008. In conclusion Mrs Akimova will outline the activities planned for implementation in 2009-2010: (i)To continue developing of the ECET Union Catalogue of Serials Project inputting new data and involving new participants. To consider supplying the catalogue with foreign periodical titles being stored in the libraries of the ODINECET project participants. (ii) To continue submission of the relevant documents into CEEMaR from each involved ODINECET participants and its developing. To invite for collaboration in CEEMaR other Institutes of the ODINECET group. (iii)To establish National Marine Information training centers on the basis of advanced marine libraries in each ECET country/region with functions of organizing national training courses, seminars, individual consultations, etc., taking into account the language barrier. Cooperation with the IODE Project Office in preparing of instructors for such training centers. (iv)To train trainers for national MIM training courses. Continuous Professional Development Trainings for all ODINECET group. To have trainings through an individual internship. (v)To continue to promoting the input of the ECET-data into the directory of marine and freshwater professionals OceanExpert. (vi) To assist OceanTeacher by adding the information (lectures) given at the regional training courses. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2010 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented byDeadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sources Equipment provision for the ODINECET project participantsEURASLIC Equipment Grant 2009-5000USDContinuous development of the ODINECET repository (Central and Eastern European Marine Repository (CEEMaR) 100$ per month for the t-system supportInstitute of Biology of the Southern Seas (Sevastopol, Ukraine) 2009/20102400USD-Training trainers for national MIM training courses (for a group of 12 participants)ODINECET in cooperation with the IODE Project Office October, 200950 000 USD -Training in MIM (Continuous professional development)(for a group of 12 participants)ODINECET in cooperation with the IODE Project Office November, 201050 000 USD-TOTAL: 102400 USD5000USD  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Ocean Data and Information Network for the Western Pacific region (ODIN-WESTPAC) This agenda item will be introduced by Prof. Shaohua Lin (ODINWESTPAC coordinator) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/20 (Ocean Data and Information Network for the Western Pacific Region (ODINWESTPAC)). ODINWESTPAC has been continuing to be coordinated by China since the WESTPAC-VII which was held in Malaysia 2008. It was set up primarily to provide an effective capacity building framework, to promote regional collaboration in marine data and information and products sharing, to develop cooperation with other ODINs and international and regional projects/programs, and to provide data and information services mainly for the WESTPAC member states and other users. During 2008 to 2009, ODINWESTPAC has been undertaking several activities: A Project Coordinating Group was established. Information was collected on focal points for data and information management in Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom and Vietnam; three technical working groups to work for the project in the host center----NMDIS were set up and taking activities; hardware and software for constructing the website were purchased by NMDIS and put into use; the preliminary structure of the website has been completed and open to service prior to IODE-XX; according to the work plan, data and information collecting is under way and some from MNDIS has been available on the website. ODINWESTPAC is planning to organize a working group meeting for focal points of member states, to develop a strategy and working plan for the project, to carry out training course and to implement capacity building activities in the next step. Prof Lin will note that there is still insufficient participation from the region in the project. WESTPAC member states will be invited to actively participate in ODIN-WESTPAC and to contribute resources to the project. Prof. Lin will request IODE and the IOC-WESTPAC Secretariat to enhance coordination and give financial support to the training course and Steering Committee Meeting of the project. Work Plan and Budget for ODINWESTPAC, 2009-2010 No.Action/activityTiming ResponsibilityEstimated cost1Infrastructure Construction for ODINWESTPAC Purchase two HP DL580 G5, a DELL OPTIPLEX 755 WINDOW SERVER 2003 operating system and MOCROSOFT SQL Server database management systemSept 2008NMDIS45,000 USD Supported by NMDIS2Compile the mailing list of focal points and the host organizations of member statesWill continue to provide more information during the IODE XX NMDISIn kind3Prepare and maintain a directory of research institutions and experts in the regionStart from April 2009 and continueInput by member states(not limited to WESTPAC); Coordinate by IOC WESTPAC Sect.and the Steering Committee of the project In kind by member states4Prepare a directory of ocean and coastal observations, research and management projects and programmers implemented in the region (not limited to IOC activities)Start from April 2009 and continueInput by member states Coordinate by IOC WESTPAC Sect. and the Steering Committee of the project In kind by member states5Start preparation for national and regional metadata bases documenting data holding available in the regionStart from April 2009 and continueCoordinate by IOC WESTPAC Sect. and the Steering Committee of the project In kind by member states6 Prepare a directory of regional e-repository of Scientific publications published by WESTPAC expertsStart from April 2009 and continueInput by member states Coordination by IOC/IODE Sect. and the Steering Committee of the project In kind by member states7Hold The Second Steering Committee of ODINWESTPAC During IODE XXParticipate by member states Coordinate by IODE and IOC WESTPAC Secretariat 8Collect the Needs for Capacity Building and develop the strategy and working plan for the project Start from April 2009 and finish by end of 2009The coordinator of the project and the Steering Committee of the project Coordinate by IODE and IOC WESTPAC SecretariatIn kind by member states9Hold Training Course (Tianjin) Will decide in The Second Steering Committee of ODINWESTPACIODE Project Office and IOC WESTPAC Sec.35,000 USD (IODE)10Collect cruise summary reports Start from April 2009 and continueMember states and the Steering Committee of the project Coordinate by IODE and IOC WESTPAC SecretariatIn kind by member states11Provide Data Management GuidesEnd of 2009NMDISIn kind by NMDIS12 Set up and maintain Home Page Start from April 2009 and continueNMDIS,member states and Coordinate by IODE and IOC WESTPAC Secretariat NMDIS13 Prepare a directory of marine libraries and Ocean publicationsStart from April 2009 and continueInput by MNDIS and member states Coordinate by IODE and WESTPAC SecretariatIn kind by member states14 Hold the Third Steering Committee of ODINWESTPACMay 2010Coordinate by IODE and WESTPAC Secretariat25,000 USD IODETotal 105,000USDTotal requested from IODEUSD 60,000  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  ODIN-Black Sea This Agenda item will be introduced by Dr. Vladimir Vladymyrov, the ODIN-Black Sea Project Interim Coordinator, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/21 (Ocean Data and Information Network for the Black Sea Region (ODIN-BlackSea)). He will recall that the ODIN-Black Sea project was established formally during the Nineteenth Session of the IODE Committee (Trieste, Italy, March 2007). All riparian Black Sea countries are the participants of the project. Dr. Atanas Palazov (IO-BAS, Bulgaria) was elected to be the ODIN-Black Sea coordinator. The committee was informed that the main activities of the ODIN-Black Sea project in 2007 was directed to the regional NODCs capacity building that included participation of the 28 ODIN-Black Sea trainees in 3 training courses organized by the IOC Project Office for IODE (one of them was organized jointly with the ASCABOS EC Project). Dr. Vladymyrov also informed committee that at the end of 2007 Dr. Atanas Palazov, the ODIN-Black Sea coordinator, was appointed to be a director of the Bulgarian Institute of Oceanology. It is a very time consuming position and from November 2007 Dr. Palazov unfortunately could not dedicate any time for the ODIN Black Sea Project. As the result, the ODIN Black Sea activity was fully stopped from this time till February 2009 when Dr. Vladimir Vladymyrov was appointed as the interim project coordinator till IODE-XX where the new project coordinator would be selected. He will further inform the Committee that several activities from the ODIN Black Sea work plan adopted in 2007 are underway now including: (1) preparation of the review presenting the results of analysis of the structure and state of the Black Sea Region National Oceanographic Data Centres; (2) organization of the ODIN Black Sea Steering Group Meeting and Training on the E2EDM prototype system for the ODIN Black Sea countries to be held in Obninsk, Russia, in March 2009; (3) application of E2EDM technology at the ODIN Black Sea NODCs; (4) development of the ODIN Black Sea web site. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented byDeadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sources ODINBLACKSEA Steering Group Meeting and Training on the E2EDM prototype system for the ODINBLACKSEA countriesODINBLACKSEA coordinator, Russian NODCMarch 20095,000 USD (shared with the ODP Project?)Development of the ODINBLACKSEA web siteODINBLACKSEA coordinatorApril 2009Participation of the ODINBLACKSEA coordinator in IODE-XXODINBLACKSEA coordinatorMay 20092,500 USDOrganization of the ODINBLACKSEA DM training course (intermediate level)ODINBLACKSEA coordinator, IODE Project OfficeAutumn 200935,000 USDParticipation of the ODINBLACKSEA trainees in the different training coursesODINBLACKSEA coordinator, IODE Project Office201030,000 USDODINBLACKSEA Steering Group MeetingODINBLACKSEA coordinator20107,000 USDParticipation of the ODINBLACKSEA trainees in the different training coursesODINBLACKSEA coordinator, IODE Project Office201130,000 USDParticipation of the ODINBLACKSEA coordinator in IODE-XXIODINBLACKSEA coordinator20112,500 USDTOTALS17,000 USD95,000 USD20092500 USD35,000 USD20107000 USD30,000 USD20112500 USD30,000 USD  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Regional Network of Pacific Marine Libraries (ODIN-PIMRIS) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Ms Maria Kalenchits (ODIN-PIMRIS coordinator) by referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/22 (Regional Network of Pacific Island Marine Libraries (ODIN-PIMRIS)). Ms Kalenchits will recall that the ODIN-PIMRIS Project was established in 2008. The main objective is to create a regional marine information portal, brings together existing information sources developed by Pacific international agencies as well as supports development of institutional e-repositories in national marine and fisheries departments. PIMRIS Coordination Unit acts as the Project coordinator. While agency participants (Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency FFA, South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission SOPAC, Secretariat of the Pacific Community SPC, Pacific Regional Environmental Programme SPREP, and University of the South Pacific USP) concentrate their efforts on maintaining their digital libraries and e-repositories, PIMRIS Coordination Unit (CU) develops a standard e-collection structure based on Greenstone software platform for marine and fisheries departments in the region. Marine and fisheries departments in the Pacific also have valuable materials that should be preserved in electronic format in order to (i) avoid their degradation; (2) avoid loss of library resources due to departure of staff; (3) improve access to this information. Institutional repositories will include published and unpublished documents produced by those organizations. To secure a stable on-line access to this information PIMRIS will also maintain a regional e-repository; project partners are asked to submit e-copies of the relevant documents to PIMRIS for inclusion into regional e-repository. In 2009-2010 PIMRIS CU jointly with SPREP partner plans a number of regional Training Workshops in e-repository input and search techniques, and MIM. Developing of capacity building opportunities via library twinning and integrated regional training programs, scholarships and equipment support is also an important part of the project. Support to and understanding of ODIN-PIMRIS goals by regional and national authorities are seen as one of the key factors corresponding to the success of the project. In January 2009 PIMRIS CU jointly with the Project Office for IODE prepared and distributed a letter addressed to Heads of Fisheries (HoF) in Pacific countries asking them to support ODIN-PIMRIS project initiatives in their countries and to nominate project contact persons. Based on letters of interest received from HoFs the formal relations between national organizations and ODIN-PIMRIS will be established in early 2009. The ODIN-PIMRIS project hopes to achieve the following outcomes: Better management of the institutions published or unpublished information Secure long term storage and protection of this information Enhanced sharing of published and unpublished information Development of the skills and capacity to identify important resources available outside the institution. Ms Kalenchits will review the activities that were accomplished in 2008: UNESCO IOC IODE Training Workshop on Marine Information Management Towards the Ocean Data and Information Network of the Pacific Island Region was organized in Oostende, Belgium, 13-17 May 2008 and attended by 5 project participants from regional agencies (FFA, SOPAC, SPC, SPREP, USP/PIMRIS CU). Aim of workshop was to identify how IODE can help participants develop a marine library network for the Pacific region. By the end of the workshop participants produced a draft proposal document, which included a list of needs, a list of required products and services, and a suggested model and structure for regional collaboration. Small Scale Project Proposal for Pilot Project for a Regional Network of Pacific Island Marine Libraries (ODIN-PIMRIS) prepared by project participants and submitted by IODE to the Government of Flanders in September 2008. Project budget is approved by the Government of Flanders in amount of US$ 22,000. ODIN-PIMRIS Pilot Project meeting was organized in conjunction with 34th IAMSLIC conference in Suva, Fiji on 19th September 2008 and attended by 19 participants (incl. major collaborating partners, national partners, potential partner and experts). Meeting was called to further discuss the implementation of the project work plan included in the Proposal for Pilot Project for a Regional Network of Pacific Island Marine Libraries (ODIN-PIMRIS). Summary of discussions attached. One-day Regional Training session in Marine Information Management was organized in conjunction with 34th IAMSLIC conference in Suva, Fiji on 20th September 2008. Session was attended by 5 trainers and 10 trainees (from American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Western Samoa). Topics covered during the training included: 1) introduction to computers and networks (by R. Raj); 2) the role of an information officer in a special library and the role of information in the organization (by E. Kleiber); 3) Introduction to basic cataloguing principles (by A. Gibert); 4) how to organize special library (by P. Murgatroyd); 5) Information literacy (by P. Murgatroyd and M. Kalenchits); 6) e-repositories and digitization general introduction and ODIN-PIMRIS project (by P. Murgatroyd and M. Kalenchits). E-repository software for regional and institutional marine and fisheries e- repositories is selected (Greenstone). First set of Pacific countries to participate in pilot project is identified (Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands). ITEMS FOR 2010-2011 WORK PLAN AND PROPOSED BUDGET (in US$) Action item descriptionTo be implemented by [name]Deadline / dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sources (FUST)Review meeting of Pilot Project at IOC project Office for IODE (major participants)Maria Kalenchits & IODEFebruary 20105,000 15,000E-repository training workshop for other ODIN-PIMRIS partners (II phase)Maria KalenchitsApril 20105,000* Equipment support to II phase countriesMaria KalenchitsApril-June 20105,000 Country visits to II phase countries(expert mission) to provide assistance and advice with institutional e-repositoriesMaria Kalenchits & USP Digitization LibrarianApril-June 201010,000 Establish ODIN-PIMRIS scholarship program to support studies in librarianship via DFL (USP Certificate Program) two scholarships per yearODIN-PIMRIS Coordinator2010 2011  2,000 2,000Regional Review meeting of the project II phaseODIN-PIMRIS CoordinatorFebruary 201110, 000 10, 000 IODE XXI Session ODIN-PIMRIS Coordinator20114,000* - Total budget is 10,000; 5,000 approved by FUST in 2008 BREAKDOWN OF FUNDS REQUESTED FOR 2010-2011 (in US$) 20102011Requested from RPRequested from other sources (FUST)TotalRequested from RPRequested from other sources (FUST)TotalTraining activities5,0005,000Expert visits10,00010,000Scholarships2,0002,0002,0002,000Equipment5,0005,000Project management5,00015,00020,00010,00024,00034,000TOTAL:10,00032,00042,00010,00026,00036,000RP - UNESCO Regular Program Funds FUST The Flanders UNESCO Trust Fund Other networks: Europe - SeaDataNet This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Dick Schaap (MARIS) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/23 (Development of Marine Data Management Infrastructures in Europe (SeaDataNet). SeaDataNet is an EU funded project (2006 2011) to develop and provide a Pan-European infrastructure for marine & ocean data management. The project builds upon earlier data management infrastructure projects, undertaken over a period of 20 years by an expanding network of oceanographic data centres from the countries around all European seas. Its predecessor project Sea-Search had a strict focus on metadata. SeaDataNet maintains significant interest in the further development of the metadata infrastructure, but its primary objective is the provision of easy access to data and generic data products. SeaDataNet is a distributed infrastructure connecting 40 data centres from 35 countries around the Black Sea, Mediterranean, North East Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic and Arctic regions. These include: National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) Satellite Data Centres. The SeaDataNet portal has been set up at  HYPERLINK "http://www.seadatanet.org" http://www.seadatanet.org and it provides a platform for all SeaDataNet services and standards. It includes a number of discovery services. A key service is the Common Data Index (CDI), based upon the ISO19115 metadata model. It gives detailed insight in available datasets at partners databases and provides an on-line shopping mechanism for direct ordering and downloading of datasets from distributed data centres, also taking into account data access restrictions and types of users. This SeaDataNet V1 system is technically operational and good progress is being made with interconnecting all 40 data centres from SeaDataNet. Interoperability is the key to distributed data management system success and it is achieved in SeaDataNet V1 by: Using common quality control protocols and flag scale Using controlled vocabularies from a single source that have been developed using international content governance Adopting the ISO 19115 metadata standard for all metadata directories Providing XML Validation Services to quality control the metadata maintenance, including field content verification based on Schematron. Providing standard metadata entry tools Using harmonized Data Transport Formats (NetCDF, ODV ASCII and MedAtlas ASCII) for data sets delivery Adopting of OGC standards for mapping and viewing services Using SOAP Web Services in the SeaDataNet architecture For the Black Sea region and the Caspian Sea region additional projects are underway, also funded by the EU. These projects are targeted at further developing regional data management networks, that give overview and access to locally managed datasets by services, interoperable with SeaDataNet. The Upgrade BlackSeaSCENE project started in 2009 and is successor to the previous BlackSeaSCENE project. It now engages 43 local institutes that are adopting the SeaDataNet services and standards, to populate a regional infrastructure, harmonized with SeaDataNet. The NODCs from the Black Sea countries are leading the build up of national networks and act as linking pin for transfer of expertise and tools from the SeaDataNet network. A comparable development is on-going in the Caspian Sea region via the CASPINFO project, engaging 12 local institutes. IODE is partner in SeaDataNet, Upgrade BlackSeaSCENE and CASPINFO to ensure cohesion on a global scale and to support training and capacity building activities.  EMERGING NEEDS IN CAPACITY BUILDING This Agenda Item will be introduced by Dr Wouter Rommens (Training Coordinator, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/24 (Emerging needs in Capacity Building). Dr Rommens will report on the outcomes of 2 Surveys on emerging needs for IODE capacity building and the planning of future IODE training activities in 2009-2010. Two online surveys (one on Data Management and one on Information Management) were sent out in the period October-November 2008 by email to the target audiences, being either the IODE Data Management network (Data Managers) and the IODE Information Management Network (including IAMSLIC). In both surveys a distinction was made between basic (B), advanced (A) and specialized training courses (S). The aim of the survey was to identify emerging training needs for Data and Information Management. The results obtained from these surveys allowed the identification of priority training topics. (i) Survey on Data Management Training Needs 135 members of the IODE Data Management network responded to the survey. A summary of the outcomes of the survey is given in appendix A. 10 topics were identified by the respondents as the most relevant for future training on Data Management: Ocean Data Products and Synthesis (B) Developing an Ocean Data Collection (B) Introduction to Marine Meteorology for Oceanographic Data Managers (B) Marine GIS (A) Ocean Modeling and related Data Management (S) MapServer applications for marine and coastal atlases (S) Website development (dynamic CMS systems) (S) Accessing and using real time data (S) Sea Level Data Management and Analysis (S) Web-based data services development (S). The details of these planned courses (scope notes) can be found on the IODE calendar. (ii) Survey on Information Management Training Needs 121 Members of the IODE Information Management network and IAMSLIC replied to the survey. A summary of the outcomes of the survey is given in appendix B. 5 topics were identified as the most relevant for future training: Literature of the Marine Sciences (B) Developing your library website (B) Archiving and preserving digital media (S) Database Management (S) Digital Information Services (S). The details of these planned courses (scope notes) can be found on the IODE calendar. Dr Rommens will inform the Committee that, as a result of the survey input, a course calendar has now been prepared. This calendar was further discussed in detail during a meeting of the Steering Group for OceanTeacher (IOC Project Office for IODE, 9-13 February 2009). During the meeting it was decided to organize 8 training courses in Oostende at the IOC Project Office for IODE in the framework of the OceanTeacher Academy in 2009-2010: Joint Data Management/Information Management Training Course on Static Website Development (15-26 June 2009) Marine Information Management Training Course on Archiving and Preserving (2-8 October 2009) Marine Information Management Training Course on Literature of the Marine Sciences (23-27 November 2009) Training Course on Basic Oceanographic Data Management (30 November-11 December 2009) Data management Training Course on Marine GIS (8-12 February 2010) Data management Training Course on Marine Atlas Development (15-19 February 2010) Marine Information Management Training Course on Digital Information Services (8-12 March 2010) Data management Training Course on MapServer (14-18 June 2010) The details of the above mentioned courses can be found on the IODE calendar ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=eventCalendar&Itemid=45" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=eventCalendar&Itemid=45).  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  IODE ACTIVITIES IN THE IOC CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK This Agenda Item will be introduced by Dr Wouter Rommens referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/33 (IODE activities in the IOC capacity development framework). The last 4 years has provided opportunities for synergies between the ODINAFRICA project of IODE and the Capacity-development Section of IOC. These opportunities have arisen naturally during the CD programmes of workshops for directors, and training workshops for scientists in coastal modeling. Most hosts of National Oceanographic Data Centers have participated in the workshops and we trust that this is to some degree impacting the working of these Data Centers. A key and oft-repeated lesson that we have carried away from workshops during these 4 years of field work, is that capacity-development activities should focus at the level of organizations starting with directors, and deepening the interactions to teams of scientists depending on the institutes concerned. This message argues in favor of continuing and further strengthening the lead role given to directors of organizations in the conception, planning and implementation of ODINAFRICA, if it is to attract recurrent government funding. Two guiding principles improved effectiveness of capacity-development efforts; these were to keep engagement in issues that are need-based and country-driven. By need-based we imply that all activities should be conducted for application to a specific issue of high national priority. A possible way to apply this principle could be that ODIN activities in a country focus on information exchange for application to a specific issue in-line with the stronger emphasis on end-products now being promoted in ODINAFRICA. Country-driven signifies that the issues which activities focus on are chosen by the countrys authority the higher the authority, the greater the legitimacy of action. Alternatively, the issue should focus on priorities outlined in relevant ministries strategy papers. Possible applications of these principles that could be considered by the Committee would include, for example: Streamlining of Data Centres activities towards the listing, gathering and organization of existing data and information along applications to specific national priorities; Evolving from activities implemented mainly by one data specialist towards the establishment of committees in institutes hosting NODC, representing the diversity of practitioners of data collection and research applications, that would guide NODC activities and ensure a strengthened relevance to institute priorities and buy-in of institutes scientists. One area that has proved an excellent area of collaboration of several IOC sections with IODE/ODINAFRICA is the training in decision-support tools based on coastal circulation modeling. As many institutes in African Member States put a high priority on further developing such skills, this will remain an excellent area of collaboration in the coming years also. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented by [name]Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sourcesStreamline data centres activities and existing data and information along specific priorities from institute or country NODC Flexible 00 Establish committees in NODC hosting institutes, reflecting the diversity of potential data collectors and users, to guide NODC activities NODC hosting institutes Dec. 2009 0 0 Determine priorities in decision-support tools training along participating institutes growth plan, and enhance collaboration with other IOC CD efforts in the domain IOC, Odinafrica institutes Dec. 2009 0 0  IODE ORGANIZATIONAL REFORM ISSUES REPORT ON THE FOLLOW-UP TO THE IODE REVIEW This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/25 (Report on the follow-up to the IODE Review). An external evaluation of the IODE was conducted by UNESCOs Internal Oversight Service Unit (IOS) in 2007. The review covered the activities of the IODE from 2002-2006. The evaluation process identified the strengths and weaknesses of the IODE programme and presented 12 recommendations. These recommendations, with the response from the IODE Officers, are listed below. Recommendation 1. IODE should consider establishing an inter-session working group to assess and recommend approaches to address the issue of lack of awareness by the ocean sciences community with respect to the capacities of IODE already in place in terms of data management. Response from Officers. The IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management will raise awareness of IODE and should attract new user communities. The OceanDataPortal should increase visibility of, and appreciation for IODE. The Officers decided not to set up a new group for this subject at this time. Recommendation 2. Considering the use that Atlases, such as the African Atlas of the Ocean, can have with respect to the planning and utilization of resources in coastal areas in the context of integrated environment management; the IODE Committee should assess how best to transfer the lessons learned from the approach coordinated by ODINAFRICA to ODINCARSA, ODINCINDIO, ODINWESTPAC, ODINBLACK SEA and ODINCET, which are being established at this time. Response from Officers. The Caribbean Marine Atlas, currently under development, will serve the needs of small island states in the Caribbean region as well as those of regional projects in that region such as the Caribbean LME project (see Agenda Item 6.2.2). The African Marine Atlas will be further developed under the ODINAFRICA IV project (see Agenda Item 6.2.1) Recommendation 3: IODE to promote the replication of efforts related to ocean and marine data and information in other regions of the world where oceanographic networks are being established, such as in the cases of the Indian Ocean, Countries in Economic Transition (CET), and the Black Sea. Response from Officers. The Officers noted that each region presents different challenges in terms of language, culture, level of development and needs. ODINs have now been established in the Indian Ocean, CET and Black Sea regions (see Agenda Items 6.2.3, 6.2.4, 6.2.6). Recommendation 4: Only 24 States have made explicit comments on the policy thus far. The IODE Secretariat should therefore analyze the extent to which the IOC Policy on Data Exchange is having the desired impact. Response from Officers. The new format for the IODE National Report asks this question (see Agenda Item 4.1). Recommendation 5: The IODE Committee should review the issue of translation of OCEAN TEACHER or some of its main segments into other languages such as Spanish and Russian. Response from Officers. The Officers recognize the importance of having OceanTeacher materials available in all IOC working languages. Shortage of funds is the main constrain to translation of OceanTeacher translation. This issue may be addressed in the framework of the OceanTeacher-2 project (see Agenda Item 6.1). Recommendation 6: The IPOI in Oostend should explore options, which could be foreseen to manage this concern regarding the current size of Ocean Teacher linked to the slow speed of Internet in some developing countries. Response from Officers. The OceanTeacher training resources are in the process of being rewritten and converted to a wiki system, similar to Wikipedia, that allows for maximum flexibility in the creation of new documents (see Agenda Item 6.1). Recommendation 7: The IODE Committee should assess how best to proceed with respect to the issue of reduced capacity of the Secretariat considering the fact that IOC is not able to enhance the staff of the Secretariat of IODE. Response from Officers. The Officers concluded that they are not in a position to respond to this recommendation as this was within the purview of the IOC Executive Secretary. Recommendation 8: The IODE Committee should assess how best to proceed in order to reduce the existing gaps in terms of efforts in various regions of the world. Response from Officers. IODE national coordinators should investigate the bilateral and multilateral priorities of their own countries and to assist in submission of relevant projects to the relevant agencies. Recommendation 9: IODE should consider establishing an inter-sessional working group to develop indicators and benchmarks to assess the amount of data and information being exchanged for the different types of data to track the progress being made over the years. Response from Officers. An intersessional working group was established to discuss this matter and to provide guidelines on provision of metrics by NODCs on received/processed data. The working group expressed difficulties in establishing the metrics to assess data flow through the NODCs mainly due to the different types of data stored in each data centre and in the definition of the units to be used for each data type. Nevertheless, the group has completed a first draft, which will test whether the results provided by the NODCs are appropriate and especially inter-comparable between different data centres. Recommendation 10: IODE should facilitate networking activities among the WDCs so that issues related to quality control of data, management of duplicate data sets, flagging of particular data sets, and partition of data to be archived within the WDCs are addressed. Response from Officers. See Agenda Item 7.3. Recommendation 11: IODE should set up an inter-sessional working group to assess the potential problem of loss of data within NODCs, to identify corrective actions to manage the problem. Response from Officers. This issue is partly addressed in the revised IOC Manuals and Guides No. 5. Relevant guidelines should be drafted addressing issues of closure of data centres, disaster recovery, backup systems, and media conversion. Recommendation 12: IODE should conduct a global survey to address the issue of the metadata catalogues, and to identify needs to be approached in the guidelines to be developed with respect to such catalogues. It should also stress the issue of placing such catalogues on the web pages as indicators that the process can be reviewed externally and by IODE. Response from Officers. Metadata standards and implementation of a metadata tool will be addressed by the JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (see Agenda Item The External Evaluation report is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=1677" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=1677  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  REPORTS ON CHANGES IN NATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND EXCHANGE This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Robert Gelfeld (Consultant) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/26 (Reports on changes in national arrangements for oceanographic data and information management and exchange). Mr. Gelfeld will report that the IODE system forms a worldwide service oriented network consisting of 65 DNAs and NODCs, and 4 WDCs established during the past 45 years. This network has been able to collect, control the quality of, and archive millions of ocean observations, and make these available to Member States. It was stated at IODE-XIX that a National Oceanographic Data Centres mandate is to be a centralized facility for providing on a continuing basis ocean data/information in a usable form to a wide user community and that NODCs acquire, process, quality control, inventory, archive and disseminate data in accordance with national responsibilities. In addition to disseminating data and data products nationally, NODCs are normally charged with the responsibility for conducting international exchange. The role of NODCs has evolved based upon (i) changes in technology and changes in society that are both forcing data centres to rethink their role and modus operandi; (ii) the need to becoming more service-orientated; (iii) the need to create data and information products, not only for other data managers and scientists, but also for policy makers and society at large. These products will assist in increasing the visibility of data centres and demonstrate the usefulness of data management to a larger audience. The IODE Review had stated that: (i) NODCs are still seen as the strength of IODE; (ii) NODCs should function differently from the way they do at present; (iii) that an NODC should have a central role in ocean data management in each IOC country; and (iv) that a distributed system is viewed as being a better solution compared to the present hierarchical system. The NODC should take on an additional role as a hub for national data activities. The advantages of a distributed system are the following: the data become more readily accessible by the public; the NODC is better aware of the availability of diverse data sets in the national network; the assembly of national data collections by the NODC is easier; groups with special competence in specific data types or techniques can be easily identified. Thirty-eight Member states responded as centralized and twenty-one responded as distributed. There appears to have been a misunderstanding in the definition of centralized versus distributed. There are no true distributed data centres in the IODE system. A better definition of centralized versus distributed needs to be updated in future surveys and should be re-analyzed at that time.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  IODE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE LONG-TERM SECURE ARCHIVAL OF DATA AND INFORMATION This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/27 (IODE Arrangements for the Long-Term Secure Archival of Data and Information) The Co-Chairs will address the future cooperation between ICSUs WDC system (or what it will become) and IODE and whether this new system will serve the needs of IODE. The Committee will be reminded that historically IODE has had strong cooperation with the ICSU WDC system for the long-term archival of oceanographic data and information. Recent developments in technology and the announcement by ICSU that it is replacing the WDC system with a World Data System (WDS) suggests that the IOC/IODE should reexamine its requirements for the long-term archival of oceanographic data and information. In addition, it is more critical than ever that regional and global ocean scientific data sets and products based on those data sets be available in a timely manner for scientific assessments that guide national and international policy makers such as the IPCC. The Committee will also be informed about discussions held during the World Data System Transition Team (WDSTT) at ICSU, Paris, 10 March 2009, to which IODE was invited. [This item may require a Recommendation or Resolution]  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  DATA PUBLISHING (IODE/SCOR) This Agenda Item will be introduced by Ms. Gwenaelle Moncoiff, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/28 (Data Publishing IODE/SCOR). Mr Lowry will recall that data are collected from ocean science activities that range from a single investigator working in a laboratory to large teams of scientists cooperating on large, multinational, global ocean research projects. What these activities have in common is that all result in data, some of which are used as the basis for publications in peer-reviewed journals. However, two major problems remain regarding data: (1) much data that are valuable for understanding ocean physics, chemistry, geology, and biology, and which will help us understand how the ocean operates in the Earth system are never archived or made accessible to other scientists; and (2) when scientists do contribute data to databases, their data become freely available, often with little acknowledgement and no contribution to their career advancement. The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and IODE convened a meeting in Oostende, Belgium on 17-19 June 2008 to discuss how to promote more data submission to approved databases, and better access to these data. The full report of the meeting is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.scor-int.org/Publications/wr207.pdf" http://www.scor-int.org/Publications/wr207.pdf or  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=2457" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=2457 (IOC Workshop Report No. 207). Meeting participants concluded that new infrastructure and new approaches to data publication could help scientists who observe the ocean and model its processes. Most importantly, it is now timely to (1) increase the availability of data used to create figures, tables, and statistical analyses in traditional journal articles; and (2) encourage the expansion of journals that specialize in data publications or data briefs. Data publications are short (as little as a few paragraphs of text) and are designed to describe a data set (not to interpret the data) and provide persistent pointers to the data in an approved data repository. Such publications serve an important function of providing a reference that authors can cite on their curricula vitae and should be cited in papers by others who use these data. Journals in the ocean sciences that already welcome such publications include Marine Micropaleontology; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems; Ecological Archives, and Earth System Science Data. Several other journals also acknowledge the benefits of submitting to approved databases the data underlying traditional publications, as is standard practice in the molecular biology field, in which gene sequences must be submitted to GenBank. To archive and serve data related to journal publications, an expanded structure in the data management system, data repositories, is required. The purpose of data repositories is to serve as archives of data related to journal articlesboth data publications and data backing up traditional journal papersand serving data that are accessed via persistence identifiers published in the publications. SCOR and IODE will work with existing data centers to promote the development of data repositories at the institutional, national and/or regional level. A follow-up luncheon meeting was held in December 2008 to bring together a meeting of ocean science journal editors and publishers to discuss how to implement greater use of data publication. The meeting summary is available as Appendix A to Document IOC/IODE-XX/28. Mr Lowry will then provide an overview of the next steps that were identified: 1. 9-11 March 2009: Meeting at IODE to develop three use cases for digital publication and determine pilot projects to test them. We think are three obvious use cases on which we could make progress and for which the institutions we have identified will provide staff support to develop. a. BODC: Development of citable entities from data ingested into a common schema - retrospectively building citable datasets from 'data atoms'. The idea here is to provide a mechanism to provide rewards for the 'good guy' project participants who hand over their crown jewels to project data management. b. WDC-MARE: Providing the digital backbone for the publication process of datasets specifically assembled for publication, such as datasets proposed for ESSD. c. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO): Providing digital backbone for the conventional paper publication process, storing table data, figure data, syntheses developed for papers and so on, making them publicly available. Could take in data like that associated with EPSL, as well getting rid of the need for journal subscriptions to access these data. 2. Meeting in Woods Hole to develop use case c above. The WHOI library has some funding to develop data publication ideas and could take this on. They are planning to meet in March-April. 3. Follow-up with editors and publishers. We will continue to work with the publishers on the issues related to data publication. WDC-MARE is working with Elsevier on this issue.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  IODE DATA AND INFORMATION CENTRES QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND CERTIFICATION This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/29 (IODE Data and Information Centres quality management and certification). To promote a culture of assessment for data and information management in the IODE community there is a need for standardized criteria to support the development of evaluation tools and other performance measures. These criteria are in relation to the capacity of the NODCs and marine information centres to fulfill a minimum number of requirements to ensure the compliance with IODE standards and also to establish mechanisms to regularly monitor and assess the quality of data and service of NODCs and marine information centres. The use of standard tools will assist NODCs and information centres to provide quality products and services. With the development of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP), which will provide on-line access to the marine data and information resources of NODCs and will support the data access requirements of all IOC programmes areas, including GOOS, JCOMM, HAB and TWS, NODCs will be invited to contribute historical and recent data as ODP data providers for integration into the WIGOS framework. In this context, NODCs should be able to demonstrate their capabilities to provide data and services in compliance with established functions and responsibilities. The adherence to agreed standards and the requirements of the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy must be met and sustained. To ensure that NODCs are established according to predefined standards and are able to provide quality data to meet the requirements of a broad and varied community of users, there is a need to introduce a form of certification for data centres. This process should be based on the identification of relevant criteria that could be translated into quantitative indicators to set up standard metrics which will become part of a regular review of the NODCs.  COOPERATION WITH OTHER PROGRAMMES COOPERATION WITH GOOS This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Keith Alverson, Director of the GOOS Project Office. Mr Alverson will provide a brief overview of the current linkages between GOOS and IODE and will recommend future ways to expand cooperation.  COOPERATION WITH GEO/GEOSS This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs. They will inform the Committee on the involvement of IODE, directly or indirectly in GEO/GEOSS. The Committee will also be informed that IODE will be represented by Dr Sergey Belov in the GEOSS Workshop XXVI Understanding the Integrated Ocean Observation Systems, Including Sub-Surface Sensors that will take place in Bremen, 10 May 2009.  COOPERATION WITH IOC SCIENCE PROGRAMMES Cooperation with the IOC HAB Programme This Agenda Item will be introduced by Ms. Gwenaelle Moncoiff, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/32 (AN INTERNATIONAL HARMFUL ALGAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (HAIS)). The Committee will be reminded that the IOC Assembly, at its 24th Session (2007), adopted the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management. As a first example of the implementation of the Strategic Plan and to identify the ways that IODE (and its network of oceanographic data centres) would be able to cooperate with the development of the HAIS the Joint IPHAB/IODE Task Team on the development of the HAIS was established. This Task Team met at the IOC Project Office for IODE, 8- 9 January 2008 for the Joint IPHAB/IODE Task Team on the development of the Harmful Algal Information System Design Workshop. This meeting was attended by IODE experts (F. Hernandez, S. Konovalov, G. Moncoiffe), HAB (Catherine Belin, Oejvind Moestrup, Adriana Zingone) and OBIS (Edward Vanden Berghe). As an outcome of the Meeting the Document An international harmful algal information system, vision, design and partnerships was published. The vision is an easy-to-navigate, dynamic, integrated, and distributed system with: visual and interactive quality-assured data and scientific information on harmful algae provided by experts, coupled with general information on authorities and institutions involved with sea food safety, statutory monitoring of harmful algae / toxins and institutions involved in HAB research. The IPHAB/IODE Task Team sets to establish the HAIS as the premier Internet-based facility for a one-stop shopping range of quality-assured data and information on HABs, toxin-producing algae and associated events in the world oceans. In addition to providing a wide range of information to support the needs of a broad customer base, HAIS will contain data on national monitoring programmes and scientific expertise provided by national experts. By collating this material and making it available, HAIS will facilitate the global exchange of information on HABs and toxin-producing algae (TPA), as well as provide a safe archive of HAB and TPA data for future generations. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Development of an International Harmful Algal Information System (HAIS); DB platform for monitoring and biogeographic data; HAEDAT back-upIODE PO and IOC HAB Centres2010300.000 (to be broken down into requests for specific sub-projects)  Cooperation with the IOC ICAM Programme This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/30 (Cooperation with ICAM). The Co-Chairs will inform the Committee that the Integrated Coastal Area Management of IOC was established in 1997 with the purpose to (i) assist IOC Member States in their efforts to build marine scientific and technological capabilities in the field of ICAM. Within the existing Medium Term Strategy (2008-2013), the ICAM programmes priority area are: 1) Adaptation to climate change in the coastal zones (in particular through the ACCC Project); 2) Development of marine spatial planning methodologies and their application; 3) Development and testing of guidelines for the mitigation of coastal hazards through ICAM; 4) Development and application of performance indicators for coastal management plans and programmes. Collaboration with IODE has been active mostly at the project level in the context of ODINAFRICA phase III and VI, the SPINCAM project, and Caribbean Marine Atlas project. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented by [name]Deadline dateRequested SPINCAM - training on data management, data mining and Mapserver IODE 2011 40,000 (IOC project Office for IODE)  COOPERATION WITH IPY This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Keith Alverson, Director of the GOOS Project Office referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/34 (Ensuring an Oceanic Data Legacy of the International Polar Year 2007-2009). Mr Alverson will recall that The IOC Executive Council, at its 37th Session (Paris, 2329 June 2004), by Resolution EC-XXXVII.3, endorsed the IPY. At its 39th Session (Paris, 2128 June 2006), the Executive Council agreed that GOOS, JCOMM and IODE should play active roles in the IPY and urged IOC Member States to provide sufficient resources to implement all the oceanographic proposals in the IPY Plan. The Assembly, at its 24th Session (Paris, 1928 June 2007) called on IODE to collaborate with the International Polar Year to ensure that all data collected by IPY projects will be professionally managed, disseminated and archived. [IOC-XXIV, para. 258]. Numerous IOC Member States have contributed substantially to the immensely successful program of observations and research carried out during IPY. One of the most important legacies of the International Polar Year will be the enormous wealth of data from polar regions that was generated. DRAFT ITEMS FOR THE 2009-2011 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented by [name]Deadline dateRequested Workshop to help IODE members ensure IPY oceanographic data legacy.IODE secretariat and relevant national members.20102010: 20,000 2011: 20,000 DRAFT RESOLUTION Noting the success of the IPY field campaigns 2007-2009 in both Arctic and Southern Oceans Noting further the planned future development of Arctic and Southern ocean observing systems as regional contributions to the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) The Committee agreed to clearly indicate IPY field data in their data holdings in a standard manner and to serve the data exchange and stewardship needs of the Arctic and Southern Ocean observing systems.  COOPERATION WITH THE IOC CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME This is covered under Agenda Item 6.4 OTHERS (WCRP, SOLAS, ) This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs. They will invite the Committee to submit information on existing or required cooperation with other programmes. IODE PUBLIC AWARENESS IODE WEB SITES, BROCHURES, POSTERS AND PUBLICATIONS This Agenda Item will be introduced by Dr Wouter Rommens. He will inform the Committee on public information activities undertaken, and related products produced during the inter-sessional period. In this regard reference will be made also to Agenda Item 9.2 and 9.3.  IODE AND THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE IOC (2010) This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Technical Secretary (Mr Peter Pissierssens). He will inform the Committee about the activities that will be undertaken by IOC to commemorate its 50th anniversary in 2010. He will invite the Committee to note the activities planned and consider ways and means to contribute, either nationally or internationally (as IODE).  50TH ANNIVERSARY OF IODE IN 2011 This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs. They will inform the Committee that 2011 will be the 50th anniversary of the creation of the IODE programme. They will recommend that appropriate activities and products be developed to celebrate this important anniversary and invite the Committee to identify such activities and products.  IODE VISION AND STRATEGY IOC OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA EXCHANGE POLICY: IMPLEMENTATION BY MEMBER STATES This Agenda Item will be introduced by Mr Robert Gelfeld. He will report that 57% of the reporting (through the online survey) Member States apply the 'IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy adopted as Resolution IOC-XXII-6 in 2003 (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/contents.php?id=200" http://www.iode.org/contents.php?id=200), 27% do not and 16% did not know. This clearly indicates that more effort will be needed to ensure the application of the Policy by IOC Member States.  IOC STRATEGIC PLAN FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/31 (IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange). The IOC Assembly, at its 24th session, adopted the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (Resolution XXIV-9). This strategy aims to establish a "comprehensive and integrated ocean data and information system, serving the broad and diverse needs of IOC Member States, for both routine and scientific use. In order to provide a governance system for the Strategy, the "IOC Data and Information Management Advisory Group" has been established with 46 members. The membership includes representative of: Co-Chairs of IODE JCOMM DMPA WMO GOOS (GSSC, I-GOOS) IOC ocean science programmes (HAB, Ocean Carbon, ICAM, tsunami) IOC capacity development programme GOOS GRAs IODE ODINs Project Offices (IODE, JCOMMOPS, GOSIC, CDIAC) The objective of the Strategic Plan is to deliver a system that will be the system of choice for all ocean activities, particularly those of research programs. This future system will be built around already existing and operational national, regional, and international systems. There are many IOC and IOC-related programmes and projects with a data management component and the considerable expertise available in these structures will be fully exploited. In this context, the first step towards the implementation of this strategy was to survey the data management structures in the IOC and IOC-related programmes and projects in order to identify existing systems and to assess where effort should be strengthened to achieve full integration of data management activities under IOC and other international programmes. The result of this survey indicated that most of the IOC and IOC-related programmes and projects do not have data management plan or strategy. Only three programmes/projects indicated that they have a D&IM strategic plan. The establishment of a comprehensive strategy and plan to meet the variety of requirements of these programmes will begin with a study of the general characteristics of the applications to be served by these programmes. This will include discussions on provision of access to the data, data products, and services; archiving strategies and standards and capacity building. An analysis of the existing successful programmes will form the basis of the IOC D&IM strategy and will be used to define the guiding principles and common characteristics of the IOC data and information strategy for the future. IODE and HAB have agreed to cooperate to develop a Harmful Algal Information System (HAIS). Another area of cooperation within the framework of the IOC strategy is between IODE and OBIS. The Executive Council, during its 41st Session (2008) identified the need to manage ocean biogeographic data for ocean and coastal resource management and considered OBIS the relevant programme. The OBIS Governing Board is currently investigating different scenarios for closer cooperation between IOC and OBIS. An IOC/OBIS expert meeting was held to consider and recommend options. ANY OTHER BUSINESS New items proposed under Agenda Item 2.1 will be discussed under this Agenda Item (if they were directly related to other Agenda Items then they will have been discussed under the relevant Agenda Item). REQUIRED RESOURCES AND PLAN OF ACTION FOR 2009 (CURRENT UNESCO BIENNIUM 2008-2009) AND 2010-2011 (NEXT UNESCO BIENNIUM This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs referring to Document IOC/IODE-XX/8 as well as Annex 1 to the Action Paper which summarizes the resource requests formulated in all working documents available at the time of publication of the Action Paper. ELECTIONS OF CO-CHAIRS This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Technical Secretary, referring to the IOC Rules of Procedure (Document IOC/INF-1166), and more particularly to Rule 25, para. 3. It will be noted that the current Co-Chairs have now completed one term and, according to the above mentioned Rules of Procedure, they can, if they so desire and with the agreement of the Committee, continue as Co-Chairs for one additional term. The current Co-Chairs Dr Malika Bel Hassen-Abid and Mr Greg Reed have informed the IOC/IODE Secretariat that they wish to continue in their current capacity of IODE Co-Chair.  DATE AND PLACE OF IODE-XXI This Agenda Item will be introduced by the Co-Chairs. They will call for invitations by Member States to host the next Session of the IODE Committee which should be held in 2011. In this regard they will recall the discussions under Agenda Item 9.4 (50th Anniversary of IODE) and stress the importance of making the 21st Session a memorable occasion. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT The Committee will be invited to adopt the draft Summary Report of the Session, the Resolutions and Recommendations. The Committee will request the IODE Co-Chairs to present the Executive Summary with all Resolutions and Recommendations therein to the Twenty-Fifth Session of the IOC Assembly that will take place between 16 and 25 June 2009 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. CLOSURE The Chair will close the Session on Friday 8 May 2009. ANNEX I RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS 2009-2011 AS IDENTIFIED IN THE WORKING DOCUMENTS , AgendaProject/GroupItemRequestedRequestedRequestedComments/ timingItem2009201020115.1.1GE-BICH1. Setup wiki (IODE PO)000IODE PO staff 05/20092. Workshop QA/QC025,0000IODE PO 02/20103. GE-BICH-V meeting0010,000IODE PO 01/2011subtotal025,00010,0005.1.2GE-MIM1. GE-MIM-XI24,00024,00024,000IODE PO 11/20092. GE-MIM-XII000IODE PO 09/20103. Support joint activ. IAMSLIC6,0006,0006,00009/2009; 10/2010subtotal30,00030,00030,0005.1.3.2JCOMM/ETDMP1.ETDMP-II meeting010,00003/2010/ 10000 from WMOsubtotal010,00005.1.3.3ODS pilot project1. Standards group meeting10,00010,000010/2009; 10/2010subtotal10,00010,00005.1.3.4ODP project1. Technical support ODP v110,00000 10/20092. Visits to nodes to assess10,00000 2-3 visits/ 10/2009 3. Training course for nodes20,00020,0000 2 TCs/ 11/2009 & 5/20104. Visits to nodes to install010,0000 2-3 visits/ 20105. Tech support15,00015,00015,000contracting by ?6. Interoperability specs dev.10,00020,0000contracting by ?7. ODP software dev.010,00030,000contracting by ?subtotal65,00075,00045,0005.1.3.5WIGOS PP1. SG ODP & WIGOS PP JCOMM10,0000010000 from WMO/ 10/20092. SG ODP & WIGOS PP JCOMM020,0000 11/2010subtotal10,00020,00005.2.2GTSPP1. Workshop OA tests010,0000support 2-3 pax/ 05/20102. GTSPP data on DVD0030,000 09/20113. Training Course007,000 IODE PO hosted; travelsubtotal010,00037,0005.2.4MarineXML1. Strategy Meeting 08,5000 support 4 pax/ 6/2010subtotal08,50006.2.2ODINCARSA1. database ERFEN/GRASP01,5001,5002. sea level database02,5002,5003. East. Pac. Oceanogr. Atlas07,5007,5004. Real-time data assimil.01,5001,5005. Early warning system data02,5002,5006. Remote sensing applic.01,5001,5007. ODINCARSA planning meeting040,00008. ICAM-teacher dev.07,5007,5009. OceanDocs Latin America05,0005,00010. ILMS for ODINCARSA02,5002,50011. Project proposal dev.01,0001,00012. ODINCARSA coordination075075013. Newsletters, promotion0750750subtotal074,50034,5006.2.4ODINECET1. Equipment provision5,000002. Continue dev. e-repository02,40003. Training course for trainers50,00000IODE PO/ 10/20094. Training course MIM (CPD)050,0000IODE PO/11/2009subtotal55,00052,40006.2.5ODINWESTPAC1. Training course DM035,00002. 3rd Steering Committee025,0000 05/2009subtotal060,00006.2.6ODIN-BlackSea1. DM training course35,00000IODE PO/ late 20092. various TC support030,00003. Steering Group meeting07,00004. various TC support0030,0005. IODE-XXI participation002,500subtotal35,00037,00032,5006.2.7ODIN-PIMRIS1. Review meeting05,0000IODE PO - 15K from FUST/ 02/20102. e-repository course05,0000 5K from FUST/ 04/20103. regional review meeting0010,000subtotal010,00010,0008.3.1Cooperation HAB/HAISDevelopment of an International Harmful Algal Information System (HAIS); DB platform for monitoring and biogeographic data; HAEDAT back-up0300,0000EB=Unidentified8.3.2 Cooperation with IOC/ICAM SPINCAM - training on data management, data mining and mapserver 02000020000IODE POsubtotal020000200008.4Cooperation with IPYWorkshop to help IODE members ensure IPY oceanographic data legacy02000020000IODE PO?subtotal02000020000TOTALS205,000722,400199,000 excluding PO events56,000668,400175,000 [end of document]     IOC/IODE-XX/2 Page  PAGE 4 IOC/IODE-XX/2 Page  PAGE 3 IOC/IODE-XX/2 Page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-XX/2 Page  PAGE 74 IOC/IODE-XX/2 Page  PAGE 1 ACTION: review and adopt Agenda. ACTION: elect Rapporteur if needed ACTION: review and adopt Timetable ACTION: establish sessional working groups ACTION: The Committee will be invited to provide guidance on action to take regarding action items that were not implemented. ACTION: In view of the two possible OBIS scenarios, the Committee will be requested to consider and advise on: Possible Changes to its own IODE Terms of Reference to accommodate either a separate OBIS Programme or an OBIS project within IODE. Possible changes to the operation and management of GE-BICH. Possible implications of the Terms of Reference for a new IOC/OBIS Intergovernmental Panel Terms of Reference and mandate for a possible future Joint IODE/OBIS Group of Experts Any financial implications and provision required arising from the two options ACTION: The Committee will be requested to comment on the report of the WDC The Action Paper will be the main working document for the 20th Session of the IOC Committee on IODE. It includes (i) the draft introductory text that will be used for the summary report of the Meeting; (ii) (in yellow text boxes) the decisions requested from the Committee; (iii) draft recommendations and resolutions; and (iv) resource requirements. Regarding resource requirements it is noted that in Annex I a summary overview is provided of financial requirements for the period 2009-2011. Participants in the Session are requested to carefully read the Action Paper as well as other working documents and prepare for short plenary interventions prior to the Session. Conserve nature: Participants are requested to bring their personal set of documents (electronic or paper) as no printed copies will be available at the venue. ACTION: the Committee will be requested to comment on the existing cooperation and recommend ways and means to increase cooperation ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) comment on the report ACTION: the Committee will be requested to identify activities and products to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the IODE in 2011 ACTION: the Committee will be requested to consider ways and mean to contribute, either nationally or directory to the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the IOC in 2010 ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on the public awareness activities undertaken by the IODE Secretariat (IOC Project Office for IODE) during the inter-sessional period Recommend activities and products that should be developed during the next inter-sessional period ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on the cooperation achieved with IPY Consider the draft resolution for adoption ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Discuss and recommend ways and means to enhance cooperation between IODE and GEO/GEOSS and visibility within GEO/GEOSS ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Consider ways and means to provide staff support to the IODE Secretariat Consider ways and means to expand the donor base of IODE ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Consider the suggestions for cooperative action; ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Consider the report of the 9th and 10th Session of the GE-MIM; Adopt the submitted Recommendations including the work plan and budget for the next inter-sessional period (1) ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on the cooperation achieved and to recommend ways and means to implement the joint activities under the HAIS project ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Discuss and recommend ways and means to enhance cooperation between IODE and GOOS ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Consider ways and means to enhance cooperation with SeaDataNet in order to ensure interoperability between SeaDataNet systems and other distributed data systems such as ODP; ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Assess the situation of the ODINCINDIO project and decide on its continuation or termination ACTION: the Committee will be requested to consider the election of the current Co-Chairs for a second term ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on the results achieved and to advise on next steps ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: discuss and agree on the needs of the IODE network of data centres for long-term secure archival of data and information and identify ways and means to cover these needs. ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on the evolution of data management at the national level and how this will impact on IODE as a programme and system. ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Comment on the outcome of the review and on the recommendations; ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Comment on results accomplished and on the proposed way forward; ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Comment on results accomplished; Adopt the proposed work plan and budget ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on results accomplished; Adopt the proposed work plan and budget ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on results accomplished; Adopt the proposed work plan and budget ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on results accomplished; Consider the development of a second phase of ODINCARSA as a network that provides assistance to all IOC Programmes in the region, regarding to Ocean Data and marine Information products and services. As a lead to the second phase, allocate resources for the organization of a planning meeting; Urge ODINCARSA IOC Action Addresses, to organize National meetings in order to plan the National perspective regarding to the new role of ODINCARSA. ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on results accomplished ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on results accomplished ACTION: The Committee will be requested to consider the Chairs report, together with discussions on other Agenda items, in order to discuss and decide upon future directions of the IODE programme. ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Support the proposed adoption of the new Thermodynamics and Equation of State of Seawater by the 25th IOC Assembly ii) Agreed to continue to store practical salinity, not absolute or reference salinity, at national data centers ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on the work carried out by the GE-BICH during the 2007-2008 inter-sessional period; Adopt the Summary Report of the 4th Session of the GE-BICH; Adopt Recommendation IODE-XX.1 (REVISION OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE IODE GROUP OF EXPERTS ON BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA MANAGEMENT AND EXCHANGE PRACTICES (GE-BICH) (submitted through Recommendation BICH-IV.1) Adopt Recommendation BICH-IV.2 (GE-BICH-IV ACTION PLAN FOR 2009-2011); ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Comment on the work accomplished; ii) Consider new opportunities ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Formally terminate the MEDI project; ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Comment on the work implemented; ii) Adopt the proposed work plan and budget ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Comment on the work implemented; ii) Considering the importance of an high-quality surface data set that could serve both needs of operational community, scientific community and satellite community, invite all potential contributors to serve the GDAC. This could include near real-time data and/or historical data. ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Comment on the work implemented; ii) Adopt the proposed work plan and budget. ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Comment on the work implemented; ii) Recommend the continue the GODAR and WOD projects. ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) Comment on the work implemented; ii) Adopt the proposed work plan and budget. ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: note with satisfaction the progress that has been made in the implementation of the Ocean Data Portal Project; welcome the close collaboration between WMO and IOC in establishing the WIGOS-ODP Pilot Project for IODE and JCOMM; invite Member States participating in the ODIN and other IODE projects to provide their contribution into the ODP V.1 implementation, e.g. as data providers. In this regard the Committee also called ETDMP for closer collaboration with SeaDataNet and OBIS. adopt the work plan of the Ocean Data Portal development for 2009-2011 adopt Recommendation IODE-XX.5 on the contribution of IODE data centers to the IODE Ocean Data Project and ODP-WIGOS Pilot Project for IODE and JCOMM, and also proposed to invite JCOMM-III session to adopted similar recommendation. ACTION: The Committee will be requested to comment on the report of the WDC ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: comment on the report provide guidance on the further implementation of the strategy ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Discuss and agree upon ways and means to define the certification of IODE data centres ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: i) comment on the report provided by Mr Keeley ii) consider the draft recommendation or resolution (if available) ACTION: The Committee will be requested to comment on the report of the WDC ACTION: The Committee will be requested to comment on the report of the WDC ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Express its strong satisfaction with the great progress made by the ETDMP with respect to the E2EDM technology and IODE ODP v.1 development, and agree that the work carried out by the ETDMP was a good illustration of the rationale for the joint ownership of the ETDMP by IODE and JCOMM. Approve the work plan and budget proposed by the ETDMP Adopt Recommendation IODE-XX.3 (REVISION OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE JCOMM/IODE EXPERT TEEM ON DATA MANAGEMENT PRACTICES) Recommend the following experts as members of the ETDMP: Canada - Mr. Mathieu Ouellet, DFO; Japan: Prof. Yutaka Michida, University of Tokyo; Russian Federation: Dr Sergey Belov, RIHMI-WDC; United States of America: Mr Don Collins and submit these names to JCOMM-III ACTION: the Committee will be requested to: Comment on the performance of the IOC Project Office for IODE Consider ways and means to provide staff support to the IODE Secretariat BC& ' J K g h k x y | } ͽviaVC$jhs@5>*UmHnHtH uhs@5>*mH sH hs@mH sH hr,?hs@CJ0OJQJhr,?hs@OJQJhr,?hs@5CJ$OJQJ\hr,?hs@CJ$OJQJ^Jhr,?hs@5OJQJ\hr,?hs@CJOJQJ^Jhr,?hs@5CJOJQJ\hs@5CJOJQJ\ hhs@hs@ hs@5hyZhs@5jhs@UmHnHuC' K h i j k x gds@"$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gds@gds@$a$gds@x y z { | ~  $a$gds@gds@}       ̷qbQb j{hs@UmHnHujhs@UmHnHu* 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