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This is taking place largely via national research agency funding, driven by individual PI activities in response to national priorities or as participation in international ocean and climate research programs. Ocean reanalysis and high-resolution ocean forecast systems have been developed and are generating products. All of the observations reported via the GTS, and the reanalysis and ocean forecast products are available via web-based systems and at no cost. Additional support is needed to complete the initial global system and additional efforts are required to extract societal benefits beyond those now available. It is not clear whether the initial system can be sustained under its present arrangements; few, if any, national institutional arrangements have been made to sustain any of these activities. JCOMM coordination of many of the in-situ observing activities, data management activities and some of the service activities is essential. IOC and WMO support of the GOOS, GCOS and WCRP secretariats, is critical for the development of international plans and to international coordination of the range of global activities being carried out under these plans. An implementation plan for the coastal module is still under development, so the wide range of coastal activities being undertaken is not at present taking place as part of a coordinated international plan. Thus there is no framework in place against which to evaluate implementation progress. 7. The GRAs are envisioned to be primary implementation groups, but the state of their development and of national support for their priorities varies widely at present. The establishment of the GRC is intended to simplify communication of common GRA priorities to IOC member states, advisory bodies and JCOMM. The GRC should be actively involved in the development of the implementation plan for the coastal module. ADDITIONAL NATIONAL ACTIVITIES. Restrictions on availability of in-situ observations from national waters (and sometimes from national efforts in international waters) are limiting the ability of many nations to carry out useful ocean forecasts. Improved program-level and national data exchange is essential. GRAs should identify particular data needs. Access to air-sea interface fields from NWP centers is essential for national and regional ocean forecast systems, but these fields are not always available. Provision of these fields by national weather services is critical. Increasing capacity for nations to take advantage of the global ocean reanalysis and ocean forecast products is needed. Nation by nation evaluation of the utility of the products of the global system is needed. GRAs should identify specific capacity building projects and regional pilot projects that would make use of global system observations and products. GOOS PROGRAM EVALUATION Making the connection between existing implementation activities and intermediate and end-users of the system needs to be developed. There is no evaluation framework, beyond research and forecast community activities, for GOOS data and products. Task IGOOS members to identify national needs / priorities; task them to steward their program activities against those identified needs and priorities IOC based progress reporting process needed through GOOS office – annual report out on progress including both open ocean and coastal and including end users whenever possible. Results based management framework with independent evaluation of progress is needed. The GSSC could be part of the evaluation process. Integration of the global and coastal module analysis and forecast activities should be progressed to the greatest extent feasible. IGOOS Activities Member state needs for ocean information must be clearly articulated in order for the GSSC to provide technical advice about the activities needed to meet these needs. It would assist the development of national enthusiasm for GOOS if the member states would provide case study examples of successful national development and use of ocean information, and the key actions that led to it. Improved member state leadership awareness of national ocean observing, analysis and forecast activities (which are undertaken via GRAs and global programs) and plans is needed so that coordination between national efforts can be improved. Data release/availability for GOOS activities needs to be addressed at each IOC Assembly. Progress to be tracked by the GOOS Secretariat via reports from the GRAs and end-users. )*9:7   Ų ß u ‘ ’ ­ 8 n o >–œ²=>?`q‡½ē5v£¤‡EZ[vńņ ™š§±²¹ĆŠŁäåīļų=Ybmš›„® KüųōšüģüōüšüģōģōģōčōčäģščąšģÜģŲŌšÜģąģŠģŲŌģąĢČĢČÄĄĢ¼ĢĄÄČĢÄĢČøČÄ“Ä“Čą°ą°hX>%h¹šh.µhęLJh_ ¾hHLghļMśhA-‡hAs7h-0’hä"Ph™x±hjfŽh:UUh6‹h?gĘhRžhś"uh85ļh¾0¦E*:;£ C  ’ o p —>?_`¤‡ņó żżżõõõõõģõßŅĶĶÅŽ½°° „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgdjfŽ & FgdjfŽ & Fgd?gĘgd6‹ „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgdRž „Š„˜ž^„Š`„˜žgd6‹„h^„hgdś"u & Fgd¾0¦’ž ›LŌXYjīŽ‘’÷÷ļ÷ęŁŃŃŃŃę & Fgd$) „h„L’^„h`„L’gd‚#F„h^„hgd‚#F & Fgd & FgdļMś KLnu ÓŌXjw|Zgm °ĶŃīVXmŠ£ÜŽ÷5Hb‘’üųōšōųģčäčäčąÜąÜąÜąÜäŲąŲäąäŌäŌäŌäčh?_`¤ ‡  ņ ó › LŌXYjīŽ‘”˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€x˜ 0€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜0€€€˜ 0€€€˜0€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€x˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜0€€˜0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜0€€x˜0€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€€˜0€€x*:;£C’—>`‡  ņ ó › L”˜0€€h€š0€€h€˜0€€h€˜ 0€€h€š 0€€h˜ 0€€h€˜ 0€€h€š 0€€h€š0€€h€š0€€h€š 0€€h€˜ 0€€š 0€€€˜0€€h€˜0€€€˜ 0€€€˜ 0€€Ź@00„ ÅK’ ’’š8š@ń’’’€€€÷š’šš0š( š ššB šS šæĖ’ ?š ¤x | ] a ĖŅqu}”)£?^ ¢Ō”3333*;?_x £ ó ¢ŌYi”ēē£ † T Z nu ÓZgm °ĶŃXmĀĢŌÜ‘”ķf;š ć’’’’’’’’’½ ōŚ‚°’’’’’’’’’©oj&Š’’’’’’’’’$9ø;ŠīQ’’’’’’’’’$CJ$Ųi’’’’’’’’’²l$K$Ųi’’’’’’’’’„Š„˜žĘŠ^„Š`„˜žo(.€ „ „˜žĘ ^„ `„˜ž‡hˆH.‚ „p„L’Ęp^„p`„L’‡hˆH.€ „@ „˜žĘ@ ^„@ `„˜ž‡hˆH.€ „„˜žĘ^„`„˜ž‡hˆH.‚ „ą„L’Ęą^„ą`„L’‡hˆH.€ „°„˜žĘ°^„°`„˜ž‡hˆH.€ „€„˜žĘ€^„€`„˜ž‡hˆH.‚ „P„L’ĘP^„P`„L’‡hˆH.„Š„˜žĘŠ^„Š`„˜žo(.€ „ „˜žĘ ^„ `„˜ž‡hˆH.‚ „p„L’Ęp^„p`„L’‡hˆH.€ „@ „˜žĘ@ ^„@ `„˜ž‡hˆH.€ „„˜žĘ^„`„˜ž‡hˆH.‚ „ą„L’Ęą^„ą`„L’‡hˆH.€ „°„˜žĘ°^„°`„˜ž‡hˆH.€ „€„˜žĘ€^„€`„˜ž‡hˆH.‚ „P„L’ĘP^„P`„L’‡hˆH.h „Š„˜žĘŠ^„Š`„˜ž‡hˆH.h „ „˜žĘ ^„ `„˜ž‡hˆH.’h „p„L’Ęp^„p`„L’‡hˆH.h „@ „˜žĘ@ ^„@ `„˜ž‡hˆH.h „„˜žĘ^„`„˜ž‡hˆH.’h „ą„L’Ęą^„ą`„L’‡hˆH.h „°„˜žĘ°^„°`„˜ž‡hˆH.h „€„˜žĘ€^„€`„˜ž‡hˆH.’h „P„L’ĘP^„P`„L’‡hˆH.„Š„˜žĘŠ^„Š`„˜žo(.€ „ „˜žĘ ^„ `„˜ž‡hˆH.‚ „p„L’Ęp^„p`„L’‡hˆH.€ „@ „˜žĘ@ ^„@ `„˜ž‡hˆH.€ „„˜žĘ^„`„˜ž‡hˆH.‚ „ą„L’Ęą^„ą`„L’‡hˆH.€ „°„˜žĘ°^„°`„˜ž‡hˆH.€ „€„˜žĘ€^„€`„˜ž‡hˆH.‚ „P„L’ĘP^„P`„L’‡hˆH.h „Š„˜žĘŠ^„Š`„˜ž‡hˆH.h „ „˜žĘ ^„ `„˜ž‡hˆH.’h „p„L’Ęp^„p`„L’‡hˆH.h „@ „˜žĘ@ ^„@ `„˜ž‡hˆH.h „„˜žĘ^„`„˜ž‡hˆH.’h „ą„L’Ęą^„ą`„L’‡hˆH.h „°„˜žĘ°^„°`„˜ž‡hˆH.h „€„˜žĘ€^„€`„˜ž‡hˆH.’h „P„L’ĘP^„P`„L’‡hˆH.h „Š„˜žĘŠ^„Š`„˜ž‡hˆH.h „ „˜žĘ ^„ `„˜ž‡hˆH.h „p„L’Ęp^„p`„L’‡hˆH.h „@ „˜žĘ@ ^„@ `„˜ž‡hˆH.h „„˜žĘ^„`„˜ž‡hˆH.h „ą„L’Ęą^„ą`„L’‡hˆH.h „°„˜žĘ°^„°`„˜ž‡hˆH.h „€„˜žĘ€^„€`„˜ž‡hˆH.h „P„L’ĘP^„P`„L’‡hˆH.ķf;$9ø;$CJ²l$K©oj&½ ō’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’                                             å› X>%$)/As70@‚#FęLJä"P:UUHLgž’’’ž’’’ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Root Entry’’’’’’’’ ĄFŠ`/3m˜É@€Data ’’’’’’’’’’’’1Table’’’’)WordDocument’’’’"&SummaryInformation(’’’’’’’’’’’’,DocumentSummaryInformation8’’’’’’’’4CompObj’’’’’’’’’’’’j’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’ ’’’’ ĄFMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8ō9²q