ࡱ> IKH ~3bjbjFF 0B$$~+kkkkk 4uk\kk\\\kk\\\kk\&è\\x 0\5\5\\k\ 1:   NOTES ET-OOFS teleconference 24 February 2009 PREVIOUS ACTIONS - REVIEW 1. Membership ACTION for Albert formal letter of invitation to the team to Fraser. cc: Savi Narayanan Gary starts meeting at 9:05 online: Gary, Peter D., Alice, Eric D., Fraser, Craig. Action for Gary: invite Jian Zhu to the group (at GSSC meeting). MyOcean membership Eric discussed with Adrian better to have another person. From the information management side Frdrique Blanc. Involved on pilot task team. Or someone else at Ifremer working there. Eric spoke with her yesterday ready to do that, depending on amount of travel/meetings. Craig: is Frdrique Blanc a modeler? Is she the right person? Eric: thought someone from the information side would be best for standardization etc. myOcean initiative in Europe that will structure this within the European area needs to be coordinated outside of Europe. Gary: Frdrique has expressed interest in leading data management project of ET-OOFS so I think this is a good idea. Alice: dialogue between myOcean people with the WIS, so maybe this link related to WMO standards is good. Gary: ET-OOFS has to have myOcean at the table, representing broader views at international level. If there is a WMO-myOcean engagement that is great information to have brought to ET-OOFS by Frdrique. ACTION ?? invite Frdrique Blanc to ET-OOFS representing myOcean Gary: also need to bring in US IOOS. Craig: recommend talking to Ralph. ACTION for Gary: talk to Ralph re: US IOOS membership on ET-OOFS at GSSC. COMPLETED Ralph suggested Rich Signell. Rich is from USGS and on a 12 month secondment. Future with US-IOOS not yet known. Decision Zdenka t 4. GODAE OV patrons Gary will follow up with Andreas regarding GODAE OV patrons. Eric: Within GOV we are not advanced in our discussions with the patrons to say anything precise on this point. 6. pilot task team Data Management Gary: Frdrique has agreed to do this is now coordinating first phone hook-up. ACTION for all: review the draft brief Gary prepared and give comments to Frdrique. 7. Nomenclature and symbology Didnt have Adrian on the line. 8. Operational performance monitoring Had not heard on Jim on US GODAE server or JMA/IPRC as a potential host. still open action items at this stage. Eric: Are there specific actions to pursue from our side before June. Gary: Our hope was to have these metrics pinned down by now, so will take it as an action to contact Jim again. ACTION for Gary: follow up with Jim on the CLASS 4 Argo metrics, including Fabrice Hernandez Eric: Fabrice is working full-time on the intercomparison, writing the paper for the GODAE special issue. Will ask him if he has some suggestions about that. Gary: an e-mail exchange. Gary: Ming has not yet defined the type of information on national status. Since next meeting at Mercator have Mercator provide ET-OOFS with a presentation on user experince. Eric: should avoid overlap with GODAE meeting. Most of the activities of the GODAE meeting were to have national reporting of national system development etc. Already a template that has been established to report to the IGST. Will probably be continued within GOV. If ET-OOFS is more oriented towards services and links to users that would be more useful. Gary: yes, focus specifically on service end of Mercator and experiences in engaging the user community, servicing their needs. All of that would be a small item in a GOV report, but ACTION for Eric/Mercator: prepare a presentation for the next ET-OOFS meeting on the experiences working with users. Suggestions on how ET-OOFS might support user engagements. Also opportunity for Ming and rest of team to see how such a report might be put together. Fraser: eventually splitting of reporting: GOV focus on the development, ET-OOFS focus on service delivery. Would work well if we had such a special presentation from Mercator on end-users of ocean forecasting. Craig: still figuring out the roles for each two groups. Should be working together as much as possible. Gary: hard to completely merge the two if we have two different bodies, will have to distinguish the specific niche for ET-OOFS. picking up on Mings request on a sharing of knowledge of the service delivery, how to interface with customers, client needs. another thread is observational requirements, symbology and nomenclature. Mercator could take advantage in this presentation to talk about operational obstacles, what obstacles they would like to see addressed at the international level. Eric: potential overlap between GOV and ET-OOFS on the table for a while. For the moment groups are different in nature; GOV is 25-30 scientists for exchange of science and technology, ET is more focused. My point is that we will have to report to both groups for now, we want to avoid duplicative reporting. Craig: at the moment we do need the two groups. GOV will be bringing all the modeling groups up to the same standard. Something JCOMM cant do. We can only take on the mature bits of those systems. avoid a schism. Adrian online. Update on those actions. Adrian: hasnt been a huge amount of progress with the audit of existing nomenclatures/symbologies out there. Hope to put some time in that over next few weeks. By June should have a good base to work from. Have a table of contents written wanted to fill out a little more how that would work. Intend to do before the meeting in June. Gary: is this the effort of one person or does it require a team effort? Adrian: useful for me to take a look and get something prepared for June. When we go into details will need a combined effort. Hopefully we will settle on a small number of possibilities for symbology/nomenclature (me to filter out a smaller set) before discussions. Craig: if you can have a framework in June, then everyone including GOV has to add bits in. Eric: do you think that you will be able to circulate a draft document before June? Adrian: will aim to do that ahead of time hope by end of March. Eric: great. Good to have something by beginning May to be able to elaborate on this draft and advance in June. ongoing ACTIONS for Adrian (same as before). 10. Engagement of WMO/WGNE Gary: e-mail from Peter with CAS. Spoke with Andreas but has not heard from Michel Beland. Peter will try to push that one along. Eric: WGNE is definitely a group we want to interact with from GOV point of view. Peter: in interest of both groups. ACTION for Peter: talk to Andreas, put in contact with Michel Beland. 11. operational ocean observing systems. Alice sent Gary a document with the Statement of Guidance. Gary: based on what I saw in that document, not a complete representation of the operational requirements. Are there additional opportunities to edit that document? Alice: by end May is our deadline to submit a new version for the ET on global observing system. Tables with observing requirements should also be updated by the same time, together with the statement of guidance. Gary: review of the operational requirements for the observing system is related to new business large effort required with a whole series of documents, ET-OOFS needs to take a position internally. Full description of the products and observational needs. will raise again later. NEW BUSINESS Fraser: ET-OOFS hosting an end-user meeting in operational oceanography? Craig: would be good to have an ocean forecasters meeting people using products to make forecasts. Not clear how they do their job. The ice community in Canada have this down to a fine art. Need to get there with the ocean forecasting. Fraser: recommend Fraser and Frdrique Blanc to put together such a proposal end-user interface/outreach type conference. Craig: would work really well. Observations -> models -> forecasts/users. Pitched properly should get support from the sponsoring agencies. ACTION for Fraser and Frdrique to write a workshop proposal (2-3 pages) for this end-user conference. Gary: would it be joined to any other meeting like OceanObs09? Fraser: could be Craig: workshop for practitioners or a conference for end-users? Think first could be more interesting or split 50/50 with a small workshop for the practioners/forecasters, then another part to present that and get feedback from the community. Or is this: let the users tell us what they want? Fraser: interface-type meeting. Between providers and the high-level users: coast guards, ice forecasters, oil industry etc. Focus on the interface with the end users. Small conference. Develop something 2 years from now that is bigger. Craig: as long there is a workshop component for ocean forecasting practitioners people who put out products. Gary: in a previous discussion that it is not always easy to get the users to come to us for us to go to the user forums. Could you nest this within another conference or symposium. Fraser: under discussion either go to a location or a meeting where there are a lot of end users. Gary: nice road show that you could tailor to different user groups and move to different forums. Fraser: will circulate by beginning May so that people can give feedback. MoU with GOV Peter: Record of Understanding rather than Memorandum which has legal ramifications. Craig: not sure of its utility. Relationship is pretty obvious should be something that is put on a website publicly. Who is this for and why? The kind of things in this document should be incorporated into the GODAE OV and ET-OOFS Terms of Reference rather than standing as a separate document. Should take this and revise the ToRs. Gary: tries to provide guidance to both groups to clarify the relationship between the two groups. As we evolve and develop specific areas of interest this document will evolve. We dont understand everything about how this relationship is going to work. Craig: Summary of collaboration or potential collaboration the Memorandum of Understanding is too strong a wording. Perhaps this should be an annex to the ToRs of each group. Eric: agree that we dont need a formal binding signed agreement; but we have to record this understanding I have been asked by people what the difference between the groups do what is the duplication, etc.? So it is interesting to have this written down for the two groups, and to communicate to the outside world about this relationship. Gary: This RoU GODAE was the only group at one point, responsibility over all aspects of ocean forecast systems. Not unreasonable to articulate more clearly now that there are two groups so that outside people have a clearer understanding of the partnership between the two groups and the contrasting and overlapping responsibilities. Craig: remember ET-OOFS was set up to help transition GODAE. Gary: running out of time. Masa wont be able to attend the meeting in Toulouse, but will have a Japanese representative there. Eric, Adrian will be there, believe Jim will be there as well. Fraser expects to be there. Gary: thanked all for making time. 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