ࡱ> IKH @ bjbj "* tttt,$.:$c0R2fV.V.  k.*  0.0.+-  c@p2t,0..0.,\330-$-3.(0"7SeV.V.   CANADIAN NATIONAL REPORT Observations: Data monitoring, metrics on data volumes, coverage, quality No automatic QA on input data (ie: AVISO, MERCATOR, ...) Monitoring web page with download information checklist. mirroring programs run multiple times during the day Data failures/rejections (delivery/quality), and if any examples of downstream impact to services NA No analysis done in house. Downscaling system at the moment. Down the road: Regional Analysis Global Analysis (Coupled System) Recommendations for future requirements We will implement basicautomated QA with output page. NC Servicing: (further information below) We run in best effort mode a list of "customers" of operational services DFO Scientists CCG National Defence Research and Operations. Types of service "products" that your institution provides? and/or for what applications? Best effort Surface current distribution is provided via OCGFTP ( HYPERLINK "ftp://ocgftp.nfl.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/outgoing/cnoofs/NWA025/surface" \o "ftp://ocgftp.nfl.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/outgoing/cnoofs/NWA025/surface" ftp://ocgftp.nfl.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/outgoing/cnoofs/NWA025/surface). Rolling out ncWMS / Godiva2 for all systems. Currently pass word protected On line validation diagnostics 10 day forecasts (optional) what are methods of delivery of your service products to your users/customers? (i.e., put them on the web vs. other method of delivery) Data distribution via web (FTP/SFTP) Forecast images ( HYPERLINK "http://www.c-noofs.gc.ca/viewer" \o "http://www.c-noofs.gc.ca/viewer" http://www.c-noofs.gc.ca/viewer) Dynamic quick-view service ( HYPERLINK "http://www.c-noofs.gc.ca:8080/ncWMS/godiva2.html" \o "http://www.c-noofs.gc.ca:8080/ncWMS/godiva2.html" http://www.c-noofs.gc.ca:8080/ncWMS/godiva2.html product usage, user feedback, Request for data Request for comparisons with observations Positive feedback from Coast Guard and DND. at least one example demonstrating of impact in 2008/09 Work with DRDC(Anthony Isenor) - provided output of from our model for the area the DRDC vessel Quest was operating in at the time. Data management: system overview Data stored on SANsw/ protection against hard disk failure (RAID) Bi-weekly backup to tape on a 10-week rotation Data compressed 90 days after creation data: types of data, formats of data, purpose of data NetCDF format. GRIB format Considering Env Canada Weather Office Native Binary format: validation/visualisation tools data storage: data volumes, levels of storage Model output archive grows by ~10GB per day 3 TB per year Current total: 1.8TB, all netCDF files, with 75% of that amount being compressed (gzip) files Input data archive (data from external sources) grows by ~5GB per week. Current total: 350GB. data interaction: data servers, format conversion Data stored on C-NOOFS SANs is accessible via NFS to all of our compute machines (all Grids, V40Z, V41Z, SUNNY) Wind forecasts from CMC (in GRIB format) are converted to NetCDF on-demand, when the model requires this data. Recommendations real-time issues Decide what needs to be kept, (store all fields at moment in full resolution, hourly output) split in surface products and 3D products '()cd    s u " $ ׷ץ|gXLEAǥhL; hdhdhdOJQJmH sH hdhdOJQJmH sH )hdhL;B*OJQJ^JmH phsH hVPf#hdB*OJQJ^JmH phsH %hdhVPfB*OJQJmH phsH #hVPfB*OJQJ^JmH phsH hL;B*OJQJmH phsH hVPfB*OJQJmH phsH hdB*OJQJmH phsH 0hdhd5B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH (d  s v ] a b !>.!!!!![!!!!!!!!!!yf!!!^gdL;^gdL;^gdL; ^`gdL;`gdL;gdL;h^hgdd $h^ha$gdd$ & \ ] ` a b     n o { ¾xg`TB#hVPfB*OJQJ^JmH phsH hL;B*OJQJph hVPfhVPf hVPfhVPfOJQJ^JmH sH hdhVPfhdhdOJQJmH sH hL;B*OJQJmH phsH hdB*OJQJmH phsH hVPfB*OJQJmH phsH hVPf)hL;hdB*OJQJ^JmH phsH hd#hdB*OJQJ^JmH phsH #hL;B*OJQJ^JmH phsH    o   D (<i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gdL; ^ gdL;^gdL;^gdL;F^FgdL; v^v`gdL; ? @ } ~      !"ABCD`a '׵׵ףןןןqhVPfB*OJQJmH phsH hVPfB*aJmH phsH hVPfB*mH phsH hwO>hVPf#hdB*OJQJ^JmH phsH #hwO>B*OJQJ^JmH phsH hVPf0JOJQJ^JmH sH #hVPfB*OJQJ^JmH phsH ,jhVPfB*OJQJU^JmH phsH %'(;<28VXijkz{JK[!"#4mrμҒΪΪΪΪpΪppp#hwO>B*OJQJ^JmH phsH hVPfB*CJaJmH phsH hwO>'hVPf0JB*OJQJ^JmH phsH #hVPfB*OJQJ^JmH phsH #hL;B*OJQJ^JmH phsH hVPfhVPfB*OJQJmH phsH hdhL;)hdhVPfB*OJQJ^JmH phsH 'WXj{K\i#4-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`gdL; ^ gdL;8^8gdL; h@gdL;^gdL;p^pgdL;F^FgdL;,-   12#hL;B*OJQJ^JmH phsH #hwO>B*OJQJ^JmH phsH #hVPfB*OJQJ^JmH phsH hVPfB*OJQJmH phsH hL;B*OJQJmH phsH hVPfhVPfOJQJ^JmH sH -  2!!!!!!!^gdL; ~ Z^~ `ZgdL;`gdL;^gdL; ^ gdL; 1h/ =!"#$%D@D NormalCJ_HaJmH nHsH tHDA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List4U`4 VPf Hyperlink >*ph.X`. 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