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The DBCP Scientific and Technical Workshop precedes the meeting, will begin Monday, 28 September 2009 and end around 6 pm the same day. It presents an ideal opportunity for scientists, operators, and manufacturers to relate their experiences, to exchange knowledge, and to build on or learn from the innovations, developments and good practices of their peers. 2. WORKSHOP THEMES The regular themes of the Workshop include 1) technical development for marine observation systems; 2) operational practices and enhancements, and; 3) applications of collected data. In addition to the regular themes, this years workshop will have a major focus on "Extended marine observing technologies and coastal risk management". Topics of interest are: Wave measurements from buoys, and their intercomparisons development and verification of wave observing technologies from buoys; need for in situ observational data for the validation of wave models and satellite wave products, and for specific coastal applications; use of wave information (in situ observations, satellite products, models) for shipping, port management, and coastal risk management. Tsunami Observations National experience with regard to deploying tsunameters in the open ocean and the use of the observations. Material presented at the Workshop may be sourced from any part of the globe, but topics of relevance to the host region are particularly welcomed. 3. WORKSHOP FORMAT 3.1 The Workshop will begin following the official opening of DBCP-XXV at approximately 0915 hours on 28 September 2009, and will continue until approximately 1800 hours on the same day. Each presentation will be allocated twenty minutes, which includes five minutes for questions and discussion. Any presenter requesting any change to this format should do so at the time of submitting the paper abstract. 3.2 A laptop PC with projector, as well as overhead projector for viewgraphs, will be provided. Special audio-visual requirements should be communicated to the Workshop Coordinators when the abstract is submitted. 4. SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS AND PRESENTATION MATERIALS 4.1 Those of you interested in making presentations at the workshop are invited to submit an abstract(s) to the Workshop Coordinators with summaries of your presentations before 15 August 2009. After consideration of the abstracts, the Workshop Coordinators will notify presenters of their acceptance, and will invite the submission of a draft presenter schedule. 4.2 As a guide, abstracts should be of no more than 200 words, indicating the nature of the presentation or paper, and its key findings or significance. An abstract of all presentations is required for inclusion in the programme. 4.3 The contact details for the Workshop Coordinators are: William Burnett National Data Buoy Center National Weather Service, NOAA 1007 Balch Blvd. STENNIS SPACE CENTER, MS 39529-5001 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:bill.burnett@noaa.gov" bill.burnett@noaa.govJean Rolland - Meteo-France Centre de Meteorologie Marine 13, rue du Chatellier - CS 12804 29228 BREST CEDEX 2 (FRANCE) Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jean.rolland@meteo.fr" jean.rolland@meteo.fr 4.4 The Workshop Coordinators will notify presenters well in advance of the meeting of any variations to the presenter schedule or time allocation. 5. DETAILS OF VENUE HOTELS AND TRANSPORTATION 5.1 Details regarding the venue, hotels, transportation, etc., will be sent to all nominated participants well in advance of the Workshop. All Workshop participants are welcome to participate in the subsequent session of the DBCP. Please note that no external funding is available for participant support for the Workshop or DBCP session. ______________________ FGLO\]actuvW z  3 4 _ ` K ` q t u v Ǻ}umuc^} h\h^JmH sH hmH sH hhmH sH hh\mH sH hrsmH sH h#h#mH sH h8h#^Jh8h^Jh8h>*^Jh8h^JmH sH h8h#^JmH sH h8hrs^JmH sH h8h>*^JmH sH hmH sH hB*ph"*FG]uv` { u  J a & Fdd[$\$gd8gd8gd87$8$H$@ ^@  , *ST`l #`a#>Arzùííxnh^JmHsHhn'L^JmH sH h8^JmH sH hh^JmH sH hrs^JmH sH h^JmH sH  h6] h\h^JmH sH hh8h8>*^JaJmH sH "h8h86]^JaJmH sH h8h8^JaJmH sH h8mH sH )=NrI017$8$H$Gkd$$Ifl0d&,64 la$7$8$H$Ifx$7$8$H$Ifz{BCmnHI1񼱩rl h^Jh5\^JmH sH  h6]h h\hdoNh^JmH sH hdoNh80JmH sH jh8UhdoNh8mH sH h^JmH sH h0JB*^JmHphsH!jhU^JmHsHh^JmHsHjhU^JmHsH7$8$H$ $7$8$H$a$0&P 1h. 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