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Registration will take place outside of Room X, and will be open from 13.30 on 12 October. Please note that due to the nature of the Round Table, access to Room X is restricted to registered participants who have a special Round Table badge. A maximum of 3 badges per country will be available at the registration desk. UNESCO Delegations are also requested to register their respective Minister and accompanying adviser to the UNESCO General Conference. In addition, UNESCO Delegations are requested to confirm the names and official titles of their Minister and adviser participating in the roundtable, directly to the IOC Secretariat ( HYPERLINK "mailto:r.herve@unesco.org" r.herve@unesco.org) no later than 7 October 2009. Each registered Minister will be provided with a seat behind his/her respective country plate and two seats will be available for the adviser/delegate to seat behind. A Meeting room with a live retransmission of the roundtable debates will be made available to national delegations. 4. Format of the Ministerial Roundtable Sessions There will be three consecutive Theme Sessions over the 2 days of the Roundtable. Pre-registered Ministers (or High level Government Representatives at equivalent level) of Member States will be entitled to participate in all three Sessions of the Roundtable. Each session will be guided by one moderator. The sessions will be opened by interventions offered by a panel of two to three theme presenters, who will provide specific input on the particular topics of the session from a range of different perspectives. For each theme, a limited number of Ministers have been invited to make a keynote intervention. The Moderator will facilitate the discussion exchange of views by inviting interventions by participating Ministers and will manage time throughout the session. The format seeks to elicit an open dialogue and exchange of views among participating Ministers on the subjects under discussion. Such a format might warrant setting a time limit to interventions. The Moderator will provide an oral summary of the discussions at the end of each Theme session. Only Ministers (or High level Government Representatives at equivalent level) should engage in the discussion. The Director-General will make a closing remark at the end of the Round Table (Theme 3). Ministerial Roundtable Output The main issues addressed in the deliberations and any consensual points, as summarized by the moderator, would be captured in a brief summary report for each of the round-table sessions. This document will be made available to the SC Commission on 14 October as an information document. 6. Documentation A set of background documents will be sent electronically to the Ministers, their advisers and respective UNESCO Delegation in advance of the Roundtable. Copies of these documents will also be available in the meeting room. The list of authentic texts (UN Resolutions) and other background documents available to participants is presented in Annex II. A website will be established for the Ocean Roundtable at the IOC/UNESCO website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org" www.ioc-unesco.org). All documents and background information will be available on the website. Ministers wishing to share a statement or written contribution to the debate with the public are welcome to send their text to the Secretariat (j.barbiere@unesco.org). 7. Film Projection A pre-release excerpt in HD (10 mins) from the film Oceans, directed by Jacques Perrin, will be presented by Dr. Jesse Ausubel, Census of Marine Life/Sloan Foundation, one of the major sponsor of the film. 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