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And what is their role? Purpose of ISO 9001 and its application How to simplify its implementation What does each section of the Standard mean Process based approach to systems Following the demystifying sessions, participants will be provided with an introduction to auditing quality management systems. The topics covered will include: Audit Protocols (ISO 19011) Auditor and auditee responsibilities Audit planning & scheduling Preparing checklists & other audit tools Live audit performance Communication skills The demystifying and internal audit sessions will be provided by Geoff Gray of Gray Management Systems. They are a Registered Training Organisation with the Office of Training and Tertiary Education in Australia. Geoff has a wealth of experience in the area of quality management systems as both an auditor and trainer and has a sound insight into the delivery of services by NMHSs. Further information pertaining to Geoff can be obtained from his website at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.grayms.com.au/index.php" http://www.grayms.com.au/index.php It should be noted that throughout the QM sessions Bryan Boase and Helen Tseros, (BoMs Coordinator for Quality Management) will both be available to provide insights into the practical implementation a quality management system within a NMHS.  @BԳ䥡 h:#hXhXjhXUmHnHuh 2hXCJOJQJ^JaJhX0JCJOJQJ^J%jhXCJOJQJU^JjhXCJOJQJU^JhXCJOJQJ^JhXOJQJ^J hXCJ@AB  o p  2 V W $ & Fda$gdX $h^ha$gdX $ & Fa$gdX$a$gdXgdX$ & Fa$gdX  A _   8!gdXgdX $da$gdX$ & Fd-a$gdX9 0&P 1h:pX. 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