ࡱ>  -bjbjFF .$$%eeeeeyyyyy$ynZ99999999mmmmmmmorme9999=mee99nPAe9e9m9m^Vee[հy.VX8\4SnHnXP;s;sp[[e\999 +:   Last updated: 23 Apr 2010 Interim Report on a new BUFR Template for along track water surface data The present BUFR template for along track almost entirely mimics the contents of the TRACKOB code. It is very simple and provides a bare minimum of metadata. The JCOMM Data Management Programme Area recently initiated a cross-JCOMM Task Team on Table Driven Codes (TT-TDC). One of the purposes was to look across all of the present templates used in the marine domain and to improve both the metadata content, and regularize how the same variable is reported regardless of which template is used. As example, sea surface temperature is reported in a number of the templates, but there are different metadata reported depending on what template is employed. In the course of this review, the TT-TDC is reviewing the along track data template. It was noted that by handling the data in a different way, it is possible to streamline both encoding and decoding BUFR messages. The work on regularizing all of the present templates is unfinished. So, for example, you will see that in this version there is as yet no way to indicate data quality in the nessage. The intention is to include this, but this has not yet been done. However, it was thought useful to present an interim report to this meeting for comment. All comments and suggestions are welcome. The TT is particularly interested in comments about the general scheme employed, and within the along track template itself, if all of the pertinent information about the measurements is present in the code form. Table 1 provides an overview of what the new template for reporting along track data could look like, in terms of the larger information blocks. Table 1. Overview of the data blocks making up the proposed new TRACKOB replacement template. FXYNameNotes301200Ship information(1)105000Delayed replication of 5 descriptors(2)031001Delayed descriptor replication factor(2)301202Location information301203Date and time information306200Surface water temperature data(3)306202Surface salinity data(4)306204Surface water current data(5) Notes: A BUFR message using this template is composed of this descriptor, plus one or more of the other descriptors in this table. This is used to allow many reports to be delivered in a single BUFR message. If water temperature measurements have been made and are to be sent in the BUFR message, this descriptor is present. If there are no such measurements, this descriptor is removed from the BUFR message. If salinity measurements have been made and are to be sent in the BUFR message, this descriptor is present. If there are no such measurements, this descriptor is removed from the BUFR message. If water current measurements have been made and are to be sent in the BUFR message, this descriptor is present. If there are no such measurements, this descriptor is removed from the BUFR message. The various column headings are not important at this point. Table 1 illustrates how platform, location, time information have been split over different templates. These can be used independently of the actual data reported. As seen later, all of the instrument information as well as data are encapsulated in the templates built for different kinds of data. This will be evident in the details that follow. The following tables, labeled by their BUFR F-X-Y identifiers show the contents of the information blocks listed in Table 1 above. It is not so important to understand the details of the BUFR encoding. Rather, by scanning the column titled Name it is possible to see what sort of information is presently included in the template. Annotations in the Note column provide information particularly about what is found in code tables that are employed. 3-01-200: Ship information FXYNameUnitScaleRef valueData Width (bits)Note001079Unique identifier for this message Numeric0033(1)001078IMO ship identifierCCITT IA50080(2)301003Ships call sign plus motion 0-01-011 identifier 0-01-012 direction 0-01-013 speedCCITT IA5 Degree true m s-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 9 10004024Time period or displacementHour0-204812(3)001044Ships ground course: the direction the vessel actually moves over the fixed earth and referenced to true north.m s-10010(4)007071Maximum height of deck cargo above summer maximum load linem006(5)007072Departure of summer maximum load line from actual sea level m0-326(6)Notes: This is an identifer that can be used to track the data throughout its lifetime. Some countries are using a 32 bit CRC calculation to generate a unique identifier. If using the CRC algorithm, input to the algorithm should be the entire data stream beginning with the IMO ship identifier. This is the IMO unique identifier for a ship. It consists of the 3 characters IMO followed by the 7 digit Lloyds registry number. This field indicates the time period over which the direction and speed of motion of the ship has been determined. This field is required for meeting additional requirements for VOSClim Allows for a maximum height of 64 m. When the load line is above sea level, record this as positive. This field is required for meeting additional requirements for VOSClim. 3-01-202: Location information FXYNameUnitScaleRef valueData Width (bits)Note301021Latitude and longitude 0-05-001 (Lat; high accuracy) 0-06-001 (Lon; high accuracy) Degree Degree  5 5 -9000000 -18000000 25 26(1)008080Qualifier for quality class Code table006(2)033050GTSPP quality classCode table004022063Total water depthm0014105000Replication of 5 descriptors031000Short delayed descriptor replication factorNumeric001(3)033023Quality of buoy locationCode table002033027Location quality class (range of radius of 66 % confidence)Code table003002148Data collection and/or location systemCode table005027004Alternate latitude (high accuracy)Degree5-900000025(4)028004Alternate longitude (high accuracy)Degree5-1800000026(4)104000Replication of 4 descriptors031000Short delayed descriptor replication factorNumeric001(5)008021Time significance Code table005(6)301011Date (of position) 0-04-001 (year) 0-04-002 (month) 0-04-003 (day) Year Month Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4 6301012Time (of position) 004004 (Hour) 004005 (Minutes) Hour Minute 0 0 0 0 5 6008021Time significance Code table005(7)Notes: These fields report the location of the platform Set to qualifier = 20 to indicate the quality flag applies to position This value can be set to 0 to indicate no information down to descriptor 0-28-004 will be provided. This is a way to reduce what is sent in the data section of BUFR If the Argos system is used to determine position (or some other system that produces alternative locations) provide the alternative position here. If the time of observation matches the time of when the position was determined, the value of this is set to 0 and none of the following fields need appear in the BUFR message. This is often the case for fixed or moored platforms. If the time of position differs from the time of observation of the data, set this indicator =26 and use the next date fields to record the time when the position was determined Set this value = 31 (missing) to cancel the previous value. 3-01-203: Date and time information FXYNameUnitScaleRef valueData Width (bits)Notes301011Date (of observation) 0-04-001 (year) 0-04-002 (month) 0-04-003 (day) Year Month Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4 6301012Time (of observation) 004004 (Hour) 004005 (Minutes) Hour Minute 0 0 0 0 5 6008080Qualifier for quality class Code table006033050GTSPP quality classCode table004 3-06-200: Surface water temperature data (high precision) FXYNameUnitScaleRef valueData Width (bits)Notes002038Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurementCode table004007063Depth below sea water surfacem2020(1)004080Averaging period for following valueCode table004022045Sea/water temperature K3019Notes: In the case of hull or flow through systems, this will indicate the depth of the water at which the temperature was sampled. Note that this is consistent with the recently approved XBT template 3-06-202: Surface salinity data (high precision) FXYNameUnitScaleRef valueData Width (bits)Notes002038Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurementCode table004007063Depth below sea water surfacem2020(1)004080Averaging period for following valueCode table004022176Salinity PSU3019Notes: In the case of hull or flow through systems, this will indicate the depth of the water at which the salinity was sampled. 3-06-204: Surface water current data FXYNameUnitScaleRef valueData Width (bits)Notes002030Method of current measurementCode table003007063Depth below sea water surfacem2020(1)004080Averaging period for following valueCode table004002042Indicator for sea surface current speedCode table002022031Speed of currentm s-12013022004Direction of current Degree true009(2)Notes: In the case of hull or flow through systems, this will indicate the depth of the water at which the current was sampled. Descriptor 0 22 004: the direction given in this entry is the direction towards which the current is flowing. 4RXef+,ŴtcJ3-hCJOJQJ\^JaJmH nH sH tH 0hk:hCJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH h:ehCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ hohCJOJQJ^JaJ#hh5CJOJQJ^JaJh5CJOJQJ^JaJ!h>*CJOJQJ^JmH sH  h5>*CJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJh:eCJOJQJ^JaJhB@CJOJQJ^JaJef  #$ $$Ifa$gdGC$Eƀgdgd$a$gd$*+-04EFkd$$Ifl rd,Rxs&& d t644 la]p( $Ifgd $$Ifa$gd,-/034DEHJLNjkx|}ggggNg0h hCJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH 0h hCJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH 0hk:hCJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH *hCJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH hk:hCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ-hCJOJQJ\^JaJmH nH sH tH 3hk:hCJOJQJ\^JaJmH nH sH tH EIJLOSx|JA $Ifgdkd)$$Iflrd,Rxs&& d t644 la]p2 $$Ifa$gd|}VJJJAJ $Ifgd $$Ifa$gdkd\$$Iflrd,Rxs&& d t644 la]p2VJJJAJ $Ifgd $$Ifa$gdkd$$Iflrd,Rxs&& d t644 la]p2VJJJAJ $Ifgd $$Ifa$gdkd$$Iflrd,Rxs&& d t644 la]p2 #%'(+,<BDGJKLOPY^ekmpryqh5CJOJQJ^JaJ*hCJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH 0hk:hCJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH hk:hCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ3hk:hCJOJQJ\^JaJmH nH sH tH -hCJOJQJ\^JaJmH nH sH tH )"VJJJAJ $Ifgd 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