ࡱ> lnefghijk%` bjbjNN ,,UN```DplDq":6ppp (,2p4p4p4p4p4p4p$vh-yXpQ`Z"|Xppppl,,,Rp`p2p2p,,T>"`*Yp  PBJVlhqqVtyyh*Y*YPy`zYN   XpXpvqD(,$qL00dD(,L00DDD   IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic Sixth Session Accra, Ghana 2830 March 2010 IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic Sixth Session Accra, Ghana 2830 March 2010 ---------------------------------- ( Contains an Executive Summary in French, Spanish and Russian. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (iii) RSUM EXCUTIF (v) RESUMEN DISPOSITIVO (viii) ' . (xi)  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762023" 1. WELCOME AND OPENING  PAGEREF _Toc260762023 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762024" 2. ORGANISATION AND ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc260762024 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762025" 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA  PAGEREF _Toc260762025 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762026" 2.2 DESIGNATION OF RAPPORTEUR  PAGEREF _Toc260762026 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762027" 2.3 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION, TIMETABLE AND DOCUMENTATION  PAGEREF _Toc260762027 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762028" 3. FOLLOW-UP OF IOCEA-V RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IN THE IOCEA REGION  PAGEREF _Toc260762028 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762032" 4. PROGRAMMES OF REGIONAL AGENCIES AND ORGANISATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc260762032 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762033" 4.1 Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) programmes in the IOCEA region  PAGEREF _Toc260762033 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762034" 4.2 Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Zones (ACCC) Project  PAGEREF _Toc260762034 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762035" 4.3 Other Regional Collaborators  PAGEREF _Toc260762035 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762036" 5. LESSONS LEARNT BY MEMBER STATES IN ADVANCING MARINE SCIENCE  PAGEREF _Toc260762036 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762037" 6. CHALLENGES FACED BY IOCEA AND WAY AHEAD  PAGEREF _Toc260762037 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762044" 7. IOCEA PROGRAMME OF WORK IN FRAME OF 35 C/5  PAGEREF _Toc260762044 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762051" 8. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION  PAGEREF _Toc260762051 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762057" 9. ELECTIONS OF OFFICERS  PAGEREF _Toc260762057 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762058" 10. DATE AND PLACE OF IOCEA-VII  PAGEREF _Toc260762058 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762059" 11. OTHER BUSINESS  PAGEREF _Toc260762059 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762063" 12. ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUMMARY REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc260762063 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc260762064" 13. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc260762064 \h 9 ANNEXES  HYPERLINK \l "A1" I AGENDA  HYPERLINK \l "A2" II RECOMMENDATIONS  HYPERLINK \l "A3" III OPENING REMARKS  HYPERLINK \l "A4" IV LIST OF DOCUMENTS  HYPERLINK \l "A5" V TABULATION OF PRIORITY NATIONAL CHALLENGES OF MEMBER STATES  HYPERLINK \l "A6" VI LIST OF PARTICIPANTS  HYPERLINK \l "A7" VII LIST OF ACRONYMS Executive Summary The Sixth Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central and Eastern Atlantic (IOCEA) was held in Accra, Ghana 2830 March 2010. The session was attended by more that 30 participants representing 12 Member States (Angola, Benin, Congo, Cte dIvoire, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo) and some regional projects and programmes. The Chairman of IOCEA reported on the follow-up of the Recommendations adopted at IOCEA-V (Dakar, Senegal, 511 May 2000) and on the implementation of the IOCEA-V Work Plans during the intersessional period. This included activities in the fields of: non-living resources, capacity-development, ocean data and information management, sustainable management of marine resources and biodiversity, ocean dynamics and their impact on coastal processes in the IOCEA region, and marine and coastal pollution in the IOCEA region. Regional programmes and projects that presented their activities included: the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME), the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem (GCLME), the project on Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Zones (ACCC), the University of Ghana Marine Science activities, the EAF-NANSEN Project, ACMAD, UNDP, and the Government of Portugal (SIAM) Project. National reports submitted by Member States from the region provided information on their priorities in coastal and marine issues, the capacities (human and infrastructure) available, major national achievements in marine science observations and policy, and the challenges faced in addressing national marine priority issues. The main challenges were (i) lack of institutes or lack of coordination amongst institutes at the national level; and (ii) lack of trained staff, difficulty in retaining trained personnel. Based on the activities, achievements and challenges faced by Member States, IOCEA-VI identified the following mechanisms that could be used to improve research: (i) collaboration with neighbours; (ii) regional masters programme in English and French; (iii) open days at institutes to sensitize civil society and decision-makers; (iv) working through the UNESCO Sand Watch programme to raise awareness on environmental degradation; (v) levies on marine-based industries to fund marine research programmes; and (vi) using the IOC 50th Anniversary celebrations to raise awareness of marine issues. The Regional Committee identified the following priorities under two of IOCs High-Level Objectives in the UNESCO Programme and Budget 20102011 (35C/5): HLO 4: Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and oceans environment and resources: Effectively monitoring oceanographic and environmental parameters in the regions coastal zones; (ii) Managing coastal and transboundary resources in an integrated manner; (iii) Modelling coastal processes and developing scenarios as a tool for coastal management; HLO 2: Mitigation of the impacts of and adaptation to climate change and variability: Training, education and sensitization; Cataloguing the different types of adaptation existing in the region; and Adapting the SANDWATCH programme in West Africa to improve education in respect of the coastal ecosystem. These priorities should be included in an IOCEA work plan for implementation within the framework of 35C/5, and will constitute the IOCEA Work Plan during the biennium. The Regional Committee established two Task Teams to: (i) coordinate the inventory of national activities, as well as activities implemented by external partners in IOCEA Member States; and (ii) examine the mechanisms to sustain the activities of ODINAfrica beyond Phase IV of ODINAfrica. An informal group was established to work out the modalities for the formation and management of an association of marine scientists to be tentatively called Central Eastern Atlantic Marine Science Association (CEAMSA). The Regional Committee requested the IOC Secretariat to follow-up on the offer of Portugal to host a scientific symposium in Madeira in the autumn of 2010. The Regional Committee accepted the offer from Senegal to create and host a website for IOCEA as a platform for networking actions on erosion and climate-change. The Regional Committee noted that resources from the UNESCO/IOC Regular Budget for implementation of programmes would be limited in the foreseeable future, and Member States in the region needed to mobilize resources and establish relations with regional and international organizations to ensure implementation of planned activities. The Regional Committee elected MrJean Folack (Cameroon) as the Chairman, and MrMarcel Aka Kouassi (Cote dIvoire) as Vice-Chairman for the intersessional period. The Committee requested the Chairman, in consultation with the IOC Secretariat and Member States from the region to set a date and venue for the next session (IOCEA-VII). The Regional Committee adopted four recommendations, requesting the Executive Secretary to: Establish the IOCEA project office and explore the possibility of funding, through available means, IOC staff to work at the project office, including through Associate Experts, Young Professionals and national secondments; Provide guidance on the formation of a proposed Central East Atlantic Marine Science Associate (CEAMSA) based on its involvement in the formation of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), as well as by facilitating support from potential sponsors; Support the identified IOCEA-VI work plan activities in the context of 35C/5, and include IOCEA in the discussions leading to the development of the draft 36C/5; Issue a Circular Letter to IOCEA Member States requesting them to strengthen the existing IOCEA National Committees, or to create them where none exists; Approach different partners and associations to fund and support IOCEA work programme activities. The Regional Committee urged IOCEA Member States to provide financial support, staff and expertise for the IOCEA office and work plan activities. Rsum excutif La sixime session du Comit rgional de la COI pour lAtlantique du Centre-Est (IOCEA) sest tenue Accra, Ghana, du 28 au 30 mars 2010. La session a t suivie par plus de 30 participants reprsentant 12 tats membres (Angola, Bnin, Congo, Cte dIvoire, Gambie, Guine, Guine-Bissau, Mauritanie, Namibie, Nigria, Sngal, et Togo) ainsi quun certain nombre de projets et programmes rgionaux. Le Prsident de lIOCEA a rendu compte de la suite donne aux recommandations adoptes par lIOCEA-V (Dakar, Sngal, 5-11 mai 2000) et de la mise en uvre des plans de travail de lIOCEA-V pendant la priode intersessions. Il sagissait notamment dactivits ralises dans les domaines des ressources non vivantes, du dveloppement des capacits, des donnes ocanographiques et de la gestion de linformation, de la gestion durable des ressources marines et de la biodiversit, de la dynamique des ocans et de son impact sur les processus ctiers dans la rgion de lIOCEA et, enfin, de la pollution marine et ctire dans cette mme rgion. Les programmes et projets rgionaux prsentant leurs activits comprenaient: le projet sur le grand cosystme marin du courant des Canaries (CCLME), celui sur le grand cosystme marin du courant de Guine (GCLME), le projet Adaptation au changement climatique dans les zones ctires (ACCC), les activits dployes par lUniversit du Ghana dans le domaine des sciences marines, le projet EAF-NANSEN, lACMAD, le PNUD, et le projet SIAM des autorits portugaises. Les rapports nationaux prsents par les tats membres de la rgion ont permis de recueillir des informations sur leurs priorits en matire de questions marines et ctires, les capacits (humaines et infrastructurelles) disponibles, les grandes ralisations nationales mises en uvre dans le domaine des observations et de la politique en sciences de la mer, et les dfis rencontrs dans le traitement des questions marines prioritaires dordre national. Les principaux dfis ont notamment rsid dans (i) labsence dinstituts ou le manque de coordination entre les instituts au niveau national, et (ii) le manque de personnel qualifi ainsi que la difficult retenir ledit personnel. Compte tenu des activits et des ralisations des tats membres, ainsi que des dfis auxquels ils sont confronts, lIOCEA-VI a identifi les mcanismes suivants susceptibles de pouvoir tre utiliss pour amliorer la recherche : (i) collaboration avec les pays voisins ; (ii) programme directeur rgional en anglais et en franais ; (iii) journes portes ouvertes dans des instituts en vue de sensibiliser la socit civile et les dcideurs ; (iv) travail de sensibilisation la dgradation de lenvironnement via le programme Sandwatch de lUNESCO ; (v) prlvements sur les industries de la mer afin de financer des programmes de recherche marine ; et (vi) mise profit des clbrations du 50eanniversaire de la COI pour sensibiliser davantage aux questions marines. Le Comit rgional a identifi les priorits suivantes en vertu de deux des objectifs de haut niveau de la COI tels que dfinis dans le Programme et budget de lUNESCO pour 2010-2011 (35C/5) : Objectif de haut niveau 4 : Procdures et politiques de gestion susceptibles dassurer la viabilit du milieu ctier et marin et de ses ressources : (i) surveillance efficace des paramtres ocanographiques et environnementaux dans les zones ctires de la rgion ; (ii) gestion intgre des ressources ctires et transfrontalires ; (iii) modlisation de processus ctiers et mise au point de scnarios susceptibles dtre utiliss comme outils de gestion des zones ctires. Objectif de haut niveau 2 : Mitigation de limpact du changement et de la variabilit climatiques et adaptation ces phnomnes : (i) formation, enseignement et sensibilisation ; (ii) catalogage des diffrents types dadaptation existant dj dans la rgion ; et (iii) adaptation du programme Sandwatch en Afrique de lOuest afin damliorer lenseignement relatif lcosystme ctier. Ces priorits devraient tre incluses dans un plan de travail de lIOCEA en vue dtre mises en uvre dans le cadre du document 35 C/5 ; elles constitueront le plan de travail de lIOCEA au cours de lexercice. Le Comit rgional a mis sur pied deux groupes de travail chargs (i) de coordonner linventaire des activits nationales, ainsi que des activits dployes par des partenaires externes au sein dtats membres de lIOCEA ; et (ii) dexaminer les mcanismes visant soutenir les activits dODINAFRICA au-del de la phase IV du Rseau. Un groupe informel a t cr en vue de dfinir les modalits relatives la cration et la gestion dune association de spcialistes de la mer qui devrait tre provisoirement dnomme Association des sciences de la mer de lAtlantique du Centre-Est (CEAMSA). Le Comit rgional a pri le Secrtariat de la COI de donner suite loffre du Portugal visant accueillir la tenue dun colloque scientifique Madre, dans le courant de lautomne 2010. Le Comit rgional a accept loffre du Sngal visant crer et hberger un site Web pour lIOCEA qui servira de plate-forme de mise en rseau des actions engages sur lrosion et le changement climatique. Le Comit rgional a not que les ressources provenant du budget ordinaire de lUNESCO/COI en vue de lexcution des programmes seraient limites dans un futur proche, et que les tats membres de la rgion avaient besoin de mobiliser des ressources et de mettre en place des relations avec des organisations rgionales et internationales afin dassurer la mise en uvre des activits prvues. Le Comit rgional a lu M. Jean Folack (Cameroun) au poste de Prsident, et M. Marcel Aka Kouassi (Cte dIvoire) celui de Vice-Prsident pour la priode intersessions. Le Comit a, en concertation avec le Secrtariat de la COI et les tats membres de la rgion, pri le Prsident de fixer la date et le lieu de la prochaine session (IOCEA-VII). Le Comit rgional a adopt quatre recommandations, priant la Secrtaire excutive : (i) de mettre en place le bureau des projets de lIOCEA et dexplorer la possibilit de financer, par des moyens disponibles, le personnel de la COI devant travailler au bureau des projets grce, notamment, au recours des experts associs, de jeunes professionnels et du personnel national dtach; (ii) de donner des indications quant la cration de lAssociation des sciences de la mer de lAtlantique du Centre-Est (CEAMSA) sur la base de sa participation la formation de lAssociation des sciences de la mer de locan Indien occidental (WIOMSA), ainsi que de faciliter le soutien dune telle association par des parrains potentiels ; (iii) de soutenir les activits relevant du plan de travail de lIOCEA-VI dans le contexte du 35 C/5, et dintgrer lIOCEA dans les discussions menant llaboration du projet de 36 C/5 ; (iv) de diffuser une lettre circulaire lattention des tats membres de lIOCEA les priant de renforcer les comits nationaux de lIOCEA existant dj, ou de les crer l o il nen existe aucun ; (v) de se rapprocher de diffrents partenaires et associations en vue de financer et de soutenir les activits du programme de travail de lIOCEA. Le Comit rgional a demand instamment aux tats membres de lIOCEA de fournir des moyens financiers, du personnel et des comptences techniques afin de soutenir ainsi le bureau de lIOCEA et les activits du plan de travail. Resumen dispositivo  La sexta reunin del Comit Regional de la COI para el Atlntico Centrooriental se celebr en Accra (Ghana) del 28 al 30 de marzo de 2010. A la reunin asistieron ms de 30 participantes en representacin de 12 Estados Miembros (Angola, Benin, Congo, Cte dIvoire, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal y Togo) y de diversos proyectos y programas regionales. El Presidente del IOCEA inform a los participantes acerca de la aplicacin de las recomendaciones aprobadas en la quinta reunin del IOCEA (Dakar (Senegal), 5-11 de mayo de 2000) y sobre la ejecucin de los planes de trabajo definidos en esa oportunidad para el periodo entre reuniones. Loanterior comprende actividades en los mbitos de: los recursos inorgnicos, el fomento de capacidades, la gestin de datos e informacin oceanogrficos, la gestin sostenible de los recursos marinos y la diversidad biolgica, la dinmica del ocano y sus repercusiones sobre los procesos costeros en la regin del IOCEA, y la contaminacin marina y costera en esa regin. Entre los programas y proyectos regionales cuyos representantes expusieron sus actividades figuraron: los proyectos relativos al Gran Ecosistema Marino de la Corriente de Canarias y el Gran Ecosistema Marino de la Corriente de Guinea, el Proyecto de adaptacin al cambio climtico en las zonas costeras (ACCC), las actividades de la Universidad de Ghana en el mbito de la ciencia del mar, el proyecto sobre el enfoque ecosistmico de las pesqueras del Instituto Fridtjof NANSEN, el Centro Africano de Aplicaciones Meteorolgicas para el Desarrollo (ACMAD), el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y el Proyecto SIAM [Hiptesis, Consecuencias y Medidas de Adaptacin] del Gobierno de Portugal. Los informes nacionales presentados por los Estados Miembros de la regin aportaron informacin sobre sus prioridades con respecto a los asuntos marinos y costeros, las capacidades (humanas y de infraestructura) disponibles, los principales logros nacionales en materia de observacin cientfica del ocano y elaboracin de polticas, y los desafos que plantea abordar los asuntos prioritarios en el mbito marino nacional. Los problemas principales fueron: i) la falta de instituciones o de coordinacin entre las instituciones en el plano nacional; y ii) la escasez de personal capacitado y la dificultad para retener al personal ya formado. Sobre la base de las actividades, los logros y las tareas pendientes de los Estados Miembros, los participantes en la sexta reunin del IOCEA definieron los mecanismos siguientes, que podran usarse para mejorar la investigacin: i) la colaboracin con los pases vecinos; ii) los programas regionales de maestra en francs e ingls; iii) las jornadas de puertas abiertas en los institutos, a fin de sensibilizar a la sociedad civil y los encargados de adoptar decisiones; iv) trabajar por medio del programa Sandwatch de la UNESCO a fin de crear conciencia del deterioro del medio ambiente; v) impuestos a las industrias del mar, para financiar los programas de investigacin ocenica; y vi) aprovechar la celebracin del cincuentenario de la COI para sensibilizar a la poblacin acerca de los asuntos marinos. El Comit Regional defini las siguientes prioridades, en relacin con dos de los Objetivos de Alto Nivel de la COI que figuran en el Programa y Presupuesto de la UNESCO para 2010-2011 (documento 35 C/5): Objetivo de alto nivel 4 - Procedimientos y polticas de gestin con miras a la sostenibilidad del medio y los recursos costeros y ocenicos: i) Vigilancia eficaz de parmetros oceanogrficos medioambientales en las zonas costeras de la regin; ii) Gestin integrada de los recursos costeros y transfronterizos; iii) Elaboracin de modelos de procesos costeros e hiptesis que sirvan de instrumentos para la gestin del litoral; Objetivo de alto nivel 2 - Atenuacin de los efectos del cambio y la variabilidad del clima y adaptacin a ellos: i) Capacitacin, enseanza y sensibilizacin; ii) Catalogacin de las diversas modalidades de adaptacin existentes en la regin; y iii) Adaptacin del programa SANDWATCH en frica Occidental para mejorar la educacin relativa a los ecosistemas costeros. Estas prioridades debern integrarse en un plan de trabajo del IOCEA que se llevar a cabo en el marco del documento 35 C/5, y constituirn el plan de trabajo del IOCEA para el bienio. El Comit Regional cre dos equipos especiales encargados de: i) coordinar el inventario de las actividades nacionales y de las actividades ejecutadas por asociados externos en los Estados Miembros del IOCEA; y ii) examinar los mecanismos para mantener las actividades de ODINAFRICA, ms all de la Fase IV de esa Red. Se cre un grupo oficioso encargado de elaborar las modalidades de constitucin y gestin de una asociacin de oceangrafos que provisionalmente recibir el nombre de Central Eastern Atlantic Marine Science Association (CEAMSA) [Asociacin de Ciencias Marinas del Atlntico Centrooriental]. El Comit Regional pidi a la Secretara de la COI que diera seguimiento a la oferta de Portugal de acoger un coloquio cientfico en Madeira, en el segundo semestre de 2010. El Comit Regional acept la oferta de Senegal de crear y acoger un sitio web para el IOCEA, como plataforma para las actividades de redes en materia de erosin y cambio climtico. El Comit Regional tom nota de que los recursos del presupuesto ordinario de la COI de la UNESCO destinados a la ejecucin de programas seran limitados en el futuro prximo y de que los Estados Miembros de la regin deban movilizar recursos y establecer relaciones con organizaciones regionales e internacionales a fin de garantizar la ejecucin de las actividades programadas. El Comit Regional eligi al Sr. Jean Folack (Camern) como Presidente y al Sr. Marcel Aka Kouassi (Cte dIvoire) como Vicepresidente para el periodo entre reuniones. El Comit pidi que el Presidente, en consulta con la Secretara de la COI y los Estados Miembros de la regin, fijara la fecha y el lugar de la siguiente reunin (IOCEA-VII). El Comit Regional aprob cuatro recomendaciones, en las que se pide a la Secretaria Ejecutiva que: i) Establezca la Oficina de Proyectos del IOCEA y examine la posibilidad de financiar, por todos los medios disponibles, a miembros del personal de la COI que trabajen en dicha oficina, entre otros a Expertos Asociados, Jvenes Profesionales y funcionarios nacionales en comisin de servicios; ii) Imparta orientaciones acerca de la creacin de la propuesta Asociacin de Ciencias Marinas del Atlntico Centrooccidental, sobre la base de su participacin en la creacin de la Asociacin de Ciencias Marinas del Ocano ndico Occidental (WIOMSA), y facilite el apoyo de posibles patrocinadores; iii) Apoye las actividades previstas en el plan de trabajo definido en la sexta reunin del IOCEA, en el contexto del 35 C/5, y haga participar al IOCEA en los debates previos a la elaboracin del documento 36 C/5 - Proyecto. iv) Enve una circular a los Estados Miembros del IOCEA para pedirles que refuercen los Comits Nacionales del IOCEA ya existentes o que los creen donde estos no existan; v) Se dirija a diversos interlocutores y asociaciones a fin de que financien y apoyen las actividades programticas del IOCEA. El Comit Regional inst a los Estados Miembros del IOCEA a que aportaran apoyo financiero, recursos humanos y competencias a la oficina del IOCEA y a las actividades de su programa. 01>G55 @57N<5  (5AB0O A5AA8O 538>=0;L=>3> :><8B5B0  4;O F5=B@0;L=>9 G0AB8 >AB>G=>9 B;0=B8:8 (!VI) A>AB>O;0AL 2 ::@5 (0=0) 28-30 <0@B0 2010 3. 0 A5AA88 ?@8ACBAB2>20;> 1>;55 30 CG0AB=8:>2, ?@54AB02;ONI8E 12 3>AC40@AB2-G;5=>2 (=3>;0, 5=8=, 0<18O, 28=5O, 28=5O-8A0C, >=3>, >B-4 2C0@, 02@8B0=8O, 0<818O, 835@8O, !5=530; 8 ">3>) 8 @O4 @538>=0;L=KE ?@>5:B>2 8 ?@>3@0<<. @54A540B5;L ! ?@54AB028; 4>:;04 > 2K?>;=5=88 @5:><5=40F89, ?@8=OBKE 2 E>45 !-V (0:0@, !5=530;, 5-11 <0O 2000 3.), 8 >1 >ACI5AB2;5=88 ?;0=>2 @01>BK !-V 2 <56A5AA8>==K9 ?5@8>4. -B0 45OB5;L=>ABL >E20BK205B <5@>?@8OB8O, :0A0NI85AO =5682KE @5AC@A>2, @0728B8O ?>B5=F80;0, C?@02;5=8O >:50=8G5A:8<8 40==K<8 8 8=D>@<0F859, CAB>9G82>3> C?@02;5=8O <>@A:8<8 @5AC@A0<8 8 18>@07=>>1@0785<, 48=0<8:8 >:50=>2 8 55 2>7459AB28O =0 ?@81@56=K5 ?@>F5AAK 2 @538>=5 ! 8 703@O7=5=8O <>@A:>9 A@54K 8 ?@81@56=KE 7>= 2 @538>=5 !. !2>8 <5@>?@8OB8O ?@54AB028;8 A;54CNI85 @538>=0;L=K5 ?@>3@0<<K 8 ?@>5:BK: @C?=0O <>@A:0O M:>A8AB5<0 0=0@A:>3> B5G5=8O (-"), @C?=0O <>@A:0O M:>A8AB5<0 28=59A:>3> B5G5=8O (-"), ?@>5:B ?> 040?B0F88 : 87<5=5=8N :;8<0B0 2 ?@81@56=KE 7>=0E (), <5@>?@8OB8O #=825@A8B5B0 0=K 2 >1;0AB8 <>@A:8E =0C:, ?@>5:B - -!, ,   8 ?@>5:B ?@028B5;LAB20 >@BC30;88 (!).  =0F8>=0;L=KE 4>:;040E, ?@54AB02;5==KE 3>AC40@AB20<8-G;5=0<8 87 MB>3> @538>=0, A>45@68BAO 8=D>@<0F8O >1 8E ?@8>@8B5B0E 2 >B=>H5=88 ?@>1;5< ?@81@56=KE 7>= 8 <>@A:>9 A@54K, 8<5NI53>AO ?>B5=F80;0 (;N4A:8E @5AC@A>2 8 8=D@0AB@C:BC@K), :@C?=KE =0F8>=0;L=KE 4>AB865=89 2 >1;0AB8 <>@A:8E =0C:, =01;N45=89 8 ?>;8B8:8, 0 B0:65 B5E 2K7>2>2, A :>B>@K<8 >=8 AB0;:820NBAO ?@8 @5H5=88 =0F8>=0;L=KE ?@8>@8B5B=KE 7040G, A2O70==KE A <>@A:>9 ?@>1;5<0B8:>9. !@548 >A=>2=KE ?@>1;5< >B<5G0;0AL (i) =5E20B:0 8=AB8BCB>2 8;8 =54>AB0B>G=0O :>>@48=0F8O <564C 8=AB8BCB0<8 =0 =0F8>=0;L=>< C@>2=5, 0 B0:65 (ii) =5E20B:0 ?>43>B>2;5==KE A>B@C4=8:>2 8 B@C4=>AB8 2 45;5 C45@60=8O ?>43>B>2;5==KE :04@>2. 0 >A=>25 <5@>?@8OB89, 4>AB865=89 8 ?@>1;5<, A :>B>@K<8 AB0;:820NBAO 3>AC40@AB20-G;5=K, A5AA8O !-VI >?@545;8;0 A;54CNI85 <5E0=87<K, :>B>@K5 <>3CB 8A?>;L7>20BLAO 2 F5;OE A>25@H5=AB2>20=8O 8AA;54>20=89: (i) A>B@C4=8G5AB2> A A>A54=8<8 3>AC40@AB20<8; (ii) @538>=0;L=K5 ?@>3@0<<K >1CG5=8O =0 C@>2=5 <038AB@0 =0 0=3;89A:>< 8 D@0=FC7A:>< O7K:0E; (iii) 4=8 >B:@KBKE 425@59 2 8=AB8BCB0E 2 F5;OE ?@82;5G5=8O 2=8<0=8O 3@0640=A:>3> >1I5AB20 8 ;8F, >B25BAB25==KE 70 ?@8=OB85 @5H5=89; (iv) @01>B0 2 @0<:0E @>3@0<<K .! ?> =01;N45=8N 70 ?5A:0<8 2 F5;OE ?>2KH5=8O 8=D>@<8@>20==>AB8 >1I5AB25==>AB8 8 453@040F88 >:@C60NI59 A@54K; (v) 27=>AK A> AB>@>=K 8=4CAB@89, A2O70==KE A <>@5<, 4;O D8=0=A8@>20=8O <>@A:8E 8AA;54>20B5;LA:8E ?@>3@0<<, 8 (vi) 8A?>;L7>20=85 5093>4>2I8=K  2 F5;OE ?>2KH5=8O 8=D>@<8@>20==>AB8 >1I5AB25==>AB8 > <>@A:>9 ?@>1;5<0B8:5. 538>=0;L=K9 :><8B5B >?@545;8; A;54CNI85 ?@8>@8B5BK 2 @0<:0E 42CE ?5@2>AB5?5==KE 7040G  2 @>3@0<<5 8 1N465B5 .! =0 2010-2011 33. 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F8@:C;O@=>5 ?8AL<> A ?@87K2>< C:@5?8BL ACI5AB2CNI85 =0F8>=0;L=K5 :><8B5BK ! 8;8 A>740BL 8E 2 AB@0=0E, 345 B0:>2K5 5I5 =5 1K;8 A>740=K; >1@0B8BLAO : @07;8G=K< ?0@B=5@0< 8 0AA>F80F8O< 2 F5;OE D8=0=A8@>20=8O 8 ?>445@6:8 <5@>?@8OB89 ?> ?@>3@0<<5 @01>BK !. 538>=0;L=K9 :><8B5B >1@0B8;AO A =0AB>OB5;L=K< ?@87K2>< : 3>AC40@AB20<-G;5=0< ! >:07K20BL N@> ! 8 <5@>?@8OB8O< ?;0=0 @01>BK D8=0=A>2CN ?>445@6:C, ?@54>AB02;OBL A>B@C4=8:>2 8 M:A?5@B=K5 7=0=8O. 1. WELCOME AND OPENING The Chairman, Mr.Julius Wellens-Mensah, opened the Sixth Session of the IOC Eastern Atlantic Regional Committee (IOCEA) meeting at 09.00 hours on Sunday, 28 March 2010. After a brief introduction, the Chairperson informed the session that the Secretary General of the Ghana National Commission, MsSylvia Lutterodt and the Director of UNESCO office in Accra, Ms Elizabeth Moundo, would address the Committee on Monday, 29 March 2010. H.E. MrOlabiyi Babalola Joseph YA, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Benin to UNESCO and former Chairperson of UNESCO Executive Board (20072009) also addressed the session. The full text of Ms Lutterodts inaugural address is reproduced in  HYPERLINK \l "A3" Annex III. 2. ORGANISATION AND ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SESSION 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Provisional Agenda was distributed together with IOC Circular Letter No 2321 (to Member States) and IOC Circular Letter No. 2322 (to Organisations) both dated 25 November 2009. The Regional Committee adopted the Agenda, which is attached in  HYPERLINK \l "A2" Annex II to this report. 2.2 DESIGNATION OF RAPPORTEUR The Regional Committee designated DrOyewo Emmanuel (Nigeria) and DrHamet Diadhiou (Senegal) as the rapporteurs in English and French respectively. 2.3 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION, TIMETABLE AND DOCUMENTATION The Chairman proposed a modus operandi and a timetable for the Session. It was agreed that though the Session would work in a plenary as much as possible, inter-sessional working groups would be established to address specific agenda items. The Deputy Executive Secretary of IOC, Dr Ehrlich Desa, informed that following the approach to be adopted by the Executive Council, the summary report of the session would be a summary of the discussions, decisions, and recommendations. No statements of individual representatives would be included within the main body of the report, but could be reproduced verbatim and included in an Annex. He also reminded the Member States representatives that the formal and final deadline for the submission of nomination forms for the new Chair and Vice-Chairs person was 29 March 2010 at 18.00 hours. 3. FOLLOW-UP OF IOCEA-V RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IN THE IOCEA REGION Before his report on the follow-up of the Recommendations and work plans taken at IOCEA-V (and subsequently adopted by the IOC Executive Council at its 33rd Session through Resolutions EC-XXXIII.12 and 13), the Chair laid the framework of the inter-sessional activities. The Chairman further emphasised that these must be viewed keeping in mind the limited resources and regional mechanisms that have reduced the ability of IOCEA as an entity of UNESCO/IOC, and impacted the regularity of its meetings. This said, its scientists have been active in programmes of the region and were networking well. The session was also informed that the IOCEA Chairman will report the outcomes of that session to IOC Executive Council at its 43rd Session (Rule 48.3) to be held in Paris, from 8 to 16 June 2010. The first item on the Agenda referred to the IOCEA office. After an explanation of the history of the IOCEA project office in NIOMR, Nigeria, and its subsequent closure with the expiry of the MoU in February 2004, the debate centred on the need for an office and the role it should have in the region. It was argued that the underlying reasons for the failures of the first regional office and the long hiatus of ten years in holding a meeting needed to be thoroughly analysed before making a decision. The very fact that IOCEA-VI could only be held with IOC bearing all costs was indicative that the region needed a better appreciation of the advantages of the intergovernmental mechanism at their disposal. However there remained broad support that there were specific advantages of an office in coordinating regional efforts addressing complex issues of climate-change and degradation of marine resources, as well as in informing Member States of these trends. Examples from other regions showing their active engagement with interested donor countries indicated clearly the specific responsibility that members were taking on in requesting for an IOCEA office. This should be regarded on the strategies of IOCARIBE sub-commission to obtain funding for its meetings and project activities, as well as the offer made by Kenya to host an IOCWIO project office were highlighted. The option of combining IOCWIO and IOCEA as a single sub-commission for Africa was also mentioned. Besides the need for a regional office staffed by the host country it was repeatedly emphasised that an active vice- and Chairpersonship could make a large difference. Progress on other items on the inter-sessional activities were presented and debated. The Chairman summarised the elements that recommendations under Item 3 should have: There was general consensus on the need for an IOCEA office as it had many advantages especially in networking and seeking funds to address complex regional marine issues. However the terms of reference of the office needed to be clearly identified and Member States should show ownership by contributing resources to the office. Offers to host the office should be announced to IOCEA Member States and analysed and the best offer taken; Considering the various issues that emerged from the discussions on the IOCEA office the Chairman requested the session to consider: (a) ways to integrate regional efforts in climate change science for policy; (b) collaborating in coastal erosion studies; and (c) mechanisms to conduct regular Marine Science symposia, during the agenda items that followed when these issues should be further elaborated; Many items of the IOCEA-V work plan were implemented, either within IOC programme activities or through the ongoing activities of partner programmes. These have benefited the IOCEA region. The Regional Committee requested IOC to issue a Circular Letter to IOCEA Member States enquiring on their interest to host the IOCEA office based on specific terms of reference. The Regional Committee adopted HYPERLINK \l "rec1"  Recommendation IOCEA-VI.1. 4. PROGRAMMES OF REGIONAL AGENCIES AND ORGANISATIONS 4.1 Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) programmes in the IOCEA region The Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) and the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem (GCLME) representatives, MrBrad Brown and MrJohn Napoleon Gbolonyo, informed the session of the progress of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem and the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem respectively. They also detailed the challenges they have faced in achieving full implementation, emphasizing the need for a science driven approach to managing the resources of the region. The full reports of their presentations are available at http://ioc-cd.org. The presentations indicated areas of possible collaboration that IOCEA Member States could have with the LMEs in advancing national and sub-regional priorities and members sought further clarifications on the programmes. 4.2 Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Zones (ACCC) Project MsIsabelle Niang, Regional Project Coordinator of ACCC, informed the session of the processes that led to the formulation and successful submission of the ACCC project to the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) in 2005. She described the project rationale and objectives as well as synergies that are being created in the region on the issue of coastal erosion and adaptation to climate change. The ACCC project covers five countries (Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania and Senegal) and is implemented in collaboration with UNDP and funded by the GEF Strategic Priority on Adaptation (SPA). This pilot project focuses on implementing measures to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities to the impacts of climate change on coastal resources. Its primary objective is to develop and pilot a range of effective adaptation measures to reduce the impact of climate change induced by coastal erosion in vulnerable regions in the five countries of West Africa. The ACCC activities are in line with IOC Higher Level Objectives 1, 2, and 4. The IOCEA Regional Committee examined the processes that led to the formulation of the ACCC project with a view to possibly replicating such an approach in other parts of the IOCEA region. The session acknowledged the usefulness of an ACCC-type project as it was of wide interest in the IOCEA region since several other Member States were also subject to coastal erosion. Furthermore, addressing erosion at individual national scales (as has been the case in the region), could be counter-productive. Erosion on the scale occurring in the area could best be addressed by groups of nations with similar conditions prevailing. 4.3 Other Regional Collaborators UNESCO/IOC has always recognised the importance of collaboration with agencies and organisations in the field of marine sciences and IOC has, where possible, implemented regional activities jointly with other organisations in supporting Member States needs. The University of Ghana, EAF-NANSEN Project, ACMAD, UNDP and the Government of Portugal (SIAM) Project were invited to present overviews of their activities within the region. These presentations are available at http:// ioc-cd.org Interest was expressed by the Member States, on the ecosystem approach of the LMEs and the SIAM project that were reflected and the clarifications was sought by the committee. The questions to ACMAD centred on links to JCOMM, and access to meteorological data by the ocean community to forecast sea surface temperatures. ACMAD then clarified that it runs models but depends on its Member States to request it for such information, and can work with national oceanographers in responding to their needs. The ACMAD representative also informed that they would shortly be asking State agencies as well as civil society to detail their requirements for early warning systems. 5. LESSONS LEARNT BY MEMBER STATES IN ADVANCING MARINE SCIENCE DrJean Folack, the Vice-Chairman of IOCEA, introduced this item. He informed the session that the National reports submitted by Member States provided written information on the priority of coastal and marine issues in the region, the capacities (human and infrastructure) available, the major achievements and the challenges faced in addressing the priority issues. He invited the session to elaborate further on the challenges they have faced in implementing programmes nationally, and hoped that through sharing of problems faced, members who have faced similar issues could jointly develop or adopt solutions and mechanisms to overcome them. From the presentations, the Vice-Chairman concluded that the main challenges were (i) either a lack of institutes or lack of coordination amongst institutes at the national level; and (ii) trained human resources were lacking in some areas, whilst others found it difficult to retain trained personnel from head-hunting by industry. He also concluded that several countries reported access to research vessels. These were of varying sizes, state of repair, and available for-usage some through a usage on a cost-basis. Other countries reported their proposed whilst acquisition programmes for new vessels. Combined with the opportunities offered by the EAF Nansen programme, the region can be considered to be well served with at-sea facilities. The Vice-Chairman noted that amongst the innovative approaches used were: (i) collaboration with neighbours in areas of their strengths; (ii) regional masters programme in English and French to widen the reach of the programme; (iii) open days at institutes to sensitise civil society and decision makers; (iv) working through the UNESCO Sand Watch programme to raise awareness on environmental degradation; (v) levies on the fishing industry to fund marine research programmes; and (vi) using the IOC 50th anniversary celebrations to raise awareness on marine issues. The National reports would be reproduced in electronic form for distribution, whilst tabulation of the prime challenge faced in each country and innovative solutions used are detailed in  HYPERLINK \l "A5" Annex V. 6. CHALLENGES FACED BY IOCEA AND WAY AHEAD The Chairman, MrJulius Wellens-Mensah, presented this item. He defined the region through its contrasting characteristicsgood biodiversity, forest, mineral and oil wealth, and languages counter-balanced by variability in wealth creation, climate, and food security. Institutional structures and infrastructures too do not encourage robust marine science to assist communities and policy makers. He identified that these led to a cycle of dependence on foreign assistance to address national issues. IOCEA felt these pressures too, and a creative overhaul in garnering resources is needed if it is to serve the region, as UNESCO resources will remain limited at best to the present level of funding. Common factors such as erosion and climate-change should force unity of action he said, but regional efforts remain fragmented even so. The Chairman suggested the committee consider a positive two-step approach to take matters in hand in the short and medium term. In the short-term of the Programme and Budget 20102011 (35C/5), he said, overlaps of national interests with IOC programmes could be leveraged in constructing realistic but innovative approaches of collaboration to further each others national priorities. In this way external partners would be encouraged by synergies of action that could be utilised in their regional programmes. Also the session should consider: (i) emulating the efforts of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) in holding periodic science meetings in the region that provide an opportunity for marine scientists to meet and network, (ii) Self- financing the IOCEA office along the lines of KIMFRI as announced during the 25th Assembly of the IOC; and (iii) creating an IOCEA web-site to kick-start interaction in the inter-sessional period especially in networking erosion and climate-change issues. He also suggested that, seed funding for some actions may be possible in this biennium if IOCEA can emulated the IOCARIBE example and engaged IOC Member States willing to partner in the region. For the medium term, the Chairman asked for suggestions on approaching regional institutions and organisations in the IOCEA region in developing collaborative programmes and resource mobilisation. The Chairman informed the session of the Regional Subsidiary Body meeting scheduled for 7 June 2010 where this IOCEA session will be reported and looked at with interest by the Chairpersons of the other subsidiary bodies. The session was also briefed on the challenges as outlined by the Chairman namely: (a) hosting regular science symposia in the region; and (b) hosting an interactive web-site for regional project actions. The secretariat informed the session that Portugal had originally offered to host a science symposium in Madeira in the fall of 2010 and then hold the IOCEA-VI meeting back-to-back with it. However, as this was not possible for several reasons, IOC decided to hold it before the end of March 2010 in Accra. On enquiry if the offer to host a science symposium was still valid, it was clarified that the relevant authorities in Portugal would be requested to confirm this and their response informed to the Chairman. In the context of holding regular science symposia, the session was informed of the structure, activities, and history of WIOMSA as a possible model to follow in the IOCEA region. The session was also briefed of the advantages of an interactive project web-site in networking efforts in meeting the common challenges of erosion and climate proofing coastal management planning. The Chairman summed up the agreements from the debate as a set of Recommendations made under Item 6: Encourage an informal group to correspond electronically and work out the modalities for the formation of an association of marine scientists along the lines of WIOMSA, [to be tentatively called Central Eastern Atlantic Marine Science Association (CEAMSA)]. The following volunteered in their personal capacities: MsIsabelle Niang, MrRoger Djiman, MrJean Folack, MrAK Armah, MrMoses Maurihungirire, MrKande Bangoura, and MrMacodou Sene. MrJean Folack agreed to coordinate the group; This informal group would request Member States and observers to consider supporting an entity such as CEAMSA along the lines that WIOMSA was supported at the start, as well as request potential sponsors to support this effort; Request the suggestions and guidance of the IOC in the formation of CEAMSA based on its involvement in the formation of WIOMSA; Accept the offer from Senegal to create and host the web-site for IOCEA as a platform for networking actions on erosion and climate-change. The Regional Committee adopted  HYPERLINK \l "rec2" Recommendation IOCEA-VI.2. 7. IOCEA PROGRAMME OF WORK IN FRAME OF 35 C/5 The Chairman introduced the topic and asked the IOC secretariat to inform the session on the approach to the work plan for IOCEA. The session was informed of the IOC 35C/5 programme of work in IOC High Level Objective (HLO) 4: Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and oceans environment and resources, and IOC HLO 2: Mitigation of the impacts and adaptation to climate change and variability (IOC Medium Term Strategy 20082013). Afterwards, the session was divided into two working groups, one for the HLO 4 and the other for the HLO 2 respectively, which were to identify the mechanisms, and IOCEA work plans and actions, to be implemented. Working Group on HLO 4: Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and oceans environment and resources. Generally, political will and interest of governments for coastal and marine issues can be improved, and in some cases coordination between agencies dealing with coastal and marine issues can be streamlined. The general need for further sensitisation of decision makers at all levels is clear. This can be by: (i) reinforcing (or creating where not existing) national IOCEA committees; and (ii) creating structures to sensitise politicians at the ministerial level. Sensitization and education of local communities should also go hand in hand so that they are empowered to draw attention of decision makers when safety or loss of livelihood is involved. In terms of direct actions, projects along the lines of the ACCC project that address issues prevailing in other parts of the region should be expanded sub-regionally. The Working Group decided that capacity-development should be enhanced through the following, including: Effectively monitor oceanographic and environmental parameters in the regions coastal zones; Manage in an integrated manner coastal and trans-boundary resources; Model coastal processes and develop scenarios as a transparent tool for coastal management; A programme with regional and international partners to develop human resources in research on aspects of the coastal environment was recommended to be pursued inter-sessionally. Working Group on HLO 2: Mitigation of the impacts and adaptation to climate change and variability. Activities that might prevent climate change and vulnerability need to be emphasised, and the IOCEA region approach to climate change should rely on raising general awareness of regional activities through sub-regional consultations, thus ensuring that efforts are not duplicated. Existing activities (ODINAFRICA, GOOS/GLOSS) should be reinforced through technical assistance and training and a physical oceanographic approach to sea level rise must be emphasised. Coastal erosion should be addressed through a comprehensive programme using satellite and insitu data, numerical modelling, and sedimentation data. The Working Group identified the following actions that should be enhanced for addressing climate-change including: Adaptation to climate change in the region must rely on training, education and sensitization. Cataloguing the different types of adaptation existing in the region will increase the visibility for this climate-change aspect. The SANDWATCH programme can be adapted in West Africa to improve education of coastal ecosystem, whilst ClimDev Africa, African Economic Commission, African Development Bank and the European Union can be approached for funds. Through these actions, the visibility of the IOCEA regional committee will be raised and attract partnerships and resources. In Plenary, the Regional Committee then made the following recommendations regarding the IOCEA programme of work and the IOC HLOs 4 and 2: Member States should consider strengthening or creating, where they do not exists, national IOCEA committees; The recommendations on HLO 4 and 2 should be addressed in the implementation of IOC 35C/5 work plans in the region, by the secretariat, and after agreement by the IOCEA regional committee through electronic correspondence, be termed the IOCEA work plans 20102011; In preparation for the eventual creation of anIOCEA office, the Member States will be required to send the IOC secretariat by September 2010, a complete inventory of all national activities in their countries as well as those activities of external partners; IOCEA decided to create two Task Teams; the first one to coordinate the inventory of activities submitted by IOCEA Member States; and the second one to examine the mechanisms to sustain the activities of ODINAFRICA beyond ODINAFRICA-IV. The Committee agreed that; for the first intersessional period the newly elected Chairman, MrJean Folack, will act as convenor for both tasks. He will obtain the relevant information from the committee members, and submit these to the IOC Secretariat, which shall consider these inputs to draw up the Terms of Reference for the re-establishment of an IOCEA office IOCEA inputs shall be specifically requested at the time of formulation of the IOC Draft Programme and Budget for 20122013 (Draft 36C/5) based on the recommendations on HLO 2 and 4. The Regional Committee requested the IOC Executive Secretary to: (i) harmonise the recommendations identified by the Regional Committee into the 35C/5 work plans and include IOCEA in the discussions leading to development of the Draft 36C/5; and (ii) issue a Circular Letter to IOCEA Member States inviting them to strengthen/create national IOCEA committees. The Regional Committee adopted  HYPERLINK \l "rec3" Recommendation IOCEA-VI.3. 8. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION The Chairman informed the session that resources from the UNESCO/IOC Regular Budget for implementation of programmes will be limited in the foreseeable future. He requested Member States to identify additional external resources to ensure implementation of activities planned in the region. As examples, many Member States from the region, with support from UNESCO/IOC, have been able to access extra-budgetary resources through the following programmes: Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA-II) implemented in the period 20012003, and covering 20 African countries, 12 of them from IOCEA (Benin, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Mauritania, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and Togo), with US$2.3 million provided by the Flanders UNESCO Science Trust fund; An Ocean Data and Information Network in Africa(ODINAFRICA-III), implemented in the period 20042008 and covering 25 African countries, 15 of them from IOCEA (Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Coted'Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and Togo), with US$2.3million provided by the Flanders UNESCO Science Trust fund; Empowering Developing Countries to Sustainable Use Their Coastal Resources: Self-Driven Capacity Building, implemented in the period 20062009, in all the IOCs regions including IOCEA, with a budget of SEK7million from the Government of Sweden for global coverage of IOC Member States; Adaptation to climate change in coastal areas of West Africa (ACCC), covering five countries (Cape Verde, Gambia, GuineaBissau, Mauritania and Senegal) implemented in collaboration with UNDP, with US$3.3 million provided by GEF; Ocean Data and Information Network in Africa (ODINAFRICA-IV) implemented in the period of20092013 and covering 25 African countries, 14 of them from IOCEA (Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Coted'Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo). However the resources provided by these projects do not cover all the IOCEA Member States and are not sufficient to cover the needs of the region. Efforts were required by all members to address these resource issues. In an effort to empower Member States to garner resources for their national priorities, the IOC Capacity-Development programme organised a Bid-writing meeting in Loango, Congo, 610 October 2008. Similarly in an effort to network the regions human resources, the IODE programme of IOC created a website that contains documentation, reports and proposal development advice relating to funding opportunities for projects in the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of nations:  HYPERLINK "http://hosting1.iode.org/ecfunding/" http://hosting1.iode.org/ecfunding/. The session had several recommendations on funding approaches stressing the need to mobilize resources firstly from Member States within the region and then by establishing formal relationships based on Memoranda of Understanding with regional and international organisations. A request was made to the IOC Executive Secretary to use her good office and guidance to approach different partners and association to allocate funds. Potential regional partners suggested were ECOWAS, CEMAC, SADC UEMOA, Association of Port Managers based in Abidjan, and AfDB. Amongst the international partners were the EU and the World Bank. The Regional Committee adopted  HYPERLINK \l "rec4" Recommendation IOCEA-VI.4. 9. ELECTIONS OF OFFICERS In accordance with the Guidelines for Structure and Responsibilities of Subsidiary Bodies of the Commission (Section 5 of Part 1 of the IOC Manual), the Regional Committee was invited to elect the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for IOCEA-VII MrJean Folack (Cameroon) was elected Chairman. There were two candidates for the Vice-Chairpersonship: MrMoses Maurihungirire of Namibia, and MrMarcel Aka Kouassi of Cote dIvoire. As each candidate received an equal number of votes in two successive rounds, the position was decided by drawing lots in accordance with IOC Rules of Procedure Appendix 1 (2.21). MrMarcel Aka Kouassi of Cote dIvoire was elected as Vice-Chairman. 10. DATE AND PLACE OF IOCEA-VII The Regional Committee was invited to advise on the dates and places of the next session, bearing in mind that the inter-sessional period should not be longer than two calendar years and the conduct of the Session should be arranged at a minimum cost to IOC. The Session should be held in the region and the working languages of the session should be English and French. The Regional Committee decided that the IOC Secretariat in consultation with Member States will set the date and venue for IOCEA-VII. 11. OTHER BUSINESS The Regional Committee permitted discussion of other issues that had been requested of, and agreed to, by the Committee. The Regional Committee requested IOC to: Procure and distribute the documentary film Oceans to be used by Member States for publicity during the IOC 50th celebrations in their countries; Provide sufficient material on its 50th anniversary to promote the anniversary in IOCEA Member States; Enquire on possible funding for countries to attend the Global Forum on the Ocean and Coasts that was to be held in Paris in May 2010. In light of the above request, the IOC Secretariat informed the session of a similar offer of 4 fellowships, by the USA, for 4 young African scientists tenable during the IOC 50th year celebrations. The selected fellows would submit a written report on the capacities and needs of their countries. 12. ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUMMARY REPORT The Regional Committee considered and adopted the Draft Summary Report and Recommendations of the Session (See  HYPERLINK \l "A2" Annex II). 13. CLOSURE The Chairman closed the session of IOCEA-VI on Tuesday 30 March 2010 at 19.15 hours. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. WELCOME AND OPENING 2. ORGANISATION AND ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE SESSION 2.1 Adoption of the Agenda 2.2 Designation of Rapporteur 2.3 Conduct of the Session, Timetable and Documentation 3. FOLLOW-UP OF IOCEA-V AND REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IN THE IOCEA REGION 3.1 Non-Living resources 3.2 Capacity Development 3.3 Sustainable management of marine resources and protection of Biodiversity in the IOCEA region 3.4 Ocean dynamics and their impact on coastal processes in the IOCEA region 3.5 Marine and coastal pollution in the IOCEA region 4. PROGRAMMES OF REGIONAL AGENCIES AND ORGANISATIONS 4.1 LARGE MARINE ECOSYSTEM (LME) PROGRAMMES IN THE IOCEA REGION 4.2 ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN COASTAL ZONES PROJECT (ACCC) 4.3 OTHER REGIONAL COLLABORATORS 5. LESSONS LEARNT BY MEMBER STATES IN ADVANCING MARINE SCIENCE 6. CHALLENGES FACED BY IOCEA AND WAY AHEAD 7. IOCEA PROGRAMME OF WORK IN FRAME OF 35 C/5 PRIORITY 1: Addressing climate change through IOC's lead role in building the knowledge base and contributions by other UNESCO scientific programmes 7.1 Mitigation of and adaptation to climate change and variability PRIORITY 2: Support of IOCs work in improving the governance, Management and protection of ocean and coastal areas 7.2 Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards 7.3 Safeguarding the health of ocean ecosystems 7.4 Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and ocean environment and resources 8. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION 9. ELECTIONS OF OFFICERS 10. DATE AND PLACE OF IOCEA-VII 11. OTHER BUSINESS 12. ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUMMARY REPORT 13. CLOSURE ANNEX II RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation IOCEA-VI.1 FOLLOW-UP OF IOCEA-V RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES The IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Noting the past and ongoing IOC and partner programme activities that have benefited the IOCEA region, and supported the implementation of the IOCEA-V work plan, Recognizing the importance of hosting an IOCEA office to develop and sustain capacity in marine and coastal resource management, Recalling the Guidelines for the Establishment of the Decentralised Offices (IOC/INF-1193), Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to: (i) Re-establish the IOCEA office (ii) Explore the possibility of funding, through available means, IOC staff to work at the IOCEA office, including through Associate Expert, Young Professional and national secondments; Urges the IOCEA Member States to provide financial support, staff and expertise for the IOCEA office and work plan activities. Recommendation IOCEA-VI.2 CHALLENGES FACED BY IOCEA AND WAY AHEAD The IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Recognizing that the region faces various challenges currently limiting its capacity of marine scientists to assist communities and policy makers in the field of marine management, Noting the additional challenges that the region faces from ongoing coastal erosion and climate change, Welcoming the identified founding members who are volunteering, within their individual capacities, to form a marine scientist association for the IOCEA region; similar to the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) of the IOCWIO region, Taking into consideration the Government of Senegal for its offer to create and host the web-site for IOCEA as a networking platform for actions on erosion and climate-change, Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to provide guidance on the formation of a proposed Central East Atlantic Marine Science Associate (CEAMSA) based on its involvement in the formation of WIOMSA, as well as by facilitating support from potential sponsors. Recommendation IOCEA-VI.3 IOCEA PROGRAMME OF WORK IN FRAME OF 35C/5 The IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Recognizing the IOC 35C/5 programme of work, and the challenge of streamlining coordination with the various interests of governments and agencies dealing with coastal and marine issues, Noting that there is clearly a general need for further sensitisation of decision makers at all levels on these issues, Decides to: urge IOCEA Member States to consider strengthening, or creating if none exists, their respective national IOCEA committee; request Member States to send to the IOC Secretariat a complete inventory of all national activities in their countries as well as those activities of external partners, by September 2010, to plan the re-establishment of an IOCEA office for its activities; create two Task Teams, the first one to coordinate the inventory of relevant activities to be submitted by IOCEA Member States to the IOC Secretariat, and a second to examine the mechanisms to sustain the activities of ODINAFRICA beyond ODINAFRICA-IV (20092012); appoint the Chairman of IOCEA-VI DrJean Folack, as a convenor for both Task Teams, for the first intersessional period. In this capacity, he will be responsible for obtaining the relevant information from the Committee Members and submit it to the IOC Secretariat. The Secretariat shall consider these inputs to draw up the Terms of Reference for the creation of an IOCEA office; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to: support the identified IOCEA-VI 35C/5 work plan activities, and include IOCEA in the discussions leading to the development of the next draft Programme and Budget for 20112012 (Draft 36C/5); issue a Circular Letter to IOCEA Member States requesting them to strengthen the already existing, or to create where none exists, national IOCEA committees. Recommendation IOCEA-VI.4 RESOURCE MOBILIZATION The IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Notes with appreciation the successful implementation of the second and third phases of ODINAFRICA funded by the Government of Flanders, Belgium, and the first phase of the Capacity-Development programme supported by the Swedish International Development Authority; Considering the funding currently provided for the implementation of the fourth phase of the ODINAFRICA project by the Government of Flanders, as well as the GEF (Global Environmental Facility) funded project: Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal areas of West Africa, Recognizing the Flanders (Belgium) and Swedish governments for the substantial support that they have provided for implementation of activities in the region, Urges Member States to mobilize resources within the region, particularly through establishing formal relationships with regional and international organisations, based on Memorandum of Understanding; Requests IOC Executive Secretary to use her good office and leadership to approach different partners and associations able to fund and support IOCEA work programme activities. ANNEX III OPENING REMARKS Opening Remarks of MsSylvia Lutterodt, Acting Secretary General for the Ghana National Commission for UNESCO DrEhrlich Desa, UNESCO/IOC Deputy Executive Secretary MsMuondo, Representative of the Regional UNESCO office Representatives of the Ghana National Commission for UNESCO DrBradford Brown, Representative of NOAA and CCLME The Press Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to deliver this keynote address at the Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO) Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic Ocean (IOCEA-VI). I consider this meeting extremely important because the seas and oceans are increasingly becoming more threatened than before. As many more national and international entities enter this playing field, so also, the need to understand its complex nature and interactions with the air and land masses becoming paramount. Indeed, a deep understanding of the physical marine variables and their interactions with the atmosphere on regional and global scales holds the key to understanding and predicting the likely impacts of the looming crisis of global climate change. The recent discoveries of more oil and gas in the East Central Atlantic and their exploitation coupled with the dwindling of fish stocks pose serious challenges to coastal states in the sub-region. These challenges, you will agree with me, require regional coordinated efforts if we are to overcome them. It cannot be done by any one nation as the seas are trans-boundary and the spatial scale of activities for meaningful impacts transcends national maritime boundaries. It will, also, require good oceanographic data upon which reliable management decisions could be based. I am happy to note that over several years of seeming inactivity of the IOCEA regional committee, we have gathered once again, I believe in full harness, to set the agenda for a much more vitalised programme. It is my hope that IOC programmes relevant to the needs of the sub-region, in particular, Capacity Building, Marine Assessments, Marine Management, Laws of the Sea, Global Ocean Observing Systems (GOOS), Ocean Carbon and the World Climate Research Programme would be at the fore of your deliberations. In pursuing these laudable programmes, I would like to draw the attention of IOCEA to the need for synergy with other existing programmes in the sub-region, in particular the Canary Current, Guinea Current and Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystems projects, to ensure optimal use of the scanty financial and human resources available. MrChairperson, as you are aware, the Government of Ghana is currently hosting the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem Project (GCLME) which soon will become fully operational as the Guinea Current Commission (GCC). I have also been reliably informed that the ocean data and information management programme of IOC, the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange" (IODE) sub-regional project for Africa, ODINAFRICA, has now been split to conform to the geographical boundaries of the Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs). Such an alignment is mutually beneficial to the Member States and eliminates duplication of efforts and resources. I see this development as exemplary and I will urge the IOCEA Regional Committee, represented here by eminent scientists, to consider harmonizing programmes with sister organisations so that benefits will be maximised. MrChairperson, you would agree with me that without the right and adequate resources very little can be achieved in managing the ocean environment. Capacity building is therefore crucial. As I have mentioned earlier, we need to cooperate at the regional level for any meaningful and tangible positive impacts to be made, but for this to be a reality, national institutions and capabilities needs to be strengthened first as a priority. In talking about capacity building, I would like to echo the pertinent concern raised at the 35th General Conference of UNESCO in Paris in October, 2009 by the leader of the Ghana delegation, Hon. Alex Tettey-Enyo, the Minster for Education. In his statement, he alluded to the recent discovery of deep sea oil and gas in commercial quantities in Ghana which has attracted tremendous international interest. Specifically, he pointed out the need to address pollution and other environmental hazards that may result from the oil operations and looks forward to support in policy and capacity building programmes from the IOC. This appeal, I believe, is applicable and relevant to all the coastal nations of the IOCEA region. I therefore will be most delighted if our eminent marine scientists gathered here will initiate and incorporate strategies and activities that will address such trans-boundary concerns. I thank you very much and wish you fruitful deliberations. ANNEX IV LIST OF DOCUMENTS Working Documents IOC/IOCEA-VI/1 Prov.Rev.Revised Provisional AgendaIOC/IOCEA-VI/1 Add.Prov.Provisional TimetableIOC/IOCEA-VI/2 Prov.Provisional Annotated AgendaIOC/IOCEA-VI/3 Prov.Draft Summary Report ( issued during session)IOC/IOCEA-VI/4 Prov.Provisional List of DocumentsIOC/IOCEA-VI/5 Prov.Provisional List of ParticipantsIOC/IOCEA-VI/6 Prov.Report on Intersessional ActivitiesIOC/IOCEA-VI/7 Prov.IOCEA Programme of Work in 35C/5 Information Documents IOCEA-V/3Fifth Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic Ocean ( 5-11 May,Dakar,Senegal)IOC/INF-1270 ODINAFRICA II Final Report (2001-2003)IOC/INF-1271ODINAFRICA-III Final Report ( 2004-2009)IOC/IOCEA-VI/INF-1IOC Report of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies Paris,France,14 June 2009IOC/IOCEA-VI/INF-235C/5 Work plans: HLO 1 Prevention and Reduction of impacts of natural hazardsIOC/INF-1166IOC Rules of ProceduresIOC/INF-785IOC ManualIOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/ GSSC-IX/11Summary Report on LME/GOOS-AFRICA Working Session on Joint Activities between African LMEs and GOOS-AFRICA at the First Workshop of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem,10 OCTOBER 2005?Saly, SenegalIOC-XXV/3Twenty-fifth Session of the Assembly,Paris,June 2009IOC-UNEP-IUCN-NOAA/ LME-VIII/3IOC Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies IOC-IUCN-NOAA Consultative Committee Meeting on LMEs,Eighth Session,Paris,France 3-4,July 2006IOC/IOCEA-VI/Inf.1The African Science Base for Coastal Adaptation: A continental Approach. A report to the African Union Commission (AUC) at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (7-18 December 2009)IOC/IOCEA-VI/Inf.2National Reports from Angola,Benin,Cameroon,Congo RP,Cote dIvoire,Gabon,Gambia,Ghana,Guinea,Guinea Bissau,Mauritania,Namibia,Nigeria,Portugal,Senegal and TogoIOC/IOCEA-VI/Inf.3UNDP Project Document on Adaptation to Climate Change-Responding to Coastline Change in its human dimensions in West Africa through integrated Coastal Area ManagementResolution EC-XLI.2The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCOResolution EC-XLI.5IOC Biennial Strategy 2010-2011 ANNEX V TABULATION OF PRIORITY NATIONAL CHALLENGES OF MEMBER STATES Member stateChallengeWays overcomeAngolaPoor resources hardware, software, and laboratories and only few trained personnel.Collaboration with Namibia on Benefit and BCC was/is successfulBeninEstablished a regional master degree in physical oceanography, but continued funding for regional support may be difficult. Lack of equipments for achieving the ongoing activities ie PROPAO.Courses in French and English. 5 countries addressing erosion (Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Cote dIvoire, Ghana & Nigeria) individually that should be networked.CongoNo institute for marine sciences. Legal issue is to establish the inst. and then to have someone to understand the proposal. Problem of unclear maritime law which is not well definedIOC to be requested to help in inst design and review of the Congo proposal.CameroonRaising awareness of policy makers of ocean issues from within the agriculture dept where it is placed. Problem of coordination mechanism as the national commission is under the Minister of Education hence lack of communicationOpen days when the public and govt officials visit and are informed of the problems facing marine research.Cote dIvoireDependence on external agencies to run national research (IRD left). IOC committee to be reinforced to work better and develop strategies for acquiring funds and equipment.GambiaNo organised institute dealing with marine issues, resulting in poor approaches to coastal erosion. The National Climate Committee that does not have the technical expertise is addressing at climate issues.GuineaLarge human & infrastructure resources available but regular funding has been problematic though small finds have started flowing again. Also have a ship but usage is difficult and cost is high. Would like that IOC takes part in national programs again. Ships in Guinea and Senegal are assets for the region. Guinea-BissauInstability, lack of resources, no leadership and no designated centre. Education on climate change and environmental degradation is needed. National Ocean committee needs to be better organised. The result is that an oceanographic professional could not sent to the meet. Sand Watch program trained professionals to raise awareness on environmental degradation.GhanaGhana committee for IOC has no funding and has to rely on what the host institute can offer.MauritaniaScarce trained manpower and data. Functional research vessel available. Worked with Guinea Bissau with the vessel.Benefited from ODINAFRICA and tide gauge and a bilateral agreement with Holland that is training human resources.NamibiaRetention of talents by parastatal, mining and fisheries industries. Data sets are in-situ and satellite.Levies from fishing industry means they are well funded. Two vessels (21m and 42m) that are used for regular surveys of physics, chemistry, and biological parameters. NigeriaMultiple institutes, so information flow is poor. Need coordination. No vessel available. Poor awareness of marine institutes in the country.Ships of opportunity are used or hired. Inviting communities to visit and have their awareness raised.SenegalUsing a fishing survey vessel. Funds mobilisation is needed to replace the aging vessel. Difficult to hold staff. Coordination of projects is difficult. Lack of human resources to undertake projects. TogoUniversity based marine program. National institute to be set up to examine marine problems. Old equipment. Loss of trained personnel as in those taking up Canadian fellowships. Will use IOC 50 years as a time to raise awareness of marine issues. PortugalSan Marina islands. 2 coastal vessels. Fisheries inst has the best tradition. In climate-change publications are on the net. Fragmentation of skills 11 ministries dealing. ANNEX VI LIST OF PARTICIPANTS I. OFFICERS OF THE session/ bureau de la session Chairperson/Prsident MrJulius WELLENS-MENSAH Chairman IOCEA Deputy-Director, Hydrological Services Department MB 501 Accra, Ghana Tel.:(+233 21) 677 383 Fax:(+233 21) 677 384 Cell(+233 24) 432 1614 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:hsd@ghana.com" hsd@ghana.com;  HYPERLINK "mailto:jwellens_mensah@hotmail.com" jwellens_mensah@hotmail.com Vice-Chairman/Vice-Prsident Dr Jean FOLACK Vice-Prsident IOCEA Directeur, Centre Spcialis de Recherche sur les Ecosystmes marins de Kribi (CERECOMA) P.O. Box 219 Kribi, Cameroun Tel.: + 237 33 46 16 46 Mob: + 237 77 61 12 53 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:folack@yahoo.fr" folack@yahoo.fr II. EXPERTS PARTICIPANTS FROM MEMBER STATES/EXPERTS PARTICIPANTS DES ETATS MEMBRES Angola/Angola Antonio Jos DA SILVA Chercheur ocanographe Institut National de Recherche de la Pche Luanda, Angola Tl: + 924933244 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:dasilvantonio@yahoo.com.br" dasilvantonio@yahoo.com.br Benin/Bnin Dr Roger DJIMAN Chef du Centre de Recherches Halieutiques et Ocanologiques du Bnin (CRHOB) Secrtaire Permanent du Comit National Ocanographique (CNO) Avenue Maromilitaire 03 B.P. 1665 COTONOU Tel: +229 21317586/21321263 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rodjiman@yahoo.fr" rodjiman@yahoo.fr; r.djiman@odinafrica.net Congo/Congo M. Alain Claver BATCHY Consultant en cosystmes marins et ctiers Ministre des Transports maritimes et marine marchande Pointe-Noire, Congo Tel.: +242521 38 80 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:batchyalain@yahoo.fr" \o "blocked::mailto:batchyalain@yahoo.fr" batchyalain@yahoo.fr Cote dIvoire/Cte dIvoire Dr Aka Marcel KOUASSI Sous-Directeur des Recherches Centre de Recherches Ocanologiques 29 Rue des Pcheurs, BPV 18 Abidjan Cte dIvoire Cell: +225077383 11 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kouassi12@hotmail.com" kouassi12@hotmail.com Gambia/Gambie MrTijani BOJANG Meteorologist Department of Water Resources 7 Marina Parade Banjul Tel.: +20-4472720/6207973 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:tbojang@yahoo.co.uk" tbojang@yahoo.co.uk Guinea/Guine Dr Kand BANGOURA Scientific Director CERESCOR B.P. 1615 Conakry Tel: +224 60 33 15 01/ 65 54 40 30 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:bkandey@yahoo.fr" bkandey@yahoo.fr Guinea-Bissau/Guinea-Bissau DrThomas KEITA Secrtaire gnral Commission nationale pour l'UNESCO de la Rpublique de Guine-Bissau Ministre de l'Education B.P. 353 Bissau, Guine-Bissau Tel: +245 215 640 Mob: +245661 36 61 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ibtomkeita@yahoo.fr" ibtomkeita@yahoo.fr Mauritania/Mauritanie M. Bambaye Ould HAMADY Chercheur, Laboratoire des Etudes des Milieux Marins et Ctiers (LEMMC) Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Ocanographiques et des Pches (IMROP) B.P. 22 NOUADHIBOU Tel.: 222574 51 24/ 90 35 / 66 70 Fax: 222574 50 81/ 53 79 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:bambayeh@yahoo.fr" bambayeh@yahoo.fr Namibia/Namibie Dr Moses MAURIHUNGIRIRE Ministry of Fisheries Private Bag 13355 Windhoek E-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:mmaurihungirire@mfmr.gov.na"mmaurihungirire@mfmr.gov.na,  HYPERLINK "mailto:mmaurihungirire@gmail.com" mmaurihungirire@gmail.com Nigeria/Nigria DrEmmanuel Olusegun OYEWO Director of Research & Head, Department of Biological Oceanography; Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR) 3, Wilmot Point Road, Bar Beach, Victoria Island Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria Cell: +234-8023434458 Fax:1(603) 484-8047 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:oyewo2000@yahoo.co.uk" oyewo2000@yahoo.co.uk Senegal/Senegal Mme Aminata COULIBALY DIA Chef de la Division des Sciences Naturelles Immeuble Freyssline et Fils (4e tage) 34, avenue du Prsident Lamine Gueye prolonge DAKAR, Sngal Tel: +221 33 822 57 30 / +221 33 823 83 54 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:aminata-coulibaly@hotmail.fr" aminata-coulibaly@hotmail.fr;  HYPERLINK "mailto:mtambadou32@yahoo.fr" mtambadou32@yahoo.fr ; DrHamet DIADHIOU CRODT/ISRA BP 2241 Dakar Route du front de Terre Tel:+221 338328267 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:hamet_diadhiou@yahoo.fr" hamet_diadhiou@yahoo.fr M.Macoudou SENE Direction de la Gestion et de lExploitation De Fonds Marins 10 Blvd du Centre de la Commune de Dakar Tel:+221 33853 07 98 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ngarysene@yahoo.fr" ngarysene@yahoo.fr Mme Arame Ndiaye KEITA Direction des Peches Maritime 1, Rue Joris BP 289 Dakar Tel: +221338230137 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.keita@odinafrica.net" a.keita@odinafrica.net Togo/Togo Prof. Adot Blim BLIVI Chercheur en Gomorphologie et Gestion du Littoral Centre de Gestion Intgre du Littoral et de l'Environnement Universit de Lom B.P. 1515 LOME, Togo E-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:adoblivi@hotmail.com"LMNQ\hilyz{ռq\Jq5*h)=h TKH_H(h)=haLFCJ$KHOJQJ^J_HaJ"h,CJ$KHOJQJ^J_HaJ(h)=hrCJ$KHOJQJ^J_HaJ(h,h,CJ$KHOJQJ^J_HaJ+h)=hrCJ,KHOJQJ\^J_HaJ%h,CJ,KHOJQJ\^J_HaJh)=hrCJ,^J_H1h)=hr6CJ<KHOJQJ\]^J_HaJ1h,h,6CJ<KHOJQJ\]^J_HaJjh)=hrU h)=hr     MN\$5$7$8$9DH$gdrgdr$5$7$8$9DH$gdrgdr\iz{|}~gd T$5$7$8$9DH$gd Tgd T$5$7$8$9DH$gd T$5$7$8$9DH$gdr{ Ǻ|gU|@7(h)=hrCJaJmH sH h)=h T_H(h)=h TCJ$KHOJQJ^J_HaJ"h,CJ$KHOJQJ^J_HaJ(h)=h,CJ$KHOJQJ^J_HaJ(h,h,CJ$KHOJQJ^J_HaJ+h)=h,CJ,KHOJQJ\^J_HaJ%h,CJ,KHOJQJ\^J_HaJh)=h TCJ,^J_H1h)=h T6CJ<KHOJQJ\]^J_HaJ1h,h,6CJ<KHOJQJ\]^J_HaJ h)=h T         gd T$5$7$8$9DH$gd,$5$7$8$9DH$gd,                    ! 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Box: 324, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233-21 781 225 Tel: Fax: +233-21 781226 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:n.gbolonyo@unido.org" n.gbolonyo@unido.org; Canary Current LME MrBradford E. BROWN U.S. NOAA Contractor 11266 SW 166 Terrace Miami, FL. 33157, USA Tel.: +305 336 5104 Fax: +305 253 4991; 305 361 4318 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jabaribrad@aol.com" jabaribrad@aol.com EAF-Nansen project National Task Group inGhana/FAO MrPaul BANNERMAN Chair, EAF-Nansen project National Task Group in Ghana Assistant Director of Fisheries Marine Fisheries Research Division P.O. Box BT 62 Tema Ghana Tel: +233 22202346 Cell: +0244 794859 Fax: +233 22206627 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:paulbann@hotmail.com" \o "blocked::mailto:paulbann@hotmail.com" paulbann@hotmail.com African Centre for Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD) MrCheikh KANE VGIRisC Project/ACMAD 85 Avenue des Ministres B.P. 13 184 Niamey, NIGER Tel: + 22720 73 49 92 Fax:+ 227 20 72 36 27 Cell: + 227 96 08 97 32 E-mail1:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kadi_metdz@yahoo.com" \o "mailto:kadi_metdz@yahoo.com" \t "_blank" kadi_metdz@yahoo.com;  HYPERLINK "mailto:mohamed_kadi@acmad.org" \o "mailto:mohamed_kadi@acmad.org" \t "_blank" mohamed_kadi@acmad.org United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Dr Stephen Duah-Yentumi The Country Director UNDP P.O. Box GP 1423, Accra, Ghana Tel.: +233 21 773890-6 Fax: +233 21 773899 IV. DIGNITARIES, OBSERVERS / DIGNITAIRES/ OBSERVATEURS Dr A.K ARMAH Department of Oceanographic and Fisheries University of Ghana P.O.Box LG99 Legon Tel.: +233244657475 Dr.Carlos SOUSAREIS Faculty of Science of Lisbon (IOC) Tel: +351 966125109 E-mail: csousareis@netcabo.pt Dr George WAFE Department of Oceanographic and Fisheries University of Ghana P.O. Box LG99 Legon Tel.: +233244657475 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:wiafeg@ug.edu.gh" wiafeg@ug.edu.gh Ms Lailah G.Larty Department of Oceanographic and Fisheries University of Ghana P.O. Box LG99 Legon Tel.: +233244657475 H.E. Mr.Olabiyi Babalola Joseph YA Ambassador Permanent Delegate of Benin to UNESCO UNESCO House Tel.: + 33 1.45 68 30 63 Fax: + 33 1 43 06 15 55 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:%20dl.benin@unesco-delegations.org" dl.benin@unesco-delegations.org  Mrs Sylvia LUTTERODT Secretary General, Ghana National Commission for UNESCO Ministry of Education, Science and Sports P.O. Box 2739 ACCRA GHANA Tel: +233.21 666042; Fax: +233.21 662718 V. ioc/UNESCO SECRETARIAT/ Secrtariat de la COI/UNESCO Ms Diana DUMERIL Consultant, Capacity-Development Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission IOC/UNESCO 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel.: + 33 1 45 68 39 52 Fax: + 33 1 45 68 58 12 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:d.dumeril@unesco.org" d.dumeril@unesco.org MrEhrlich DESA Deputy Executive Secretary, IOC Head, Capacity-Development IOC/UNESCO 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel.: + 33 1 45 68 40 16 Fax: + 33 1 45 68 58 12 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:e.desa@unesco.org" e.desa@unesco.org Elizabeth MOUNDO Director of Office and UNESCO Representative in Ghana UNESCO Office in Accra 8, Mankralo Street - East Cantonment P.O. Box CT 4949Accra, Ghana Tel.: +233 21740840 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:e.moundo@unesco.org" e.moundo@unesco.org Ms IsabelleNIANG ACCC Project Coordinator UNESCO in Dakar and Regional Bureau for Education in Africa 12, avenue L.S.S. BP 3311 Dakar, Senegal Tel.: +221 33 849 23 10 Fax: +221 33 823 83 93 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:i.niang@unesco.org" \o "blocked::mailto:i.niang@unesco.org" i.niang@unesco.org ANNEX VII LIST OF ACRONYMS AfDBAfrican Development BankACCCAdaptation to Climate Change in Coastal areasACMADAfrican Centre for Meteorological Applications for DevelopmentAECAfrican Economic CommissionBCLMEBenguela Current Large Marine EcosystemCCLMECanary Current Large Marine EcosystemCEMACCentral African Economic and Monetary Community / Commission de la Communaut Economique et Montaire de lAfriqueCEAMSACentral Eastern Atlantic Marine Science AssociationEAF- NANSEN PROJECTEcosystem Approach to Fisheries, Ghana/FAOECOWASEconomic Community of West African StatesEUEuropean UnionGCLMEGuinea Current Large Marine EcosystemGOOSGlobal Ocean Observing SystemsIOCIntergovernmental Oceanographic CommissionIOCARIBEUNESCO/IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent RegionsIOCWIOUNESCO/IOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian OceanIOCEAUNESCO/IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic OceanIODEInternational Oceanographic Data and Information ExchangeODINAFRICAOcean Data and Information Network in AfricaSADCSouthern African Development CommunityUEMOAWest African Economic and Monetary Union / Union conomique et montaire Ouest-AfricaineUNDPUnited Nations Development ProgrammeUNIDOUnited Nations Industrial Development OrganizationWCRPWorld Climate Research ProgrammeWIOMSAWestern Indian Ocean Marine Science AssociationSIAMScenarios, Impacts and Adaptation Measures     Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies UNESCO 2008 UNESCO IOC/SC-WESTPAC-IV/3 Paris, 28 august 1999 English only SC-2008/WS/.. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies UNESCO 2010 IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3 page ( PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT ii) IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3 page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT ii IOCEA-VI/3 Paris, 3 April 2010 English & French* IOCEA-VI/3 page ( PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT ii) IOCEA-VI/3 page ( PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT xiii) IOCEA-VI/3 page ( PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT i) IOCEA-VI/3 page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 8 IOCEA-VI/3 page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 9 IOCEA-VI/3 IOCEA-VI/3 Annex I - page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOCEA-VI/3 Annex I page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 IOCEA-VI/3 Annex I IOCEA-VI/3 Annex II - page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOCEA-VI/3 Annex II page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 IOCEA-VI/3 Annex II IOCEA-VI/3 Annex III - page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOCEA-VI/3 Annex III IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3 Annex IV - page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 IOCEA-VI/3 Annex IV - page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 IOCEA-V/3 Annex V IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3 Annex VI - page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 6 IOCEA-VI/3 Annex VI IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3 Annex VI IOCEA-VI/3 Annex VI - 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