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The Resolution instructed the Executive Secretary to reflect in the Work Plan UNESCOs priority for Africa, SIDS, and Gender Equality. The Executive Secretary introduced this agenda item. The Executive Secretary presented the concept and structure of the IOC Work Plan for 20102011 in the context of the approved UNESCO Work Plan (35C/5). This established for IOC a total allocation of US$9,493,430, of which US$3,456,000 is for activities including programme support costs and US$6,037,300 for staff. The Work Plan translates the High-level Objectives of the IOC Medium-term Strategy 20082013 and the expected results of the Biennial Strategy 20102011 into a limited number of activities, supported by both regular and extrabudgetary funding, and concrete, achievable outputs for the biennium. The Work Plan for 20102011 was reviewed by the Financial Committee. The Committee noted that consistency between the priorities approved by the Assembly and the Work Plan should be maintained. Furthermore, expected results and performance indicators need to be better articulated. The Committee appreciated the initiative of the Secretariat in preparing and submitting outlines for extrabudgetary contributions, but recommended that the Intersessional Financial Advisory Group work with the Secretariat to ensure that concrete proposals in priority areas are developed. Specific comments included the need to: (i) elaborate on activities in the Arctic region; (ii) enhance interagency collaboration to address coastal inundation related hazards; and (iii) articulate the regional breakdowns of the global programmes. The Committee emphasized the need to define expected results that are measurable and reported on through performance indicators. The report of the Chairperson of the Financial Committee is in Annex ___. DECISION 4.2: The Executive Council adopted the adjustments to the Work Plan for 20102011 suggested by the Financial Committee with the understanding that further improvements will be made in consultation with the Intersessional Financial Advisory Group. 4.3 REGIONAL SUBSIDIARY BODIES The Assembly at its 25th Session (Paris, 2009), by Resolution XXV-2, requested that the Executive Secretary: (i) ensure that a meeting on IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies and other regional activities be held in conjunction with IOC Assembly sessions; and (ii) re-activate IOCINDIO and IOCEA, giving considerations to the activities of existing IOC and other relevant regional bodies. The IOC Vice-Chairperson dealing with Regional Subsidiary Bodies, Mr Julin Reyna Moreno, introduced this item with a summary of the meeting of the Chairpersons of Regional Subsidiary Bodies (Paris, 7 June 2010, IOC/EC-XLIII/Inf.8) which reviewed the main activities of the Regional Subsidiary Bodies during 20082010, identified some of the challenges in implementing their work plans, discussed common problems, and identified synergies between IOCs global and regional efforts. The Chairman of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic (IOCEA), Mr Jean Folack, presented the major outcomes of the 6th Session of the Regional Committee (Accra, Ghana, 2830 March 2010). He highlighted the activities implemented in IOCEA during the intersessional period. Though reasonable progress has been made, inadequate resources continue to hamper the implementation of planned activities. The IOCEA Project Office, established at the Nigerian Institute of Oceanography and Marine Research in 2002, was closed after two years. DrZhanghaiZhang, Chairman of IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) reported on the major outcomes of the Eighth Session of WESTPAC (Bali, Indonesia, 1013 May 2010). The Sub-Commission highlighted the substantive progress made over the last intersessional period, despite limited financial support from the IOC regular budget, thanks to the joint efforts of Member States and the WESTPAC secretariat. The Sub-Commission expressed its concern over the shortage of technical staff at the WESTPAC Secretariat as activities rapidly expanded and expressed the need to improve communications between IOC Headquarters and the WESTPAC secretariat. DrZhang concluded by listing the five recommendations adopted by the Sub-Commission and contained in the Executive Summary of the Eighth Session of WESTPAC (IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VIII/3s). Due to time restrictions, no guidance from Member States on the improvement of Regional Subsidiary Bodies role in IOC Global Programmes and the work of IOCEA and WESTPAC was possible during the session. The Executive Council expressed concern over the lack of time allocated for this agenda item. The Executive Council noted the report of IOCEA-VI (IOCEA-VI/3) and Executive Summary of WESTPAC-VIII (IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VIII/3s) and encouraged the Member States to carry out the programme of work therein. The Executive Council requested that the Executive Secretary provide secretariat support within the framework of the existing IOC programme and budget (Res. XXV-14). DECISION 4.3: The Executive Council decided that an agenda item on Regional Subsidiary Bodies should be included in the Agenda of the 26th Assembly and requested the Executive Secretary to allocate sufficient time in the timetable to ensure a full Member State debate is possible. The Executive Council adopted Resolutions EC-XLIII-(4.3), EC-XLIII-(4.3b) and EC-XLIII-(4.3c). 4.4 IOC AND THE LAW OF THE SEA The Assembly at its 25th Session, by Resolution XXV-1, invited the Executive Council to discuss the review of IOC/ABE-LOS and to agree on its future mandate and means of operation. The Executive Secretary introduced the item reporting on secretariat activities to date in compliance with Resolution XXV-1. The Chairman of IOC/ABE-LOS, MrElieJarmache, then informed the Executive Council of IOC/ABE-LOS intersessional activities, in particular in relation to a questionnaire concerning Member States practices in Marine Scientific Research, emphasizing the lack of assistance received from the Secretariat. MrJarmache stated that the review of IOC/ABE-LOS should follow the procedure established for the evaluation of a body similarly composed of scientists, diplomats and decision makers, namely the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (ICP), in which an open-ended working group of Member States with a review mandate was created. The Chairman indicated that he considered IOC/ABE-LOS to be a tool that Member States had created to examine, from a legal perspective, issues submitted to it. However, his feeling was that some of the results that the Advisory Body had produced were not the expected ones, thus the need for the review. He further stated that IOC/ABE-LOS could be evaluated by an independent expert or by an open-ended working group, to consider whether IOC/ABE-LOS was still necessary and for what purpose. The Executive Council expressed its support for IOC/ABE-LOS work, stressing its unique combination of scientists, lawyers and policy makers, and thus considering it as a valuable IOC body. The Executive Council discussed various ways of reinforcing IOC/ABE-LOS work, including by holding all its meetings in Paris, holding regional seminars, through proactive referral of its work to the UNGA for its consideration, through an interaction with DOALOS, and by enhancing the resources available for support. The Executive Council discussed various topics that might be considered for IOC/ABE-LOS examination including ocean fertilization; implementation of GOOS; and the assessment of assessments. However, the Council did not achieve consensus on any specific topic. DECISION 4.4: The Executive Council established a sessional working group to prepare, during the Executive Councils session, a questionnaire for Member States to evaluate IOC/ABE-LOS. Tunisia was nominated to chair the working group. The Executive Council instructed the IOC Officers to prepare a synthesis of Member State responses to the questionnaire and present it to the 26th Session of the Assembly. The Executive Council decided that an evaluation of ABE-LOS should be carried out by IOC Member States. The Executive Council adopted Resolution EC-XLIII.(4.4). 9. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT THE FUTURE OF IOC (See Part 4) HIGH LEVEL OBJECTIVES FOR 20122013 In accordance with Resolution XXV-14, the Executive Council was requested to identify biennial priorities and preliminary programme orientations with a view to guiding the preparation of the Programme and Budget for 20122013. While the key actions under the four High-level Objectives of the Medium-term Strategy 20082013 remain the reference for the definition of biennial priorities, objectives and expected results for the Commission, the Executive Council agreed on (i) programmatic continuity, based on the recommendations of the IOC governing and subsidiary bodies and the results of programme evaluations; (ii) balance between global and regional/subregional activities and between intergovernmental coordination, standard-setting, and operational activities; (iii) an interdisciplinary approach; (iv) UNESCOs global priorities for Africa, Gender Equality, and Small Island Developing States; and (v) a result-based approach and measurable performance indicators. The Draft Biennial Priorities and Implementation Strategy for 20122013 prepared by the Secretariat were reviewed by the Financial Committee. The Committee complimented the Secretariat for the accomplished work and noted that actions and expected results require further refinements. In particular, expected results for some key priorities were missing in the document. In some cases, the Committee added high-level statements while in some others further strategy discussions will be required. The Committee recommended that capacity-development be included as a cross-cutting activity under each High-Level Objective. With these points and changes, the Committee approved the Draft Biennial Priorities and Implementation Strategy for 20122013 and agreed that the Intersessional Financial Advisory Group should continue the prioritization exercise intersessionally. The report of the Chairperson of the Financial Committee is in Annex ___. DECISION 9.2: The Executive Council adopted Resolutions EC-XLIII.(9.2) and EC-XLIII. (9.2b). In adopting Resolution EC-XLIII.(9.2), Portugal noted that Sub-Commissions are established around ocean basins and that another term, for example platform or forum, might be more appropriate for the continent of Africa. PREPARATION FOR THE TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY The Executive Secretary informed the Executive Council that conference and secretariat rooms had been reserved in UNESCO for the 26th Session of the Assembly from Wednesday 22 June 2011 to 6 July 2011. The Executive Council agreed to allow one whole day for meetings of the Regional Subsidiary Body (RSB) Chairpersons and the I-GOOS immediately prior to the 26th Session of the Assembly. Regarding the Executive Secretarys proposal on possible items for the agenda of the Assembly at its 26th Session, the Executive Council stressed the need to cover the full range of IOC programmes and activities requiring consideration by the Assembly as well as the statutory agenda items. DECISION 9.3: The Executive Council decided to set aside sufficient time in the timetable of the Assembly to allow proper consideration of the report of each Chairperson of an IOC Regional Subsidiary Body, as well as of an Executive Summary Report of the RSB Chairpersons meeting. The Executive Council instructed each RSB Chairperson to include in their progress report to the 26th Assembly a summary of co-operative activities with other subsidiary bodies. The Executive Council requested the Executive Secretary to report to the 26th Assembly on the execution of joint activities agreed in Memoranda of Understanding between the IOC and co-operating regional bodies in fields of common interest. DATES AND PLACES OF THE FORTY-FOURTH AND FORTY-FIFTH SESSIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL DECISION 9.4: The Executive Council decided to hold its 44th Session on Tuesday 21 June 2011, the day preceding the opening of the 26th Assembly, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. Pursuant to Rule of Procedure 19.2, the Executive Council will act as the Steering Committee of the 26th Session of the Assembly. The Executive Council decided to hold its 45th Session from Tuesday 19 June 2012 through Wednesday 27 June 2012, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, with the possibility of an extension until Friday 29 June 2012. 10. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT AND RESOLUTIONS ( venir) The Chairperson of the Resolutions Committee, MsHelenJoseph, presented her report on the work of the Resolutions Committee to the Executive Council (Annex ___). MsJoseph highlighted some of the challenges the Committee faced in reviewing draft resolutions submitted by Member States. She also informed the Executive Council that the Resolutions Committee was asked to provide comments on the Third Draft Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions (Document IOC/EC-XLIII/2 Annex 6) pursuant to a decision of the Executive Council, at its 39th Session, which was re-affirmed by the Assembly at its 25th Session (IOC-XXV/3, para. 586-587), to improve the preparation and processing of Draft Resolutions. The Executive Council thanked the Chairperson for her report and the work of the Resolutions Committee and reaffirmed the need to finalize the Draft Guidelines at the 26th session of the Assembly. The Executive Council reiterated the importance of submitting Draft Resolutions to the secretariat more than two months before the Governing Body sessions in order to allow, as far as possible, inclusion in the Action Paper so as to facilitate their early consideration and review by Member States. Decision 10.1: The Executive Council requested that the Executive Secretary, in consultation with present and past chairpersons of the Resolutions Committee, prepare a revised version of the Draft Guidelines, taking into account comments received at the Executive Council. The Executive Council further requested that the Executive Secretary include a dedicated agenda item in the session of the 26th Assembly with a view to discussing and adopting the final version of the Draft Guidelines.     IOC/EC-XLIII/3 prov. Pt. 3 page  PAGE 4 IOC/EC-XLIII/3 prov. Pt. 3 page  PAGE 5 IOC/EC-XLIII/3 prov. Pt.3 ABCD]^_bkwxyŵuiYMY>YhjOJQJmHnHsH uhgTOJQJmH sH jhgTOJQJUmH sH hrOJQJmH sH h}0OJQJmH sH h0u5OJQJmH sH ,hqjh(,'5OJQJ|F*mH sH h(,'h0u5OJQJmH sH h(,'hNv95OJQJmH sH h(,'hY 5OJQJmH sH *jhOJQJUmHnHsH tH uh0uOJQJjh0uOJQJUE]_y$a$$@&a$Ekd$$Ifl0#< 4 la  9r $If$If 9r C9D% & ; E Z ] b c  ! 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