ࡱ>  ,abjbj,, SNNV**+++++++,,/+ 7L @^5A5A5AmB5IIK uwwwwww w-+ULiBmBULYLwv**5A5A4vvv]L^!*85A+5AuvULuvv9*+CcM+m \ 0~rvrxv+ULULUL }):   Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies  IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) Eleventh Session IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium 25-28 May 2010 UNESCO IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/3 Oostende, 5 July 2010 English only For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows: IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM), Eleventh Session, 25-28 May 2010 Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies, UNESCO 2010 (English), UNESCO, 64 pp TABLE OF CONTENTS  TOC \o "1-3" 1. OPENING OF THE SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc139965151 \h 1 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc139965152 \h 1 3. REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES  PAGEREF _Toc139965153 \h 1 3.1 IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF THE GE-MIM-X WORK PLAN  PAGEREF _Toc139965154 \h 1 3.2 MATTERS ARISING FROM IODE-XX AND THE IODE OFFICERS MEETING (2010)  PAGEREF _Toc139965155 \h 12 3.2.1 Matters arisen from IODE-XX  PAGEREF _Toc139965156 \h 12 3.2.2 Matters arisen from the 2010 Officers Meeting  PAGEREF _Toc139965157 \h 14 4. COMMUNICATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc139965158 \h 14 4.1 Within IODE  PAGEREF _Toc139965159 \h 14 4.1.1 MIM Communications Strategy  PAGEREF _Toc139965160 \h 14 4.1.2 IODE Ocean data Portal  PAGEREF _Toc139965161 \h 15 4.1.3 SCOR/IODE/WHOI MBL Data Publication  PAGEREF _Toc139965162 \h 15 4.1.4 Cooperation of OBIS with MIM  PAGEREF _Toc139965163 \h 16 4.1.5 GE-MIM Membership Issues  PAGEREF _Toc139965164 \h 17 4.1.6 IODE National Coordinators for MIM  PAGEREF _Toc139965165 \h 18 4.2 Communication with other agencies  PAGEREF _Toc139965166 \h 18 4.2.1 ASFA  PAGEREF _Toc139965167 \h 18 4.2.2 D4Science  PAGEREF _Toc139965168 \h 19 4.2.3 IAMSLIC  PAGEREF _Toc139965169 \h 20 5. CAPACITY BUILDING  PAGEREF _Toc139965170 \h 22 5.1 ODINs  PAGEREF _Toc139965171 \h 22 5.1.1 ODINAFRICA  PAGEREF _Toc139965172 \h 22 5.1.2 ODINECET  PAGEREF _Toc139965173 \h 24 5.1.3 ODINCARSA LA  PAGEREF _Toc139965174 \h 24 5.1.4 ODIN-PIMRIS  PAGEREF _Toc139965175 \h 26 5.1.5 ODIN-WESTPAC  PAGEREF _Toc139965176 \h 27 5.1.6 ODINCINDIO  PAGEREF _Toc139965177 \h 28 5.2 Mentoring Programmes and Internships  PAGEREF _Toc139965178 \h 28 5.3 OceanTeacher and MIM  PAGEREF _Toc139965179 \h 29 6. IODE/MIM PRODUCTS AND TOOLS  PAGEREF _Toc139965180 \h 31 6.1 E-repositories  PAGEREF _Toc139965181 \h 31 6.2 OceanExpert  PAGEREF _Toc139965182 \h 33 6.3 OceanPortals  PAGEREF _Toc139965183 \h 34 6.4 Coastal atlases  PAGEREF _Toc139965184 \h 35 6.4.1 Caribbean Marine Atlas  PAGEREF _Toc139965185 \h 35 6.4.2 African Marine Atlas  PAGEREF _Toc139965186 \h 36 6.5 Subject specific Bibliographies  PAGEREF _Toc139965187 \h 36 6.6 IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management  PAGEREF _Toc139965188 \h 36 6.7 Applications of New technologies in MIM  PAGEREF _Toc139965189 \h 37 7. 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE IODE  PAGEREF _Toc139965190 \h 38 8. GE-MIM-XI WORK PLAN FOR THE NEXT INTERSESSIONAL PERIOD  PAGEREF _Toc139965191 \h 39 9. ELECTION OF GE-MIM CHAIRPERSON  PAGEREF _Toc139965192 \h 39 10. DATES AND PLACE OF THE NEXT SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc139965193 \h 39 11. ADOPTION OF SUMMARY REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc139965194 \h 40 12. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc139965195 \h 40  ANNEXES I. HYPERLINK \l "annex1"AGENDA II. HYPERLINK \l "annex2"RECOMMENDATIONS III. HYPERLINK \l "annex3"LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IV. HYPERLINK \l "annex5"LIST OF ACRONYMS OPENING OF THE SESSION The Chair of the Group, Ms Linda Pikula, welcomed the participants to the Eleventh Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) and thanked the IOC Project Office for IODE for hosting and funding the event. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS The Technical Secretary, Mr Peter Pissierssens, informed the Group of the available working documents and called attention to the provisional agenda. He reminded the Group that all documents had been made available through the IODE web site. The Group adopted the Agenda of the meeting. REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF THE GE-MIM-X WORK PLAN This Agenda Item was introduced by the GE-MIM Chair, Ms Linda Pikula. She invited the Group to review progress made with the work plan of its previous Session (GE-MIM-X), held in 2008 in Oostende, Belgium (the work plan of the 10th Session was available as Recommendation MIM-X.1 (MIM Action Plan for 2009-2010) attached as Annex II to the GE-MIM-X Report (Document IOC/IODE-MIM-X/3). Ms Pikula noted that much of the GE-MIM-X work plan has been accomplished, e-copyright legislation is being monitored and taught during the OceanTeacher Academy workshops, a GE-MIM liaison has been assigned to the Caribbean Marine Atlas project, improved access to e-journals has been accomplished through the aggregation of journals listed as available through OpenScience Directory A-Z in cooperation with the University of Hasselt, and EBSCO, co-operative projects with FAO, ASFA, IAMSLIC, and other European Repository projects are currently being discussed. A MIM Communications Strategy document is in its final stages of revision. The GE-MIM Chair is a participant in other IODE Committees and serves on the IOC Anniversary Planning Committee. Previous discussions on Integrated Library Management System software continued to be the focus, with the implementation of the ABCD ISIS in pilot projects being studied for possible ODIN adoption. An MoU with IAMSLIC has been discussed and the draft was submitted to the IODE Secretariat (See Agenda Item 4.2.3). IODE OceanTeacher will offer a pre-conference workshop for the Fall, 2010 meeting of IAMSLIC. Ms Pikula noted that after IODE-XX there had been suggestions on how GE-MIM could contribute to the 50th anniversary celebrations and there was a suggestion for preparing a bibliography of all work accomplished by Member States through collaboration with IODE. This will be further discussed under Agenda Item 7. Ms Pikula noted that the amount of UNESCO regular programme funding made available for MIM by IODE-XX was less than requested. The Group then proceeded with a detailed review on progress of the GE-MIM-X work plan: Action Description Responsibility Deadline GE-MIM-X Action 1: Request Publishers to ask Authors to Define Keywords using ASFIS Thesaurus 1 2  The Group decided to make use of the existing ASFA serial source list to send an emailed letter informing these publishers of the ASFA Thesaurus to recommend to them that this tool should be used as a reference for keyword allocation. The Group decided to contact ASFA through Mr Richard Pepe in order to send this request to publishers by making use of the ASFA mailing list. Secretariat Secretariat Ms L.Noble Jan 09 Jan 09 Ms Noble provided that she had completed (1). She reported that Mr Richard Pepe had circulated an e-mail to all ASFA partners asking them to contact publishers in their country and recommend that authors use the ASFA Thesaurus for selecting keywords. 3 GE-MIM-VI Action 4: Monitoring of Electronic Copyright Legislation in Relation to Electronic Document Delivery The Group requested to include content on rights management (eg. Copyright, licensing, intellectual property) in the new OceanTeacher website. Ms L.Pikula Jan 09 This action item was completed in October 2009. The content has been included on the OT web site on rights management and copyright in the Course Digital Asset Management ( HYPERLINK "http://hosting1.iode.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=100" http://hosting1.iode.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=100) 4 GE-MIM-VI Action 13: Paper on hardware/software requirements for Marine LIC The Group requested to provide a list with relevant websites related to software for libraries for inclusion in OceanTeacher Ms P.Simpson Jan 09 The Group recalled that Dr Murari Tapaswi prepared a list some years ago and that the GE-MIM had decided that this list should be updated regularly. ( The Group requested Ms Pauline Simpson to follow-up this item (deadline: September 2010) and include the list of web sites in the OceanTeacher Digital Library. CO-OPERATION WITH IAMSLIC, EURASLIC AND RELATED MARINE LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS 5 6  The Group encouraged IODE National Coordinator for MIM to attend the IODE-XX Meeting that will be held in Tianjin (China) in May 2009. The Group requested the Chair to email all IODE national coordinators for MIM to attend the IODE-XX Meeting. IODE NC MIM Chair May 08 Jan 08 Ms Pikula reported that she had emailed all NCs for MIM inviting them to attend IODE-XX. This resulted in 4 NCs for MIM attending the meeting. The Group expressed its disappointment in the continuing low attendance of IODE NCs for MIM and urged Member States to improve the imbalance between data managers and information managers attending Sessions of the IODE Committee. (The Group requested the Secretariat to stress the importance of having both data managers and information managers attending IODE-XXI. See also 4.1.6. Communication strategy for GE-MIM and MIM national coordinators 7  The Group instructed the Secretariat to produce promotional materials in time for the Anniversaries of IOC and IODE (Action Item 4.1.2). Secretariat May 08 8  The Group decided to develop and provide national coordinators with a certificate declaring their official nomination as National Coordinator for Marine Information Management in order to distribute them during IODE-XX (Action Item 4.1.2). Secretariat May 08 9  The Group decided that the IODE MIM Priorities survey needed to be amended to attract a better response and to obtain a more focused input that will guide GE-MIM (Action Item 4.1.3). Group Jan 08 10  The Group decided that the IODE MIM Priorities survey should be undertaken 3 months before a GE-MIM meeting. Survey respondents should include the IODE NC for MIM, ODIN MIM coordinators and IAMSLIC members (Action Item 4.1.3). Chair 3 months prior to GE-MIM-XI 7: see agenda item 7 8: The Group re-iterated the need for a MIM NC certificate. It was recommended to issue such certificates for each inter-sessional period. They could be issued when national reports are received by the Secretariat. ( The Group requested the Secretariat to proceed with the production of the MIM NC certificates based upon nominations received from the Member States and valid for one inter-sessional period. The Group requested the Secretariat to check this proposal with the IOC Executive Secretary. 9, 10: This agenda item was not completed. The Group noted that a survey was already carried out annually to identify OceanTeacher training requirements (See also Agenda Item 5.3). ( The Group agreed that more attention should be given to monitoring programmes and outcomes of international library and information conferences to identify emerging issues and technologies that are of relevance to marine information managers. (Action: Members) ( The Group requested the Chair to contact IAMSLIC suggesting the creation of a new category called innovations in their blog and instructed the GE-MIM members to actively contribute to this blog. IODE website and MIM 11, 12  The Group instructed the Chair to send an email to the NC for MIM to ask for photos on national marine information management activities to include on the IODE website (Action Item 4.2). The Group instructed its Chair to request the IODE National Coordinators for MIM to enter their Library URL in their individual OE record (Action Item 4.2). Chair Chair Jan 08 Jan 08 11: The Secretariat informed the Group that very few responses had been received. Ms Pikula informed the Group that she had repeated the invitation during MIM courses. 12: Although the Chair has informed ODINs through OceanTeacher workshops to amend their OE records, the Chair will send an e-mail to all IODE NCs for MIM. Long term strategic plan 13 14  The Group decided to prepare the MIM strategic plan document, which should be published as an addendum to the existing IOC Document (Manuals and Guidelines 49) and could also be re-packaged for various communication and promotional MIM products. The Group called on the IODE National Coordinators for MIM to more pro-actively involve other marine information centres in their countries by disseminating information on, and encourage participation in IODE-MIM and GE-MIM initiatives.Chair IODE Jan 08 Continuing 13: see Agenda Item 6.8 14: See Agenda Item 4.1.6 15 Communication The Group instructed that a working group would review the draft MIM Communication Strategy and circulate their comments to the GE-MIM Group by email for further discussion and approval. Ms L.Noble, Ms P.Munoz, Ms P. Simpson. Jan 08 See Agenda Item 4.1.1 IODE Group of Experts 16  The Group instructed to set up a GE-MIM Groupware site in order to facilitate monitoring of progress with the implementation of the GE-MIM work plan. The Group further instructed the Secretariat to create milestones for al GE-MIM-X action items. The Group requested its Members to upload drafts of documents that require discussion in the Groupware site, as well as relevant presentations and other documents that are not ready for public distribution. Secretariat Jan 09 (The Group noted that email had been used for this purpose. The Group concluded that the Groupware (iode.grouphub.com) had not been used extensively. The Group agreed that the site should be used to share working documents. 21 IOC D&IM Management Advisory Group (IDIMAG) The Group recommended that the GE-MIM Chair should also be a member of the IDIMAG group (http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=vie w&id=112&Itemid=130) Chair Jan 09 This action was completed. 22 IODE Website: about information management The Group instructed the Secretariat to make the necessary Secretariat Jan 08 changes to the IODE website according to recommendations made by Ms Pauline Simpson. This action item was completed IODE WEB SITE AND MIM 23 Overview page IODE National Coordinators  The Group instructed its Chair to request the IODE National coordinators for MIM to enter their library URL in their individual OceanExpert record Chair Jan 08 This action item was completed 24 General Section / About Marine Information Management  The Group reviewed and amended the content of the About Marine Information Management at the Session and requested the Secretariat to make the identified changes to the page. Secretariat Jan 08 24: This action item was completed Communication with other agencies 28 IOC-IAMSLIC Memorandum of Understanding  The Group requested that a review of achieved results of the cooperation with IAMSLIC should be included in the Terms of Reference of the MOU. Chair/past-Chair Jan 09 29 The Group requested to prepare the draft MOU for consideration by the joint IAMSLIC/GE-MIM task force in March 2009, by UNESCOs legal affairs department and finalization in April 2009 and the IODE-XX Session in May 2009. The Group decided that the new MOU should have a general introductory part, which will be similar to the previous MOU and an annex that outlines, in detail, the agreed activities for collaboration. The Group identified the following activities for collaboration: -OceanPortal: joint ownership and quality control -Avano e-repository harvester: joint funding/support; -Organization of sabbaticals, visiting experts, internships, twinning programmes (through IODE Project Office, ODIN partner institutions, IAMSLIC member institutions); -OceanExpert: use of OceanExpert by IAMSLIC for membership record management; -OceanTeacher: attracting content providers and establishing a content review team inclusion of or linking to IAMSLIC Conference papers in OceanTeacher; -Support to ODIN partner countries (IAMSLIC membership fees); -Hosting (server space) of IAMSLIC products by IOC Project Office for IODEGE-MIM, Chair, past-chair March 09 28, 29: See agenda item 4.2.3 30 POGO / CoML  The Group requested that the establishing of a discovery service retrieving data sets and documents in the OceanDataPortal and Avano would be further discussed with the SG-ODP. NC MIM Jan 09 This item is discussed under Agenda Item 4.1.2 31 Other agencies  The Group instructed its members to inform other agencies, programmes and projects with which they collaborate through other activities, of MIM and GE-MIM activities. This will be of particular importance at the regional level. GE-MIM Jan 09 This item is discussed under Agenda Item 4.2 and 4.1.6 ODINS 32 ODINCARSA  The Group requested the OceanDocs Latino coordinator to prepare a document in Spanish containing the statistics of OceanDocs-Latino and to communicate this document to heads of institutions within ODINCARSA Ms P.Munoz Jan 09 Ms Munoz reported that the document had been prepared for IODE-XX. Document IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/6 includes the number of documents uploaded. Usage statistics are available in real-time online through  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.net/stats" http://www.oceandocs.net/stats 33 ODINPIMRIS  The Group requested to prepare a letter (Statement of support) for GE-MIM Chair addressed to heads of fisheries and marine science departments of governments in the region, requesting support for ODINPIMRIS activities. Ms Maria Kalenchits, Chair Jan 09 34  The Group requested to investigate funding opportunities by the EU. Ms Maria Kalenchits Jan 09 33: The Group was informed that the Letter was prepared and sent. 34: The ODINPIMRIS report prepared for the IODE Officers Meeting 2010 suggested some options for funding opportunities. 35 ODINCINDIO  The group instructed to contact the MIM community in the ODINCINDIO region (including former ODINCINDIO trainees) to inquire about their opinion and ideas for future activities of ODINCINDIO and what IODE can do for them, considering the upcoming IODE meeting in China which may provide an opportunity for renewed support and action. Chair Jan 09  The Chair reported that the needs assessment of the ODINCINDIO meeting held in 2008 is available but no contact was made by the MIM community in the region as there currently is no ODINCINDIO regional coordinator. It was noted also that several IODE NCs for MIM in this region are not marine librarians but scientists. The Group was informed further that the Secretariat had approached the Permanent Delegation to UNESCO of IOC member states in the region to obtain the contact information of IOC action addresses. Mr Odido informed the Group that some MIM needs had been identified by IOGOOS in 2003. The Group was informed that the next Session of IOGOOS will be held in Perth, Australia between 12-16 July 2010. For that meeting IOGOOS requested details on the results of the IODE needs survey related to data management in the IOGOOS region. (The Group requested the Secretariat to also include in the survey, a request for information on MIM needs, as available. The Group was further informed of the upcoming IOCINDIO meeting which will be held in December 2010 in Oman. (The Group recommended that the IOCINDIO regional committee should consider MIM needs of the region and requested the Secretariat (M. Odido) to discuss this matter further with the IOC staff responsible for organizing the meeting.| The Group stressed the need to identify regional coordinators for data and information management in the region to enable the development of ODINCINDIO. In this regard reference was made to the proposal to split ODINCINDIO into two sub-regions: one for the Gulf States and one for the Indian Ocean states. ODINWESTPAC 36 37 The Group noted that the MIM community in the WESTPAC region has not yet been involved in the ODINWESTPAC pilot project and requested to compile a list of ASFA partners and collaborating centres in the ODINWESTPAC region. The Group requested the GE-MIM Chair to contact the ASFA partners and collaborating centres in the ODINWESTPAC region in order to encourage them to consider the MIM aspect of ODIN.Ms Linda Noble ChairJan 09 Jan 0936: see Agenda Item 5.1.5 37: see Agenda Item 5.1.5 GE-MIM involvement in IODE Product Development 39  The Group recommended translation of documents. Document translation should be based upon the following criteria: longevity, target audience and size of the document (e.g. IOC Manuals and Guides). If a new product is produced by GE-MIM translation should be taken in consideration. 40  The Group recommended that ODIN networks should decide which documents are worth translating. 41  The Group recommended that only the executive summary should be translated into multiple languages while the body text should be in English or the primary working language of the target audience. Secretariat As required 39-41: The Group was informed that the ODINCARSA LA report (IOC Manuals and Guides No. 225 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/wr225" http://www.iode.org/wr225) had been made available in English and Spanish (the document was translated from English into Spanish). E-repositories 42  The Group urged the OceanDocs Steering Group to identify a Chair and requests the Steering group to write a strategy and work plan to be presented at the next IODE Committee session. The Group suggested to the OceanDocs Steering Group to consider the OceanDocs General Policy Document as a start to develop a strategy for OceanDocs. This Strategy should highlight and include issues such as: communication among the Steering Group, coordination of activities, incorporation of new groups, identifies a way forward, clarification of membership of the Steering Group. Ms A.Keita, Mr M.Goovaerts, Ms P.Munoz May 09 43  The Group recommended that a statistics document should be communicated to the OceanDocs steering group for further communication to heads of institutions within all ODINs that have e-repositories. Mr M.Goovaerts Jan 09 44  The Group requested that the IOC logo and a link to the statistical webpage be added to the OceanDocs webpage. Mr M.Goovaerts Jan 09 45  The Group requested to contact Mr Frederic Merceur about long term commitments of IFREMER regarding Avano and report back to GE-MIM. Mr M.Goovaerts Jan 09 46  The Group decided to approach IAMSLIC under the new MOU for joint funding and support of Avano. Chair Jan 09 47  The Group invited Ms Arame Keita to take on the responsibility of interim coordination and management of OceanDocs Africa until new arrangements are in place within the framework of ODINAFRICA-4.Ms A.Keita Nov 08 42: Mr Goovaerts informed the Group that a document was available for review. This will be discussed under Agenda Item 6.1 43: It was noted that statistics are available in real-time through the URL  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.net/stats" http://www.oceandocs.net/stats but it was noted that non-identified crawlers were not yet excluded from the statistics. (The Group requested that information and occasional reports exchanged between members should be made available through the iode.grouphub.com groupware site (in a separate OceanDocs SG section). 44: This action item was not completed. Mr Goovaerts reported that this will be completed by end of July. 45: This item will be discussed under Agenda Item 6.1 46: This action item was not completed. This item will be discussed under Agenda Item 6.2 47: Ms Keita has assumed the responsibility. This Agenda Item will be further discussed in Agenda Item 6.2. OceanExpert 48 49  The Group instructed to further investigate the linking of OceanExpert and OceanDocs. The Group instructed to implement a number of revisions in OceanExpert. 1. ODIN regions should have their own sites allowing searching only for that region (e.g. AFRIDIR). 2. URL checker for dead links to institution homepages 3. Sending of validation requests for records of ODINs to the ODIN regional coordinator (MIM). Mr W.Rommens, Mr M.Goovaerts Secretariat Jan 09 Jan 09 48: This action item was not completed. Mr Goovaerts reported that it is possible to have authority control through unique IDs. This agenda item will be further discussed under Agenda Item 6.3. 49: This action item was not completed. This agenda item will be further discussed under Agenda Item 6.3. OceanTeacher 50  The Group decided that the top level MIM section in OceanTeacher should be named as such but that a scope note should be added to the MIM page in OceanTeacher to explain both core information principles and specific marine applications. Mr W.Rommens, Ms L.Pikula Jan 09 51  The group decided to approach IAMSLIC under the new MOU (see 4.2) in order to cooperate with IAMSLIC on the development of MIM content for OceanTeacher. Chair Jan 09 52  The Group decided to establish a review team for MIM content in OceanTeacher. Chair Jan 09 53  The Group decided to include a page explaining the production cycle of OT documents. Mr.W.Romme ns Jan 09 54  The Group decided to create a link to the IAMSLIC conference proceedings from OT (OT editor, deadline December 2008) Ms L.Pikula Jan 09 55 OceanPortal The group decided to approach IAMSLIC under the new MOU in order to cooperate with IAMSLIC for joint management of OceanPortal. Chair Jan 09 50: The naming of the section has been implemented to Marine Information Management. A scope note has not been prepared. The Group requested the Chair to prepare and add the scope note. 51: The Chair reported that she had contacted IAMSLIC. So far one IAMSLIC member joined the OceanTeacher instructors (Lisa Fish). This item will be further discussed under Agenda Item 6.4 52: This item will be further discussed under Agenda Item 6.4 53: This item has not been completed. This item will be further discussed under Agenda Item 6.4. 54: This item has not been completed. This item will be further discussed under Agenda Item 6.4 55: The Chair reported that IAMSLIC declined this offer. This item will be further discussed under Agenda Item 6.5 Coastal atlases 56 57  The Group invited Ms Pauline Simpson to represent GE-MIM to CMA with the view of providing guidance regarding the role of marine information managers in CMA. The Group encouraged the ODINAFRICA MIM group to get involved in the AMA. Ms P.Simpson ODINAFRICA MIM Jan 09 Jan 09 56, 57: Done. This item will be further discussed under Agenda Item 6.6 Other products 58  The Group instructed the Secretariat to investigate a federated search possibility in OceanExpert and OceanDocs and set up a webpage. Secretariat, Mr M.Goovaerts Jan 09 59  The Group requested to distribute a draft of the document Marine information centre development: an introductory manual (IOC Manuals and Guidelines 23, http://hdl.handle.net/1834/2751) to the Group by email for further comments. The Group requested Ms Linda Pikula to finalize the document for IODE-XX. Ms L.Pikula May 09 60  The Group instructed Ms Linda Pikula to prepare a publication explaining the benefits of becoming a National Coordinator for MIM and becoming part of the IODE network and containing information on the IOC Strategic Plan for Data and Information Management and IODE Products. Ms L.Pikula Jan 09 58: The Group considered this and concluded that technology has moved beyond this and that other solutions are now available and will be discussed under Agenda Item 6.9 59: This item has not been implemented. This item will be further discussed under Agenda Item 5.3 60: Ms Pikula reported that she had prepared a PPT that was presented during the OceanTeacher course Preservation and Archiving of Digital Media (video available as  HYPERLINK "http://www.vimeo.com/10378983" http://www.vimeo.com/10378983). (The Group requested to ensure that for all video presentations in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.vimeo.com/iode" www.vimeo.com/iode site a link to the powerpoint files should also be available. (The Group requested the Secretariat to add a link from the web page on IODE NCs for MIM ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=60&Itemid=43" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=60&Itemid=43 ) to the Video ( HYPERLINK "http://www.vimeo.com/10378983" http://www.vimeo.com/10378983 ) ISIS Software 61  The Group decided that one or two persons involved in ODINs can be sent to the ABCD (ISIS) training course in Brussels in order to evaluate the use of the software. Secretariat Jan 09 62  The group agreed to perform a test to convert an InMagic database towards (ABCD) ISIS and requested that Ms Arame Keita provides InMagic data to Ms Egbert de Smet in order to test the import functionality of the new ABCD (ISIS) software. The test database can be put at the IODE PO servers and made available to the IODE community.. Ms A.Keita Jan 09 63  The Group decided to take a decision about use of the ISIS software before April 2009 based upon the results of the import test. GE-MIM April 09 64  The Group agreed to organize training if the decision has been taken. Documentation and training materials will be available in March 2009. Courses can be organized in Ostend afterwards including an additional module on conversion from INMAGIC. Secretariat April 09 65  The Group agreed that the GE-MIM Chair contacts Richard Pepe (FAO, Rome, Italy) in order to inform him of the migration test with ABCD (ISIS). We ask him of his activities/progress in this area. Chair Jan 09 66  The Group agreed that if ABCD (ISIS) does not fulfil the requirements there needs to be an investigation of other software packages (Koha, Newgenlib). GE-MIM n/a 61-66: The Group was informed that some tests were carried out regarding conversion of INMAGIC to ABCD. Dr De Smet did not receive instructions from GE-MIM to continue the work after the tests so the work was halted. Accordingly nobody was able to attend the ABCD training. This Agenda Item will be further discussed under 5.1.1. OpenScienceDirectory 67 68 69 The Group instructed the Secretariat to inform all MIM National Coordinators and ODIN coordinators of the OpenScienceDirectory initiative. The Group decided to promote and advertise the OpenScienceDirectory in FAO (section: Knowledge Management) and other agencies (e.g. Science sector of UNESCO) further The Group instructed the OpenScienceDirectory developers that a list should be displayed with publishers supporting developing countriesMIM NC, ODIN Coordinators Secretariat Mr Marc GoovaertsJan 09 Jan 09 Jan 0967: The OpenScienceDirectory was promoted by email to all MIM NCs and ODIN coordinators. 68-69: The Group decided that this is not necessary. MATTERS ARISING FROM IODE-XX AND THE IODE OFFICERS MEETING (2010) Matters arisen from IODE-XX This agenda item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. 11140The Committee welcomed the success of the marine information management activities and adopted the reports of GE-MIM-IX and GE-MIM-X as well as all recommendations included therein.Implementation of action plan by IODE-XXIGE-MIM (note: GE-MIM=XI did NOT take place in 2009 as per work plan)Reporting required by GE-MIM; GE-MIM-XI planned for 25-28 May 2010  34275The Committee welcomed the success of OceanTeacher, thanked the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) for supporting this important Project and invited Member States to (i) contribute to OceanTeacher by making available national experts as lecturers or content providers; and (ii) make use of the OceanTeacher Academy for new staff members of data and information management centres who require training; and (iii) provide sponsorship for OceanTeacher Academy students from developing countries.IODE-XXIMember StatesNeeds reporting by OTA editors (need to identify need to plan OTA editors meeting in 2010)The Group noted that a date for the next OTA SG meeting had not been identified yet. 52435The Committee instructed the GE-MIM Chair to liaise with Ms Cathy Norton at WHOI to ensure GE-MIM participation (in the SCOR/IODE activity on data publishing). IODE-XXIGE-MIMMeeting planned 2 April 2010The Group was informed by Ms Pikula that this had been implemented. See also Agenda Item 4.1.3. 68514The Committee requested the NODCs and Marine Information Centres to send historical photographs of data centres, information centres and their equipment and staff to the IOC project Office for IODE (printed or electronic).End of 2009NODCs, Marine Information CentresOnly USA has sent picturesSend remindersThe Officers decided to give the good example by sending relevant pictures to the IODE Secretariat and use these to encourage other NODCs to do the same.The Group noted that very few information centres have provided photographs to the Project Office. (The Chair urged members of the Group to send photographs to the IODE Project Offices. Reference was made further to paragraphs 36 (ODINAFRICA); 36, 37 (ODINCARSA); 38 (ODINCINDIO); 39 (ODINECET); 40 (ODINWESTPAC); 41 (ODINBLACKSEA); 43 (ODINPIMRIS). These are further discussed under Agenda Item 5. Matters arisen from the 2010 Officers Meeting Introducing this item the Chair informed the Group that the 2010 Session of the IODE Offcers had taken place at the IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium between 9-12 March 2010. The report of the meeting is available as Document INF-1272 (2010 IODE Officers Meeting Report) which can be downloaded from the IODE web site on HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=5040"http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=5040. Ms Pikula had been unable to attend the Meeting in person but had participated by teleconference. Discussions on MIM matters were discussed under agenda item 4.1.2. The following topics had been discussed by the Officers: Regarding the membership of GE-MIM it was noted that there are some vacancies due to expiry of terms. It was unclear who needs to be replaced. The Officers requested the Chair GE-MIM and the Secretariat to provide more information on this subject. Ms Pikula recalled the need for more appointments of IODE NC for MIM. In this regard it was recalled that a Circular Letter needs to be sent out (see Agenda Item 2). GE-MIM is trying to improve its outreach through partnerships with other organizations. A draft MOU between IOC and IAMSLIC was prepared and is ready for signing. Ms Pikula requested that the Officers review the MOU and recommend its signature by the IOC Executive Secretary. Ms Pikula noted that the request for a meeting of the OceanDocs Steering Group could be for either late 2010 or early 2011. The Officers requested GE-MIM to provide details on the work required in OceanExpert as this could be carried out either by the Project Office developer or by a contractor. Regarding OceanExpert, Dr Rommens reported that Lies Groen has been working on QC of OceanExpert for some months, focusing on duplicate removal. The above issues were discussed under relevant agenda items. COMMUNICATIONS Within IODE MIM Communications Strategy This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson and Ms Suzie Davies referring to Document IC/IODE-MIM-XI/5 (IOC Communication Strategy for Marine Information Management 2010-2012). It was recalled that the IODE Review identified a perception of a lack of understanding of MIM by the wider IODE Data Management community and the Reviews wish to identify mechanisms, which will improve communication between IODE Officers and GE-MIM and with other relevant agencies in marine information management. Work on the final draft has continued through the Intersessional. (The Group adopted the draft IOC Communication Strategy for Marine Information Management and decided to submit it for approval by IODE-XXI. It is attached as  HYPERLINK \l "rec1" Recommendation MIM-XI.1. (The Group instructed the Secretariat, conditional upon adoption of the Strategy by IODE-XXI, to publish the Strategy as a publication in the IOC Manuals and Guides series and to circulate it to all stakeholders, including IOC Member States and IAMSLIC members. (The Group requested the Secretariat to set up a mailing list function addressing all ODIN marine information managers (not restricted to MIM NCs). This function will need to be incorporated in OceanExpert. All GE-MIM members should be added to all ODIN MIM mailing lists. IODE Ocean data Portal This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. She recalled that the IODE Ocean Data Portal is available online through  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandataportal.org" http://www.oceandataportal.org From that site a 12 minute video presentation is available as well (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.vimeo.com/10379508" http://www.vimeo.com/10379508). SCOR/IODE/WHOI MBL Data Publication This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. She recalled that what was to become the SCOR/IODE initiative on data publication started in December 2006 at the Second SCOR Summit of International Marine Research Projects (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.scor-int.org/Project_Summit_2/ProjCoord2.htm"http://www.scor-int.org/Project_Summit_2/ProjCoord2.htm). The meeting brought together representatives of most large-scale international ocean research projects (e.g. SOLAS, GEOTRACES, IMBER, GLOBEC, etc.). The meeting considered what constituted the major barriers to data sharing and greater data submission to national and global databases, and identified a need to create a formal process to ensure that scientists get credit for releasing their data and for every time the data are used by others. To this aim, the meeting recommended that SCOR form a Panel on Ocean Data Publication and Incentives. The GE-MIM Chair had been invited to participate in the meeting. The Report is available on HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/wr230"http://www.iode.org/wr230 The meeting had agreed on the following work plan and timeline: Prepare project brief that describes objectives, technical approach and expected outcomes of the data publication pilot activity (existing documentation prepared by MBLWHOI Library should be used). Deadline: May 2010 (Roy Lowry, Lisa Raymond) Organize technical discussions on compatibility/modification of OceanDocs metadata scheme for data publication pilot project. Deadline: April/May 2010 (Lisa Raymond and Marc Goovaerts; Project Leader OceanDocs) Propose a session for the Fall AGU Meeting (Peter Fox, Cyndy Chandler, Lisa Raymond , Anna Gold, Linda Pikula). Session proposals are due by 27 May) Identify a small number of marine libraries and data centres (IODE and others) willing and able to participate in a data citation pilot activity. The marine libraries should already be operating or using an e-repository (OceanDocs). The two use cases will be put out as a challenge for joint work between data centres and libraries. The challenge will be elaborated in a more detailed document. Deadline: May/June 2010 (IODE Secretariat and SCOR to coordinate) Meeting/Training Course for participating marine libraries/data centres. Deadline: July-September 2010 (IODE Secretariat to implement through OceanTeacher Academy) Start pilot activity using MBLWHOI Library methodology and work flow with identified marine libraries and data centres. Deadline: start from August 2010 (coordinated by MBL/WHOI and BODC) Present preliminary report on progress of pilot project at 22nd International CODATA Conference (24-27 October 2010) (presenter to be identified; abstract must be submitted by 30 April) Present progress report on pilot project at IODE 50th Anniversary Scientific Conference (provisional 21-22 March 2011) Present progress report on pilot project at IODE-XXI and discuss formal establishment of Pilot Project on Data Citation (with more extended participation) (provisional 23-26 March 2011) The Group welcomed the initiative and the consideration of OceanDocs as a core element of the pilot activity. (The Group expressed concern about the tight timeline and called on the project leaders to reconsider it, while bearing in mind the importance of demonstrating results during the IODE 50th anniversary and IODE-XXI. The Group stressed the importance of not limiting the system being developed to DSpace but make it more generally applicable to e-repositories. ( The Group regretted that many other similar initiatives that are being implemented (projects) were not mentioned during the workshops and stressed the need to build upon the experience of these. ( The Group identified Pauline Simpson (e-repositories/metadata), Marc Goovaerts (OceanDocs/DSpace technical expert), Arame Keita (ODINAFRICA MIM coordinator), Andrea Cristiani (ODINCARSA LA MIM coordinator), Linda Pikula (GE-MIM Chair) as GE-MIM experts to contribute to the SCOR/IODE/MBL WHOI pilot project on data publication. Cooperation of OBIS with MIM This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. She referred to the OBIS web site on HYPERLINK "http://www.iobis.org/"http://www.iobis.org/. She recalled that OBIS was established by the Census of Marine Life program (HYPERLINK "http://www.coml.org"www.coml.org). It is an evolving strategic alliance of people and organizations sharing a vision to make marine biogeographic data, from all over the world, freely available over the World Wide Web. It is not a project or program, and is not limited to data from CoML-related projects. Any organization, consortium, project or individual may contribute to OBIS. OBIS provides, on an open access basis through the World Wide Web: taxonomically and geographically resolved data on marine life and the ocean environment; interoperability with similar databases; software tools for data exploration and analysis. The Group welcomed the adoption by IOC/IODE of OBIS. (The Group recommended adding under Additional information on a results page a link to Avano ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ifremer.fr/avano/" http://www.ifremer.fr/avano/). Avano collects the metadata; Google scholar collects the documents. Google scholar indexes the documents. Accordingly a search with Google scholar will result in more results but with more noise. (The Group recommended that a MIM expert be included in the planned IODE Group of Experts for OBIS. GE-MIM Membership Issues This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. GE-MIM Long-term and Shortterm Members Ms Pikula informed the Group that IOC Circular Letter No. 2336 had been sent out on 16 March 2010. About 10 responses have been received. Ms Pikula then referred to Recommendation IODE-XIX.2 (Strategy and Structure of IODE Groups of Experts) which states: Membership: the total number of Members of IODE Groups of Experts should not exceed 8; the Groups should be composed of not more than 4 long-term members; and not more than 4 short-term members; the long-term members will be selected by the Executive Secretary, based upon nominations from Member States and further based upon individual expertise as relevant to the concerned IODE Group of Expert. Long-term members can remain a member of the Group during not more than 4 inter-sessional periods; the short-term members shall be selected by the long-term members of the Group, based upon their specific expertise, documented in the OceanExpert system, related to specific tasks or projects and will remain a member during, preferably, not more than two inter-sessional periods; The Group noted that of the current membership the following members are due for replacement: Marc Goovaerts (has completed 4 terms). He can be invited again as invited expert (eg for OceanDocs). Other long-term members: Linda Pikula: starting 3rd inter-sessional period Arame Keita: starting 4th inter-sessional period Patricia Munoz: starting 4th inter-sessional period Linda Noble: starting 3rd inter-sessional period Suzie Davies and Pauline Simpson have been invited as experts. The Group concluded that it is not necessary to identify new long-term members prior to the next inter-sessional period. The Group concluded that short-term experts should be identified for the following large-scale issues: Repository systems, software and technical operations and marketing for OceanDocs; Digitization projects, resources, digital asset management, including metadata, preservation; e-Science and large data sets; Bibliographic citations and performance metrics; Disaster preparedness for marine information centres; Assessment of ILMS, selection and implementation assistance; Social networking, web 2.0 development, semantic web, ontologies and taxonomies; Open Source solutions to information management requirements. ( The Group requested the GE-MIM long-term members to suggest and identify suitable short-term members with expertise in one or more of the above topics within a marine library environment. IODE National Coordinators for MIM This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula referring to the discussions under 4.1.5. Communication with other agencies ASFA This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. She recalled that at IODE-XX and the 2010 Officers Meeting cooperation with ASFA to digitize ODIN holdings was discussed. Informal discussions have taken place at IAMSLIC and OceanTeacher with ASFA Secretariat regarding this collaboration. Several OceanTeacher courses in Digitization and Preservation have been conducted towards this goal. Ms Noble informed the Group that there is a need to digitize publications that already have a record in ASFA but have not been digitized before. Funds have been offered to ASFA partners to undertake the digitization. This can also concern grey literature. In other cases both digitization and ASFA record preparation are being undertaken. There had been limited uptake of the funding opportunity. One of the drawbacks could be that funding for projects may not reach the library due to institutional issues. (The Group recommended that ODIN MIM Coordinators approach the ASFA Board referring to the substantial archives of grey material available in their libraries. Local experts could visit national institutions with portable equipment to undertake the scanning. It was recalled that ODINCARSA LA had requested funding for digitization but this could not be fulfilled by IODE. (The Group recommended coordinating with ASFA the possible funding of this digitization effort through ODINCARSA LA. (The Group recommended that attention be given to providing training on digitization (and include course material in OceanTeacher). In this regard reference was made to the Courses Preservation and Archiving of Digital Media, Digital Asset Management, and Funding for Digital Projects. (The Group requested Ms Pikula to attend the upcoming ASFA Board meeting and propose cooperation on ASFA enhancement through joint action between ODIN partner institutions and ASFA input centres (when these are not identical) on digitization of national/institutional holdings and related updating of the ASFA bibliographic records. In this regard it was requested to prepare a full list of ODIN partner institutions and ASFA input centres to identify collaborative opportunities. The Group further requested ODINs to identify materials that should, as a priority, be digitized, and provide this information to Ms Pikula prior to the ASFA Board. In addition the Group recommended an analysis of ASFA records prepared by individual countries and focus on digitizing those documents. The Group was informed of the upcoming retirement of Mr Richard Pepe. The Group acknowledged the long-standing partnership between IOC/IODE and the ASFA Secretariat and noted that this excellent relationship was attributable to a large extent to the hard work, strong commitment and personal qualities of Mr Pepe over many years. The Group requested its Chair to convey its gratitude to Mr Pepe during the upcoming ASFA Advisory Board in Morocco in July and to invite him to continue sharing his valuable knowledge and expertise with the GE-MIM in the future. The Group further requested the Secretariat to send a Letter to FAO to express IODEs appreciation. The Group nominated Mr Pepe for an IODE Achievement Award and requested the Secretariat to convey its nomination to the IODE Co-Chairs and possibly invite him to IODE-XXI. D4Science This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr Marc Goovaerts. He informed the Group that he had been invited to represent IOC/IODE at the D4Science World User Meeting Rome, 25-26 November 2009. (Programme: See  HYPERLINK "http://d4science.eu/worldusermeeting" http://d4science.eu/worldusermeeting). D4Science is a project developed under the FP7 programme of the European Commission. D4Science-II aims to provide mechanism for facilitating interoperation of the D4Science e-Infrastructure with diverse other data e-Infrastructures that are running autonomously thus creating the core of an e-Infrastructure Ecosystem. These e-Infrastructure Ecosystems will serve a significantly expanded set of communities dealing with multidisciplinary, scientific and societal challenges. To set up a prototypical instance of such an ecosystem, D4Science-II will bring together several scientific e-Infrastructures established in areas such as biodiversity, fishery resources management and high energy physics. This will support several critical scientific scenarios - initially, this core will include: AQUAMAPS, DRIVER, GENESI-DR and INSPIRE- that are distinct but also feed into and enrich each other. In collaboration with appropriate international bodies and initiatives, D4Science-II will take steps to ensure sustainability of the Knowledge Ecosystem. Its main goals are to develop an environment where it will become possible to share e-infrastructure and data for research. There are partners involved in the field of fisheries (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department), earth sciences (GENESIS-DR) and also ESA, DRIVER (repository consortium), The World User meeting was organized at FAO and most of the invited organizations were related to their fields of interest (Fisheries, biodiversity, aquatic and marine sciences). IOC/IODE was invited to present their data and publication collections (Ocean Data Portal and OceanDocs). The video presentation of Ocean Data Portal was appreciated by the public. There were some misunderstandings about the standards defined in the portal. Some interveners thought that new standards were developed unnecessary. But this view was corrected. There was a strong request of the participants, specifically from the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department and OBIS-representatives, that IOC/IODE should be involved in D4Science and bring in the data repositories and tools already developed. It is clear that sharing existing e-infrastructure is useful for all the research communities involved. D4Science has developed a specific platform to make interaction between different e-infrastructure possible, called GCube. Beautiful results were shown, e.g. the creation of maps based on specific biodiversity data. It is clear that the participation of IOC/IODE is not only of interest of the D4Science partners, but that the community deserved by IOC/IODE can derive large benefit of the D4Science project. D4Science was discussed during the Flash meeting with Johannes Keizer (FAO) see 183. Johannes expressed interest to integrate OceanDocs in the D4Science platform. This could easily be realized through OAI-PMH. The D4Science partners can already access OceanDocs because OceanDocs is already harvested by Driver-COAR. The Group concluded that D4Science should be of interest to the IODE Ocean Data Portal. The Group concluded that the contribution by GE-MIM will consist mainly of providing access to MIM information products (eg OceanDocs, OceanExpert). The Group concluded that D4Science has potential for links with the IODE data management community (e.g. OceanData Portal and the Marine atlasses). IAMSLIC This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula and Ms Pauline Simpson. They recalled that an IAMSLIC/IOC MoU was prepared during the IAMSLIC Conference in Brugge, Belgium, September 2009 and was submitted to the IOC/IODE Secretariat for consideration. The Group expressed its appreciation to IAMSLIC for the draft MoU but recommended a number of changes that will clarify the objectives. The Group further noted that the draft will need to be revised by UNESCOs legal affairs unit to ensure it is legally acceptable. The Group then proceeded with drafting the revised high-level objectives of the MoU and agreed on the following To build professional marine information management communities at the international, regional and national level which promote professional, inter- personal and technical collaboration and networking; To assist marine libraries and information centres to acquire the necessary human and technical capacity to acquire, manage, provide access to and disseminate marine scientific literature and related information products and services to their user audiences, with special attention to developing countries; To promote the adoption and mainstreaming by marine libraries and information centres of new technologies; To promote the important role of marine information professionals (Librarians) as service providers contributing to marine and coastal scientific research and management and complementing the ocean data management community. The Group then considered possible candidate activities to be implemented under the MoU annex: IODE can act as contingency host for IAMSLIC systems and products that require a long-term platform base. Examples are Aquatic Commons, Z39.50, etc.. Joint management of a pilot mentoring and internships programme; An IOC/IODE designated expert will be a member of the IAMSLIC Board and an IAMSLIC expert will be a member of the GE-MIM; IODE will sponsor memberships for experts participating in IODE/ODIN projects; ODINs will make their library resources available through the IAMSLIC z39.50 (the Z catalogue) and the Union List of Marine & Aquatic Serials; Joint organization of training events in response to IOC Member State and IAMSLIC member needs; Joint development of new information services and products based upon needs expressed by IOC Member States and IAMSLIC members. Promote both inter-personal and technical networking of marine information managers; (The Group expressed concern about the limited duration of the proposed MoU (2 years) and especially the short termination notice (30 days) and called for a revision of these items. (The Group requested the Secretariat to draft a revised MoU and Annex based upon the above elements and prepare a draft version that can be submitted to IAMSLIC for further contribution and discussion (deadline August 2010). The Group expressed the hope that the IOC/IODE proposals will be shared with the full IAMSLIC community and that feedback will be received to further fine-tune the MoU. CAPACITY BUILDING ODINs ODINAFRICA This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr Mika Odido and Ms Arame Keita. Ms Keita informed the Group that the last GE-MIM session X (4-6 November 2008, Ostende Belgium) had overlapped with end of ODINAFRICA III. Fortunately, the fourth and final phase of ODINAFRICA has been approved with funding from the Government of Flanders in 2009 and has started during the second semester of 2009. The overall goal of ODINAFRICA-IV is to promote the sustainable management of marine and coastal resources, as well as reducing the risks of ocean related hazards, based on sound scientific knowledge. The coordination of ODINAFRICA IV is based on geographic regions (LME: Large Marine Ecosystem) and Work packages. Five regional coordinators have been appointed. Ms Keita was selected as Regional coordinator for web-based informations products and services and for CCLME region. ODINAFRICA IV started officially in 2009 but up to now, most of activities are not yet effectively running for many reasons. The gap between the two phases has had an impact on the development of MIM activities in the region. Communication was limited within the African MIM community. The Document request and delivery service through ODINAFRICA MIM mailing list ( HYPERLINK "mailto:odinafrica-im@sympa.iode.org" odinafrica-im@sympa.iode.org) was one of the most active. There was also a high staff turnover as well as a continuing lack of professional staff in ODINAFRICA host institutions libraries. Some Librarians have attended courses of the Ocean Teacher Academy training programme (OTA). Most ODINAFRICA trainings will be organized under the framework of OTA. Ms Keita reported that she organized a survey in November 2009 to assess the capacities and needs of African NODCs included MIM activities, capacities and requirements. The results were shared during the ODINFRICA Steering Committee meeting, 20-22 January 2010, Oostende in Belgium. This has led to the establishment of a provisional MIM work plan. Ms Keita then proceeded with detailing planned MIM activities within ODINAFRICA-IV: Maintenance, updating and expansion of existing MIM products (OceanDoc Africa, AFRILIB, AFRIPUB, AFRIDIR, library Catalogues..; Development of New Products and Services: Development of Institutional repositories to addresses the local needs with materials such as multimedia resources such as posters, photos and other information sources; Development of e-collection related to each LME and made avail in Ocean doc and AFRILIB in collaboration with LME projects; Development of e-collections related to geographical and historical information to be included when possible to OceanDocs in order to support AMA; Development of news services and applications enabling the linkage of publications to related dataset in the NODCs; Development and updating regional database of ongoing/completed marine related projects developed in collaboration with NEPAD/COSMAR availed through the ODINAFRICA website; Development of journals view of existing and expansion to other institutional journals. The first ODINAFRICA steering committee meeting recommended the use of IODE Internships to select a MIM expert to assist with the updating and Quality control of some existing information products for the ODINAFRICA region. In this regard, James Macharia from KMFRI was selected for this work (March- June 2010) through a secondment to the IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium. He used this opportunity to complete the first assessment by conducting a survey on MIM Capacities and needs. Both assessments highlighted following priorities. The following priorities were identified for ODINAFRICA-IV related to MIM: Activities: Identify ILMS software with OPAC Development and Maintenance of MIM Websites/portals Populating and expanding of OceanDocs AFRICA Updating and repackaging main Products Enhancing the use of resources sharing systems ( Z39.50. , AGORA..) Training: Basic training on OceanDocs (for countries that did not receive training before); Development of Institutional repositories; Development of library webpage, website and portal; Cataloguing and management of multimedia material; Information management (basic, refresher or advanced level) Training on Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) Writing for grants and professional publications; Development of communications tools; Content Management Systems; Disaster Planning and Disaster Recovery; Fundable project writing skills; Digital Assets Management; Training on digitization. The Group noted that many of the requested training is available through OceanTeacher Academy and recommended that interested students apply for the courses. Ms Keita then invited the Group to consider the issue of providing an Integrated Library System (ILS) to ODINAFRICA partner institutions, to replace the current INMAGIC. She provided information on the INMAGIC DB/Text Library Suite. The cost of the centralized system will be US$ 9200 + US$ 1150/year annual support. The dual language version English/French costs US$ 300. The installation of the software costs US$ 650. The data conversion costs US$ 430. Training for 6 participants as one group will cost US$ 650 (for 6). This product is fully web-based. It was noted that of the approx. 20 partners who are currently using INMAGIC very few use more than the cataloguing function. Out of the 20 partners 11 have a dedicated Internet connection and 3 have a dial-up connection. The limited inputs are related to limited staff resources for scanning, willingness of researchers to make papers available for input to DSpace. ABCD was discussed as another option. This is an open source ILS developed by BIREME (see  HYPERLINK "http://bvsmodelo.bvsalud.org/php/level.php?lang=en&component=27&item=13" http://bvsmodelo.bvsalud.org/php/level.php?lang=en&component=27&item=13). It was suggested to undertake further testing of ABCD. The Group recalled discussions at the previous meeting when other options were discussed but considered reviewing all to be not constructive. (The Group decided to prepare a comparative table/document that will provide information on ABCD, DSpace (OceanDocs), NewGenLib and Koha and focusing on their range of library management functions as well as local expertise requirements. This document should be sent to all ODINAFRICA partners and request them to choose the solution of choice for their library. (The Group stressed the need to ensure that library catalogues developed at the institutional level are available over the WWW as well as locally. (The Group requested Suzie Davies and Pauline Simpson to prepare the comparison document by the end of June 2010. Mr Odido mentioned that a MIM training opportunity might be organized early 2011 on the software system(s) selected by the ODINAFRICA partners. ODINECET This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr Mika Odido. The ODINECET group had met in March 2010 at the Project Office to review the work accomplished during the past few years, and provide an opportunity for training on e-repositories and particularly on DSpace. The meeting agreed on a work plan including: automation of libraries: the countries received USD 3000 from IAMSLIC for scanners. Three of the institutions did not benefit from this support and they requested that IODE provides the support: 1 in Bulgaria and 2 in Russia. They also discussed software for e-libraries and they requested Koha for their libraries. They further discussed the development of a union catalogue of libraries in the region. The Russian participants agreed on the development of a Russian repository on Fisheries. They discussed development of a booklet and leaflet to publicize their programmes and they proposed to have annual meetings for the region, back-to-back with OTA MIM training courses. In 2011 they propose to have this meeting back-to-back with the grant-writing course. (Referring to Agenda Item 5.1.1 the Group requested the ODINECET coordinator to share the information that made them choose Koha with all ODINs. ODINCARSA LA This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Andrea Cristiani referring to Document IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/6 (ODINCARSA-LA MIM Report). She informed that a second ODINCARSA Planning Meeting was held on December 7-10, 2009 at the Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanolgicas (IIO) of the Universidad Autnoma de Baja California with representatives from nine IOC Member States (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay). During the meeting the status of ODINCARSA, data and information management capacity, needs and requirements were assessed, the main goals and objectives were reviewed and an implementation plan was discussed and agreed upon. The meeting designated Mr. Ariel Troisi (Argentina) as ODINCARSA-LA regional coordinator for Data Management and Ms Andrea Cristiani (Uruguay) as ODINCARSA-LA regional coordinator for Marine Information Management, both for a period of two years. A new ODINCARSA-LA web site ( HYPERLINK "http://www.odincarsa.org" www.odincarsa.org) is being developed using dynamic content management technology (Joomla), enabling all project partners to contribute content, and for the regional coordinators to manage the site. The ODINCARSA-LA members continue contributing to the Digital repository of Marine Publications: OceanDocs ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.net" http://www.oceandocs.net). However, a decrease in the number of documents submitted has been observed lately as compared to the period 2007-2008. The meeting came up with the idea of a new interface for the repository. The meeting had also agreed on the need to develop a georeferenced interface to retrieve OceanDocs-LA documents based on geographic location. Mr Goovaerts noted that Google maps/ Google Earth could be used for a georeferenced system but the quality of the search will depend upon the availability of location metadata in the record (either location name or geographic coordinates). (The Group recommended that georeferencing of publications should also be considered by the Marine Atlas projects (see also Agenda Item 6.6). Ms Patricio Munoz informed the Group on the proposal PROPOSAL FOR STRATEGIC DIFFUSION AND POSITIONING PLAN FOR OCEANDOCS LATINO AND MIM INITIATIVES FOR 2010 -2011. Strategic Alliances for Diffusion and Financing: 1- Seek support from agencies of science and technology in Latin American governments so as to enhance the agreements as an agreement at the national level rather than institutional, so that the participation of the institutions is a commitment at the country level. 2- Ms Munoz proposed the linking with REDCIENCIA Latin American Social Network  HYPERLINK "http://www.redciencia.cl" \t "_blank" www.redciencia.cl which has more than 3000 members from different countries in Latin America. The idea is to promote OceanDocs through a link on the Library web page of the REDCIENCIA web site. Ms Munoz also proposed to create a MIM GROUP in REDCIENCIA. 3- Ms Munoz further proposed to create a cooperation agreement with CHIEP (Chilean European Portal)  HYPERLINK "http://www.chiep.cl" \t "_blank" www.chiep.cl of which the liaison Office is located in Chile. It was created in 2005 with the aim of promoting the opportunities of cooperation in science and technology between Chile and the European Union, support the Chilean participation in the European Framework Programmes, in this context is possible to obtain support for training and diffusion activities. 4. - Strategic alliance with CLARA Network, (Latin American Advanced Networks Cooperation). With this organization it will be possible to participate for promoting the use of Open Access Repositories like OceanDocs in A federated network of repositories of Institutional Scientific Documentation in Latin America Project. 5. - Participation in Open Access Week  HYPERLINK "http://www.openaccessweek.org/" \t "_blank" http://www.openaccessweek.org/, 18-24 October 2010. This activity will lead to the start of the implementation of the A federated network of repositories of Institutional Scientific Documentation in Latin America Project where we could show experiences of OceanDocs Latino and SciELO (Scientific Library OnLine) Chile indicators. Regarding the decrease in inputs prepared by the ODINCARSA LA partners, Ms Cristiani suggested to send out communications to re-invigorate people. She requested advice from the Group in this regard. The Group noted that submissions in 2010 have picked up. (The Group requested that Ms Cristiani circulates deposit statistics to ODINCARSA-LA OceanDocs partners as a means to motivate depositors. ODIN-PIMRIS This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Suzie Davies referring to Document IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/7 (ODIN PIMRIS Project : Current Status and Plans for 2010-2011). Ms Davies recalled that the ODIN-PIMRIS project was jointly initiated by the participants of the Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System (PIMRIS) and IODE IOC/UNESCO in 2008 in response for the regional need to improve access to marine information in the Pacific. Project objectives are following: (1) To establish regional marine information portal, (2) To create capacity at national and institutional level to use & contribute to the portal, and (3) promote the portal as a valuable information source for managers and decision makers. The first phase of the ODIN-PIMRIS pilot project can be considered as successful in general as positive results, such as establishment of Pacific Islands Marine Portal, development of PIMRIS Regional Repository as well as a number of institutional repositories, were achieved. This project serves as a first step towards the establishment of a network of aquatic repositories in the Pacific region. Ms Davies summarized the current status of ODIN-PIMRIS as follows: (i) Maria Kalenchits, PIMRIS Coordinator, left USP on 9 April 2010 but is available for consultation. The two library assistants, Jainul Ali and Mereoni Rakikau will continue with operational tasks allocated to them, including those related to the ODIN-PIMRIS project. Lusiana Ravuvu, Librarian (Cataloguing), will supervise the day-to-day operations of PIMRIS and Sin Joan Yee, University Librarian, will coordinate activities relating to the ODIN-PIMRIS project. Dorene Naidu, SOPAC Librarian, will coordinate the Pacific Islands Marine Portal; and (ii) PIMRIS Coordinator position has been advertised, with applications closing on 18 June 2010. Ms Davies summarized the future requirements as follows: (i) Updating of the Pacific Islands Marine Portal; (ii) Updating of the PIMRIS Regional Repository by national fisheries departments and PIMRIS staff; (iii) Expert visit to Fiji Fisheries Division; (iv) ODIN-PIMRIS Review Meeting (proposed for June-August 2010 but now deferred); (v) Continuing capacity building of national partners from Fisheries/Marine Ministries (request for funding submitted to IOC/IODE in January 2010); (vi) Participation in marine library twinning programme (proposal submitted to Australian government AusAid by Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Australian Institute of Marine Science & Geosciences Australia, March 2010); and (vii) Proposal for implementing Federated Searching and harvesting for the Pacific Marine Portal. The future planned activities were described as follows: Fill Vacant position of PIMRIS Coordinator USP looks forward to continuing funding for the project. USP hopes to fill the vacant position of PIMRIS Coordinator in the near future and would appreciate assistance in publicizing the vacancy  HYPERLINK "https://www.usprecruits.usp.ac.fj/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1273725350302" https://www.usprecruits.usp.ac.fj/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1273725350302 Undertake ODIN-PIMRIS Review Meeting once new Coordinator is in place Pacific Islands Marine Portal requirements for success? Input from all key partners is essential for both Portal and Repository Development of proposal for federated search facility (finalized by PIMRIS CU & USP IT Section, to be submitted to IODE as advised by PP) IODE IT Support Development of part-time (or full-time) position of Portal Editor (possible submission of proposal to Government of Flanders) Promotion of portal at national, regional & international levels Promoting Marine Information Services at a National Level requirements for success: Development of fisheries librarian/information officer sample job description (GE-MIM, PIMRIS & USP) Collaboration with decision makers in Pacific countries aimed at implementation of standard job description (USP, PIMRIS) Collaboration with decision makers in Pacific countries to encourage them to support Certificate or Diploma studies of current library staff (USP, PIMRIS) Influence national information policies for Pacific nations at government level, suggest that Unesco/FAO can be more effective than PIMRIS possible IODE representative to go to SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting (could be organized as a joint IODE/PIMRIS information session) The Group acknowledged the significant achievements of the ODIN-PIMRIS pilot project and thanked all involved. The Group noted that Maria Kalenchits has left the position of ODIN-PIMRIS Coordinator. The Group recognized the pivotal role played by Ms Kalenchits in achieving these successful outcomes. The Group expressed their gratitude to Ms Kalenchits for her commitment, hard work and persistent goodwill throughout the project. ODIN-WESTPAC This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. She recalled that at GE-MIM-X it was suggested that Chair, GE-MIM investigate possible projects with ODIN-Westpac. Possible projects include collaboration on the IOC/WESTPAC Repository and websites HYPERLINK "http://www.odinwestpac.org.cn/"http://www.odinwestpac.org.cn/. On this website the following members are indicated: List of member states of WESTPAC for preparing towards development of an ODINWESTPAC: AustraliaKorea, R.Solomon IslandsChina, P. R.MalaysiaThailandFijiNew ZealandTongaFrancePhilippinesUnited KingdomIndonesiaRussian FederationUnited States of AmericaJapanSamoaVietnamKorea, D. P. R.Singapore0 The Group noted that the MIM community in the WESTPAC region has not yet been involved in the ODINWESTPAC pilot project. (The Group welcomed the development of a DSpace e-repository for the WESTPAC region but called on China to improve coordination with IODE and its Secretariat as the coordinator was now making communications to Member States without copying the IODE Secretariat, which could be counterproductive. Improved communication and coordination could also result in submission of records from other countries in the region (currently the repository includes only Chinese records). The Group, while welcoming the initiative of establishing an e-repository for the WESTPAC region, regretted that the development of the e-repository had not been discussed or coordinated with the OceanDocs project and accordingly does not comply with the agreed upon standards on the metadata structure of OceanDocs. (The Group invited NMDIS/SOA to discuss this matter with Ms Linda Pikula and Mr Marc Goovaerts to ensure that the ODINWESTPAC e-repository is interoperable with OceanDocs and can be harvested. (The Group requested Ms Linda Noble to compile a list of ASFA partners and collaborating centres in the ODINWESTPAC region. (The Group requested the GE-MIM Chair (Ms Linda Pikula) to contact the ASFA partners and collaborating centres in the ODINWESTPAC region in order to encourage them to consider the MIM aspect of ODIN. ODINCINDIO This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr Mika Odido. He referred to Agenda Item 3.1 paras 35 to 41. (The Group instructed the GE-MIM Chair to contact the MIM community in the ODINCINDIO region (including former ODINCINDIO trainees) to inquire about their opinion and ideas for future activities of ODINCINDIO and what IODE can do for them. Mentoring Programmes and Internships This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Suzie Davies referring to Document IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/8 (Mentoring Programmes and Internships: Discussion Paper for GE-MIM XI). The Group referred to the proposed MoU with IAMSLIC recalling the mention of joint mentoring programmes as well as the mentoring aspects in the OceanTeacher Academy project. (The Group called on all ODINs to include funding for mentoring and internships in their budgets as a means to reinforce and continue the OceanTeacher Academy training and its long-term impact. ( The Group discussed the options listed above and identified the following for follow-up: IODE/GE-MIM to support existing proposal of Pacific Marine & Environmental Library Twinning Programme IODE/GE-MIM to approach IAMSLIC to develop a joint IODE/IAMSLIC programme under the new MOU GE-MIM encourage informal mentoring opportunities: (a) Provide range of bibliographic resources on mentoring into OceanTeacher; (b) Provide web links to existing mentoring programmes; and (c) The Group identified Suzie Davies as the contact person responsible for directing interested people to particular programmes . OceanTeacher and MIM This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. She recalled that the OceanTeacher Steering Group met in November 2009, to develop the courses for this academic year.Topics for the course, level of course, duration, expected number of participants, focus audience and proposed dates were discussed, as well as methods of notification of courses. Several new Instructors were recruited for MIM, from the University of Miami and FAO. A beautiful printed brochure was sent out to appropriate groups, and a web brochure was made available at: HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanteacher.org/course_prospectus.html"http://www.oceanteacher.org/course_prospectus.html In 2009-2010, MIM courses were designed around the concept of teaching topics associated with digital asset management. This was intended to prepare the marine science information ODIN groups for advanced work with their Repository projects, whatever repository they used (Aquatic Commons, OceanDocs, IBSS, CEEMAR etc.). Several new lecturers were identified by Ms Pikula (Elisabeth Fish, Nancy Kraft, Anthony Smith, Richard Pepe) in addition to Prof. Paul Nieuwenhuysen, Marc Goovaerts and Linda Pikula. Their lectures received high praise from the students. The courses have now also been video-recorded (video+powerpoint) and are available from the IODE website on  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/videos" http://www.iode.org/videos. In 2010, 4 MIM related courses have been scheduled. For each course about 20 students are accepted. More information on these courses is available from the URL  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanteacher.org/course_prospectus.html" http://www.oceanteacher.org/course_prospectus.html. They include: (i) OceanTeacher Academy MIM: Training Course on Preservation and Archiving of Digital Media; (ii) OceanTeacher Academy Course MIM : Literature and databases of the Marine Sciences; (iii) OceanTeacher Academy Course MIM : Writing for Professional Publications; and (iv) OceanTeacher Academy Course DM: Marine and Coastal Atlas Development. It was recalled that all applicants for courses need to submit a detailed CV, a letter of support by the Head of their institution, and a motivation letter in which they describe how the knowledge acquired during the course will assist their own career but also their employer institution. It was recalled that each year (September) a global survey (online) is organized whereby the full suite of course title is provided and the community of marine librarians is invited to identify the required courses. Based upon this input priority courses for the coming year are identified and subsequently announced. About 4 MIM courses can be organized ever year. The Group considered the possibility to provide some courses through distance learning. The NEDCC (USA) organizes such courses. Ms Davies reported that distance learning is widely used in Australia due to the distances. The Australian Library and Information Association, in cooperation with the University of Sheffield (UK) ( HYPERLINK "http://www.alia.org.au/education/pd/pd.services/folioz2010.html" http://www.alia.org.au/education/pd/pd.services/folioz2010.html) offers a 6 week distance learning course. Another is Web junction ( HYPERLINK "http://www.webjunction.org/" http://www.webjunction.org/) (run by OCLC). Both of these are very affordable (approx. AU$ 200 for the UK course and AU$ 40 for the Web junction course). ( The Group recommended that cooperation with these initiatives is investigated as a complementary option for training to OceanTeachers face-to-face curriculum. Ms Simpson offered to contact Prof Sheila Corrall at the University of Sheffield for investigation of provision of courses. Ms Pikula stated that we might consider moving away from the OceanTeacher approach and make use of existing distance learning opportunities to get a more rounded and balanced training. In this regard she expressed concern about continuity if the current lecturers are no longer available. The Group stated that distance learning should be considered as complementary to classroom courses because the social element is important, especially in a resource-sharing environment like a Library. The Group was informed that Dr Rommens, Training Coordinator at the IOC project Office for IODE will leave the organization by the end of 2010. A replacement is planned to be recruited by the end of 2010. In the mean time his responsibilities will be assumed by Mr Peter Pissierssens and Ms Kristin de Lichtervelde. The Group noted with regret that some countries send students to the courses who do not have a librarian background, although they may be responsible for a library. This demonstrates that not all libraries are staffed by accredited Librarians which obviously can have an adverse impact on the quality of service of the Libraries. ( The Group called on IOC Member States to ensure that all marine libraries are professionally staffed by trained librarians and invited these to participate in the OceanTeacher Academy MIM courses. The Secretariat informed the Group that announcements of courses do not always seem to be received by our target audience: announcements are sent by email to all IODE national coordinators (data management and information management) as well as to the IAMSLIC mailing list but responses after often slow to come in and only arrive after repeated reminders. The Secretariat further informed the Group that due to the long process to obtain a visa (>1 month) the lead-time for the organization of courses is now at least 3 months. (The Group requested the ODIN coordinators for MIM to actively promote the courses when announcements are sent by the IODE Secretariat. (The Group considered the need for follow-up after the courses and to monitoring progress as students attend various courses. The Group recommended regular surveying of former students to assess their progress. (The Group recommended that detailed continued assessment be implemented by the ODIN regional coordinators. This will require the definition of milestones (either by the ODIN project or by the Lecturers during the course) and subsequent performance assessment against the delivery of the milestones. The Group recalled the training needs identified within the framework of ODINAFRICA (see Agenda Item 5.1.1, para 137). IODE/MIM PRODUCTS AND TOOLS E-repositories This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr Marc Goovaerts referring to Document IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/9 (OceanDocs, a network of marine science repositories using DSpace) as well as to the Document The IOC Repository Network for Oceanography and Marine Science: POLICY DOCUMENT. Mr Goovaerts reported that the implementation of a new version of OceanDocshas been somewhat slower than planned due to technical problems and lack of human resources. A new version of OceanDocs will be ready at the end of July. It will use the new functions of Dspace 1.6, in the first place harvesting and authority control. Mr Goovaerts mentioned that OceanDocs could use OceanExpert as an authority file and that the OceanDocs and OceanExpert records then could be linked. This can be done on the level of the database or through semantic web solutions (Linked data). DSpace 1.6 has new management tools (extended administration functions, an integrated statistics module, import and export functionality). OceanDocs extends these import and export tools specifically for exchange with ASFA-ISIS (and also Endnote). It supports a,type based submission module and extended metadata (Agris AP, MODS). It will include the developments of FAO on Dspace (Agris-DSpace and Thesaurus plug-in). The easy to install Windows-based version will be made available in July 2010. Additional details are provided in Document IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/9. Dspace is in evolution and picking up our developments. Version 1.7 (announced for December 2010) will include a type based submission module. FAO and IOC/IODE are working now closely together in customizing Dspace. The communities of both UN agencies uses similar standards. Therefore it is relevant to integrate the FAO developments in OceanDocs. FAO will distribute Ocean-Agris DSpace as standard repository software. The Group carried out a web meeting with Johannes Keizer (FAO) on OceanDocs. He explained FAO's policy on open access and their view on the collaboration. FAO is pushing for open access in agriculatral research for development. Open access repositories are very important part of this. Use of common standards will result in easy collaboration. DSpace is a good choice for many of our partners. The problem was that Dspace had poor metadata management. The IODE team is further ahead on deveping metadata system. FAO can contribute with vocabularies etc to develop this. This is good example on working for coherence. FAO is also interested in the content of OceanDocs. Agris, which has ambition to be gateway to the most important repositories in everything under FAO mandate, will harvest the metadata from OceanDocs and make OceanDocs accessible through AGRIS. The Group reflected briefly on the comparison of DSpace and E-Prints. Ms Simpson noted that most developments on E-Prints are done by the development team at Southampton University, whereas DSpace is truly open source whereby anyone can develop new functionality. In terms of basic functionality both DSpace and E-Prints are very similar but user interfaces and processes may differ slightly. For more advanced users some functionalities exist for one but not for the other platform. Therefore if very specialized functionality is required it is recommended to study both options carefully. Mr Goovaerts informed the Group that the ranking problem of OceanDocs with the Ranking Web of World Repositories ( HYPERLINK "http://repositories.webometrics.info/"http://repositories.webometrics.info/) has been solved. OceanDocs will be included in the ranking as from 2011. The Group noted the need for an IODE Steering Group for OceanDocs. It was recalled that the OceanDocs Project had been established through Recommendation IODE-XIX.11 (Establishment of the OceanDocs Project) but at that time no Steering Group was proposed or created. ( Accordingly the Group adopted Recommendation MIM-X.2. (The Group identified the following potential members for the Steering Group: Mr Marc Goovaerts (Hasselt University Technical Support); ODIN repositories Andrea Cristiani (ODINCARSA LA OceanDocs User Group); Arame Keita/ James Macharia (ODINAFRICA OceanDocs User Group), Olga Akimova (CEEMAR ODINECET repository, Ukraine)  HYPERLINK "http://www.ceemar.org/" http://www.ceemar.org/ Satyaranjan Sahu (Digital Repository Service, NIO, India)  HYPERLINK "http://drs.nio.org/drs/index.jsp" http://drs.nio.org/drs/index.jsp ?? (ODINWESTPAC e-repository of marine scientific publications)  HYPERLINK "" ?? (ODINPIMRIS PIMRIS regional repository)  HYPERLINK "http://pimrisregional.library.usp.ac.fj/" http://pimrisregional.library.usp.ac.fj/ Representatives from partner agencies IAMSLIC (Aquatic Commons) (tbd) IFREMER (Avano) FAO (ASFA, AGRIS,) GE-MIM Chair IOC/IODE Secretariat Invited Experts (eg Mr Denys Slipetskyy, Ms Pauline Simpson) (The Group requested the Secretariat to inquire from the host of the ODINWESTPAC (Prof. Lin Shaohua,  HYPERLINK "mailto:shlin@mail.nmdis.gov.cn" mailto:shlin@mail.nmdis.gov.cn) and ODINPIMRIS (through Ms Sin Joan Yee ,  HYPERLINK "mailto:yee_s@usp.ac.fj" yee_s@usp.ac.fj) repositories to identify a suitable member of the Steering Group. The Steering Group will appoint its Chair during its first meeting. (The Group invited Mr Marc Goovaerts to act as interim Chair until the end of the first ad hoc meeting. ( The Group recommended that the ad hoc Steering Group should meet as soon as possible, possibly virtually, prior to IODE-XXI. (The Group requested Mr Goovaerts to approach Mr Merceur to suggest including the IODE logo in the Avano homepage. The Group instructed the Steering Group to address the OceanDocs Policy Document and submit it to IODE-XXI for adoption and subsequent publication. OceanExpert This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. During the IODE Officers meeting it was noted the Lies Groen IODE Project Office was working on the Quality control of entries in OceanExpert. Dr. Rommens indicated that approximately $3,000 for annual upkeep of this database was needed. This amount was approved for 2010-2011. The work consisting of a review of the functionality of OceanExpert, address fields, etc. debugging, guarantee of quality records procedures. It is currently an open system with approvals. All new NC MIM and new OT Instructors are requested to enter their information in OceanExpert. Students of the OceanTeacher Academy workshops are given time to enter or update their information. It should be noted that ODINWestpac has created their own OceanExpert type product on their new website. The Secretariat informed the Group that technical work was currently ongoing to upgrade the IODE web sites CMS from Joomla 1.0 to 1.5 and that at this occasion some improvements can be carried out on the people management elements of the web site and on OceanExpert. In this regard the add new individual process must be improved as it was currently rather un-intuitive. The Group recalled its discussions under 6.1 on OceanDocs and the possibly cross-linking between OceanDocs and OceanExpert. It was recalled that such linkage will require each individual in OceanExpert to have a unique ID (URI?). It was recalled that similar discussions had been held by ASFA (on the use of OceanExpert as a people authority list). This would facilitate entering records in OceanDocs (enabling selecting the author from a picklist) but will also enable OceanDocs users to easily find the most up-to-date contact information for an author. ( The Group recommended that the functionality of linking OceanDocs to OceanExpert records is implemented as soon as possible. It was recommended further to utilize an RDF based approach (see also  HYPERLINK "http://linkeddata.org" http://linkeddata.org, -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_Data" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_Data ,  HYPERLINK "http://www.slideshare.net/iaald/agris-from-a-bibliographical-database-to-a-web-data-service-on-agricultural-research-information" http://www.slideshare.net/iaald/agris-from-a-bibliographical-database-to-a-web-data-service-on-agricultural-research-information ,  HYPERLINK "http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/presentations/Creating_Deploying_Exploiting_Linked_Data2/Creating_Deploying_Exploiting_Linked_Data2.html" http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/presentations/Creating_Deploying_Exploiting_Linked_Data2/Creating_Deploying_Exploiting_Linked_Data2.html ,  HYPERLINK "http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/pub/LinkedDataTutorial/" http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/pub/LinkedDataTutorial/ ,  HYPERLINK "http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~auer/publication/triplify.pdf" http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~auer/publication/triplify.pdf ( The Group identified a few issues that need to be fixed: messages are sent out when a record is modified to the owner of the record. It says someone has modified the record. This should be changed to indicate who has modified the record (name + email). The email message sent also includes the password. The password should not be included. Fix the new record element select institution ( The Group recommended the following new features: Linking from OceanExpert to OceanDocs (to see publications by individual) and.or ASFA Need to add link from OceanExpert homepage to IODE web site Possibility to also track changed names of institutions In advanced search change Region to ODIN region OceanPortals This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Suzie Davies and Ms Andrea Cristiani. Ms Davies informed the Group that the Pacific Islands Marine Portal ( HYPERLINK "http://www.pimrisportal.org" http://www.pimrisportal.org) had been established in March 2010 by the ODINPIMRIS Pilot Project. This is a collaborative project between the Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System (PIMRIS) and the IODE programme through the UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE (Oostende, Belgium). The mission statement of the Pacific Islands Marine Resources Portal is as follows: (i) To improve access to Pacific marine information for the Pacific islands community; (ii) The portal contains news, articles and directories of websites relevant to Pacific fisheries and to the coastal and marine environment of the Pacific. A poster was also prepared. The main editor of the Portal is Mr Peter Murgatroyd (SPREP, Apia, Samoa). The Portal is hosted by the IOC Project Office for IODE. The past PIMRIS coordinator has proposed to create a position to continue updating the Portal. The Group congratulated the PIMRIS team with this excellent achievement and acknowledged the strong support provided by the IOC project Office for IODE and the commitment of Peter Murgatroyd. Ms Cristiani recalled that the Portal Ocenico ( HYPERLINK "http://www.portaloceanico.net/" http://www.portaloceanico.net/) has been developed as part of the so-called Cross-cutting initiative of UNESCO. ( The Group requested to investigate the cost to retrieve the Portal Ocenico and to migrate it to either a static website or another (eg Joomla) CMS. In addition it was requested to consider the possibility to migrate the full-text documents included in the portal to OceanDocs. ( The Group requested Ms Cristiani to discuss with the ODINCARSA-LA community the need and interest for a new Portal Ocenico but then also to identify potential content providers. Ms Arame Keita briefly introduced the African Ocean portal  HYPERLINK "http://www.africanoceans.net" www.africanoceans.net. This portal had also been developed under the UNESCO CCT project. The objective was to make available to users a wide range of information on coastal areas. The portal was maintained by ODINAFRICA and the NEPAD/COSMAR Secretariat (Nairobi). The problem is therefore identical to Portal Ocenico. ( The Group requested to investigate the cost to retrieve the African Ocean Portal and to migrate it to either a static website or another (eg Joomla) CMS. In addition it was requested to consider the possibility to migrate the full-text documents included in the portal to OceanDocs. ( The Group requested Ms Keita to discuss with the ODINAFRICA community the need and interest for a new African Ocean Portal but then also to identify potential content providers. ( The Group recommended to use RSS feeds from OceanDocs to the Portals. Ms Pikula referred to the defunct IODE OceanPortal ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanportal.org" http://www.oceanportal.org). It was recalled that the site contained thousands of categorized URLs with brief descriptions. It was taken off line after the software was hacked and posed security risks. In addition Dr Murray Brown, who had been the editor of the site had indicated he could no longer assume the responsibility. The Group considered that OceanPortal was a useful service but it was not realistic to maintain it as a centralized service bearing in mind that many web sites include lists of useful links as well. (The Group requested Marc Goovaerts to investigate the possibility to use social bookmarking technology to develop a new service replacing OceanPortal. Coastal atlases Caribbean Marine Atlas This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson referring to Document IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/10 (Contribution of Information Managers to Marine and Coastal Zone Atlases). She reported that she had communicated intensively with Mr Ramon Roach, Coordinator of the Caribbean Marine Atlas. The Group agreed that a Marine Information Manager should be a member of the Atlas Project Team from the very beginning, so that they are involved in the following type of policy decisions : What spatial and temporal coverage and parameters Will only digital datasets be collected Will manuscript data be digitized and/or produced as text data Will a bibliography of papers based on the datasets be produced Data files acceptable formats QC/QA requirements Open Data Derived products It was further agreed that MIM experts should be involved in dissemination activities such as assisting with the design of the Atlas Project Website and defining dissemination procedures for Atlases. Also in data set identification the MIM experts will have a role: (i) Identify any overlapping products already issued; (ii) Data audit of atlas partners; (iii) Identify all potential data holders within the area; (iv) Data scouting for relevant datasets held by other organisations; and (v) Search bibliographic databases for published/historical data. In terms of data set acquisition the MIM expert will assist with (i) contacting all organizations that hold data; (ii) setting up contracts and rights permissions; (iii) obtaining data files; and (iv) obtaining manuscript/text data. For data set digitization the MIM expert can include text data alongside visualization. In terms of data citation the MIM expert can assist with the metadata schema, citation format and bibliography production. Finally the MIM expert can also assist with the production, dissemination and distribution of derived products such as DVDs. Ms Simpson noted that the Cayman Islands are interested in participating in the Caribbean Marine Atlas although they were currently not in the partner list. She has been investigating ways and means to involve Cayman Islands in the project. She recommended inviting Cayman Islands to the planned August meeting in St Lucia. (The Group welcomed the active role of Ms Simpson in involving marine information managers in Coastal Atlas projects and called on the Caribbean Marine Atlas, African Marine Atlas and other similar initiatives to make full use of marine information managers in Atlas projects. African Marine Atlas This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr Mika Odido. He informed the Group that a start is made now with national atlases. The different countries are identifying key areas and keys issues. A national coordinator meeting is planned in all countries as well as a training course/workshop in Mombasa at the end of July. Some of the trainers from Africa have already been identified. (The Group noted that currently no MIM experts had been identified to participate and recommended that this be arranged as soon as possible and in time for the July meeting. The Group stressed the need to have a MIM expert as a member in each of the national atlas coordination teams. Subject specific Bibliographies This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. She reported that during IODE-XX it was suggested that GE-MIM prepare a bibliography of all publications coming out of work with IODE. The Group scoped the bibliography to cover: publications mentioning an IOC programme activity referred to as an acronym or name of the programme activity between 1960-2010. The sources will be ASFA (covering the period 1973-current), OceanDocs and other relevant sources for the period 1960-1972. The product will be an online searchable bibliographic database. The database will be searchable across all fields. It was recommended to use DSpace. The Group was informed that the new version of DSpace (1.6) will be released in July 2010. Mr Goovaerts will then test export from ASFA to DSpace. If the test is successful then a secondment will be organized starting September 2010 to the IOC project Office for IODE in Oostende. A brief training could be organized on site on importing ASFA records into DSpace, metadata aspects, etc. ( The Group requested Mr Marc Goovaerts and Ms Pauline Simpson to coordinate the activity so the product can be presented during IODE-XXI (March 2011) and IOC-XXVI (June 2011). ( The Group requested the Chair to consult a few MIM experts to inquire about their willingness and availability for a 3-6 month secondment to Oostende. IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula referring to IOC Manuals and Guides No. 51 (IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (2008-2011)) available from the IODE web site on HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=64&Itemid=107"http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=64&Itemid=107. The major elements of the Strategy are: Adherence to the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy; Governance by a management committee, aided by a technical task team, supported by data and information coordination units; A permanent long-term data archiving centre for all data, which operates to agreed standards; Recommended best practice for quality control, documented and made easily accessible and available; Acceptance and implementation of a set of interoperability arrangements, including technical specifications for collecting, processing, storing, and disseminating shared data, metadata and products; Interoperability between the different end-to-end systems for IOC data and with other systems (e.g. GEOSS, International Council for Science (ICSU), International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Census of Marine Life (CoML)/Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), US Integrated Ocean Observing System Data Management and Communications (IOOS DMAC) system, SeaDataNet, etc.) through the use of service oriented architecture; To continue to develop Ocean Data and Information Networks (ODINs) backed up by OceanTeacher as a capacity building tool, whilst extending OceanTeacher through cooperation with WMO, JCOMM and others as appropriate; Development of appropriate metrics to help evaluate the data and information system; and Facilitation of proper citation of data sets by providing all the required elements of a citation including an unambiguous, unchanging reference. The Group expressed its disappointment that marine information management was not covered more extensively and stressed the need to correct this in the next version of the Strategy that will cover 2012-2013. It was recalled that, during IODE-XIX in Trieste, Italy, a draft MIM strategy document intended for the Strategy had been prepared and submitted to Dr Lesley Rickards but unfortunately it had not been taken into account. ( The Group requested the Chair to circulate the Document to all GE-MIM Members for their comments and, after some revisions, submitted to the IODE Co-Chairs for incorporation in the revised strategy document to be discussed by IODE-XXI. Applications of New technologies in MIM This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula She noted that new technologies are already used intensively. Mr Goovaerts highlighted semantic web developments and the increasing importance of a more structured approach to describe and search content. In this context he referred to RDF (Resource Description Framework). It is a family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications originally designed as a metadata data model. It has come to be used as a general method for conceptual description or modeling of information that is implemented in web resources, using a variety of syntax formats. Thesauri like Agrovoc are built using this model. The Group noted that new technologies are also applied in IODEs OceanTeacher Academy through the Semantic Mediawiki for the Digital Library and Moodle for the Classroom. Mr Goovaerts briefly introduced the VOAR (Virtual Open Access Agriculture and Aquaculture Repository). VOAR aims to design and deliver a virtual platform (in terms of technology, practices, guidelines, content, communities) that will promote the Open Access paradigm to scientific and scholarly content coming from researchers working on agriculture, aquaculture, and environment. It aims to implement a pilot B action that will carry out a conclusive experiment with open access to a federation of digital libraries of scientific/scholarly content around these topics, exploring new paradigms for peer reviewing, rendering, querying and linking these content repositories. The overall aim is to improve the access, sharing, promotion and reuse of open access research content in the domains of agriculture, aquaculture, and environment. To achieve this, it brings on board existing forces already promoting the Open Access paradigm in their work, providing for a first time a virtual platform for their cooperation and integration. It is expected to showcase its results from experimenting with digital libraries and content repositories from real communities (such as the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture EFITA). It aims to involve researchers, scientists, and students in order to understand, adopt and share new and innovative opportunities to search, review, render, query and link existing research work/outcomes. (The Group stressed the need to keep the MIM community abreast of new technology developments and called on experts active in these areas to share their expertise with the community through OceanTeacher. 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE IODE This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula. The Group was invited to suggest appropriate products and events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of IODE in 2011 with special attention to the Marine Information Management sub-programme of IODE. The Group identified the following possibilities: Marine Information Management: Navigate through a Sea of Knowledge theme: to be used on leaflets, slideshow, posters; Gift for entry in Ocean Expert (when records are entered during IODEX-XXI) (gift: see below); Posters on MIM Regional Products (from ODINs); Information sheets (on MIM products) for conference registration folder; Slide show of products aimed at various audiences- policy makers, students, scientists, educators perhaps voice over (on OceanTeacher, OceanExpert, OceanDocs, ASFA); OceanExpert - USB sticks or chocolate with logo, M&M candy MIMS, seashell chocolates, plastic water bottles with MIM logo, small key ring flash light with logo of MIM; notepad; calendar (need pictures: NOAA photo library, Great Barrier Reef Authority); Frisbee; drink warmer; luggage tag; sleeve for netbook computer. The Group identified requirements for IODE-XXI: 2 PCs for slide show- 1 for slide show, 1 for OceanExpert entries Panels for Posters Table for handouts Place for publishers (to be investigated) EBSCO (depending upon space available) (The Group requested Ms Suzie Davies and Ms Linda Pikula to assist the Secretariat with selection of imagery for the calendar and gift ideas. GE-MIM-XI WORK PLAN FOR THE NEXT INTERSESSIONAL PERIOD ( The Group adopted its work plan for the next inter-sessional period through  HYPERLINK \l "rec2" Recommendation MIM-XI.2 (Annex II) ELECTION OF GE-MIM CHAIRPERSON The Group was informed of the Guidelines for the Structure and Responsibilities of the Subsidiary Bodies of the Commission published as Document IOC/IND-1192: Unless nominated by the parent body, the Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by the subsidiary body itself. Both shall normally serve for one intersessional period and the next session, if any, of the subsidiary body; if there is no such session (e.g., in the case of a Task Team working by correspondence), the intersessional period shall be that of the parent body. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall be eligible for re-election for only one more intersessional period and subsequent session as just defined; however, on an exceptional basis and in the interest of the Commission, both may be eligible for re-election for one further term. It was noted that the current Chair had been elected at the 10th Session of the GE-MIM (6 November 2008). The Chair could therefore be re-elected. The Group unanimously re-elected Ms Linda Pikula as Chair of the GE-MIM. Ms Pikula thanked the Group for re-electing her and she expressed appreciation for the active participation of the Members in implementing the wide range of activities of the Group. DATES AND PLACE OF THE NEXT SESSION ( The Group recommended that the 12th Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management be held late 2011 (September-November). It was recommended that the venue of the Session be discussed later, possibly back-to-back with IAMSLIC 2011, the 2011 ASFA Board meeting, or alternatively in Oostende or Miami. ADOPTION OF SUMMARY REPORT The Group adopted the draft Summary Report of the Session, the (Resolutions and) Recommendations as presented in Annex II. The Group requested the Secretariat and Chair to make editorial corrections as necessary, taking into consideration the discussions held at the Session. ( The Group requested the Chair to present the Report of the Session to the Twenty-First Session of the IODE Committee that will be held in Lige, Belgium between 23-26 March 2010. CLOSURE In her closing words Ms Linda Pikula thanked the Project Office staff for the support during the inter-sessional period and for the current meeting. She also thanked all invited experts and GE-MIM members for sharing their valuable expertise and contributing to the outcome of the Meeting. She recalled that work for IODE is contributed by individual experts on a voluntary basis. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING OF THE SESSION 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 3. REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 3.1 IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF THE GE-MIM-X WORK PLAN 3.2 MATTERS ARISING FROM IODE-XX AND THE IODE OFFICERS MEETING (2010) 3.2.1 Matters arisen from IODE-XX 3.2.2 Matters arisen from the 2010 Officers Meeting 4. COMMUNICATIONS 4.1 WITHIN IODE 4.1.1 MIM Communications Strategy 4.1.2 IODE Ocean data Portal 4.1.3 SCOR/IODE/WHOI MBL Data Publication 4.1.4 Cooperation of OBIS with MIM 4.1.5 GE-MIM Membership Issues 4.1.6 IODE National Coordinators for MIM 4.2 COMMUNICATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES 4.2.1 ASFA 4.2.2 D4Science 4.2.3 IAMSLIC 5. CAPACITY BUILDING 5.1 ODINS 5.1.1 ODINAFRICA 5.1.2 ODINECET 5.1.3 ODINCARSA LA 5.1.4 ODIN-PIMRIS 5.1.5 ODIN-WESTPAC 5.1.6 ODINCINDIO 5.2 MENTORING PROGRAMMES AND INTERNSHIPS 5.3 OCEANTEACHER AND MIM 6. IODE/MIM PRODUCTS AND TOOLS 6.1 E-REPOSITORIES 6.2 OCEANEXPERT 6.3 OCEANPORTALS 6.4 COASTAL ATLASES 6.4.1 Caribbean Marine Atlas 6.4.2 African Marine Atlas 6.5 SUBJECT SPECIFIC BIBLIOGRAPHIES 6.6 IOC STRATEGIC PLAN FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 6.7 APPLICATIONS OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN MIM 7. 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE IODE 8. GE-MIM-XI WORK PLAN FOR THE NEXT INTERSESSIONAL PERIOD 9. ELECTION OF GE-MIM CHAIRPERSON 10. DATES AND PLACE OF THE NEXT SESSION 11. ADOPTION OF SUMMARY REPORT 12. CLOSURE ANNEX II RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation MIM-XI.1: IOC COMMUNICATION STRATEGY FOR MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Recommendation MIM-XI.1: ACTION PLAN OF THE GROUP FOR 2011-2012 Recommendation MIM-XI.1 IOC COMMUNICATION STRATEGY FOR MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT The IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management, Adopts the IOC Communication Strategy for Marine Information Managementfor 2011-2013 as given in the Annex to this Recommendation. Annex to Recommendation MIM-XI.1 IOC Communication Strategy for Marine Information Management 2010-2012 1. Overview This document outlines a framework for communication activities for 2010, identifying new objectives while building on previous outcomes. It acknowledges the IODE Reviews perception of a lack of understanding of MIM by the wider IODE Data Management community and the Reviews wish to identify mechanisms which will improve communication between IODE Officers and GE-MIM and with other relevant agencies in marine information management. This document draws on the discussion paper(1) presented at GE-MIM X in Nov 2008 in terms of identifying the key stakeholder groups, key messages and communication channels. The ability of GE-MIM effectively to pursue the recommendations outlined in the IODE Review produced in 2008 will depend on raising the profile of GE-MIM and ensuring that there is a broader understanding of the role of GE-MIM and the marine information profession and its potential contribution to the work of IODE. In this way, communications will directly contribute to the fulfilment of IODE programme goals and objectives with the aim to further build GE-MIM reputation on the credibility and relevance of its actions by formulating and disseminating messages on the activities and concerns of GE-MIM. Effective communications will allow GE-MIM to disseminate these outcomes in a targeted and efficient manner, thereby promoting marine information management. 2. Strategy To provide communication channels and tools which promote effective and efficient exchange of factual and intellectual information among IOC stakeholders through the MIM activities of IODE. To facilitate positive outcomes for marine information management by encouraging, supporting and developing a culture of strong communication both within the IODE and with important and relevant stakeholders in the wider library & information management community. 3. Strategic Objectives Clear and coordinated identification of current issues and future priorities for marine information management An IODE-wide culture of sharing of knowledge & expertise on the topic of marine libraries and marine information. Strong understanding of MIM issues and priorities by the IODE Officers Group Increased involvement of MIM National Coordinators in establishment of new MIM projects, and maintenance of existing services and products (see HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=60&Itemid=43"Role of MIM National Coordinators) A strong sense of community & support shared by all MIM National Coordinators Improved synergies with external stakeholders and other agencies eg. UN Agencies, Government Organisations, NGOs, Professional Societies and relevant programmemes 4. Target Audience To be effective GE-MIM communication channels should reach both an internal and external core and subsidiary target audience: 4.1 Internal audiences The IODE Community consists of a number of internal groupings to which GE-MIM communication and profile building should be targeted: GE-MIM Committee; ODINS; IODE National Coordinators for Marine Information Management; MIM Community (see 4.2); IODE Officers Group; Other IODE Groups of Experts; and IOC Member States through IODE & GE-MIM Representatives. 4.2 External audiences including relevant Information Management Programmes These include, inter alia: International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) HYPERLINK "http://www.iamslic.org/index.php?section=1"http://www.iamslic.org/index.php?section=1 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) HYPERLINK "http://www.ifla.org/"http://www.ifla.org/ Pacific Islands Assocation of Libraries, Archives, and Museums (PIALA) HYPERLINK "http://sites.google.com/site/pialaorg/"http://sites.google.com/site/pialaorg/ The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) HYPERLINK "http://www.fao.org/"http://www.fao.org/ World Meteorological Organization (WMO) HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/index_en.html"http://www.wmo.int/pages/index_en.html International Ocean Institute (IOI) HYPERLINK "http://www.ioinst.org/"http://www.ioinst.org/ International Maritime Organization (IMO) HYPERLINK "http://www.imo.org/"http://www.imo.org/ UNESCO HYPERLINK "http://www.unesco.org/en/"http://www.unesco.org/en/ United Nations Atlas of the Oceans HYPERLINK "http://www.oceansatlas.org/index.jsp"http://www.oceansatlas.org/index.jsp Scientific community via scientific associations, such as: International Society for Reef Studies HYPERLINK "http://www.coralreefs.org/"http://www.coralreefs.org/ Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) HYPERLINK "http://www.amsa.asn.au/"http://www.amsa.asn.au/ 5. Channels of Communication 5.1 Communication Challenges The IODE states its purpose to be "to enhance marine research, exploitation and development, by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States, and by meeting the needs of users for data and information products." The IODE is a world-wide network of data and marine information managers from over 60 different countries. In order to achieve its purpose, it is critical for strong communications to occur. GE-MIM recognises the significant challenges faced by the world-wide data and marine information management communities in achieving this task. IODE Officers, members of Expert Groups and other committee members usually only meet face to face once every 1-2 years, with most correspondence occurring via emails. Many agencies world-wide suffer from shrinking resources, coupled with greater expectation of services by their governments and the public. These influences, coupled with daily job pressures affects the amount of time which people can regularly commit to IODE matters. Digital communications are improving at an exponential rate, and are offering a greatly enhanced range of options for improved communications. However, GE-MIM is constantly reminded that many countries still suffer from extremely poor and unreliable electronic communications. Thsi may be due to insufficient national infrastructure (ie unreliable electricity services, communication cables etc), lack of government funding in data and information management facilities, variable national priorities for data and information management. GE-MIM recognises that world-wide communications between countries speaking many languages present both linguistic and financial challenges. GE-MIM supports the IODE commitment to provide services and products in a range of languages. Lastly, GE-MIM recognises the professional gaps which occurs between data managements and information in many organisations within IODE. These groups have different professional qualifications, experience, and are often located within different parts of an organisation. GE- MIM suggests that enhanced communication between the 2 groups will offer greater synergies of effort & outcomes for the IODE. GE-MIM recognises these significant challenges and aims to use this communication strategy to work towards amelioration. 5.2 Communication tools GE-MIM will utilise the latest technologies to maintain strong communication links with the MIM Community and IODE partners: Personal contact (meetings, workshops, conferences etc); MIM segments on the IODE Web site (RSS feeds); IODE Groupware e-Mail lists; Social Networking - Wikis; Blogs , Facebook; Twitter; Virtual meetings: Video conferencing, Teleconferencing, Skype; ODIN Networks; Formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) ; Joint Task Groups within IODE and with external agencies; Membership of National and International Information Management Groups and Committees. GE-MIM expects that the major channel for disseminating information will be the designation of National Coordinators for Marine Information Management of whom the Terms of Reference were defined by GE-MIM-VII (2002) through Recommendation MIM-VII.1 and revised by GE-MIM-IX (2007) through Recommendation MIM-IX.1 (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/nc-mim" http://www.iode.org/nc-mim). 6. Implementation Plan 2010 Desired OutcomeKey Performance IndicatorsStrategiesTasksResponsible Group/OfficerFrequency / Required by1. Clear and coordinated identification of current issues and future priorities for marine information management Number of annual reports submitted in new format* Development of mechanisms for regular input to GE-MIM from MIM NCs on issues of importance * Development of mechanisms for feedback from GE-MIM to MIM NCs- GE-MIM to develop a template for MIM national annual reports (Question: did this template get developed?) - MIM NCs to provide national annual report to GE-MIM on matters of importance - GE-MIM will report back to MIM NCs on outcomes of GE-MIM meetings2010 Annual Within 1 month of GE-MIM meeting2. An IODE-wide culture of sharing of knowledge & expertise on the topic of marine libraries and marine information Number of establishe alerting services (base on topics?) Number of MIM NCs Establiishment of blog the level of activity on blog* Development of regular communication mechanisms between GE-MIM and other Groups of Experts * Enhancement MIM elements of IODE Web Site * Expand number of MIM NCs * Strengthening of knowledge sharing activities between ODINS - Establish & participate in GE annual information sharing meetings - Establish a MIM working group to identify priorities for web site development - GE-MIM / Secretariat to identify countries without a MIM NC, and investigate possible nominees - GE-MIM to redevelop IOC with links to useful Web docs (Role of MIM NCs, Selection Criteria for MIM NCs, Benefits of NC, OceanExpert) & contact details for GE-MIM Chair - Establish ODIN Wiki or Blog  GE-MIM SecretariatAnnual 2009 2009 2009 2009 (ODIN MIM Coordinator)3. Strong understanding of MIM issues and priorities by the IODE Officers Group*Establishment of reporting mechanisms to IODE Officers Group- GE-MIM Chair to prepareGE-MIM ChairtAnnual4. Increased involvement of MIM NCs in establishment of new MIM projectsNumber of projects initiated or suggested by MIM NCs Level of participation of NCs in new projects* Increasing IODE access to expanded pool of MIM experts- Identify clear tasks within new and ongoing MIM projects - Allocate tasks to MIM NCs with appropriate skills and knowledge2009 20095. A strong sense of community & support shared by all MIM NCs and the GE-MIM Level of traffic Establishment of terms of reference for mentoring programme, including internships* Provision of tools & opportunities for information / knowledge sharing within IODE MIM community * Establishment of induction processes for new MIM NCs *Establishment of mentoring programme for MIM NCs * Establishment of MIM Internship programme *Development of statement of intent of expected relationship between GE-MIM and MIM NCs- Establish email list for all MIM NCs & GE-MIM - Establish a Wiki on the topic of Knowledge Sharing for MIM NCs - Encourage establishment of regional networks of MIM NCs - GE-MIM Chair & Secretariat to undertake Induction process for new NCs - Secretariat to identify possible candidates for mentoring programme - GE-MIM to develop mentoring programme - GE-MIM Chair to report on MIM activities (& outcomes of GE-MIM Sessions) to MIM NCs  GE-MIM Chair & Secretariat GE-MIM Secretariat GE-MIM Chair2008 2009 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Within one month of GE-MIM Session6. Improved synergies with external stakeholders and other agencies eg. UN Agencies, Government Organisations, NGOs, Professional Societies and relevant programmes Number of agencies who have agreed to collaborate Established MOU Include standing agenda item on GE-MIM meetings, listing specific joint tasks* Identification of relevant stakeholders in MIM and IM * Development of appropriate collaborative agreements between IOC and relevant agencies * Identification of specific projects / tasks for collaboration * Establishment of strategies for distribution of IODE/MIM information to interested stakeholders- Develop list of possible agencies - Contact agencies with proposal for formal collaboration - Identify specific tasks for collaboration with other agencies - Re-establish MOU with IAMSLIC - Identify specific tasks for collaboration with IAMSLIC - Prepare article on GE-MIM Session outcomes for IAMSLIC newsletter (and other relevant newsletters) - Prepare article on IODE Session outcomes for IAMSLIC newsletter (and other relevant newsletter) GE-MIM SecretariatGE-MIM Session Date? GE-MIM 9 session After each GE-MIM Session After IODE Session One month after GE-MIM SEssion One month after GE-MIM Session 6. Evaluation An important aspect of the strategy is the need for qualitative analysis to examine how well GE-MIM information is being disseminated and is supporting the IODE Programmes. Session at each GE-MIM meeting Using Key performance indicators Measures to assess communication outputs and outcomes, against the objectives Examples: survey; web statistics; IODE Officers Communication group 7. Financial Implications It is expected that GE-MIM will use the latest existing networks and software tools to ensure minimal finance implications. This strategy calls up the need for manpower rather than finance, however, the success of this strategy relies on communicators in the field having access to up-to-date hardware and software. As noted in Section 4, the digital divide can restrict communication in the very areas where dissemination is most required. Recommendation MIM-XI.2 ACTION PLAN OF THE GROUP FOR 2011-2012 The IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management, Having reviewed its completed and on-going activities since its tenth Session, Being aware of the resource constraints (staff and funding) under which IOC and its IODE are operating in terms of the UNESCO Regular Programme, Expressing its appreciation for the considerable extra-budgetary support provided by IOC Member States to the IODE programme, Stressing the importance of Marine Information Management (MIM) as an important activity of IODE towards improving access to marine information, Adopts a plan of action for the inter-sessional period 2011-2012, as given in the Annex to this Recommendation. Annex to Recommendation MIM-XI.2 MIM ACTION PLAN FOR 2011-2012 Agenda itemParaDescriptionBy whom By when3.1 Implementation Status GE-MIM-X9The Group requested Ms Pauline Simpson to follow-up this item (deadline: September 2010)P. Simpson9/201012The Group requested the Secretariat to stress the importance of having both data managers and information managers attending IODE-XXI. SecretariatWith the CL15The Group requested the Secretariat to proceed with the production of the certificates based upon nominations received from the Member States and valid for one inter-sessional period. The Group requested the Secretariat to check this proposal with the IOC Executive Secretary.Secretariat9/201018The Group agreed that more attention should be given to monitoring programmes and outcomes of international library and information conferences to identify emerging issues and technologies that are of relevance to marine information managers. MembersContinuous19The Group requested the Chair to contact IAMSLIC suggesting the creation of a new category called innovations in their blog and instructed the GE-MIM members to actively contribute to this blog.Chair6/201025The Group noted that email had been used for this purpose. The Group concluded that the Groupware (iode.grouphub.com) had not been used extensively. The Group agreed that the site should be used to share working documents.AllContinuous37The Group requested the Secretariat to also include in the survey, a request for information on MIM needs, as available. [IOGOOS survey]Secretariat7/201039The Group recommended that the IOCINDIO regional committee should consider MIM needs of the region and requested the Secretariat (M. Odido) to discuss this matter further with the IOC staff responsible for organizing the meeting.|M. Odido12/201046The Group requested that information and occasional reports exchanged between members should be made available through the iode.grouphub.com groupware site (in a separate OceanDocs SG section).AllContinuous63The Group requested to ensure that for all video presentations in the www.vimeo.com/iode site a link to the powerpoint files should also be available.Secretariat10/201064The Group requested the Secretariat to add a link from the web page on IODE NCs for MIM ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=60&Itemid=43" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=60&Itemid=43 ) to the Video ( HYPERLINK "http://www.vimeo.com/10378983" http://www.vimeo.com/10378983 )Secretariat6/20103.2.1 Matters arisen from IODE-XX72The Chair urged members of the Group to send photographs to the IODE Project Offices.MIM NCs3/2011111The Group requested Ms Pikula to attend the upcoming ASFA Board meeting and propose cooperation on ASFA enhancement through joint action between ODIN partner institutions and ASFA input centres (when these are not identical) on digitization of national/institutional holdings and related updating of the ASFA bibliographic records. In this regard it was requested to prepare a full list of ODIN partner institutions and ASFA input centres to identify collaborative opportunities. The Group further requested ODINs to identify materials that should, as a priority, be digitized, and provide this information to Ms Pikula prior to the ASFA Board. In addition the Group recommended an analysis of ASFA records prepared by individual countries and focus on digitizing those documents. Chair7/2010 (cost: $2.5K)112The Group requested its Chair to convey its gratitude to Mr Pepe during the upcoming ASFA Advisory Board in Morocco in July and to invite him to continue sharing his valuable knowledge and expertise with the GE-MIM in the future. The Group further requested the Secretariat to send a Letter to FAO to express IODEs appreciation.Chair Secretariat7/2010 11/20104.2.3 IAMSLIC125The Group expressed concern about the limited duration of the proposed MoU (2 years) and especially the short termination notice (30 days) and called for a revision of these items. Chair/ Secretariat9/2010 (depends on IOC Exec Sec)126The Group requested the Secretariat to draft a revised MoU and Annex based upon the above elements and prepare a draft version that can be submitted to IAMSLIC for consideration and further discussion (deadline August 2010). The Group expressed the hope that the IOC/IODE proposals will be shared with the full IAMSLIC community and that feedback will be received to further fine-tune the MoU.Secretariat/ Chair/ IAMSLIC9/2010 (depends on IOC Exec Sec)5.1.1 ODINAFRICA136The Group decided to prepare a comparative table/document that will provide information on ABCD, DSpace (OceanDocs), NewGenLib and Koha. This document should be sent to all ODINAFRICA partners and request them to choose the solution of choice for their library. Suzie Davies/ Pauline SimpsonEnd 6/2010137The Group stressed the need to ensure that library catalogues developed at the institutional level are available over the WWW as well as locally. 138The Group requested Suzie Davies and Pauline Simpson to prepare the comparison document by the end of June 2010. 5.1.2 ODINECET140Referring to Agenda Item 5.1.1 the Group requested the ODINECET coordinator to share the information that made them choose Koha with all ODINs.ODINECET Coordinator6/20105.1.3 ODINCARSA LA143The Group recommended that georeferencing of publications should also be considered by the Marine Atlas projects (see also Agenda Item 6.6).Marine Atlas coordinators CMA/ AMA7/2010146The Group requested that Ms Cristiani circulates deposit statistics to ODINCARSA-LA OceanDocs partners as a means to motivate depositors.Andrea Cristiani6/20105.1.5 ODINWESTPAC156The Group welcomed the development of an e-repository for the WESTPAC region but called on China to improve coordination with IODE and its Secretariat as the coordinator was now making communications to Member States without copying the IODE Secretariat, which could be counterproductive. Improved communication and coordination could also result in submission of records from other countries in the region (currently the repository includes only Chinese records). Chair/ Secretariat/ China NMDIS6/ 2010157The Group invited NMDIS/SOA to discuss this matter with Ms Linda Pikula and Mr Marc Goovaerts to ensure that the ODINWESTPAC e-repository is interoperable with OceanDocs and can be harvested.Ms Pikula/ Mr Goovaerts6/2010158The Group requested Ms Linda Noble to compile a list of ASFA partners and collaborating centres in the ODINWESTPAC regionLinda NobleDone159The Group requested the GE-MIM Chair to contact the ASFA partners and collaborating centres in the ODINWESTPAC region in order to encourage them to consider the MIM aspect of ODIN. Chair6/20105.1.6 ODINCINDIO161The Group instructed the GE-MIM Chair to contact the MIM community in the ODINCINDIO region (including former ODINCINDIO trainees) to inquire about their opinion and ideas for future activities of ODINCINDIO and what IODE can do for them.Chair 6/20105.2 Mentoring Programmes and Internships164The Group called on all ODINs to include funding for mentoring and internships in their budgets as a means to reinforce and continue the OceanTeacher Academy training and its long-term impact.M. Odido to contact ODIN coordinators7/2010165The Group discussed the options listed above and identified the following for follow-up: IODE/GE-MIM to support existing proposal of Pacific Marine & Environmental Library Twinning Program IODE/GE-MIM to approach IAMSLIC to develop a joint IODE/IAMSLIC program under the new MOU GE-MIM encourage informal mentoring opportunities: (a) Provide range of bibliographic resources on mentoring into OceanTeacher; (b) Provide web links to existing mentoring programs; and (c) Have a contact person responsible for directing interested people to particular programs. The Group identified Suzie Davies.  No action needed Chair Suzie Davies  n/a 9/2010 (depends on IOC Exec Sec) end 7/20105.3 OceanTeacher and MIM171The Group recommended that cooperation with these initiatives is investigated as a complementary option for training to OceanTeachers face-to-face curriculum. Ms Simpson offered to contact Prof Sheila Corrall at the University of Sheffield.Pauline Simpson6/2010176The Group called on Member States to ensure that all marine libraries are professionally staffed by trained librarians and invited these to participate in the OceanTeacher Academy MIM courses.Member Statescontinuous178The Group requested the ODIN coordinators for MIM to actively promote the courses when announcements are sent by the IODE Secretariat.ODIN coordinatorscontinuous179The Group considered the need for follow-up after the courses and to monitoring progress as students attend various courses. The Group recommended regular surveying of former students to assess their progress.Oceanteacher secretariatcontinuous180The Group recommended that detailed continued assessment be implemented by the ODIN regional coordinators. This will require the definition of milestones (either by the ODIN project or by the Lecturers during the course) and subsequent performance assessment against the delivery of the milestones.ODIN regional coordinatorscontinuous6.1 E-repositories189the Group adopted Recommendation MIM-XI.2 (Terms of Reference of the IODE Steering Group for the OceanDocs Project)IODE-XXI3/2011190The Group identified the following potential members for the Steering Group: Mr Marc Goovaerts (Hasselt University Technical Support); ODIN repositories Andrea Cristiani (ODINCARSA LA OceanDocs User Group); Arame Keita/ James Macharia (ODINAFRICA OceanDocs User Group), Olga Akimova (CEEMAR ODINECET repository, Ukraine)  HYPERLINK "http://www.ceemar.org/" http://www.ceemar.org/ Satyaranjan Sahu (Digital Repository Service, NIO, India)  HYPERLINK "http://drs.nio.org/drs/index.jsp" http://drs.nio.org/drs/index.jsp ?? (ODINWESTPAC e-repository of marine scientific publications)  HYPERLINK "" ?? (ODINPIMRIS PIMRIS regional repository)  HYPERLINK "http://pimrisregional.library.usp.ac.fj/" http://pimrisregional.library.usp.ac.fj/ Representatives from partner agencies IAMSLIC (Aquatic Commons) (tbd) IFREMER (Avano) FAO (ASFA, AGRIS,) GE-MIM Chair IOC/IODE Secretariat Invited Experts (eg Mr Denys Slipetskyy, Ms Pauline Simpson)IODE-XXI3/2011191The Group requested the Secretariat to inquire from the host of the ODINWESTPAC (Prof. Lin Shaohua, mailto:shlin@mail.nmdis.gov.cn) and ODINPIMRIS (through Ms Sin Joan Yee , yee_s@usp.ac.fj) repositories to identify a suitable member of the Steering Group.Secretariat/ Marc Goovaerts6/2010192The Group invited Mr Marc Goovaerts to act as interim Chair until the end of the first ad hoc meetingMarc Goovaerts>= 9/2010193The Group recommended that the ad hoc Steering Group should meet as soon as possible, possibly virtually, prior to IODE-XXISecretariat9/2010194The Group requested Mr Goovaerts to approach Mr Merceur to suggest including the IODE logo in the Avano homepage.Marc Goovaerts6/2010195The Group instructed the Steering Group to address the OceanDocs Policy Document and submit it, through the GE-MIM, to IODE-XXI for adoption and subsequent publication. OceanDocs Steering Group<12/20106.2 OceanExpert199The Group recommended that the functionality of linking OceanDocs to OceanExpert records is implemented as soon as possible. It was recommended further to utilize an RDF based approach (see also  HYPERLINK "http://linkeddata.org" http://linkeddata.orgSecretariat/ Marc Goovaerts2011200The Group identified a few issues that need to be fixed: messages are sent out when a record is modified to the owner of the record. It says someone has modified the record. This should be changed to indicate who has modified the record (name + email). The email message sent also includes the password. The password should not be included. Fix the new record element select institutionSecretariat (A. Kakodkar)2010201The Group recommended the following new features: Linking from OceanExpert to OceanDocs (to see publications by individual) and/or ASFA Need to add link from OceanExpert homepage to IODE web site Possibility to also track changed names of institutions In advanced search change Region to ODIN region Marc Goovaerts20116.3 OceanPortals205The Group requested to investigate the cost to retrieve the Portal Oceanico and to migrate it to either a static website or another (eg Joomla) CMS. In addition it was requested to consider the possibility to migrate the full-text documents included in the portal to OceanDocs. Secretariat6/2010206The Group requested Ms Cristiani to discuss with the ODINCARSA LA community the need and interest for a new Portal Oceanico but then also to identify potential content providers.Andrea Cristiani6/2010208The Group requested to investigate the cost to retrieve the African Ocean Portal and to migrate it to either a static website or another (eg Joomla) CMS. In addition it was requested to consider the possibility to migrate the full-text documents included in the portal to OceanDocs.Secretariat6/2010209The Group requested Ms Keita to discuss with the ODINAFRICA community the need and interest for a new African Ocean Portal but then also to identify potential content providers.Arame Keita6/2010210The Group recommended to use RSS feeds from OceanDocs to the Portals.Marc Goovaerts2011213The Group requested Marc Goovaerts to investigate the possibility to use social bookmarking technology to develop a new service replacing OceanPortal. Marc Goovaerts8/20106.4 Coastal Atlases218The Group welcomed the active role of Ms Simpson in involving marine information managers in Coastal Atlas projects and called on the Caribbean Marine Atlas, African Marine Atlas and other similar initiatives to make full use of marine information managers in Atlas projects.M. Odido to Atlas project managers6/2010220The Group noted that currently no MIM experts had been identified to participate and recommended that this be arranged as soon as possible and in time for the July meeting. The Group stressed the need to have a MIM expert as a member in each of the national atlas coordination teams.M. Odido to Atlas project managers (to get agreement)6/20106.5 Subject specific Bibliographies223The Group requested Mr Marc Goovaerts and Ms Pauline Simpson to coordinate the activity so the product can be presented during IODE-XXI (March 2011) and IOC-XXVI (June 2011).Marc Goovaerts/ Pauline Simpson3/2011 224The Group requested the Chair to consult a few MIM experts to inquire about their willingness and availability for a 3-6 month secondment to Oostende.Chair6/2010 ($8000-14000 from PO)6.6 IOC Strategic Plan for D&IM229The Group requested the Chair to circulate the Document to all GE-MIM Members for their comments and, after some revisions, submitted to the IODE Co-Chairs for incorporation in the revised strategy document to be discussed by IODE-XXI.Chair8/2010 final: 10/20106.7 Application of new technologies in MIM235The Group stressed the need to keep the MIM community abreast of new technology developments and called on experts active in these areas to share their expertise with the community through OceanTeacherAllcontinuous7. 50th anniversary of the IODE239The Group requested Ms Suzie Davies and Ms Linda Pikula to assist the Secretariat with selection of imagery for the calendar and gift ideas.Ms Suzie DaviesJuly-September 20108. GE-MIM-XI work plan240The Group adopted its work plan for the next inter-sessional period through Recommendation MIM-XI.2All2010-201110. Dates and Place of the next Session245The Group recommended that the 12th Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management be held late 2011 (September-November). It was recommended that the venue of the Session be discussed later, possibly back-to-back with IAMSLIC 2011, the 2011 ASFA Board meeting, or alternatively in Oostende or Miami.Secretariat2010-201111. Adoption of the Summary Report248The Group requested the Chair to present the Report of the Session to the Twenty-First Session of the IODE Committee that will be held in Lige, Belgium between 23-26 March 2010.Chair3/2011 ANNEX III LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Chair Ms. Linda PIKULA Regional Librarian NOAA Central and Regional Libraries ( NCL) 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami Florida 33149 United States Tel: 305-361-4429 Fax: 305-361-4552 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:linda.pikula@noaa.gov" linda.pikula@noaa.gov Long-Term Member Mr Marc GOOVAERTS Administrative Head, Library Universiteit Hasselt Agoralaan, Gebouw D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium Tel: + 32 (0) 11 26 81 24 Fax: + 32 (0) 11 26 81 26 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:marc.goovaerts@uhasselt.be" marc.goovaerts@uhasselt.be Mrs Arame Ndiaye KEITA Librarian, Information Manager Direction des Pches Maritimes (DPM) 1, Rue Joris BP 289 Dakar Senegal Tel: (221)338 23 01 37 Fax: (221)338214758 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.keita@odinafrica.net" a.keita@odinafrica.net Ms. Patricia Andrea MUNOZ PALMA Director of Scientific Information Comisin Nacional de Investigacin Cientfica y Technolgica - Departamento de Informacin Cientfica ( CONICYT) Bernarda Morn 550- A Casilla 297-V correo 21 Providencia Santiago Chile Tel: +56-2-365 44 51 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:pmunoz@conicyt.cl" pmunoz@conicyt.cl Ms Linda NOBLE Librarian, National Marine Biological Library Marine Biological Association, Citadel Hill Plymouth Devon PL1 2PB United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1752 633266 Fax: +44 (0)1752 633102 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:LNO@mba.ac.uk" LNO@mba.ac.uk Short-Term Member Ms Suzanne DAVIES Manager, Library and Image Services Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) PO Box 1379 Townsville Qld 4810 Australia Tel: +61 7 4750 0801 Fax: +61 7 4772 6093 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:s.davies@gbrmpa.gov.au" s.davies@gbrmpa.gov.au Invited expert Lic. Andrea CRISTIANI ODINCARSA regional coordinator for marine information management Chief Librarian Centro de Documentacion y Biblioteca Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras ( IIP) 1160 Tomas basanes st Montevideo Uruguay Tel: +598 2 6221496 Fax: +598 2 6282267 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:acris@fvet.edu.uy" acris@fvet.edu.uy Mrs Pauline SIMPSON Programme Coordinator Central Caribbean Marine Institute P.O. Box 10152 Grand Cayman KY1-1002 Cayman Islands Tel: +[44] 7715 113930 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:psimpson07@aol.com" psimpson07@aol.com Secretariat Mr Mika ODIDO Coordinator, IODE Regional Activities UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32 59 34 01 76 Fax: + 32 59 34 01 52 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:m.odido@unesco.org" m.odido@unesco.org Mr Peter PISSIERSSENS Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-340158 Fax: +32-59-79 5220 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org ANNEX IV LIST OF ACRONYMS AGRIS International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology (FAO) AGU American geophysical Union AMA African Marine Atlas ASFA Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts CCT Cross-cutting theme (UNESCO) CMA Caribbean Marine Atlas CL Circular Letter CoML Census of Marine Life CODATA Committee on Data for Science and Technology ESA European Space Agency FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations GE Group of Experts GE-MIM IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management GLOBEC Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics GOOS Global Ocean Observing System ICSU International Council for Science IAMSLIC International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers ILMS Integrated Library Management System IMBER Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO) IOCINDIO IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean IODE International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IOC) IOGOOS Indian Ocean GOOS KMFRI Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute LME Large Marine Ecosystem MIM Marine Information Management MOU Memorandum of Understanding NC National Coordinator NEPAD New Partnership for Africas Development NMDIS/SOA National Marine Data and Information Services/ State Oceanic Administration (China) NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA) ODIN Ocean Data and Information Network ODINAFRICA Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa ODINBLACKSEA Ocean Data and Information Network for the Black Sea region ODINCARSA Ocean Data and Information Network for the Caribbean and South America (IODE) ODINCARSA LA ODINCARSA Latin America ODINCINDIO Ocean Data and Information Network for the Central Indian Ocean ODINECET Ocean Data and Information Network for European Countries in Economic Transition (ODIN) ODINWESTPAC Ocean Data and Information Network for the Western Pacific ODINPIMRIS Ocean Data and Information Network for the Small Pacific Islands ODP Ocean Data Portal OE OceanExpert OPAC Online Public Access Catalog OTA OceanTeacher Academy PIMRIS Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information Systems POGO Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans QC/QA Quality control/ Quality assessment SCOR Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research SG Steering Group SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community SPREP South Pacific Regional Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization URL Uniform Resource Locator USP University of the South Pacific VLIZ Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee WESTPAC IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific WHOI MBL Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Marine Biological Laboratory [end]     IOC/IODE-MIM-X/3 page (i) IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/3 page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/3 page  PAGE 3 IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/3 page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/3 Annex IV - page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-MIM-XI/3 Annex IV - page  PAGE 1 +2356>?ABCDLM_`abcdeh٭٭ففogaJaBah?B^JaJ,jh xh?BU^J_HmHnHsH u h?B^Jh?B^JaJ#h+h?B6CJ$OJQJ^JaJ*h5h?B6@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ*h5h?B6@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ*h5h?B6@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ*h5h?B6@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ&h5h?B6CJ OJQJ]^JaJ#h+h?BCJ$OJQJ\^JaJ`abdefgh    1 > ? @ $a$gd?B$a$gd?B$a$gd?Bgd?B $$a$gd?Bh꾮|lYE0(h+h?BCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH &h?BCJOJQJRHe^JaJmH sH $h+h?BCJOJQJRHe^JaJh?BCJOJQJRHe^JaJ h+h?BCJ0OJQJ^JaJ-#h+h?BCJ0OJQJ\^JaJ-h?BCJ0OJQJ\^JaJ-h+h?BCJ8RHe\^JaJ4'h+h?BCJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4.h+h?B5@CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4*h+h?B5CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4        # $ % + , 0 1 6 7 8 9 : ; = R U V X Y ̶vke]Y]Q]YI]h?B@RHgh?B@RHgh?Bh?B@RHg h?B@h3>h?B@RHgh3>h?BRHg h?BRHgh3>h?BmH sH h?BRHgmH sH h3>h?BRHgmH sH h7Xh?B^JaJ-mH sH +h+h?B5CJOJQJ^JaJ-mH sH .h+h?B5CJOJQJ\^JaJ-mH sH h7Xh?B^JmH sH h7Xh?B^JaJ mH sH @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R T U g 7   ! $a$gd?Bgd?BY ` a c d h i n o p r s t v w x y z { | ~       ƽh?B@RHg] h?B@] h?BRHg]h?B h?B@ h?B@ h?B@h?B@RHgh?B@RHg h?BRHgG        ! 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