Training Programme on Implementation of UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready and Verification of the Tsunami Ready Indicators in India
10 - 14 December 2019
Hyderabad and Odisha
Organizer & Staff
By invitation only.
10-12 December: Training Programme on Implementation of UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready, Hyderabad 13-14 December: Verification of the Tsunami Ready Indicators, Odisha Following the pilot of Tsunami Ready in India and Oman during Exercise Indian Ocean Wave 2018 (IOWave18), the Twelfth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWMS-XII) recommended that in-country capacity building on Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans and Procedures (TEMPP) should be implemented at the national level. The government of India, through its Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), has invited ICG/IOTWMS to organise a national training programme on the implementation of UNESCO/IOC Tsunami Ready. This training is aimed at stakeholders in all provinces of India. In addition to providing national TEMPP training, verification of the Tsunami Ready indicators in the six Odisha communities that piloted the programme during IOWave18 will be undertaken.
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Name | Country |
RANGANALLI Mahendra | India |
CHODAVARAPU Patanjali Kumar | India |
ELURI Pattabhi Rama Rao | India |
MANNEELA Vijaya Sunanda | India |
BANDELA Ajay Kumar | India |
MOHAPATRA Pravat Ranjan | India |
SAHOO Satya Ranjan | India |
ADHARSH M. | India |
PARAB Varsha S. | India |
RAJESH R. | India |
HARIKIRAN Ch. | India |
GAONKAR Pritidas Upasso | India |
HALDANKAR R.A. | India |
DAR Waseem Shafi | India |
VIGNESH S. | India |
PUJAR Vijay Kumar | India |
T.R. Rajeev | India |
PATNE Ajay | India |
OCTONOVRILNA Litanya | Indonesia |
Name | Country |
KUSTER Nicholas | Australia |
WENIZA Mrs. | Indonesia |
SINKI Kian Purna | Indonesia |
Name | Country |
TUMMALA Srinivasa Kumar | Australia |
KODIJAT Ardito M. | Indonesia |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 26
Confirmed: 26
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0