Training-Through-Research Cruise (2005)
Training Course
06 June - 05 August 2005
RV Professor Logachev
Organizer & Staff
An annual Training-through-Research cruise (including a Mid-cruise workshop) in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean and Black Seas for students from Russia and other countries under the UNESCO/IOC programme onboard the RV "Professor Logachev"
List of participants consists of those with valid e-mail addresses. Full list of participants is given in the published report (see the corresponding web-address)
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
ABEGG Fritz | Germany |
AKHMETZHANOV Andrey | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
BAUSCH Marlene | Germany |
BELOVA Anastasia | Russian Federation |
BLINOVA Valentina | Russian Federation |
BOUMAGARD El Hassane | Morocco |
CUNHA Marina | Portugal |
DI ROBERTO Alessio | Italy |
DIMMLER Werner | Germany |
DING Feng | Germany |
DOUNDAR Saliha | Türkiye |
DUARTE Joao | Portugal |
EL FELLAH Bouchta | Morocco |
FOKIN Ilya | Russian Federation |
GAMBERI Fabiano | Italy |
GONZALEZ Javier | Spain |
HAECKEL Matthias | Germany |
HEESCHEN Katja | Germany |
HOHNBERG Jurgen | Germany |
HURTIG Nicole | Switzerland |
IGLESIAS Jorge | Spain |
KEIL Hanno | Germany |
KHARBAOUI Rabi | Morocco |
KLAUCKE Ingo | Germany |
KOROST Dmitry | Russian Federation |
KOZLOVA Elena | Russian Federation |
LECCI Rita | Italy |
LEIDI Elisa | Italy |
MAKALATIA Irma | Georgia |
MALYKH Julia | Russian Federation |
MAZZINI Adriano | Norway |
MIRANTE Fatima | Portugal |
MOREMON Rebecca | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
MORRIS Emily | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
MURZIN Roman | Russian Federation |
NADEZHKIN Dmitry | Russian Federation |
NASS Kristin | Germany |
NOLTE Antonie | Germany |
OKAY Seda | Türkiye |
OVSJANNIKOV Andrey | Russian Federation |
PEKCHETINOZ Bade | Türkiye |
PINTO Carlos | Portugal |
PRIETO-MOLLAR Xavier | Germany |
REUSCHE Marlene | Germany |
RODRIGUES Clara | Portugal |
ROQUE Cristina | Portugal |
SAHLING Heiko | Germany |
SANTOS Luisa Maria Pires dos | Portugal |
SAS Julia | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
SAVELJEVA Antonina | Russian Federation |
SCHULZ Harry | Germany |
SCHULZ Manfred | Germany |
SCHWENK Tilmann | Germany |
SHARAPOVA Alexandra | Russian Federation |
STROYNOWSKI Zuzanna | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
TITKOVA Daria | Russian Federation |
TITOVA Yulia | Russian Federation |
VON HALEM Gregor | Germany |
WAGNER-FRIEDRICHS Michelle | Germany |
WOUTERS Noémie | Belgium |
ZOTOVA Anna | Russian Federation |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 62
Confirmed: 62
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 15:52 on 20 Mar 2008 by Alexandra Ershova
Last Updated at 15:22 on 12 Dec 2022 by Sofie de Baenst