Resilient and Safer Coasts Side event - African Conference on Priority Setting & Partnership Development for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities
Resilient and Safer Coasts
11 May 2022
Organizer & Staff
Open attendance.
The Resilient and Safer Coasts side event organized by ICG/NEAMTWS Secretariat will emphasis the sea level related hazards and risk challenges. It will then introduce the IOC UNESCO Decade Tsunami Programme and highlight how global and regional strategies will shape tsunami risk governance, and disaster risk reduction. The new IOC/UNESCO DG-ECHO NEAMTWS CoastWAVE project is a testimony of renewed and strengthened collaboration with key international and national partners to shape resilience, and coastal safety in the North Africa and Mediterranean regions. It will draw on experiences from the Caribbean and Indian Oceans. It will demonstrate how the project will contribute to the Safe Ocean Challenge of increasing community resilience to ocean hazards by:
- Highlight key challenges, strategies, and actions to enhanced sea level related risk governance, and risk reduction, as well as advancing tsunami detection, measurement, forecasting and alert systems,
- Capture how youth and young professionals are inspired and contributing to achieving effective EWS, risk reduction and Safe Ocean,
- Show case the ongoing work and key messages related to managing sea level related risks, in particular tsunami,
- Demonstrate how to contribute to make 100% of communities at risk of tsunami prepared for and resilient to tsunamis by 2030 through the implementation of the UNESCO/IOC Tsunami Ready Programme and other initiatives,
- Engage and inspire communities prone to tsunami risk, aspiring to become Tsunami Ready, as this recognition includes many aspects of preparedness essential for an effective local tsunami response,
- Identify lessons learnt and best practices for communities to become Tsunami Ready,
- Inspire collaboration and new partnerships.
Hybrid event with limited physical precense in Cairo, Egypt.
Register for the event here:
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Side Event Roll-on PPT | 26/09/2022 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
SESSION 1 | Side Event Resilient and Safer Coast Egypt 11 May 2022_Sesion1 | 17/05/22 |
SESSION 2 | Side Event Resilient and Safer Coast Egypt 11 May 2022_Sesion2 | 17/05/22 |
SESSION 3 | Side Event Resilient and Safer Coast Egypt 11 May 2022_Sesion3 | 17/05/22 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
AGENDA | 17/05/2022 |
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
AGUIRRE AYERBE Ignacio | Spain |
ALIAGA ROSSEL Bernardo | France |
DASKALAKI Elena | Greece |
EL KHALIDI Khalid | Morocco |
KIM Servin | tbd |
ROS BERNABEU Elena | Spain |
RYABININ Vladimir | Switzerland |
SALTOS AGUILAR Daniela | Ecuador |
SAYEDELAHL Nada | Egypt |
SOLIMAN Naglaa | Egypt |
SORO Yaya | Côte d'Ivoire |
THUM Gabrielle | Brazil |
YALCINER Ahmet C. | Türkiye |
= Person has applied to participate but has not yet been approved.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 13
Confirmed: 8
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 5
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 10:28 on 28 Apr 2022 by Esmeralda Borja
Last Updated at 09:28 on 07 Jun 2022 by Esmeralda Borja