Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
Marine and Coastal Engineering
Research Support Services
Contact international companies to respond to global tenders and calls for expression of interest (or generate lead) from Indian corporations and Indian governments - in Oceanarium, Marina, Yachts, Submarine tourism, Marine conservation in resorts, Offshore oil and gas consulting, Marine mining, Marine telecommunication cables, Ship building, Container transshipment terminal, Deep sea Port, Equator Principles, Legal framework for public private partnerships in ports, Maritime training, International oceanographic and polar research vessels – chartering, designing and building, Dredging for ports and navigation channels, IMO conventions, international marine field trips to India, US FPA Certification, Food retail, Food law, Seafood marketing chains, Indoor Fish culture for retail chains in India, Develop school information programmes for corporate companies, commodities export and import.
Making cold calls, meeting people, searching out contact details, Internet search, research database search, contact development with decision makers, contact with foreign embassies in India, Very keen eye for details, Identifying opportunities even before it becomes public, Integrating industry with strategic funding providers,
The Coastal Zone, Crisis Management of the Coastal Zone, Estuarine management – Administration and legislation, Coastal Management – Administration and legislation,
Beach Management guidelines, Harmful Algal Blooms, Archaeology and evolution of coastal settings, Coastal Aesthetics, Conflict resolution in the coastal zone, Chemical resources in the marine environment, Ocean Governance, Development of ecotoxicological tools to be used in Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Fisheries Management,
Marine Science and regulation, Bio-optical monitoring and remote sensing of coastal waters,
Ecological modelling in coastal zone management,
Application of remote sensing to coastal waters with an introduction to image processing,
Environmental Economics, Climate and Ocean,
Suitability analysis for aquaculture, Wetland Management, Valuation of Natural Environment,
Tsunami, Water and Health, Water and infectious diseases, Networking skills, Communicating Science,
Potential Ecological risk, Integrated River Basin Management, Vital Water (UNEP), Drinking water treatment, Recovery of energy and nutrients in waste water treatment, Ecology of Rivers and lakes,Water framework Directive,
Fundamentals of marine biology and oceanography,
Fishfarm engineering, Nutrition and biochemistry,
Physiology, cytology and genetics, Marine microbiology and pathology, Research methodology, Farm management and extension, Post harvest technology, Shellfish and finfish biology, Culture of finfishes, Culture of crustaceans, Culture of molluscs & seaweeds,
Awardee of three International Government programmes,
Australian Government Programme 2008
(A prestigious programme of the Australian Government, One of the 4 people selected in 2008),
European Union Programme 2004
(A Prestigious programme of the European Union , First Indian in the programme and one of the four people selectedin 2004),
Japanese Government Programme 2000
(A Prestigious programme of the Government of Japan 2 years, one of the 6 people selected in 2000),