Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Marine and Coastal Engineering
Energy & Environment Consultant with PhD in Electrical Engineering
Acting to bridge the gap between R&D, producers & customers within the renewable energy sector is my main goal.
I build environmental monitoring platforms and
I have interests in the new electrification technologies and trade.
Research: Ocean energy with focus to wave power; Environmental monitoring platforms; Coastal dynamic; Climate change and adaptation
Sea regions of study
Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin
Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin
Black Sea
English Channel
Celtic Sea
North Sea
Greenland Sea
Arctic Ocean
Bay of Fundy
Caribbean Sea
North Atlantic Ocean
Gulf of Guinea
Gulf of Oman
Arabian Sea
Mozambique Channel
Andaman or Burma Sea
Gulf of California
North Pacific Ocean
Baltic Sea
Java Sea
Oceanographic analyses, earth sciences researches, computing, academic consulting, selling.
Working language(s)
In English and Portuguese