Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Physical Oceanography
my undergraduate in Oceanography, especifically in 2011 and 2012, I
had the opportunity to be a scientific initiation fellow within
the project “Sea Level on the Brazilian Coast: Past Variations and
Prediction by Climate Models”, at the Laboratory of Physical
Oceanography, Climate and Cryosphere - USP. Furthermore, in 2013 I
did an internship at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco,
Recife, participating in a fieldwork at Reserva Biológica Atol
das Rocas/RN to collect data through visual census by
free diving within the project “Characterization of the
ichthyofauna and behavioral ecology of the main families of Atol das
Rocas/RN”. Still, in the same place, I did my final course work
with visual census to evaluate the relative abundance of lemon sharks
at Lama Bay, Rocas Atoll, Brazil, within the project “Abundance
and movement patterns of the lemon shark, Negaprion
in Baía da Lama, Biological Reserve of Atol das Rocas/RN,
Brazil”. In 2016, I spent four months at the Australian
Institute of Marine Science, Perth, working on whale shark project. I
used a
pattern-matching software (called Interactive Individual
Identification Software - I3S) to update a photographic database of
whale sharks sighted at Ningaloo between 1992-2013 and participated
in fieldwork at Ningaloo Marine Park on a whale shark survey where
the photo records of the individual ID patterns were captured. Also,
support in the whale shark collecting data using stereo- video (DOV)
and tissue samples for genetic and isotopic analysis. During two
years (2017 to 2019) I did my master in Biological Oceanography at
Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, using baited remote
underwater video (BRUV) to evaluate ichthyofauna off Recife,
Pernambuco, within the project “Composition
of the fish assemblage in the Metropolitan Region of Recife: a new
technique using BRUVS (Baited
Remote Underwater Video Station)”. Financial
support was provided by Paul G. Allen Philantropies within
“Global FinPrint” project. In
2014 and 2023, I was part of the oceanographic cruise during
3 days to collect abiotic and biotic data around Alcatrazes
Archipelago. The biotic data consisted on bottom drag to evaluate
demersal ichthyofauna and the abiotic data consisted on CTD
profiles and Secchi disk measurements. In 2014 on board
the research vessel "Alpha
Delphini" and in 2023 on board the research
vessel "Soloncy
Moura" (ICMBio/CEPSUL). Currently,
I am field operation manager for the project “Mar
Monitoring of invertebrates, fish and abiotic factors in the marine
environment of the Alcatrazes Archipelago, north coast of the State
of São Paulo”, focusing
the abiotic
Laboratory Aquarela in Center for Marine Biology, University of São
Paulo, overseeing all logistics and instruments for the field
campaigns, visiting Alcatrazes archipelago frequently to install and
retrieve moored sensors and complement the datasets with CTD,
fluorimeter, and radiometer profilers. Also, I am responsible for
basic data processing.
I am accurate, willing to learn, very organised, hardworking, dependable, motivated and creative. I have experience with oceanographic cruise, physical oceanographic instruments like CTD, fluorometer and radiometer and basic data processing using R, Python and QGIS. Also, I have experience with megafauna fieldwork (specially elasmobranch), diving and marine ecology, specially using BRUVs.