Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
- Taught four courses of the Fisheries degree (Hydrobiological resources, limnology, live food crops and aquaculture health
- Participation in the project “Evaluation of the effects of the El Niño 2023-24 event on the coastal ecosystem of Chorrillos and its repercussions on the artisanal fishery” within the framework of the Research Circle in Ecology of marine organisms and their applications in the fishery” (CI-ECOMAR).
- Reading phytoplankton samples from the Chorrillos area, Limas, Peru
- Tutor of twelve students from the Faculty of Fisheries
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-I have the ability to work in a team of all ages, teenagers, adults and older adults
-Responsible and committed to the goals set
-Persevering in the face of new circumstances
- Flexible and open-minded to acquiring new knowledge
-Advanced knowledge in the identification of marine phytoplankton species
-Use of the inverted microscope with ease, as well as use of Diatom frustule cleaning techniques, as well as preparation of mounted slides
Additionally, I have the ability to develop in other areas related to the use of microalgae as indicators of some environmental disturbance, such as ecotoxicology.