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IN SITU AND SATELITE OBSERVING SYSTEMS (agenda item 6) 6.3 Coordinated technical support for observing programmes (JCOMMOPS) (agenda item 6.3) The Commission noted with appreciation the activities of the JCOMM in situ Observations Programme Support Centre (JCOMMOPS) during the intersessional period, and the progress that the Technical Coordinators and JCOMMOPS have made towards integrating technical coordination of the observing networks to meet the needs of the Commission. It commended the efficiencies made possible by co-locating and harmonizing technical functions in support of multiple observing networks. The Commission commended the efforts of the Observations Coordination Group (OCG), the IOC and WMO secretariats, the host country and institution and the JCOMMOPS technical coordinators in developing a strategy for JCOMMOPS. The Commission asked the OCG to work in concert with the individual panels, and to provide overall guidance of the JCOMMOPS workplan and budget. The Commission acknowledged that the SOT had received very limited technical coordination support from JCOMMOPS since 2010. The Commission applauded a pilot project that would combine the Technical Coordinator function with activities dedicated to securing and coordinating vessels for deployment of multi-platform observing system activities. It noted that this "Ship Logistics Coordinator" would be an international focal point for ship logistics for the implementation of global observing networks, and would focus on: deployment opportunities, technical support and expertise on platforms, technology, and deployment methods, collection of metadata and information on ship based observation, including cruise plans, coordination for the SOT, and development of international cooperative arrangements. The Commission noted that this would proceed as a pilot experiment in 2012 and 2013 based on existing funds, and should integrate with other similar national and regional efforts. The Commissionand it urged Members / Member States to additionally support this effort and ensure its sustainability if successful. The Commission noted the potential usefulness of JCOMMOPS to extend technical coordination support to other observing systems that are capable of providing financial resources, with likely candidates being the emerging glider community, polar observations and the IOCCP. Working more closely with the satellite community was also being envisaged. The Commission fully realized that these developments, and indeed the continued support to the existing observing programmes, could only be achieved through enhanced and broadened support to JCOMMOPS, and it asked the OCG to initiate contact with these communities. The Commission agreed on the need to increase and diversify Members / Member States contributions to the technical coordination to operators provided at JCOMMOPS, and urged its Members / Member States to examine whether contributions might be initiated or increased.     JCOMM-4/Doc. 6.3, APPROVED DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX, p. PAGE 2 JCOMM-4/Doc. 6.3, APPROVED DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX "#Z[ԽԘԆqԆhSF<h CJ^JaJhi\hdA@^JaJ)hi\hdA5PJ\^JaJnHo(tHhdA5^JaJ)jhi\hdA5U\^JaJ#jhi\hdA5U\^JaJ#hdA5PJ\^JaJnHo(tH$hi\hdA@CJOJQJ^JaJhi\hdA^JaJhi\hdA5\^Jhi\hdA5\^JaJhi\hdA@OJQJ^Jhi\hdA;^JmH sH "#Z[\i^P^^$$Ifa$gddA $IfgddAbkd$$Ifl4FH'hj'    4 laf4$$Ifa$gddA t$IfgddA$$If^`a$gddA  $IfgddAbkd$$Ifl4FH'`hj'    4 laf4$$Ifa$gddA          ! + ξܝΉr]NChi\hdA^JaJjhi\hdAU^JaJ)hi\hdA5@\^JaJmHnHu-jhi\hdA5@U\^JaJ'jhi\hdA5@U\^JaJ'h GhdACJPJ^JaJnHo(tHhi\hdA@^JaJhi\hdA5@\^JaJhi\hdA5\^JaJh CJ^JaJh GhdACJ^JaJh Gh CJ^JaJ ~~pp$$Ifa$gddA $IfgddAukd$$Ifl4\H' h '4 laf4  I i j ~ ~~~~pp$$Ifa$gddA $IfgddAukda$$Ifl4\H' h '4 laf4+ , - E F I J T U V g h i j ~  ñärdZF'h GhdACJPJ^JaJnHo(tHhdACJ^JaJhi\hdA5\^JaJ'jh GhdACJU^JaJ!jh GhdACJU^JaJh GhdACJ^JaJhi\hdA@^JaJ#jGhi\hdAU^JaJhi\hdA^JaJhi\hdA^JaJmHnHujhi\hdAU^JaJ#jhi\hdAU^JaJ ~~pp$$Ifa$gddA $IfgddAukdW$$Ifl4 \H'`h '4 laf4 . / 0 M N O Y 翱ڨqhVK9#h h 5PJ^JaJnHtHhi\hdAmH sH #hLrhdAPJmH nHo(sH tHh ;mH sH hi\hdAPJ^JnHo(tH&hhdA5;CJ^JaJnH tH $hdA5;CJPJ^JaJnHtHhi\hdA^JjhdACJU^JaJhdACJ^JaJ!hdACJPJ^JaJnHo(tHhi\hdA@^JaJh GhdACJ^JaJhdA5CJ^JaJ ~~pb$$Ifa$gd $$Ifa$gddA $IfgddAukd$$Ifl4X\H' h '4 laf4 / 0 N O Z [ vlddHH d$x$If^`gddA@&gddA $a$gddA $a$gddAgddAukd$$Ifl4\H' h '4 laf4Y Z [ m w x μήΣuj`V?2hWh OJQJ^J-jh OJQJU^JhmHnHsH uh OJQJ^JhdAOJQJ^JhhdA^JaJhhdA\^JaJ&hhdA5PJ\^JaJnHtHhhdA5\^JaJhhdACJaJh PJ^JaJnHtH#h h 5PJ^JaJnHtH h h PJ^JaJnHtHhlPJ^JaJnHtH#h hdA5PJ^JaJnHtH[ l m w x  d$$IfgddAd$$IfgddA)d$$If^gddA d$x$Ifgdl d$x$If^`gddA  1 2 l }pd $ n1$gddA  0gddAr@&^r`gddA@&gddA tgddA`kdu$$If<''0'4 <a       % & ( ) / 0 1 2 4 5 [ \ k l ȶȶl[MhdAB*OJQJ^Jph!hhdAB*OJQJ^Jph&hRhdA6OJPJQJhmH sH  hdA5OJPJQJhmH sH  hdA6OJPJQJhmH sH &h'hdA6OJPJQJhmH sH #h'hdAOJPJQJhmH sH &h'hdA5OJPJQJhmH sH hWhdA@hWhdACJaJmH sH hdACJaJmH sH l bH]Eƀg6.3.gddAF]Eƀg6.3.gddA$$ n1$a$gddA  67>? *i"/Bnopԁngggg]ԥHh'hdA h#hdA%hdAh%18cHdhdhdh'Hh'hdAh BhdAmH sH h#hdAOJQJ^JaJhdAOJQJ^JaJhdAB*OJQJ^JaJph%h#hdAB*OJQJ^JaJphhdA h0hdAhdAB*OJQJ^Jph$h} hdA6B*OJQJ^Jph!7gK & FEƀggddAK & FEƀggddAgK & FEƀggddAK & FEƀggddA8phF]Eƀg6.3.gddAgddAK & FEƀggddA./01:Ĺu]uOHh'h mHsH.jhTNhTNUcHdhdhdh'jhnhdAU'Hh'h PJmHnHsHtHhdAPJmHnHsHtHhdAPJmHnHo(sHtHhdAmHsHhnhdAmHsHhrjhrUh5EhdAOJPJQJh h0hdAhdAOJQJ^JaJhdAhFhdAmH sH IJK$a$gddA$a$$a$ 71$gddAF]Eƀg6.3.gddA:=>?EFGHIJKQRXY[efؿsYH!jh+ohdAOJQJU^J3Hh'h OJPJQJ^JmHnHsHtH&hdAOJPJQJ^JmHnHsHtH)hdAOJPJQJ^JmHnHo(sHtH h+ohdAOJQJ^JmHsHhdAhdACJ^JaJmHsHhdAmHsHh[|0JmHnHu hdA0JjhdA0JUhnhdAmHsH#hnhdAPJmHnHo(sHtHh5EhdAOJPJQJhhrhdA h&hdAOJQJ^JmHsHhdAOJQJ^JmHsH h+ohdAOJQJ^JmHsH!jh+ohdAOJQJU^J:jhTNhTNOJQJU^JcHdhdhdh'  71$gddAB 00P&P :pdA. 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