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Requirements for the Observations Programme Area (OPA) 2.1 Quick review of scientific requirements for climate, GCOS progress and update (Harrison, 20 min +10 min discussion) 2.2 Critical review of non-climate requirements and feasibility (Statements of Guidance as part of CBS rolling review, including SPA requirements) (Charpentier, 20 min, disc under 3.9) 2.3 Coordination and integration issues from the point of view of the JCOMM Data Management Programme Area (DMPA) (Keeley, 20 min +20 min disc) 2.4 Coordination and integration issues from the point of view of the JCOMM Services Programme Area (SPA) (2 presentations, followed by 20 min discussion) 2.4.1 Overview (Donlon, 20 min) 2.4.2 Requirements for Ocean Forecasting (Brassington, 10 min) 3. Review of status and challenges for each observing system component Outline of reports from each in situ system (3.1-3.6 below) performance measured against requirements delivery of raw data (data collection and exchange) measurement standards and quality control issues logistics and resources costs of the system and benefits (how information is used and identifying data users) capacity-building requirements potential new technology: instrumentation, communications, platforms ideas for the way forward 3.1 JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT) 3.1.1 Overview of SOT, VOS, ASAP (Ball, 20 min +10 min disc) 3.1.2 SOOP (Goni, 15 min + 5 min disc) 3.2 JCOMM Data Buoy Cooperation Program (DBCP) (Meldrum, 30 min +15 min disc) 3.3 JCOMM Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) (Aarup/Merrifield, 30 min + 15 min disc) 3.4 Argo (Roemmich, 30 min + 15 min disc) 3.5 OceanSITES (Send, 30 min + 15 min disc) 3.6 International Ocean Carbon Coordination Program (IOCCP) (Hood/Tedesco, 30 min + 15 min disc) 3.7 Satellites (Lindstrom, 40 min + 20 min disc) 4. Issues and synergies for cross-component integration and coordination 4.1 JCOMM OPA Metrics (Clark, 10 min intro + 30 min disc) Review of the metrics in place for each variable, discussion on how to improve, identification of actions. 4.2 Are requirements being met? (led by Clark, 60 min disc) Discussion of implications of meeting the full set of requirements laid out in Agenda Item 2, actions for meeting them, and connections that need to be made in order to move forward. Update to the JCOMM OPA Observing System Implementation Goals. 4.3 Instrument best practices and standards (contribution to WIGOS pilot project, JCOMM Catalogue) (introduction by Clark (catalogue) Charpentier (WIGOS), 10 min +20 min disc) Compilation (and gap analysis?) of JCOMM standards (JCOMM Catalogue) how to contribute from each observing network, the start of a gap analysis, and subsequent actions to take within each observing network. 4.4 Common capacity-building requirements and how to effectively implement the PANGEA concept (introduction by Charpentier, 10 min + 20 min disc) Identify common actions if needed. 4.5 Common strategy to move forward including cross-coordination and synergies (led by Clark, 60 min disc) Identification of actions for the observing networks, with an emphasis on the ones shared across the networks. Discussion will be used to update the JCOMM OPA Draft Operating Plan (agenda # 7.3). 5. Technical coordination 5.1 Status of JCOMMOPS (Belbeoch / Viola, 30 min + 30 min disc) Report from the Technical Coordinators. Specific feedback from the Observing Networks, the OPA coordinator, and the observing networks (GCOS, GOOS, WWW). 5.2 JCOMM OPA Network Status Reporting, including JCOMMOPS and the Observing System Monitoring Center (OSMC) (Clark, 10 min + 30 min) Discussion on complementarity of network status reporting from JCOMMOPS, the OSMC, panel meeting reports, etc... 5.3 Report from the secretariat on process for Observing Program Support Centre (OPSC) expansion (Lee, 15 min) 5.4 Guidance from the Observing Networks (discussion led by Clark, 45 min) Discussion of overall strategy for technical coordination, and of the draft terms of reference for the OPSC. 6. OceanObs09 6.1 Status of planning for OceanObs09 (Harrison/Fischer, 15 min) 6.2 Review of the Community White Papers from the OPA (introduction by Harrison/Fischer 10 min + 30 min disc) 6.3 Identification of the common issues to be raised in Plenary Papers (60 min) 7. JCOMM-III and parent body (WMO + IOC) reporting and recommendations 7.1 What needs to be raised at the cross-programme area technical level? (30 min disc) Consideration of list of actions and recommendations from previous 2 days of discussions 7.2 What needs to be raised at the intergovernmental level? (40 min disc) Consideration of list of actions and recommendations from previous 2 days of discussions for consideration by WMO and IOC Executive Councils. 7.3 OPA Drafting operating plan Consideration of list of actions and recommendations from previous 2 days of discussions for consideration by JCOMM-III (including documentation and terms of reference for OPA); guidance from the Management Committee on WMO and IOC strategic planning; update OPA draft operating plan (30 min disc) 8. 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