Intersessional Meeting of Working Group 2 on Tsunami Warning, Detection and Dissemination (online)

07 August 2024


1 Opening
1.1 Welcome and Opening Remarks
1.2 Adoption of Agenda
1.3 Terms of Reference and Membership
1.4 Meeting Logistics
2 Activity Updates
2.1 Report of the Chair
2.2 Report of Secretariat
2.3 TOWS TTTWO Report Feb 2024
2.4 TSP Reports on Service Updates
2.5 TSP Performance against KPIs for 2023/24
2.6 IOTWMS Communication Tests 2023/24
2.7 Status of warning chains in the IOTWMS and discuss recommendations
2.8 NAVAREA Bulletin Implementation
3 Workplan discussion and actions
4 Recommendations to 14th session of ICG/IOTWMS
5 Closing Remarks