ICG/PTWS Steering Committee Meeting

16 - 20 September 2024,

United States

Annotated Agenda

1 Welcome and Opening
2 Adoption of Agenda
3 Review of Action Items from the ICG/PTWS-XXX session
4 Chair’s Report on the TOWS-WG XVII session and the IOC 57th EC
5 Report of Tsunami Service Providers
5.1 PTWC
6 Report of the ITIC
7 Report of WGs
7.1 Working Group 1 - Understanding Tsunami Risk
7.2 Working Group 2 - Tsunami Detection, Warning and Dissemination
7.3 Working Group 3 - Disaster Risk Management and Preparedness
7.4 Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System on the Central American Pacific Coast
7.5 Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the South East Pacific Region
7.6 Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the South China Sea Region
7.7 Pacific Island Countries and Territories Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System
8 Policy Matters
8.1.1 Sea Level Observations
8.1.2 SMART Cable
8.1.3 SoP of Tsunami Generated by Volcanoes and Meteo-tsunami
8.1.4 Common Format for Tsunami Products from TSPs
8.1.5 Expansion of the ICG/PTWS ESZ
8.1 Tsunami Detection, Warning and Dissemination
8.2.1 Tsunami Ready Recognition Program
8.2.2 Minimum NTWC Competency Framework
8.2.3 Pacific Wave 2024
8.2 Tsunami Disaster Preparedness
8.3.1 Users’ Guide
8.3.2 Cease Telefax Transmission
8.3.3 Tsunami Threat Message of the PTWC
8.3.4 Termination of Notification of Regular Communication Test from TSPs by Circular Letter
8.3.5 Provision of special tsunami maritime safety products to the NAVAREA coordinators
8.3.6 Status of the CATAC
8.3 Tsunami Service Providers’ Products and Messages
8.4 UN Ocean Decade Tsunami Program
8.5 2nd Tsunami Global Symposium
9 UNESCAP Capacity Assessment Project
10 ICG/PTWS-XXXI Session
10.1 Expected Date of the ICG/PTWS-XXXI session
10.2 Draft Agenda of the ICG/PTWS-XXXI session
10.3 ICG/PTWS 60 year anniversary workshop
11 Any Other Business
12 Special Lecture: Nankai Trough Earthquake Information presented by the JMA
13 Closing