OceanExpert ID : 10734

ICZM-Consult International


Siebengebirgsstr. 28
53639 Koenigswinter


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+49 2244 939 215




Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Fisheries ICZM, Monitoring & Evaluation, Technical Assistance, Sector Studies, Project Management - Assessment, Evaluation and Management of Coastal Natural Resources in the greater context of Integrated Coastal Zone Management - M&E of national, regional and international Programmes and Projects in Developing and Transition Countries - Senior ICZM and Coastal Fishery Advisory Functions to Donor Organisations and Countries as well as to Developing and Transition Countries - Evaluation, analysis and synthesis services applying up-to-date methodical standards - ICZM Programme Evaluation at macro-, meso and micro-intervention levels - Geographic co-operation strategies in ICZM and Coastal Fisheries - Donor development policies and strategies in the area of external co-operation - Multi-country evaluation studies of coastal economic sectors/themes - National Advisory Functions in ICZM Development Cooperation - ICZM Effect-Monitoring - Coastal Natural Resources Management NRM - GIS in ICZM and Fisheries - Mangrove Reforestation and Management - Coastal Fishery Management - Coastal Planning - Coastal Environmental Conservation - Coastal Disaster Recovery, Mitigation, Restoration - Coastal Tourism Development - Erosion protection, reforestation, slope agriculture) - Environmental Law, Fishery Law, Coastal Law - Oceanic Fishery Management - Coastal Aquaculture - Coastal and Marine Biodiversity - Project Cycle Management PCM - Project Co-management Schemes - Fishery Economics - Resource Tenure Improvement RTI - Organisational Structure Development OSD - Project and Program Procurement

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ICZM and Fisheries Expert - International Consultant

Created: 2007-03-15 by Winfried Wiedemeyer | Last Updated: 2007-03-15 by Winfried Wiedemeyer