OceanExpert ID : 12561

Foraminifera.eu Project


Waterloostr. 24
22769 Hamburg


Private non-profit


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The Foraminifera.eu-Project wants to foster the interest in foraminifera. It builds a bridge between science and community. Experienced foraminiferologist get a platform to share their knowledge with inexperienced ones. We offer practical help in sample-processing, imaging and classification. We want to build a resource which overcomes the flaws of the Linnaean classification for all extant and extinct foraminifera. Our view is that taxonomy should be based on optical recognition with the means of drawings, images, digital 3D-objects and text-descriptions. Then follows naming. Several or many illustrations are only useful if accessible via database-queries. We run such online-databases and queries which are continuously enlarged based on a growing number of contributors. With the multi-criteria search on a rising number of criteria we intend to build a powerful tool to answer individual questions. The Foraminifera.eu-Project is non-commercial. We as staff and our contributors do not get a financial compensation as our work is based on naturalist enthusiasm. We will use donations of money or equipmeent only to cover costs for material, equipment and services bought from third parties. - processing sent in samples - picking foraminifera - SEM and optical images - classification of specimens - Online database freely accessible with multi-criteria search - exhibitions, lectures and practical exercises - huge recent and fossil foraminiferal collection

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Managing Director

Created: 2010-06-22 by Michael Hesemann | Last Updated: 2010-11-09 by Annelies Groen