OceanExpert ID : 12604

Andhra University, Department of Zoology


College of Science & Technology,
Andhra University

Visakhapatnam 530003.
Andhra Pradesh




+91 891 2844444


+91 891 2755324




The Department of Zoology, established in the year 1946, has been developing by leaps and bounds. Its achievements over the years with regard to infrastructural facilities, research and teaching activities are quite substantial. During the last two decades, the Department, especially owing to the generous funding made available by UGC under the SAP and COSIST programmes, has shown remarkable progress in infra-structural facilities. Apart from all these, Computer facility ranges from individual units to central installations with access to internet and E-mail service. The Department is fortunate in having sound foundations for research laid by founder Professors. Ever since its inception it has been actively involved in multidisciplinary teaching and research programmes. The research activities are diverse in nature and have been organized into 3 major thrust areas namely, Marine Biology including Fishery Science & Aquaculture, Parasitology and Environmental Physiology. Over the years a lot many significant findings have been made by specialists from these divisions.

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S.r. RAO
Young Scientist

Created: 2010-08-01 by Nuthalapati Prasad | Last Updated: 2010-12-14 by Annelies Groen