OceanExpert ID : 17409
Centro de Ingeneria y Manejo Ambiental de Bahias y Costas
(Center of Engineering and Environmental Management of Bays and Coastal Areas)
Apartado 17029
Casablanca, Regla
La Habana
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+53 78624387
+53 7338250
The Regional Activity Center (RAC) for the Protocol concerning Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities (LBS Protocol)The Center of Engineering and Environmental Management of Coasts and Bays (CIMAB) was designated as one of the two Regional Activity Centers (RAC) for the Protocol concerning Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities (LBS Protocol) in May 2002 at the Tenth Intergovernmental Meeting of the Caribbean Environment Programme. The mission of LBS/RAC-CIMAB is to contribute to the preservation of the marine and coastal environment, by means of research and application of sound scientific and technical solutions for the evaluation and control of marine pollution originating from land-based sources and activities.
• Evaluation of marine water and sediment quality
• Sanitary studies of water and sediments
• Geo-chemical compositions of sediments
• Characterization of domestic and industrial waste
• Environmental Impacts Assessments (EIAs)
Oceanographic studies