OceanExpert ID : 8792
Univeristy of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology
46-007 Lilipuna Road
Kane‘ohe, Hawaii HI 96744
United States
(808) 236-7401
(808) 236-7443
The Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology is a world-renowned marine research institute of the School of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Situated on Moku o Lo'e (Coconut Island) in Kane‘ohe Bay, HIMB provides excellent opportunities for tropical marine research located just 15 miles from the main campus and downtown Honolulu. HIMB offers cutting edge research facilities for faculty, students, and visiting scientists coupled with convenient access to a diverse range of marine environments. For example, Coconut Island is surrounded by 64 acres of coral reef designated by the state of Hawai‘i for research activities only as the Hawai‘i Marine Laboratory Refuge. Research at HIMB covers many disciplines of tropical marine science such as coral ecology, biogeochemistry, and evolutionary genetics. In addition, HIMB faculty are recognized authorities in marine diseases, neuroendocrinology, microbial organisms, and sensory systems of marine mammals and elasmobranchs. Visit our Faculty and Research pages to learn more about ongoing scientific activities at HIMB.

Mariana SOUZA
PhD student, Research assistant

Postdoctoral Fellow (ocean modelling, coral reef eco-evo dynamics)