PEGASO Hands-on Training workshop: Introduction and implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI’s)

22 - 25 October 2012,

UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE
Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61

B-8400 Oostende


1.0 Registration and Welcome
1.1 General introduction to SDI’s What is a SDI= Components, benefits and challenges Prof Dr. Gonzalo Malvárez (UPO)
1.2 The PEGASO SDI: the why, how, what and a demonstration Juan Pedro Pérez-Alcántara (UPO)
1.3 SDI’s basic Services and functionalities: Discovery, View, Download, Processing Juan Pedro Pérez-Alcántara (UPO)
1.4 Case study of SDI’s focusing on the functionalities, basic technologies and standards used (ISO standards, OGC Standards, INSPIRE...) The ICAN SDI, the International Coastal Atlas Network Dr. Yassine Lassoued (ICAN)
1.5 Case study of SDI’s focusing on the functionalities, basic technologies and standards used (ISO standards, OGC Standards, INSPIRE...) The ICAN SDI, the International Coastal Atlas Network Dr. Yassine Lassoued (ICAN)
1.6 Introduction to GeoNetwork Catalogue and CSW Installing an adapted version (to PEGASO) of the GeoNetwork software Yassine Lassoued (ICAN)
1.7 Introduction to GeoServer, WMS and WFS Installing Geoserver and activating WMS, WFS and other services César Martínez (UAB) & Jorge López Pérez (UAB)
1.8 Practical exercise Data harmonization of selected spatial indicators for ICZM in the Mediterranean César Martínez (UAB),
1.9 Practical exercise Data harmonization of selected spatial indicators for ICZM in the Mediterranean Prof Dr. Gonzalo Malvárez (UPO)
1.10 Using data from different SDI’s for your own GIS application Nathalie De Hauwere (VLIZ)
1.11 Guidelines for publication and data harmonization PEGASO’s data harmonization: definition of styles, symbols and scales César Martínez (UAB)
1.12 Practical exercises Spatial indicators for ICZM in the Mediterranean using Geoserver & Geonetwork : Publishing data to a WMS, Styling portrayals, transforming data, downloading data using WFS César Martínez (UAB)
1.13 Practical exercises Spatial indicators for ICZM in the Mediterranean using Geoserver & Geonetwork : Publishing data to a WMS, Styling portrayals, transforming data, downloading data using WFS César Martínez (UAB)
1.14 Metadata and the creation of Metadata records Introduction to metadata Simon Claus (VLIZ)
1.15 Metadata and the creation of Metadata records Using the INSPIRE web Form Nathalie De Hauwere (VLIZ)
1.16 Metadata and the creation of Metadata records Using the Geonetwork form Creating Services Metadata Nathalie De Hauwere (VLIZ)
1.17 Creating a Geoportal Internet resources for creating Web pages Installing the Pegaso Geoportal César Martínez (UAB) & Jorge López Pérez (UAB)
1.18 Practical exercise: Exercise, creating a Web page for hosting a local SDI César Martínez (UAB) & Jorge López Pérez (UAB)