UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE
Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61
B-8400 Oostende
1.0 | Registration and Welcome |
1.1 | General introduction to SDI’s What is a SDI= Components, benefits and challenges Prof Dr. Gonzalo Malvárez (UPO) |
1.2 | The PEGASO SDI: the why, how, what and a demonstration Juan Pedro Pérez-Alcántara (UPO) |
1.3 | SDI’s basic Services and functionalities: Discovery, View, Download, Processing Juan Pedro Pérez-Alcántara (UPO) |
1.4 | Case study of SDI’s focusing on the functionalities, basic technologies and standards used (ISO standards, OGC Standards, INSPIRE...) The ICAN SDI, the International Coastal Atlas Network Dr. Yassine Lassoued (ICAN) |
1.5 | Case study of SDI’s focusing on the functionalities, basic technologies and standards used (ISO standards, OGC Standards, INSPIRE...) The ICAN SDI, the International Coastal Atlas Network Dr. Yassine Lassoued (ICAN) |
1.6 | Introduction to GeoNetwork Catalogue and CSW Installing an adapted version (to PEGASO) of the GeoNetwork software Yassine Lassoued (ICAN) |
1.7 | Introduction to GeoServer, WMS and WFS Installing Geoserver and activating WMS, WFS and other services César Martínez (UAB) & Jorge López Pérez (UAB) |
1.8 | Practical exercise Data harmonization of selected spatial indicators for ICZM in the Mediterranean César Martínez (UAB), |
1.9 | Practical exercise Data harmonization of selected spatial indicators for ICZM in the Mediterranean Prof Dr. Gonzalo Malvárez (UPO) |
1.10 | Using data from different SDI’s for your own GIS application Nathalie De Hauwere (VLIZ) |
1.11 | Guidelines for publication and data harmonization PEGASO’s data harmonization: definition of styles, symbols and scales César Martínez (UAB) |
1.12 | Practical exercises Spatial indicators for ICZM in the Mediterranean using Geoserver & Geonetwork : Publishing data to a WMS, Styling portrayals, transforming data, downloading data using WFS César Martínez (UAB) |
1.13 | Practical exercises Spatial indicators for ICZM in the Mediterranean using Geoserver & Geonetwork : Publishing data to a WMS, Styling portrayals, transforming data, downloading data using WFS César Martínez (UAB) |
1.14 | Metadata and the creation of Metadata records Introduction to metadata Simon Claus (VLIZ) |
1.15 | Metadata and the creation of Metadata records Using the INSPIRE web Form Nathalie De Hauwere (VLIZ) |
1.16 | Metadata and the creation of Metadata records Using the Geonetwork form Creating Services Metadata Nathalie De Hauwere (VLIZ) |
1.17 | Creating a Geoportal Internet resources for creating Web pages Installing the Pegaso Geoportal César Martínez (UAB) & Jorge López Pérez (UAB) |
1.18 | Practical exercise: Exercise, creating a Web page for hosting a local SDI César Martínez (UAB) & Jorge López Pérez (UAB) |