6th session of the JCOMM Management Committee

03 - 06 December 2007,

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
1 rue Miollis

75015 Paris


1. Opening
2 Co-Presidents and Secretariat Report
3 Preparations for JCOMM-III
3.1 PAs plan of action and deliverables
3.1 (1) Observations Programme Area
3.1(2) Services Programme Area
3.1(3) Data Management Programme Area
3.2 Cross-cutting actions and deliverables
3.3 Establishment of a new expert team on Ocean Forecast Systems
3.4 Logistical arrangements for JCOMM-III
3.5 Developments related to WMO Constitutent Bodies
4 Scientific and technical issues
4.1 Science issues and opportunities
4.2 Standards and best practices guide
4.3 Satellite data requirements strategy
4.4 Observations Programme Support Centre
4.5 WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS)
5 JCOMM Implementation Plan
6 JCOMM review
7 Capacity Building Strategy
8 JCOMM support for coastal issues
8.1 Coastal GOOS issues
8.2 Marine hazard impacts in the coastal zone
9 External interactions and partnerships
9.1 GEO
9.2 Outreach
10 Other business
11 Closure
11.1 Adoption of the report and action list
11.2 Closure of the meeting