Meeting of Task Team on Disaster Management & Preparedness

23 - 24 February 2016,

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
7, place de Fontenoy

75732 Paris cedex 07


1 Opening and Meeting Organization
2 Report on progress of the TT
3 Reports from ICG WG Representatives
4 Reports from ICG TIC Representatives
5 Discussion of Reports
6 Planned Activity 1: SOP Manual
7 Planned Activity 2: Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans, and Procedures (TEMPP) Course Pilot
8 Planned Activity 3: Tsunami Preparedness Recognition Programmes
9 Planned Activity 4: Tsunami Guide for Hotels
10 Planned Activity 5: Business Continuity Planning
11 Planned Activity 6: Maritime & Ports Guidance
12 New initiatives
13 Task Team Report to TOWS WG IX