IOTWMS Integrated Meetings

04 - 17 September 2017,

Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG)
Jl. Angkasa I/2



1 4-5 September 2017: Task Team on Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness
1.1 Welcome and Opening
1.10 Inputs by the representatives of WG-1, WG-2 and WG-NWIO on IOTR
1.11 Presentation and Discussion
1.12 Presentation on ITB UH NUAR Research Result
1.13 Presentation of KPIs
1.14 Finalise Task Team Workplan
1.15 Windows of Opportunity
1.16 Closing Remarks
1.2 Objective of TT CAPT
1.3 Presentation of ICG/IOTWMS Baseline Survey
1.4 Presentation of CABARET Regional Survey
1.5 Discussion 1: CATP Baseline Survey Planning
1.6 Discussion 2: CATP Baseline Survey Work Plan
1.7 Wrap Up Day 1
1.8 Opening Day 2
1.9 Presentation of IOTR
2 6-8 September 2017: Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready (IOTR) Workshop
2.1 Opening of ICG/IOTWMS Integrated Meetings
2.2 Introduction to the IOTR Workshop
2.3 Session 1: Update Task Team on Capacity Assessment and Tsunami Preparedness
2.4 Session 2: Introduction and Discussion on Tsunami Ready Programme
2.5 Session 3: National Reports on In-country Community Preparedness Programme and Activities
2.6 Session 4: Indonesia Lessons Learned on Disaster Resilient Community
2.7 Discussion and Question and Answer
2.8 Session 5: Implementation Strategy and Plan of Action on Tsunami Ready in the Indian Ocean
3 9 September 2017: Inter-sessional Meeting of WG-1 on Tsunami Risk, Community Awareness & Preparedness
3.1 Opening and Session Organisation
3.2 Report on 2017 IOTWMS Baseline Data of Capacity and Tsunami Preparedness Performance based on 2017 National Report
3.3 Reports and Updates on Activities
3.4 Country Reports on Specific WG1-related Activities (IOWave 18, WTAD, etc)
3.5 Enhancing Community Participation in IOWave18
3.6 IOTIC UNDP Project on Tsunami Awareness in Schools
3.7 Work Plan WG1 (2017-2019)
3.8 Meeting Close
4 11-14 September 2017: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Workshop for Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response
4.1 Plenary Session
4.2 Overview of Tsunami Service Provider (TSP) Service and Products
4.3 National Presentations of SOPs
4.3.1 2 March 2016 Earthquake and Tsunami
4.4 Group Work on SOPs
4.4.1 National Tsunami Warning Centres (NTWCs)
4.4.2 Disaster Management Organisations (DMOs)
4.5 Creating Timeline-Driven SOPs
4.6 Integrated SOPs: from NTWC to Community
4.7 Table-Top Exercise
4.8 Plenary Session
5 15 September 2017: Inter-sessional Meeting of WG-2 on Tsunami Detection, Warning & Dissemination
5.1 Opening and Session Organisation
5.2 Brief Reports and Updates on Activities
5.2.2 TSP Performance against KPIs
5.2.3 IOTWMS Communication Tests
5.2.4 IOTWMS Seismic and Sea-Level Stations
5.2.5 Short Country Reports
5.3 IOTWMS Documentation
5.4 WG2 Work Plan
5.5 Meeting Close
6 16 September 2017: IOWave18 Task Team Meeting
6.1 Welcome and Opening
6.2 Considerations for IOWave18
6.3 Planning for IOWave18
6.4 Workplan and Communication Plan
6.5 Meeting Close
7 16-17 September 2017: IOTWMS Steering Group Meeting
7.1 Welcome by Chair
7.10 UNESCAP Project Status
7.11 Planning for IOTWMS Workshops, Meetings and Events
7.12 Other Issues
7.13 Programme and Budget
7.14 Close of Meeting
7.2 Secretariat Report
7.3 WG Reports
7.4 TSP Reports
7.5 Task Team Reports
7.6 Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC)
7.7 IOTWMS Documentation
7.8 TOWS Working Group and Task Teams
7.9 Report from the IOTR and SOP Workshops