Meeting of Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations

19 - 20 February 2019,

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
7, place de Fontenoy
75732 Paris cedex 07

Paris Cedex 07


1.0 Opening and Session Organization
2.0 Review of Action Items from the Previous Meeting
3.0 Review the Status of Implementation of the TOWS-WG Requests to the TTTWO
4.0 Tsunami Watch Operations - Current Status and Plans in all ICGs
5.0 Significant Operational Events Since Last Meeting
6.0 Tsunami Glossary Update
7.0 Development of KPIs in relation with Sendai Framework Indicators
8.0 Local Source Tsunami SOPs
9.0 NTWC Competency Framework
10.0 Planning for the Ocean Decade
11.0 Updates to Area of Coverage and ESZ Maps of the ICGs
12.0 Handling of Tsunamis from Non-Seismic Sources and Non-subduction Zone Earthquakes
13.0 Products for Maritime Community
14.0 Global Public Access to Tsunami Threat Information
15.0 Other Issues - Optimal Design of Sea-level Networks; Updates to GSSD
16.0 Recommendations and Actions for Reporting to the TOWS WG