VII PTWS Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) and PTWS WG 2 Task Team on Seismic Data Sharing in SW Pacific

07 - 08 March 2019,

IRD Conference Centre
New Caledonia


1 Welcome and Opening
2 Organization of the session
2.1 Adoption of agenda
2.2 Designation of rapporteur
2.3 Conduct of the session, timetable and documentation
3 TEMPP training – regional & In-country sessions
3.1 Tsunami guidance for maritime and ports
3.2 Structural design guidance for buildings that can be used as shelters for vertical evacuations
3.3 Tsunami ready
4 Review of Outcome of ICG/PTWS steering committee meeting (June 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii)
5 Review of tsunami detection, warning and response and tsunami mitigation activities in the region
5.1 Country Progress Reporting
5.2 Report from PTWS WG2 Task Team on seismic data sharing in SW pacific
6 Local source tsunami SOP
6.1 National Tsunami Warning Centre Competency Framework
7 Discussion on WG priorities and future action plan
7.1 2019 Proposal for PICTs NTWC Competency Framework
7.2 Tsunami Ready and TEMPP
7.3 World Tsunami Day -5th Nov
7.4 International Decade for Oceans & Sustainable Development
8 Collaboration with other bodies SPREP-PMC, WMO, SPC, UNDP
9 Review of WG TOR
10 Recommendation to next ICG/PTWS session
11 Next meeting
12 Closure of meeting