World Meteorological OrganizationCase Postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva
1 | Opening and Welcome to the DBCP Session |
2 | Scientific and Technical Workshop |
3 | Societal Impacts and User Benefits |
3.1 | The value of data buoy observations to Earth system modelling |
3.2 | The value of data buoy observations to satellite applications |
3.3 | The value of data buoy observations for Tropical Cyclone/Hurricane/Typhoon warnings and forecasts |
4 | National Reports |
5 | Opening of the DBCP Business Session |
5.1 | Adoption of the agenda |
5.2 | Working arrangements |
6 | Strategic Planning Discussion |
6.1 | Decisions of WMO and IOC governing bodies of the consequences to DBCP community |
6.2 | WMO reform, Strategy and impact on DBCP |
6.3 | GOOS Strategy and impact on DBCP |
6.4 | OceanOBS’19 highlights |
6.5 | DBCP and JCOMMOPS Report |
6.6 | DBCP Executive Board Report |
6.7 | DBCP Strategy and Implementation Plan (plenary discussion) |
7 | Recommendations by the Action Groups (to focus on challenges, opportunities and risks, and derived recommendations) |
7.1 | Global Drifter Programme (GDP) |
7.2 | International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) |
7.3 | WCRP-SCAR International Programme for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB) |
7.4 | International Buoy Programme for the Indian Ocean (IBPIO) |
7.5 | International South Atlantic Buoy Programme (ISABP) |
7.6 | DBCP-PICES North Pacific Data Buoy Advisory Panel (NPDBAP) |
7.7 | Tropical Moored Buoys Implementation Panel (TIP) |
7.8 | International Tsunameter Partnership (ITP) |
7.9 | Surface Marine programme of the Network of European Meteorological Services, EUMETNET (E-SURFMAR) |
7.10 | Action Groups; Work plan, Actions and Recommendations discussion (plenary discussion) |
8 | Recommendations by the Task Teams (with focus on challenges, opportunities and risks, and derived recommendations) |
8.1 | Task Team Drifter Best Practices and Technology Development (TT-DBPD) |
8.2 | Task Team on Moored Buoys (TT-MB) |
8.3 | Task Team on Wave Measurements (TT-WM) |
8.4 | Task Team on Capacity-Building (TT-CB) |
8.5 | Task Team on Data Management (TT-DM) |
8.5.1 | Recommendations of the Task Teams |
8.5.2 | Recommendations of the Buoy data management centres (with focus on challenges, opportunities and risks, and derived recommendations) |
8.6 | Task Teams ; Work plan, Actions and Recommendations discussion (plenary discussion) |
9 | Pilot Projects |
9.1 | Pilot Project on High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (PP-HRSST) |
10 | Issues to the Panel |
10.1 | Buoy Vandalism and outreach |
10.2 | Best Practises and guidelines for ocean instruments |
10.3 | Long-term serving buoy station identification (Centennial Stations) |
10.4 | User Engagement |
11 | Themed Discussions (Plenary Discussion) |
11.1 | Breakout 1: Enhancing impact and value to our users |
11.2 | Breakout 2: Environmental Stewardship |
11.3 | Breakout 3: Future state (governance, vision et cetera) of DBCP |
12 | Panel Decisions |
12.1 | Financial Reports |
12.2 | DBCP Operating Principles |
12.3 | Review of action items from the previous DBCP Session |
12.4 | Work plans and priorities for the Panel and the Technical Coordinator |
13 | Executive Board Membership |
14 | Review of Actions/Recommendations |
15 | Dates and Place for the Next Session |
16 | Closure of the Session |