VIRTUAL:OceanSITES-13th Science Committee (SC) and 9th Data Management Team (DMT) meeting

14 - 18 September 2020,

no location specified or online event


0 Overview of all sessions
1 14 Sep: Opening and Ocean Observing in 2030 (Moderators: Johannes Karstensen, Tom Trull and Doug Wallace; Rapporteur: Uwe Send)
2 14 Sep: Interoperability and Data in OceanSITES (Moderator: Derrick Snowden; Rapporteur: Nathan Anderson)
3 15 Sep: Ocean Transport Moorings Array (Johannes Karstensen and Uwe Send; Rapporteur: Ken Connell)
4 15 Sep: Air/Sea Exchange (Moderators: Meghan Cronin, Iwao Ueki and Bob Weller; Rapporteur: Tom Trull)
5 16 Sep: Global Ocean Watch (Moderators: Tom Trull and Richard Lampitt; Rapporteur: Doug Wallace)
6 16 Sep: Deep Ocean Observing (Moderators: R. Venkatesan and Matthias Lankhorst; Rapporteur: Karen Grissom)
7 17 Sep: Synergy with Modeling (Moderators: Raquel Somavilla, R. Venkatesan and Johannes Karstensen; Rapporteur: Iwao Ueki)
8 17 Sep: Synergy with other Observations (Moderators: Tony Knap and Richard Lampitt; Rapporteur: Meghan Cronin)
9 18 Sep: Synthesis-Outlining the Way to OceanSITES in 2030(Moderators: Johannes Karstensen and Tom Trull; Rapporteur: Richard Lampitt)
10 18 Sep: Data and Metadata Management (Moderator: Eugene Burger; Rapporteur: Nathan Anderson)
Annex 'Marketplace'